
At noon a month later, at the gate of the Zhao State Wild Goose Sect camp, all officers above the division commander in the entire camp gathered at the gate to welcome Li Mu’s arrival.

At noon, a cloud of smoke appeared in the valley south of the Wild Goose Sect camp. After a while, a group of hundreds of cavalry with the banner of Li escorted Li Mu to the gate of the camp.

Li Mu rides on a tall red horse with long beards and armor. He uses his left hand to control the rein with one hand. His eyes are as quiet as a deep sea. The whole person has a different temperament, no matter how maniac. The general will calm down when he sees him.

“I have seen the general…” The generals at the entrance of the Wild Goose Sect camp saw Li Mu, and they all bowed to Li Mu.

Li Muli jumped off his horse, his eyes swept across the faces of the generals who greeted him, as if he was confirming, but also looking for.

These faces are no stranger to Li Mu, they are all his old men.

“Are these people left alone?” Li Mu sighed softly.

Just this sentence, among the generals present, many of the military generals had red eyes and weeping, and some lowered their heads in shame.

Who says that men do not shed tears because they are not sad.

When Li Mu was in the Wild Goose Sect camp, the total number of infantry and cavalry in the Wild Goose Sect camp was almost 180,000. Most of the losses.

When Li Mu was there, because Li Mu avoided the battle, even among the generals under his command, many people criticized it and did not agree with Li Mu’s approach. In Wild Goose Sect, some people even gave Li Mu took the nickname “General Counsel”, and when Li Mu left, King Zhao changed to a “Meng General”, and these generals really understood Li Mu’s goodness.

“Mighty General” has been in the Wild Goose Sect camp for several years, never avoiding war, and everyone in the Wild Goose Sect camp has become the chess piece of the “Mighty General” and a promising future for the “Mighty General”. And the cannon fodder appreciated by King Zhao. ,

“General Meng” knows how Li Mu left, so the “General Meng” only pays attention to the opinion of the one in Handan City. Since the one in Handan City wants to fight, then fight. Fight, as for the life and death of the soldiers, hehe, there is no undead in a war…

After several years, the “Meng General” left Wild Goose Sect unharmed and returned to Handan. At the time, most of the soldiers in the Wild Goose Sect camp were bones under the loess.

Goodbye to the former coach now, this man is full of battalions, in a complex mood, sad and ashamed, hard to describe.

Li Mu walked through the camp gate, led a group of generals directly to the main account of the camp, sat in the position of the coach, according to the process, showed everyone the tiger talisman seal letter given to him by the king Zhao, and then In the respect of everyone, they formally sat on the main seat and began to take charge of the Wild Goose Sect camp.

Li Mu’s eyes flickered, and his eyes swept across the faces of all the generals on both sides of the big tent.

“Through my order, from this moment on, without my order, those who dare to go out and fight with the Huns without authorization, cut!” Li Mu’s first order was the same as before, not allowed to fight with the Huns, just listen to it. With this order from Li Mu, all the generals in the big tent were shocked and obeyed in unison.

“This time, Wang Zhao has handed over all the tax and financial powers of Wild Goose Sect, Dai County, to me. The tax and financial powers of the two places are used to reward the army and support the soldiers. It is still the old rule. I want to be in the army. In the daily food of all the soldiers and soldiers, there is meat of cattle and sheep, which can be seen in the flesh and fish. If the generals dare to detain, it is like scraping my flesh and cleaving my bones, I will cut it!”

The soldiers in the big tent bowed again to obey orders.

After giving two orders, talking with the generals, and learning about the situation inside and outside the Wild Goose Sect camp, Li Mu let the generals disperse and each went to their camp, and he took a few generals with him. , Began to personally inspect the situation in the Wild Goose Sect camp.

The situation in the Wild Goose Sect camp did not exceed Li Mu’s expectations.

At this moment, there is a shortage of troops and low morale in the camp. Everything has to start again and slowly accumulate.

Li Mu patrolled the camp, unconsciously, he came to the wounded camp.

Li Mu was very clear about the situation of the wounded camp in this large camp, but when Li Mu came to the wounded camp this time, Li Mu saw it and made him startled.

Before reaching the wounded camp, Li Mu heard waves of cheerful and passionate singing from the wounded camp.

