"It seems that my power has increased again."

Looking in front of him, the loyal and enthusiastic eyes of the God-horned tribe who pledged their allegiance to him.

Lin Yue felt that this time he felt a lot of satisfaction again.

"Master, the leader said that from now on, the master is the only god they follow. Even if they lose their lives, they will carry out this belief!"

Xiaobai also felt supreme joy for Lin Yue to gain loyal subordinates again!

Lin Yue nodded.

A team of more than 21,000 people, if you pull out a thousand people casually, they can kill the lizard people and make them crumble.

"Let them stand up first, this is not good, by the way, let them all gather for a while, I have something, I need to confirm."

Lin Yue came to a relatively spacious area, and after standing up, all the Shenjiao people also lined up neatly opposite Lin Yue under Xiao Bai's command.


He directly took out the remaining seven gemstones from the storage space.


Lin Yue heard the wailing from the leader of the three corners!


Then, under the roar of the leader, all the horned tribes lay down again.

Good guy, is your "kneeling" method so cool?


Indeed, this proves that these gems are not only deeply related to lizardmen, but also fetishes owned by werewolves. Even now, Lin Yue knows that the horned tribe and them There are certain important relationships between them.

But these gems...

Lin Yue looked at the necklace again.

The names of the twelve gemstones are now completely in his mind.

He already has rough diamonds, rubies, sapphires, emeralds, fluorites, amethysts, opals, and opals, and the rest, aquamarines, imperial topaz, pink tourmalines, garnets, It was the first time he had heard of it.

It is not known where these rough gems are scattered in the world, and how deep they are buried underground.

But there is no doubt that the necklace of the leader of the God-horned clan gave him a big reminder.

Just go and look for these gems specifically and you should be fine.

"Master, it seems that they have completely surrendered to you." Xiaobai confirmed again that the Shenjiao people, more than 21,000 people, have completely regarded Lin Yue as a "god".

"That's great."

Lin Yue nodded, now, you don't have to worry about whether these god-horned tribes can be trusted.

The loyalty of these guys is the same as that of the werewolf heads who saw the ring of power.

Next, there is no need to hesitate any longer about whether or not to choose between the medium-sized electric sentry machine guns, just dismantle them all.

In itself, putting it on the side of the oil extraction and refining platform that is easy to ignite is a slightly bigger hidden danger.

That's right, it's done after dismantling it.

Thinking of this, Lin Yue looked at Xiaobai: "Xiaobai, there is no need for so many horned tribes here, and they are obviously a bit crowded here, and the various food sources are not so good now. If it’s too big, it’s prone to problems.”

"Does the master mean to divide them into different places? Or does the master have other plans?" Xiaobai had already thought of this, but indeed, his method may not be the same as the master's. Not necessarily the best.

"That's right, here, it's enough to let them put 4,000 people. It's not good if there are too many people. Let's divide the remaining 17,000 people evenly and let them guard a few points." Isn't the base right?"

Lin Yue now has four sub-bases in his hands. Among them, the sub-base located in the Shiyou River is south of the refuge. The oil resources are relatively more important, so he really wants to send more Shenjia tribe Put it here.

The natural sulfur ore sub-base located in the northernmost part, although the resources are not enough, but it can mine some important metal ores, and the output is not bad, just keep 2,000 people.

As for the saltpeter mine closest to the refuge, the main ores that are abundant are saltpeter and gold mines, as well as some stones, etc., and about 3,000 people are needed there.

As for the new sub-base in the west, Lin Yue decided to send 2,000 people to guard and develop it. It should be said that it is an area that he has basically not developed much. If possible, Lin Yue would like to Let 2,000 people be his special mobile unit guarding the west. After all, their speed is still very fast. Even if something happens to the shelter, these 2,000 people can rush over as fast as possible.

The remaining four thousand will be on standby here in the shelter.

After hearing Lin Yue's plan, Xiao Bai nodded slightly.

It really wants to send people to various sub-bases, but it is not as good as the master, and it is more scientific and thoughtful.

