
The sky is blue, the wild is boundless, the wind blows the grass and the cows and sheep are low…

This was supposed to be a magnificent scenery, but the loud horns, the murderous aura of the Chinese cavalry, and the thunderous hoofs echoed on this vast grassland.

On the horizon in the distance, there is black smoke rising into the sky one after another, and the burning court of the Xiongnu in the distance, in the sunset, is like the last sad song of the Xiongnu clan.

The Yanzhao cavalry equipped with stirrups pierced through the wolf flag on each side, like a wolf like a tiger, crisscrossing the grassland with arrows like rain and blade light like snow.

Knight-errant men and horses from all over the world follow closely from behind, like a pack of wolves, surrounding the court of the Huns tightly, not allowing any Huns to escape from the encirclement.

Cutting the head of a Huns man can be exchanged for a hundred acres of grassland. This is a huge temptation for knight-errants from all over the world. To make meritorious deeds and seal wives and shades, you can trade the heads of the Huns.

In addition to the knight-errant, a large number of noble landlord armed forces are also galloping on the grassland, lighting the Huns’ tents one by one-from Handan to Jinyang, to the Wild Goose Sect inside and outside, Zhao The state’s aristocratic landlord class almost collectively participated in this feast. King Zhao’s Uncle, uncle, and relatives of the harem concubines all have a share. These years, the private soldiers of these nobles have been on the grassland like scourges, unscrupulous. , More Huns than the Huns, so that the Huns look different.

“All the men are killed, the women can stay…” The roar of the noble landlords and private soldiers heaven-shaking, earth-shattering.

Farther away, there is a caravan consisting of only four-wheeled carriages. The awning carriage of Business Group is like a long worm on the grassland ground, winding several dozen li.

Those caravans are like vultures on the grassland. They do not participate in the fight, but only participate in the feast of scavenging that follows.

The carriage of that group of caravans came with the army’s food and grass, and they left with the “trade quota” of wool and wool cloth, as long as the merchants’ carriages went wherever they went, and the various situations on the grassland. Can converge continuously.

The warriors of the Huns made their last resistance in the core area of ​​the royal court. This resistance symbolized the last dignity of the Huns.

Tou Mandan could have chosen to break through, but Tou Mandan was so tired and tired that he didn’t want to run anymore, so Shan was the head wolf in the pack instead of the stray dog ​​on the grassland.

Before, Touman Danyu’s royal court was in Fucheng. Then, Li Mu and Xia Pingan came with iron horses. Touman Danyu’s royal court was forced to move from Changcheng to Wuliangsuhai. Then, Touman The royal court of Shanyu moved from Wuliangsuhai to Hangai Mountain in Mobei. Seven years ago, the royal court of Touman Shanyu migrated from Hangai Mountain to the present Bogduo. Three years ago, Toumandanyu moved from Bogduo. Here, all the way north…

In less than 20 years, Tou Mandan was forced to move to the royal court four times, and was chased by Yanzhao’s iron horses on the grassland. He lived in precarious days at any time. The once ambitious Tou Mandan During the migration of the royal court this time, Yu gradually grew old, with more and more gray hairs on his head, the once majestic body became rickety, and the Xiongnu tribe on the grassland became less and less.

The fiercest battle broke out at the seat of the Xiongnu court. The arrows of the cavalry on both sides crossed the air like patches of migratory locusts.

Arrows and arrows collide together in the air…

It’s just…

The bone arrow clusters of the Huns can no longer penetrate the armor of their enemy cavalry-those iron knights of Zhao State, each wearing a double-layer iron bamboo wood chip soaked in tung oil, plus linen and soft silk Cavalry armor made of sheepskin 5-Layer material. This cavalry armor is very light and has enough protection to block the bone arrows of the Huns.

On the other hand, on the Xiongnu side, how their grandfathers and fathers fought, how did they fight, they did not have that kind of armor, they only depended on flesh and blood, in the arrow rain of the Zhao State cavalry, one by one guarded the Xiongnu king The Huns of the court fell to the ground, the grassland soaked in blood.

On a mountain bag not far from the Wang Court, a pennant was fluttered, a Li-shaped flag and a Xia-shaped flag stood here, waving in the wind.

Behind the mountain pack, 10,000 Zhao State elite cavalry as a reserve team, ready to wait, silent like thunder, ready to rush out at any time.