Someone was singing with the wounded soldiers in the wounded camp. Outside the wounded camp, Li Mu heard a voice…

“Come on, everyone sing with me, just this melody, one, two, three, play… Susu the rabbit, the Ding Ding of the lamb. Take the Wu Fu, the Gonghou Gancheng. Susu the rabbit, apply it to Zhongkui. Wufu, Gonghou is a grudge against him. Suppress rabbits, and do it in Zhonglin. Takeshi Wufu, Gonghou’s heart,…Lao Hei, the second sentence, you are out of tune again, can you make your voice out of tune not so loud when you are out of tune , I will punish you to face the wall today if you sing like this…”

“Hehehe, I think it’s a great way to sing like this, next time I will be quieter…” said a weak voice.

“hahaha…” More people laughed.

“Okay, do it again, this time pay attention to the melody, don’t be out of tune…”

Many people in the wounded camp were singing along, which sounds quite interesting.

The general with Li Mu was about to let someone pass the pass. Li Mu gently waved his hand and walked to the wounded camp.

As soon as he entered the barracks, Li Mu found that the ground of the wounded camp had been leveled, and it was no longer full of pits and pits like before. Not only that, but also neat trenches were dug around the wounded camp. The waste water in the camp flows from the ditch to the outside, and it is no longer the dirty look of sewage everywhere.

This was just the ground. Entering inside, he saw another scene. The walls of the room in the wounded camp were painted with lime everywhere. It was white and it looked very dazzling. There was a room for the wounded. It was clean and tidy, ventilated and light, and it was even cleaner than the barracks of normal soldiers.

In the open space south of the wounded camp, some ropes were tied, and on those ropes, there were strips of sackcloth hanging in the air.

In the open area where the linen cloths are drying, there are dustpans and straw mats, on which are all kinds of medicine ingredients that are dried in different categories.

In the room in the wounded barracks, there are several cauldrons, and the smell of cooking medicine is heard.

In the large open area in the middle of the wounded camp, more than a thousand wounded soldiers were basking in the sun and singing songs. Each wounded soldier’s face showed that kind of relaxed and happy smile, and one The youngster, who is in his twenties, is in the middle of the wounded soldiers, teaching the wounded soldiers to beat and sing.

In addition to these people, there are more than one hundred people wearing white linen sleeves in the wounded camp.

Some of those people are processing medicine ingredient, others are washing linen cloths to dry, and others are boiling medicine in the kitchen. Even these people working in the wounded camp are enthusiastic while doing it. While I was alive, listening to the wounded soldiers singing in the distance, I hummed along.

Such a wounded camp is full of vigor and joy. Li Mu has never seen it in the army for so many years.

Li Mu looked outside the circle and blinked his eyes, almost thinking that he was dazzled.

“Who is that youngster?” Li Mu pointed to Xia Pingan in the crowd and asked the people around him. With Li Mu’s eyes, he could tell at a glance that in this wounded camp, the youngster who taught the wounded to sing was the one who taught them to sing. The soul figures here, the wounded soldiers looked at the youngster with rays of light in their eyes, and the busy people around looked at him with respect.

“Reporting to General, that person is called Xia Pingan. Xia Pingan was a knight-errant of Wild Goose Sect before. He encountered strange people in the mountains. De Qi people taught high unique skills. He was brave and tough. Arrow also killed four Xiongnu cavalry soldiers. The finalist went out last month and found this person. He once saw him use silver needles to stop bleeding and heal his wounds. He also identified the properties of the medicine. The final general took this person to the camp and made him responsible. The wounded camp, treat the wounded soldiers in the wounded camp. After he came to the wounded camp, the wounded camp never died again. Hehe, the Xia Pingan made the wounded camp vivid when he came…” Liu Chi explained next to him.

More than vivid? Li Muxindao…

“Isn’t there three sorcerers in the wounded camp? Those who wear linen sleeves on their hands are who, why do they work here?”

“General, that Xia Pingan said that there are only three sorcerers here. He wants to ask some soldiers who are usually available to come here to take care of the wounded. At the beginning, no one came, but Xia Pingan said the people who came here He will teach them medicine recipes for taking care of the wounded soldiers, so that they can become doctors in the army, so many veterans in the camp are rushing to work here to learn their ability. We don’t think it won’t matter if a few veterans come to the wounded camp. The military affairs in the big camp also acquiesced, let Xia Pingan be a commander…” Another general next to him explained.

In this battalion, a sergeant can manage 100 people.

Li Mu knows that some old pawns are impossible to stay in the barracks for a lifetime. Those old pawns who are older and weaker will have to leave the barracks and go home, and the old pawns who return home can only farm. To live, to have the opportunity to study medicine in the military camp is something that many people cannot imagine. Those old men must have this ability. As long as they can cure illnesses and save people, they can still live outside the camp even if they leave the camp. Worry, respected.