"Master, how should we distribute the remaining 10,000 people?" Xiaobai quickly finished the calculation. After calculating the remaining amount, it now wants to hear how Lin Yue wants to distribute the 10,000 people. The huge number of God-horned tribes can be used reasonably.

"Xiaobai, seven thousand of them are yours to send to the wolf-headed people, and they are dedicated to punishing the disobedient and persistently resisting wolf-headed people there. Another thousand people will guard the surrounding area of ​​the refuge, and the remaining three thousand , follow me to the secret realm, and try to kill as many secret realm beasts as possible."

Lin Yue felt that this allocation should be regarded as the most reasonable and scientific. There are more than 21,000 horned tribes, whose combat effectiveness can be quite guaranteed. If they all gather here, there will definitely be some problems in the future.

Divide and conquer them, and give them different responsibilities and characters, so that you can kill two birds with one stone, and at the same time take care of the shelter and sub-base guards, as well as a variety of combat tasks.

"I see, Xiaobai understands. In this way, the huge number of God-horned people can indeed be effectively used. Master, then, let's do things one by one while the weather is still relatively early. Bar."

Lin Yue nodded, and asked Xiaobai to let the horned people get up from the ground first, and then tell him what he just thought.

The mobilization work of more than 21,000 people, if it weren't for the fact that he now has absolute supreme power over these god-horned tribes, otherwise it would not be effective at all.

Lin Yue thought about this, and while Xiaobai conveyed the order, he directly activated the super alloy flying armor, turned on the flight mode, and flew all the way to the periphery of Shiyouhe base.

Time to take things apart.

Lin Yue first put those robot dogs into the storage space, then put the medium electric sentry machine guns into the storage space one by one, and then set the large electric sentry machine guns to attack only the huge ones. Biological pattern.

As for the medium-sized electric sentry machine guns that rushed to the sky for air defense, Lin Yue still kept them.

Who knows when the Lizardman decides to conduct a joint land-air battle and bring a large number of storm lizards from the secret realm, and these medium-sized electric sentry machine guns for anti-aircraft will be useful.

But to be honest, the lizard people lost so many troops here, and they are still attacking here in a steady stream, and they are indeed bound to win here.

Lin Yue estimated that a considerable part of the reason was because of the underground hyperspace that had become a huge pothole.

And in this space, the huge stone statue and the "Forgotten Temple" where the stone statue was originally located are the most important places for the lizardmen.

Is the reason...

It is the round stone altar in the mouth of the huge stone statue.

It seems that when the lizard people hold any ceremony, they will use it as an important venue.

At least, for now.

Lin Yue didn't see any similar buildings of Lizardmen in other places, let alone any similar temples.

And on the World Channel, there are also no sightings, records or chats about this.

It seems that the lizardman specially ran to the wasteland, and all the underground ruins happened to be in the wasteland.

Although there are lizardmen in various places, it seems that since the lizardmen have been recognized from the beginning, this thing always has the most presence in the wasteland.

In particular, they "like" him very much.

Whether it's the underground ruins, the Forgotten Temple, or any other time, the Lizardmen will meet him in various places.

Not only that, but these guys will also attack his refuge or sub-base together with those beggars and survivors.

Not much to say about the refuge, Lin Yue couldn't remember how many times he had been attacked.

But among the various sub-bases, the Shiyouhe sub-base was the most severely attacked.

Therefore, the decision to arrange a huge 4,000-odd Horn Clan here should actually be quite wise.

After dismantling all the medium electric sentry machine guns and large electric sentry machine guns, only two layers of city walls and some sentry machine guns for defending high-altitude enemies remained in the Youyou River branch base.

After replenishing the magazines for the sentry machine gun, Lin Yue saw that Xiaobai also flew over.

A huge number, more than 17,000 God-horned tribes, also moved to this side.