On the mountain bag, Xia Pingan and Li Mu, wearing armor, each ride on a horse, looking at the fire-lit Xiongnu court in the distance, a bunch of generals, all standing behind them, holding their breath, not daring to disturb the front The conversation between the two.

“Before we encircled, Tou Mandan had time to escape. He didn’t escape, so he chose to stay…” Li Mu pointed his horse whip at the royal court in the distance, sighed, “He doesn’t want to run… “

“He’s tired too!” Xia Pingan laughed, looking back from the surrounding environment, looking at the terrain here, a bit like the area of ​​Hara and Lin on the northern foot of Hangai Mountain in Outer Mongolia, “I guess he will also look at it. He came out. The first two times we deliberately let him go. Only he can gather the scattered Hun tribes. Where he escapes, it is convenient for us to clean it, and it is more convenient to eliminate it, and it is more convenient to gather garbage together. It’s easy to clean…”

“After this battle, the Xiongnu should be cleared…” Li Mu sighed.

“It should be almost done. The tribes that did not run are almost wiped out. If they run, let them do harm to others…” Xia Pingan also let out a long breath, “Such a vast grassland must be completely It will take many years to digest. This grassland requires someone to be stationed. The general is now the Great General of Zhao State, an extremely human minister. I don’t think the general needs to return to Handan anymore. Just stay. The general will return to Handan. It’s not necessarily It is blessing…”

Li Mu suddenly turned his head and looked at Xia Pingan. Xia Pingan and Li Mu looked at each other calmly. Li Mu suddenly smiled, “My whole life is to pacify the Huns. Today the Huns are calm. My wish is over. I can retire at any time. Township, what about you, what are your plans?”

Xia Pingan sighed, took a look at the largest flagpole in the Xiongnu court in the distance, and gently shook the head, “I’m afraid I’m leaving too…”

Not long after, Xia Pingan saw a group of cavalry rushing from the direction of the Xiongnu court moved towards here. A fierce general in the front, holding a bloody head in one hand, shouted along the way, “Head Mandanyu has been given the first…Tou Mandanyu has been given the first…”

The whole grassland boiled, and seeing the bloody head, the remaining Huns directly collapsed. Some people ran away, some completely gave up resistance, and their heads were chopped off in the blink of an eye.

The cavalry team quickly rushed to the hill on this side, the fierce general with his head dismounted, and walked quickly in front of Xia Pingan and Li Mu, one-knee kneels, and raised the head on his hands. , “Reporting to the Great General and Yanxiang, Tou Man Danyu has been given the first place, this is the head of Tou Man Danyu, please have a look…”

After the destruction of Zhao State, generation land became an important place of guards of Zhao State, the highest administrative and military chief of each generation. Over the years, as Zhao State continued to expand outside the Wild Goose Sect pass In order to control Li Mu and win over Xia Pingan, Zhao Wang, in accordance with the local practice, named Xia Pingan as the Goose Xiang, and he could command the Wild Goose Sect in name. Land of the North.

There are many overlaps between Xia Pingan’s authority and Li Mu’s authority. Zhao Wang originally wanted the two tigers to compete, check and balance each other, believe oneself infallible, but didn’t know that they were both comrades-in-arms and confidants, Xia Pingan dismissed the so-called geese power position at all. For Xia Pingan, this identity was only convenient for him to deal with the nobles in Handan, Zhao State.

In the northern part of Zhao State, Li Mu and Xia Pingan can be said to have power in the hands of the people, and their reputations have moved the countries. Outside the pass, their reputations can make the Xiongnu trembling in fear. As long as it appears on the grassland, the Xiongnu tribe within a hundred miles of the grassland will be able to escape from the wind.

In order to ensure safety, those caravans went to and from the grassland, planting Li and Xia flags on both sides of the carriage to frighten the Xiongnu.

The bloody old head is really without aesthetics, Xia Pingan looked at Man Shanyu’s head, and just about to say something, she saw that the entire world was shattered at this moment.

Everything in Jiezhu was in a trance, like a long dream.

After a while, the surging divine force began to wash Xia Pingan’s body.

Under the impact of the divine force, Xia Pingan felt that her body seemed to have broken through a ceiling and reached a new level.

The divine force in the secret mandala directly breaks through the two suns…


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