No wonder those people are so happy working here.

Li Mu asked an old man not far away to come over for questioning.

The old man was happily cutting medicine and listening to a song. He was suddenly called over. When he saw Li Mu, he was instantly excited. He recognized Li Mu and quickly saluted Li Mu, “Ah, General Li, You are back…”

“Do you remember me?” Li Mu also smiled.

The old man laughed, his eyes flushed a little, “When the general was there, we ate beef every day. I didn’t eat as much beef in my entire life as the general had eaten in this camp during those years. The general once visited. Ying, I was eating in a pot with our brother, how could I forget the general, but in the past few years, many Old Brothers have passed away…”

Li Mu lightly patted the shoulder of the old man, with emotion, “What kind of abilities did you learn here?”

“Xia Zuchang taught us two medicine recipes for treating sword wounds and arrow wounds, one for external use and the other for internal use. He also taught us how to collect medicine, boil medicine and apply medicine, stop bleeding and draw arrows, and teach us how to use it. Linen cloth was used to bandage the wound, and we also taught us how to cook lime to paint the wall. The medicine recipe Xia Zuchang taught us was amazing. The brothers in the wounded camp took Xia Zuchang’s medicine and no longer died. Also healed quickly. Xia Zuchang would still use silver needles to treat illnesses, but the ability is too profound, we can’t learn…” Speaking of medicine recipe taught by Xia Pingan, the old man suddenly became energetic and his eyes were also regained. Glorious, “Now the brothers in the big camp know that there is a Divine Doctor sitting in the wounded camp, all of them are very happy…”

“Will you heal?”

The old soldier was nodded and confidently said, “According to Xia Zuchang’s teaching, dealing with wounds such as arrows and swords and gold wounds, no problem, I never thought that I could still be a doctor in my life!” [ 19459002]

Li Mu glanced at Xia Pingan, who was singing with the wounded soldiers in the distance. Nodded, he did not walk over, but turned around and left the wounded camp. After leaving, he told the people around him, “After a while Let Xia Pingan come to the main account to see me!”



After more than an hour, Xia Pingan finally met the famous Li Mu in the head account of Wild Goose Sect.

Xia Pingan’s gaze swept across Li Mu’s face and looked towards Li Mu’s right hand. He found that Li Mu’s right hand was habitually behind his back, which was a little unnatural. Xia Pingan thought, there are some historical records. , Saying that Li Mu’s hand was injured and could not open the bow, it seems to be true.

“Are you Xia Pingan?” Li Mu took a serious look at Xia Pingan and asked softly, “Do you know why I called you here?”

“The general first wanted to ask me if there is a medicine recipe that can treat typhoid fever?” Xia Pingan said in a tranquil voice.

Li Mu’s eyes were light flashed, all of a sudden, sharp and powerful, like a tiger, “Why are you so determined!”

“I heard people say that the general used to be in the Wild Goose Sect camp. Soldiers were not allowed to fight. Soldiers were soldiers. There were very few casualties on the battlefield. It was because of the bitter cold of the Wild Goose Sect camp. They were in the camp. There are many deaths and injuries from typhoid fever. The general loves soldiers like a child. Today, when I went to the wounded camp, I saw that I can heal and have the ability to treat illnesses and save people. Therefore, the general summoned me. The first thing to ask is the cure for typhoid fever!”

Li Mu nodded, “Yes, what you just said was first, then what about the second?”

“Secondly, the general wanted to see if in addition to medical skills, I have the ability to help the general quell the disaster of the Huns!”

“What’s your answer?”

“I have a medicine recipe for treating typhoid fever. I can teach the men in the army to cook soup medicine. As long as the soldiers have eaten my soup medicine, their probability of contracting typhoid fever will be less than one percent of the previous one. Basically eradicate typhoid fever in the army!”

Hearing Li Mu stood up all of a sudden, he said directly, “If you have this ability, I can let you be a coach!”

Xia Pingan knew that the commander-in-chief in the army of Zhao State was already considered a small official position.

During the Warring States period, the military establishments of all countries were all influenced by the Zhou Dynasty, and they were basically the same. For example, in the Zhao State army, there were 5 soldiers and 1 corps, with a corps leader, and 100 as a soldier, with a commander. One brigade is 500 people, with a brigade commander, the fifth brigade is a division, there is a division commander, and the fifth division is a military.

