"What, what? How is this possible?!"

In the middle of the night, after the second ranking update, Du Ping's eyes widened. He stared at the rankings on the rankings, completely unable to believe what he saw.

"Why, why is he number one again? Why!"

Du Ping, whose hair was messy, slammed the table angrily. His frantic appearance made the others in the shelter dare not make a sound.

1. Lin Yue 2195 points

2. Du Ping (et al) 1425 points

3. Victor (et al) 1005 points

4. Dec Rogan (et al) 988


Elliott frowned and looked at the leaderboard on the panel, also somewhat unacceptable.

He looked back at the remaining ten people, each with disbelief on their faces.

The combined score of 12 survivors couldn't even catch up with Lin Yue?

Even the third place and the fourth place are the union of survivors, and it is also unable to shake Lin Yue's dominance!

What a joke!

"How on earth did he manage to gain 1100 points in seven days!?" Du Ping touched the temples with trembling fingers, and clicked on the details of Lin Yue's score.

【Survivor: Lin Yue】

【Comprehensive score: 2195】

【Refuge Score: 1350】

[Material Score: 495]

[Additional points for the number of refugees: 0]

[Disaster Resilience Bonus: 350]

However, after looking at the actual rating of the system, they couldn't help but take a deep breath!

Both the shelter rating and disaster resilience bonus points are much more than them!

Although the material score is not much different from theirs, you must know that since the last time they scored, in addition to a few new people, they have been collecting all kinds of materials.

Even, they have always insisted on going to the secret realm to collect all kinds of things and come back.

With the efforts of twelve people, the score was finally raised to 1425.

But when they saw the score of Lin Yue, who was in first place, none of them couldn't sit still.

"This time, Lin has not started the live broadcast yet, so no one can know what his shelter is like... This person is really cautious." Elliott found out what Lin Yue knew about him after he had actually closed the live broadcast. A layer deeper.

Du Ping took a deep breath, his expression still ugly: "The skills are not as good as others, twelve people are not as good as one person! Unbelievable!"

"Du, I understand your feelings, indeed, because this time the system suddenly said that it will send random materials to the first place by airdrop, everyone wants to get that thing, but this Lin is really difficult to explain with common sense, you let go Peace of mind..."

Du Ping slammed the door open and walked out without saying a word.

The others looked at Elliott, who had just been interrupted, and wanted to hear what he had to say.

Elliott looked at Du Ping who was leaving, and for some reason, he regretted teaming up with such a person.

But in order to survive, he, including the remaining ten, had to do it.

In such a different world with extremely harsh environment, people who survive alone will die faster, and grouping is the final way out.

It can be seen from the rankings that this is also a major trend, or even a truth.

The more the number of people, the higher the efficiency, and the higher the quality of life. Even on the leaderboard, it can be far ahead of a single survivor.

However, there is an exception.

Lin Yue, this person seems to be despising this truth with a score that far exceeds the second place, which is the joint efforts of the twelve of them.

Elliott didn't know what others thought, but in this group, or even the entire remaining human race, there would be no second person who could do this to such an extent.

"Everyone rests, and after dawn, they will go outside to fix that thing, if you don't want to be killed by the earthquake!"


Early in the morning, in the wasteland.

[Last calendar, the thirteenth day]

[Your shelter is stronger than before, meeting a considerable earthquake resistance requirement, and the vast area also allows you to use your fists and feet more, Survival Point +710]

[Are you a squirrel, hoarding so much water and food? You can't eat that much, trust me! Survival point +302]

[If you open too many treasure chests, your hands will soften, and your sense of happiness will continue to increase. Don't complain about too many treasure chests. Really, the blood and tears of others' jealousy will flow out. Survival point +62]

[You have a lot of materials, but not using them is just materials. Survival point +392]

[Your pet has grown further and has become your right-hand man, survival point +93]

[You have obtained a large number of relics from the secret realm, survival point +96]

[You even spent a night in the secret realm without being hurt, survival point +170]

[The wall is quite good, but it has not reached the best, survival point +185]

[Killed the wandering survivor who came to attack the shelter, your combat literacy is very good, survival point +30]

[Own a greenhouse and grow vegetables, you are striding forward in the direction of self-sufficiency, survival point +65]


[Successful daily settlement of survival points: survival point +2195]

[Remaining Survival Points Yesterday: 2185]

[Total Survival Points: 4380]

"Excuse me, what kind of experience is it to survive too many points to spend?"

Lin Yue felt more and more that he already had an anxiety disorder, and it was the kind that would get worse as time passed.

Survival points are being calculated and accumulated every day, but Lin Yue really couldn't find any way to spend them all at once.

Very anxious.

Survival Point Mall, a place that can consume a lot of Survival Points, although there are enough things, but in fact, if you look closely, there is not much "modern" thing in it.

Basically, it's something that is very consistent with the current level of development, so that the refugees can live a little better, which makes Lin Yue somewhat disliked.

Whether it is seeds, or the design of the shelter, or any water or food, it is actually limited to this range.

There are some things like "universal upgrade design drawings", but there are not many.

Lin Yue got off the bed and closed the system panel.

He started doing push-ups on the ground, and then started doing squats.

Under the training of more than ten days of survival, his muscle lines were gradually outlined, and his strength was also enhanced to a certain extent.

Although it is far inferior to those fitness experts, it is enough for him to support a whole day of action in this apocalypse.

After warming up a little, Lin Yue wiped the sweat on his face with a towel and looked at Xiaobai, who was still in a drowsy state with a little sour bamboo shoots on the corner of his mouth. He climbed the ladder and pushed open the glass window on the roof.

After confirming that there were no mutant creatures outside, Lin Yue drilled out.

He ushered in a new morning on the roof.

However, he seemed to think that he had forgotten something very important, but he couldn't remember it.

There are still more than ten hours before this disaster is about to come. This is the most important thing at the moment.

In the house, it is reasonable to say that there is basically nothing to worry about.

The area of ​​13 cubic meters allows him to include most of the shelter in it, and after the shelter is fully earthquake-resistant, the house will not collapse and crack.

At least in terms of shelter, he no longer has to worry.

But such a shelter is not enough for oneself to sleep peacefully in it.

A slight wind blows the bare red soil and the sparse grass in the wasteland.

From time to time, the sound of beasts roaring and howling came out.

This is the daily routine in the wasteland, and Lin Yue is very accustomed to this routine.

Holding the scope, he looked around, and finally looked at the ancient gate of the secret realm in the direction of the grove.

Surrounded by thick stone walls, there is no trace of the ancient gate of the secret realm.

Finally, he discovered that the location where the door to the secret realm opened this time was actually behind his own room!

Man, this thing really picks up places.

Will it suddenly refresh in the Vault someday, or half inside the Vault and half outside.

Lin Yue got down from the room, came to the shelter, and looked at the wooden door in front of him wrapped in blue bricks entwined with ancient vines.

However, this time he didn't want to push the door open to take a look inside.

The state of the secret realm this time has nothing to do with him.

He has more to do than this.

Just like...

Um? Heaven, what is this?

In the blue sky, a white parachute, tied to something, slowly fell down.

Lin Yue took the scope and aimed at the thing and looked carefully.

"Is... a box?"


I'm sorry the first chapter is late, but this chapter is 2500 words, is it a bit longer?

Thank you all for your support and encouragement! Keep reading, keep reading, I want a better recommendation next week o(╥﹏╥)o

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