
After killing Situ Hua, he never thought that the new inspector would actually keep him to ask this question?

What is this for? Is it to test whether you are clean or not, or is it so direct because you think of yourself as a trustworthy person, or is it just joking with yourself?

“cough cough cough…” Situ Hua coughed loudly, as if he was really choked, his face was flushed, and taking advantage of the opportunity of coughing, his head quickly flew up, thinking about how to answer.

The inspector who can ask this way is not an idiot, or a very difficult to deal with backstage, so powerful that you don’t have to worry about being investigated by the above, so it is so unscrupulous.

“Why, is this question difficult to answer, don’t tell me you don’t know it!” Xia Pingan remained calm and composed while handling pressing affairs, looking at Situ Hua, watching Situ Hua’s small eyes twirl around. Without stopping, Xia Pingan knew that Situ Hua was thinking about how to answer.

Show your true face to attract the firepower of the Blood Demon Religion to the Emperor His Highness the Crown Prince. The oil and water of this inspector is the subsidy for high-risk work. How can Xia Pingan be polite? Even if Beitang Wangchuan knows it, Xia Pingan Dare to be sure, Beitang Wangchuan will never say a word.

“No, no, I was thinking how to explain to the adults, this…this explanation is a bit complicated…” Situ Hua said quickly, and his face became a little normal.

“It doesn’t matter, we have time, you speak slowly, I listen slowly!”

Situ Hua gritted his teeth and finally made up his mind, and began to say with a serious face, “Cough cough, just now the adults said how to make money, the adults are actually wrong!”

“Oh, what’s wrong?” Xia Pingan squinted and asked with a smile.

The expression on Situ Hua’s face was as straight as a report, “My lord, as the Donggang inspector, the tens of thousands of Business Groups, Trading Companies, businesses and shops on the grounds of Donggang are safe and stable, and the entire Donggang district is safe and secure. The lives and property of millions of people are safe. The large and small cargo ships on this wharf are safe to enter and exit, but it depends on adults to maintain. Although there are also police stations in Donggang District, the police stations can only handle ordinary trivial matters. Catch those petty thefts, resolve ordinary person disputes, and maintain order on the market. When the police station encounters summoners and those with various special abilities, ordinary policemen can’t even count as cannon fodder. We have to rely on the adjudication army and the inspectorate to deal with the situation. Sir, do you think your position is important?”

Xia Pingan touched her chin, “You said that, it’s really important!”

“Of course, adults, don’t think we have many inspectors, there are only 30 summoners, six groups of people, but the rights and responsibilities of our inspectors are bigger, as long as It is related to various summoners, such as Blood Demon Religion, cult aliens, special ability persons, or hostile power countries and foreign races or possibly related matters. We are in charge, and we are also responsible for supervising and investigating rape. We are the eyes, ears and arms of the adjudicating army. Behind our inspection office, the whole adjudicating army and Your Majesty are standing. Once something happens, we can’t solve it. You can summon the battle strength of the adjudicating army. For ordinary organizations, the personnel of the Supervision Department go out to meet the officials at Level 1. If nothing else, even if the police chief and district head of the Donggang District see adults, they have to be courteous for three points. Adults, you say you have this power. Is it heavy?”

“It seems to be a little heavy!” Xia Pingan nodded, her face serious.

“So, an adult in such an important position, with such a great power, should be treated better, and it should be earned to support the family. Adults, do you think I am right?” Situ Hua was excited.

“Yes, yes, yes, no one can work hungry!” Xia Pingan exclaimed.

“That is, adults have noble morals, why do they want to make money? That’s so ugly, and it’s illegal to make money with corruption. How could an adult do this kind of thing? I don’t believe it first, but this is Donggang District. There are too many places in need of adult care and guidance. Adults have to find a way to take care of everything, right? Otherwise, it’s negligence. Adults, don’t you think?”

“Yes, where do you think I need to take care of?”