Li Mu asked himself to be the commander-in-chief. In the Wild Goose Sect camp, the position is only under the generals of a few commanders, which is considered to be reused.

“The general does not ask me if I can help the general to quell the disaster of the Huns?” Xia Pingan said with a smile.

“Then do you have this ability?” Li Mu asked.

“If the general only wants to pacify the head of the Tuan Yu who is opposite Wild Goose Sect Pass, the general will already be in his chest even without me. It will not be difficult for the general to break the Tuan Yu in just a few days!”

Li Mu laughed and squinted at Xia Pingan, “It’s a big breath, looking at the world, there are people who dare to say that it is not difficult to pacify the Yunan Huns. Do you know how many string-controllers the Yunan Huns have? With a total of more than two hundred thousand, the number of cavalry of the Tsiuyan clan is twice as many as the soldiers of the current Wild Goose Sect camp. How can this be settled?”

“If the general hadn’t had to leave the Wild Goose Sect camp, I believe that at this moment the Tuan family may have been put down by the general. The general has not allowed the lieutenants to fight, but is raising the Huns against the Zhao State army. I am arrogant and contemptuous, and at the same time I am accumulating the courage of the generals in my Wild Goose Sect camp. Once those Huns develop this heart, everyone thinks that my Zhao State sergeant is weak and can’t go out. The general waits for the opportunity and sets Under the trap, the whole battalion’s soldiers will go out with a thunder blow, which will surely destroy the entire Tsudo Clan with severe damage, and make an immortal feat, which will stay in history!”

Hearing what Xia Pingan said, Li Mu had changed his face. This was his plan to pacify the Huns. He had never told anyone, even King Zhao didn’t know about it. He didn’t expect that he just arrived at Wild Goose Sect today. Ying, was actually seen through by a little pawn.

Looking at Xia Pingan again, Li Mu already has a shocking sense of shock. How could such a person be just a small knight-errant?

Li Mu quickly walked from the position of the main general and came to Xia Pingan, gave a salute, asked Xia Pingan to sit down, and then solemnly asked for advice, “You just said that it is not difficult to pacify the Huns of the Tong Dan family. Come, what is the difficulty?”

“The Tuan clan is only one part of the Huns. In addition to the Tuan clan, there are many other tribes in the Huyan clan, the Lan clan, and the Xubu clan. The power stretches for ten thousand li. For my Chinese scourge, even if Zhao State and the general can quell the Tuan clan, after a long period of time, other Huns will return in a swirl of dust after recuperating, which is a disaster for the world, so I said, pacify It is easy for the Tuan clan, but it is the most difficult thing to quell the entire northern Huns, to eliminate the threats from the nomads who occupy the vast northern grasslands to the Chinese descendants, and to build up a thousand years of achievements!” Xia Pingan said.

Li Mu’s face was extremely solemn, his eyes looked towards the distance, with a worrisome expression, “I also know that the nomads in the north pose the greatest threat to China. On the grasslands, all men are warriors. He has practiced bowing horses since he was a child. It is terrible and terrifying. With the power of Zhao State, it has tried its best to put down the Tuan Clan. Even if the world is unified, it costs money and taxes, it is impossible to do it. As long as we can hold it, it will be difficult! “

“What the general said is common sense, but has the general ever thought about the so-called prosperity of the world, all for profit, all the hustle and bustle of the world, all for profit, now all countries, including Yan Country, Zhao State want to pacify the Xiongnu? We have to do this only because we are threatened by the Huns. We have no choice but to put down the Huns. We are passive. Fighting against the Huns will cost countless money and food. Both Yanzhao and Yan cannot support it. But if we change it, let All countries in the world, let everyone think that they can take the initiative to quell the Huns and make it profitable for everyone to fight the Huns. Not only does it cost no money, but it may also make a lot of money. As long as you occupy a grassland, you will have a lot of money and nourish your army. The people make the country prosperous, and the merchants all over the world are rushing. The general feels that if this is the case, can China China calm down the troubles of the northern grasslands?”

Li Mu frowned, divine light flashes in his eyes, thinking for a long time, “It is true, it is possible, but there are only cattle and sheep on the grassland, and cattle and sheep cannot be transported for long distances. They cannot be stored for long as meat, even if we can expel them. The Xiongnu, occupying the grassland, can only afford a cheap place. How can the merchants all over the world flock to them, how can they raise the army and fat the people, make the country prosperous, and support war by war?”