"Xiaobai, let's transport the people of the God-horn tribe one by one, first to the shelter, then to each sub-base according to the quantity, and finally, you will lead the rest from the natural sulfur ore mountain sub-base, Go to Feiyue's refuge, enter through the exploration door there, and after you have given them their mission, you can return to the refuge first, or you can follow them to attack the werewolf."

"Master, Xiaobai really wants to go to attack the city of the werewolves with the warriors of the God-horned tribe. Although there are already about half of the werewolfs who obey the master, the rest are not easy to conquer, so they can only be forced to fight. Gong, these fighters of the Divine Horn Clan are very powerful, and they can just be there to give full play to their strength, and Xiao Bai can also fulfill the master's expectations faster."

Xiaobai is more interested in fighting.

Moreover, after completely subduing the God-horned tribe, it also has more ideas about capturing the entire wolf-headed tribe to its master.

In that case, whatever the master wants to do will be more beneficial.

"That's just right. In fact, at the refuge, I'm going to take advantage of this time to clean up the things from the ancient gate of the designated secret realm, and wait for news from Feiyue. In addition, I also want to take advantage of this time to find the third mythical creature." The secret realm of existence. Xiaobai, during this time, the werewolf has to rely on you."

Lin Yue boarded the train, and the car quickly started moving forward.

Xiaobai looked at the leaving train, it knew that the task it shouldered was heavy, and it was even more important.

The Shenhorn people kept gathering, and they kept leaving by train, heading for the refuge, and the remaining four thousand, under the order conveyed by Xiao Bai, were ready to defend against the lizardmen.

Soon, time passed.

After Lin Yue returned to the shelter, he began to keep packing the largest pieces of reinforced concrete, as well as an extremely large number of tables, chairs, benches, paper, furniture, etc.

These things take up quite a bit of space and, in general, aren't really very useful.

After Lin Yue packed up some things, he began to think about another question.

What do these horned people eat?

His current food reserves, such as grain and meat, are estimated to be enough for him and Xiaobai to eat for a hundred years. The flesh of the giant creature's corpse can live for a period of time, and the seven thousand horned tribes that Xiao Bai wants to take away can indeed be self-sufficient.

The rest of the Pantheon Horn Clan's food had to be obtained from him.

The 10,000 Divine Horn Clan would probably be able to eat up all his food in about ten days, right?

As for the main source of mutated creatures that can provide food stably, it was completely reduced to ashes in the fire during the disaster.

It seems that up to now, no shadow of any mutated creatures has been seen.

Even at night, it became much safer, and there was no need to smear the sweat and blood of the lizard people.

However, because of this, not only these God-horned tribes, but all survivors will fall into this famine that has begun to spread.

But not without a workaround.

The door of exploration is obviously used for this purpose.

And Lin Yue felt that this might also be the most basic source of conflict between human beings and those humanoid races in the gate of exploration!

After all, what those humanoid races at the Gate of Exploration will face next is the terrifying offensive of extremely hungry humans crazily grabbing food!

This time, the fire in the different world did not seem to have spread to the door of exploration.

Judging from Xiaobai's feedback, the werewolves were not hit by the fire at all, and nothing happened to the Shenhorn tribe.

If it weren't for the fact that the system would kick humans out of the Exploration Gate when disasters come, otherwise, it is estimated that all human beings would move to each Exploration Gate, away from this different world where disasters always occur.

When Xiaobai kept escorting and ordering the Divine Horn Clan to go to various places, he also stopped by Lin Yue's side for a while, and Lin Yue also discussed his thoughts with Xiaobai for a while.

"Understood, master, I will let the thousand horned tribes here in the refuge go to their exploration gate to hunt for food, and then distribute the food to various sub-bases through short and medium distance trains. , it can indeed be temporarily supplied to all the God-horned tribes, so as to avoid their lack of food."

After listening to Xiaobai, he immediately decided to pass on the master's order.

Indeed, the survival of these fighters can only be maintained after the food problem is resolved.

"Now, it seems to be on the right track."

After doing all this, Lin Yue finally breathed a sigh of relief.

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