
“I am Wild Goose Sect guerrilla general Liu Chi. I heard that you killed several Huns in the village today?” Seeing that Xia Pingan’s attitude was neither humble nor overbearing, the Zhao State general’s expression became more gentle.

“Those Huns killed my folks, I killed them, as it should be!”

“It’s a matter of course, it should be so!” The general clapped in admiration, and said with hatred, “Those Huns are like wolves, fierce and vicious, they invade my border year after year and kill me Zhao State people, rape and pillage , Do everything, how can I wait for men, how can we bear to let the Huns deceive the country and humiliate the people, kill and slaughter the Huns cleanly, guard home, defend the country, and defend the neighbors, this is what we men should do!” [ 19459002]

“The general is right!” Xia Pingan agreed, “Only the dead Huns are good Huns, and the living Huns should be killed!”

“Hahaha, good point, just now I heard from my men that you had encountered strange people in the mountains and learned the skills of exquisite medicine. In the Wild Goose Sect camp, there are often soldiers injured in battle with the Huns and urgently need good medical treatment. I don’t know if you are willing to follow me to the Wild Goose Sect camp. With your ability, why bother to be a knight-errant, you can also make a difference in the army and have something to do…”

“Excuse me, who is the head of the Wild Goose Sect Guanjun at this moment?”

Hearing Xia Pingan asking this question, guerrilla general Liu Chi was a little surprised, but he still said, “I will not hide it from you. There has been news in the Wild Goose Sect camp for the past two days. Now Wild Goose Sect The head of the camp is about to be transferred. The new head of the Wild Goose Sect camp is General Li Mu. General Li Mu once stationed at Wild Goose Sect to resist the Huns, but was later transferred by Your Majesty. This is his second time stationed at Wild Goose Sect, General Li Mu He loves soldiers like his son, and is the most compassionate soldier, and is loved by lieutenants. If you have the ability to go to the Wild Goose Sect camp, you will surely be reused by the coach!”

Li Mu, a famous general of the Warring States Period!

Sure enough!

Li Mu was the first star in China’s history to beat the Huns.

Xia Pingan suddenly felt in his heart.

Yanzhao man, this bead belongs to the summon cavalry again. As soon as he came out, he ran into the Huns who burned, killed, and looted at the border, so the highest task of this bead is to kill the Huns at the border. , Guard home, defend the country.

Whether this world pearl is perfectly integrated, it is estimated that it depends on your own contribution in it.

Xia Pingan just got it in her head.

This is the second time that Li Mu was ordered to guard the Wild Goose Sect. This time, it was also the beginning of Li Mu’s name in history and the first battle to become a god.

When Li Mu first stationed in the Wild Goose Sect Daijun, he studied the tactics of the Huns cavalry. The Huns are all cavalry, and they come and go like the wind. They are skilled with bows and horses. The Xiongnu cavalry competed with the Zhao State frontier army. It was the Zhao State frontier army that suffered, and the Zhao State frontier army had almost no way to restrain the Huns cavalry.

In view of the characteristics of the Huns cavalry, Li Mu used to deal with the tactics of the Huns cavalry, and took the initiative to avoid the edge of the Huns cavalry, which was a bit “counsel” in the eyes of others.

——When the Xiongnu cavalry came, Li Mu asked the army to hold on to the barracks. They could not attack. The Xiongnu’s cavalry attacked and looted the border many times, and they could not cause the slightest threat to the army of Zhao State.

On the other side, while avoiding the edge of the Huns cavalry, Li Mu was constantly improving the frontier warning system for the beacon, monitoring the movements of the Huns, and insisting on rewarding the soldiers in the army, improving the food for the soldiers, and slaughtering cattle every day. The sheep served as the food for the soldiers, and at the same time strengthened the training of the sergeants, trained a large number of powerful archers and cavalry for the Zhao State, preparing to annihilate the Huns.

In this way, the Xiongnu’s cavalry became more and more arrogant, thinking that Zhao State’s frontier army was an instigator, but Zhao State’s frontier army became stronger and stronger under Li Mu’s training, and the situation is gradually favorable to Zhao State…

It’s just that God made a joke with Li Mu. Li Mu was stationed at Wild Goose Sect for the first time, and he was still building up his strength to find an opportunity. Before he could do his merits, Zhao Wang listened to the slander and felt that Li Mu was too “counsel” and detrimental. Guowei directly withdrew Li Mu and replaced him with a brave and aggressive coach who came to Wild Goose Sect to meet force with force with the Xiongnu cavalry.

The new coach came for a few years, and he lost consecutive battles with the Huns. Not only did he lose his troops and replace his generals, but also cost Zhao State a lot of money and staff, but the situation between the two places in Wild Goose Sect and the county remained unchanged. The people still suffered from the Huns, and the King Zhao suffered. Nothing, I still feel that Li Muzhen is reliable. Although it is a bit “counseling”, but at least it can keep the situation. It took a lot of trouble to invite Li Mu out and guard Wild Goose Sect for the second time.