“There are more than 470 large-scale brothels, bathhouses, restaurants and clubs in Donggang District. These places have always been dragons and snakes mingle. Various figures and summoners often visit them, and there are often various deacons. These places Adults, do you want to take care of it?”

“Yes, of course!”

“So, the security of these places is impossible for ordinary people to do. It must be the responsibility of those security business groups that adults feel are reliable and trustworthy. The adults guide those security business groups to work, maintain local order, and do it for them. Provide business guidance, and also introduce them to work, occupy a few shares in those security Business Groups, and earn some hard money every month with the ability. It is fair and honest, and the national law can’t help it. This is an income for adults, clean and clean. just and honorable, why go fishing?”

“Yes, yes, this is indeed an income, clean and clean!” Xia Pingan nodded, thinking, this is a white glove that uses the Security Business Group to collect money. With such a layer, it is really “safe”. Too much, “Apart from this is there anymore?”

“Apart from this, the largest number of ships and warehouses in this East Port are the large ships and warehouses on the wharf. The Three Sects in the upper capital gather together. The ships and wharf warehouses passing by are the key control areas of our inspection office, and there are often cult personnel. Dissident elements with hostile forces often come to Beijing by sea. Many merchant ships also hide prohibited items. Adults should pay more attention to these places. Those shipowners and bosses and shopkeepers in dock warehouses also need adults to keep them safe. , My lord, right?”

“Yes, you are right, how do you protect it?”

“Terminals, ports, warehouses, and ships are most afraid of accidents. An accident in these places is a major event. Therefore, they have to buy insurance and pay insurance money every year. If there is an accident, they can have compensation to avoid bankruptcy. Which insurance bank is reliable and powerful. Strong, insurance can be bought, and adults have the final say. Adults occupy some stocks in the insurance bank and get dividends every month, so they should!”

Well, the white gloves used to make money in these places with the richest oil and water have directly become “insurance companies”. This supervision has made it possible to make money. Xia Pingan secretly sighed, and then asked, “If it is these piers, ports, What if the owners of warehouses and ships don’t buy the insurance from the insurance company I recommend?”

“If you don’t buy insurance from an insurance company that adults think is reliable, you might have a ghost in your heart, like the shopkeeper of the warehouse. Adults only need to wait for their warehouse to be filled with things, and then come to close the warehouse and count the suspicious ones. Or ask the shopkeepers of those warehouses to take out the contents in the warehouse and open them one by one. Those shopkeepers are going to pee, and those of the passenger ships and freighters,

Once involved in a cult, or a summoner case, or a ship carrying prohibited items for trafficking, or a problem with the sailors on the ship, adults can buckle the ship at the pier and make it unable to move, and those shipowners’ shopkeepers will have to Come and beg the adults to let go. The same is true for the docks. As long as an adult is a detention order or a seal, they can make those people cry, cough cough, of course, adults straightforward and upright, naturally they won’t do this. These methods are just to deal with those The way for people with unpredictable minds! “

“Apart from this is there any more?”

“Also, all the carts and horses, tooth shops, lixing shops, and wine shops in Donggang District must be taken care of by adults. Each of these trades has its own Chamber of Commerce management. The adults do not talk to the people in these trades. They only need to arrange for them to be their legal advisers. They will naturally be sensible and know what to do. If these businesses encounter disputes and get the adults here, the adults can lead the arbitration, which is much more convenient than their litigation, so My lord, you see how hard you have worked, you have to deal with so many things, you have to bother, adults make some hard money, who can say nothing…”

Fuck, this position is really a fat man. I don’t even use my own hands to make money. I use white gloves. I already have a set of very mature rules of the game.

“What does Lixing do?” Xia Pingan asked.

“Li Xing is the hard work in the docks, ships and warehouses. They are all hard work. These hard work belong to three different gangs. They are very messy to grab business. Fighting and fighting knives are common. Occasionally, it will cause some people and troubles that shouldn’t be caused. Without the acquiescence of adults, it is difficult for these low-level gangs to survive in Donggang District!”

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