The box with the parachute tethered slowly descended, and finally landed between an open space within the fence.

Lin Yue held the steel crossbow and approached slowly.

The parachute completely covered the big box, and there was no movement for a long time.

Lin Yue thought for a while, then went back to the house and called Xiao Bai up.

"Pfft~" Xiaobai narrowed his eyes and wanted to sleep, but he was still pulled into the yard by Lin Yue.

Lin Yue found that Xiaobai did not respond to the parachute.

No danger?

After all, something that suddenly fell from the sky is no wonder. After Lin Yue touched the parachute, the alarm sounded soon.

【You got a small parachute X1】

The parachute disappeared, and the large box with the size of a cubic meter was revealed in front of Lin Yue.

"Wooden box?" Lin Yue stepped forward and took a closer look, "Let's identify it first..."

In order to be safe, he spent 1 survival point to conduct an identification.

【wooden box】

To be so straightforward, I want to know what's in it.

Lin Yue muttered and circled around the wooden box.

There was a small lock on one side of the wooden box. He took out the fire axe and slashed the small lock.

With a bang, the whole box fell apart.

And in the very center of the box, there was actually a treasure box shining with golden light!

"This is... a treasure chest?"

"Pfft~~" Xiaobai screamed, his eyes dazzled by a golden light.

Lin Yue squinted his eyes and walked over, a little surprised, why is there such a thing?

【You got a treasure chest】

Man, what a treasure chest!

Strange, why did this thing get airborne?

Lin Yue's head was full of question marks, but he always felt that it might have something to do with the system.

After all, who wouldn't give him such a big gift, and no one has this technology.

Before opening it, Lin Yue chose to open the group to check it out.

See if everyone has this?

"I'm going, Lin Yue is too strong, who is he? The second, third, and fourth are the kind of sanctuaries that can't win against him?"

"2195 points? Too much, I only have 203 points, where am I worse than him..."

"Probably because he is bigger?"

"It's not me who blows it, but I'll get 3000 points if you think about it this way!"

"I don't know if you blow it or not, but I'm more concerned about the random material airdrop the system said. It's really full to death, starving to death, is the system too biased?"

"The reward for the second and third place should not be as good as that of the first, Lin Yue. They didn't mention their system. Lin Yue's is an airdrop! By the way, I saw a black spot floating in the sky just now. Is it just an airdrop?"

"Let's just say, what exactly are the airdrops? It won't be a lot of rice, flour, grain and oil... I hope that Lin Yue will leak some things when he sells things later. I haven't eaten rice for a long time."

"I don't understand why you Tang people eat rice, isn't the bread delicious?"

"Lin is terrible. He can lead by 500 points even with one person and many teams! Why doesn't he start a live broadcast? I want to see what he has done and scored so many points!"

"Indeed, this score is outrageous."

"By the way, why hasn't he confirmed it yet? Have I given enough gasoline?"

"It's going to be an earthquake, and you still have time to talk about this?"

"You don't even have a shock-absorbing structure, do you? Iron shelter or something?"


After closing the group, Lin Yue clicked on the leaderboard almost immediately, and he finally remembered what he had forgotten before.


After the last update, the system was changed to the ranking list the day before the disaster, and the top three will have corresponding rewards.

1. Lin Yue 2195 points

2. Du Ping (et al) 1425 points

3. Victor (et al) 1005 points

4. Dec Rogan (et al) 988


Lin Yue took a look. Among the top ten, he was the only one with no (and others) mark behind him.

This "waiting for people" means very simple.

Everyone else is in team survival mode.

It's like Du Ping, who has never revealed that there are other survivors around him, this time is also for the so-called "prize" of airdrops for the first place, or because he wants to get him the first place last time. , this time also told everyone that they own the team.

But no matter what, the team mode is undoubtedly a stage that must be experienced after this survival game has progressed to a certain extent.

In other words, it is a more advanced and scientific way than single-person survival.

The team mode can have a large amount of labor, and with joint efforts, it makes survival easier.

If the healthy development continues, the team will definitely grow larger and larger, and eventually a "village"-like existence will be formed, and the hierarchy will gradually take shape.

After that, towns, cities will be formed...

But the reality is very skinny. When there is a general lack of this and that, and the members are ordinary people in the original society, the probability of healthy and sustainable development cannot be lower.

Even if there is something that persists, Lin Yue doesn't want to join or create something.

For the time being, he has no such idea.

I don't want to be restrained by others, and I don't want to restrain others.

At this stage, he still wants to live a simpler and purer life.

After closing the system panel, Lin Yue looked at the golden treasure chest again.

The information you want to know is already known, so the next step is to open the box.

A golden treasure chest...

[Tip: This golden treasure box is used as a prize, and it can be kept after opening the box, so please keep it properly]

Um? Still bring this?

Lin Yue was surprised by the sudden sound of the system.

Every time I opened a treasure chest before, those treasure chests would disappear at the same time, which is really a pity.

Like those copper treasure chests and silver treasure chests obtained, wouldn't it be a beautiful thing if they could be broken down?

"Pfft~" Xiao Bai looked at Lin Yue all the time around the dazzling box, and really didn't understand why.

It returned to the shelter, climbed up on the table, and got to the big bowl left over from yesterday, relishing the deliciousness of snail noodles.

"Pfft? Puff!" It suddenly saw a dry sour bamboo shoot, and swallowed it in a hurry.

Lin Yue didn't know that Xiaobai was addicted. In front of the golden treasure chest, he was already in a state of excitement!

"What will come out? What will come out?"

Lin Yue's heart was beating fast, the quality of the items that could be opened from the previous silver treasure chest was already quite good.

Now that the golden treasure chest can be opened, it can only be better!



[You got: exquisite wheat flour X200kg, medium-sized soilless cultivation set X2, mechanical arm design X1, small electric device design X1]


I will try to be earlier tomorrow. I have been sorting out the outline recently, and it has been very slow...

thanks for your support! Thank you for your donations, follow-up reading, and collections!

Looking for further reading~(^^*)

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