At this moment, since there has been news from the camp of Wild Goose Sect, Li Mu must be on the way.

This information flashed through Xia Pingan’s mind, and Xia Pingan directly said to the guerrilla general Liu Chi, “General Xie appreciates me, I am willing to serve in the army…”

“hahaha, okay, okay, you will come back to the Wild Goose Sect camp with me later…”



There were only a few hundred Huns cavalry who came out to burn and kill and plunder. These hundreds of Huns cavalry saw more than two thousand people led by Liu Chi, and knew that they could not beat them, so they fled, and Liu Chi did not get any credit. , Just drove away the Huns cavalry.

Before the Huns led away, they killed many people and robbed some women.

Because Xia Pingan was injured, when the guerrilla general Liu Chi returned to the camp, he allowed Xiping to take the war chariot back to the camp.

The war chariot of Zhao State is a carriage pulled by horses. A war chariot has a driver and an archer or a pikeman.

In this era, war chariot is a very popular “heavy weapon” in the military. How strong a country is depends on how many war chariots that country can collect during war.

If you are fighting in the plains, these hundreds of war chariots will rush side by side, which is a great deterrent for any flesh and blood.

When I returned to Wild Goose Sect, the setting sun was already west, watching the fires in the nearby villages one by one, women and old people everywhere were crying and wailing, Xia Pingan didn’t feel like it. Border disasters, for the Chinese nation, almost all dynasties have never been cut off. The northern nomads threatened the Central Plains dynasty too much.

Except for Xia Pingan, in every village along the way, many youngsters followed Liu Chi back to the Wild Goose Sect camp and joined the army to kill the enemy.

By the time it got dark, Xia Pingan had already followed Liu Chi to the Wild Goose Sect Pass.

Wild Goose Sect in the night is like a giant beast lurking in the mountains, murderous-looking.

At this moment, the Wild Goose Sect Pass, Zhao State has been built and stationed for many years, and it has been quite large, and the difference between it and the later generations is not very big.

The terrain around the Wild Goose Sect Pass is extremely dangerous. Just in the valley pass between the two mountains, the besieged city of the Wild Goose Sect Pass is built along with the mountains, with a circumference of almost five kilometers. The southern end of the city wall is connected to the east and west wings of Guancheng, and to the north, it extends along the ridge to the bottom of the valley. A city gate is built at the enclosure, and several large and small stone walls are built outside the besieged city to act as a barrier.

When the Wild Goose Sect was closed, Xia Pingan realized why the local people called the Wild Goose Sect the “iron gate” because the gate of the Wild Goose Sect was covered with a thick layer of iron. It was so heavy that when the knife was cut up, it could only leave a faint trace.

In the mountain range surrounding Wild Goose Sect Pass, there are a series of enemy towers and beacon towers. Almost every other than a hundred meters, there is an enemy tower. In a critical area, Wild Goose Sect Pass Fortresses, trenches and hidden gates are also set up. After its east and west ends extend northward, it is connected with the Great Wall built by King Zhao Martial Spirit.

Such a majestic pass, in this era, is known as the first test of China, which is not an exaggeration at all.

The Xiongnu in the north looked at such a Xiongguan, being blocked by such a Xiongguan from heading south, the despair in their hearts can be imagined.

Zhao State’s Wild Goose Sect camp was set up in the north of the Wild Goose Sect pass, and to the southeast of the pass was the camp’s campus. At this moment, there are almost eighty to ninety thousand Zhao State fighters. Stationed here.

As soon as he arrived in the camp, that Liu Chi took Xia Pingan directly to a relatively independent camp in the southwest of the camp.

The camp was dead, with black lights and blazing lights, and there was an aura of decay everywhere. Just stepping into the camp, Xia Pingan smelled the thick blood-reeking qi in the camp and the pus and rotting human wounds. The peculiar smell, of course, is also mixed with the smell of some messy medicinal herb, and from time to time there are low moans and wailing sounds from the barracks on both sides.

“This is the wounded camp. The injured brothers are recovering here…” Liu Chi looked like a big five, but after coming here, his face became sad.

“How many people in this wounded camp are taking care of the wounded soldiers?” Xia Pingan asked.

“The three sorcerers of the entire camp are here…”

The entire Wild Goose Sect camp in Zhao State is equipped with three sorcerers? Note that this sorcerer is not yet a professional military doctor, but a collection of wizards and herbal doctors who can dance to great gods…

Like the doctor Xia Pingan met in the village today, he was still good luck. The doctor went to the nearby village to treat people, but he had to hide after encountering the Huns and waited until the Huns left. , Participated in the follow-up treatment of the wounded in the village.

Xia Pingan asked Liu Chi to call the three sorcerers here. After asking, he knew what the sorcerers in the army used to treat the wounded soldiers. It was very simple, just four words, scraping, sawing, and chiseling. It is better to say that they are carpenters rather than doctors.

After all the wounded soldiers sent here, after these four kinds of treatments and watching the sorcerers dance to the Ghost God performance, whether they can survive, it can only be resigned.

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