“If the general believes me, just lend me a thousand tael of gold, give me three thousand horses, a piece of grass, 20,000 sheep, three months, I can let the general see how our Zhao State army can Squeeze gold from the grass and let the merchants rush it!”

“A thousand tael of gold, three thousand horses, a piece of grassland, twenty thousand sheep, three months?” Li Mu’s voice suddenly rose.

“Not bad!”

“Okay, I’ll give you this, I will appoint you as the field envoy of the Wild Goose Sect camp now, I will see 3 months later, how do you squeeze gold from the grass!” Li Mu nodded Said.

The field envoy of the Wild Goose Sect camp, responsible for managing the border trade between Wild Goose Sect and Dai County, collecting money and grain for the army, equivalent to Li Mu, the logistics and finance minister of the Great General.

When Li Mu came to Wild Goose Sect this time, one of the conditions he made to King Zhao was to resist the Xiongnu. He had complete control over the finances, taxes, personnel and military affairs of Wild Goose Sect and Daijun. King Zhao agreed.

At this moment, Li Mu, in Daijun and Wild Goose Sect, speaks more effectively than King Zhao, and he holds power.


Stepping out of Li Mu’s main account, Xia Pingan looked at the sky in the distance, let out a long breath…

It was too simple to help Li Mu get rid of the Tsudo Clan. Even without him, Li Mu, as a famous general, could do it.

I personally carried the knife into battle, and couldn’t cut a thousand Huns to death.

Since this world pearl summon is a cavalry, Xia Pingan wants to look at it in another way, challenge it, and see if he can pursue greater results.

He wanted to do one thing, institutionally, to empower the cavalry of Yanzhao and China, and make the most expensive cavalry in the eyes of monarchs of all countries the most profitable machine.

Whether this thing can be successful or not, Xia Pingan doesn’t know, he just wants to try.


Li Mu did what he said, but on the same day, the news of the appointment of Xia Pingan as the army’s field envoy spread throughout the camp.

Xia Pingan was not idle either. After handing over the wounded camp to his subordinates, he selected three thousand veterans with weakened physical strength from the camp. On the 2nd day, he took the people to Dai County and took over a ranch and Tens of thousands of cattle and sheep.

Later, Xia Pingan hired carpenters and blacksmiths, and started to build workshops next to Dai County’s ranch, and also hired some women who could weave linen from Dai County, and let those women learn to stalk wool.

Xia Pingan has never woven woolen cloth, but he probably knows the process of weaving woolen cloth, and also knows what conditions and equipment are needed for weaving woolen cloth.

There is something you don’t understand, you can correct it with a little bit of exploration.

As a result, after only more than two months, less than three months, Xia Pingan put a woven woolen cloth in front of Li Mu.

Touching the wool cloth, Li Mu was experienced and knowledgeable, and was also dumbfounded.

After a few days, the snow-white, soft and very textured wool cloth appeared on the edge set of Wild Goose Sect. Once it appeared, it caused a huge sensation and attracted countless merchants from all directions.

The price of wool cloth set by Xia Pingan, one or two wool cloth and a hundred tael of gold, was in short supply, and the wool cloth that had just gone on the market was instantly robbed by those merchants…

When the wool cloth appeared in Handan, a wool cloth was sold for a price of ten tael of gold. This wool cloth attracted countless wealthy families, and they were proud of having a piece of it…

Everything is as Xia Pingan expected.

In this era when there is no wool and it is rare, the sensation caused by the appearance of wool cloth is simply too big.

A piece of woolen cloth can make everyone crazy about it, make the people pursue it, and make princes bend their waists. For the profit-seeking businessmen, this woolen cloth is simply a white gold mine.

Suddenly, Wild Goose Sect and Daijun were hot enough to scald one’s hands because of the emergence of wool cloth. Merchants were like clouds. The original grassland and Mianyang were also hot enough to scald one’s hands.

Li Mu recruited new recruits again in the Wild Goose Sect camp, began training, and retreated without fighting.

The Huns outside Wild Goose Sect knew that they had wool cloth, and every time they went out to plunder, wool cloth became the thing that the Huns most wanted to grab.

The situation outside Wild Goose Sect is still the same as history. What should happen continues to happen, step by step, but many things have also been quietly changed…

Two months after the emergence of wool cloth, there was a wealthy merchant from Zhao State who sent more than a thousand good horses to Li Mu’s Wild Goose Sect camp at a time. They began to have a relationship with Li Mupan, began to treat the army, and wanted to ask to see him. Li Mu’s merchants lined up outside the Wild Goose Sect camp…

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