
“In Donggang District, adults can earn some hard money in these places, but adults also know that there are many nobles in the capital, and those nobles also have various businesses and various businesses, especially in docks, ports, and ships. There are some businesses in warehouses, insurance shops, wine shops, and clubs. These nobles cannot earn money. They have their own relationships. For the sake of their own future, adults should always take care of them. If it is the business of these nobles If you encounter any troubles, you still need adults to help settle them. This can last for a long time. Of course, the shopkeeper bosses who make money for these nobles are also shrewd people and will not take the initiative to make trouble for the adults. There are also some etiquettes in normal times, and everyone gets along! “

Situ Hua obediently and honestly said clearly what money can be made and what money cannot be made.

Xia Pingan nodded, I probably understood, “What are the specific businesses run by the nobles in the capital?”

“There are Dachang, Shangxingshe, Deshunlong, Pingyun Business Group, Shangjingbaohang, Quzhang Wharf, Donggang Pier 7 to 21, Shunyi Liquor, Passion Liquor, Anzi Bank, Four Seas Shipping Club…” Situ Hua was like a few treasures, his mouth was like pouring beans, and the crash-bang said seventy-eighty in one breath, “If there is anything in the business of these nobles, the adults will either pretend to be invisible, or Just ask someone to remind you from the side, don’t go into a big fight!”

“Okay, I get it!” Xia Pingan nodded, slightly smiled, “What are the usual incomes and salaries of other people in the inspection department?”

“The usual income of the Inspection Office is divided into two parts, one part is the appropriation of the ruling army, about 17,000 Gold Coins per year. This money is to maintain the inspection office’s daily expenses and everyone’s apparent salary, like me If it is, the monthly salary of the Supervision Office is 59 Gold Coins, the summoner of Yiyang Realm only has 39 Gold Coins, and the adults have 89 Gold Coins. The salary of other people in the Supervision Department is not much compared to ours. , But among the ordinary persons in Shangjingcheng, they are also high-income. Not bad. Except for this fixed salary, everyone’s other income comes from the bonus for handling the case!”

Haha, the summoner who didn’t expect this world is also superstitious, like 9, I don’t know if the superstitious habit of the summoner on Earth passed from this world, Xia Pingan said secretly.

“Oh, how do you get the bonus for handling the case?”

“This is very simple. For example, the adults found a group of cultists in the Donggang District who were endangering the capital city. After those cultists were cleared out, there would naturally be some property left for seizure. The cultists were also impossible and rioting in the capital city with bare butts Run, right? For example, some ship warehouses traffic and store contraband. We can also investigate these. The property of the cultists and the contraband we seized, as well as fines, etc., will be 2% after the inventory is counted. Ten of the assets are converted into funds and returned to our inspection office. It is up to the adults to decide how the money is divided in the inspection office. Generally speaking, adults own 30% and the rest are 70%. Of course, if things go wrong , Or if there are any risks, the adults are also carrying them.”

“How much is this bonus?”

Situ Hua cunning smiled, “This part of the bonus is sometimes large, sometimes small. It depends on the meal, but also on the abilities of the adults and our luck. Just like investigating the Blood Demon Religion a few days ago, the remnants of the Blood Demon Religion are There are many industries and properties in the upper capital. Some are so rich and oily, but there is not much danger. If they fall into the errand inspection office, they will get rich. This is luck!”

Xia Pingan slightly smiled, what kind of luck, is it because you are paying dividends to the ruling army, “you said that, it is indeed luck, by the way, what are you most afraid of as errands in the inspection office?”

“The errand people in the various inspection offices in the capital are most afraid of encountering the kind of inspectors who can support themselves regardless of the life and death of the people below, and push them out of the tank when something happens, my lord Don’t believe it, there are still many people in the capital city like that, and whoever encounters bad luck!” Situ Hua sighed, “The prices in the capital city are so expensive, it’s not easy to gain a foothold in the capital city, even if it’s our adjudication army, The cultivation resources posted above are also limited. If you want to buy such things as world beads and divine sense crystals, you need money, and it’s not a small amount. With that fixed salary, you can save money for a year and save money. The two world beads are up to the sky. If you get married or have a family woman outside, you will have to spend more money, and the supervisor who can give you more bonuses, no one dislikes it, adults think!”

Hehe, this Situ Hua can be considered to be “admonishing”, Xia Pingan slightly smiled, “Okay, I know what you said, you go and let the Donggang District take care of me Those Chief-In-Charge who are in carts and horses come to the inspection office for tea this afternoon, and I will chat with them!”

“Yes!” Situ Hua hastily nodded, “No, you go to work first!”

“Okay, then I’ll go to work!” Situ Hua nodded, got up from his seat, stepped back, then turned around and opened the office door and walked out.

Just as Situ Hua walked out here, Wei Meiyu walked in over there.

Wei Meiyu’s eyes are drooping, cheeks slightly red, and a little cautious, she doesn’t even dare to look at Xia Pingan’s face. Until now, Wei Meiyu still feels that everything that happened today is dreamlike, and it is hard to believe that Xia who saved her in the first place Pingan is actually a “high-ranking” supervisor.

Of course, as a woman, seeing Xia Pingan let herself be his secretary, Wei Meiyu will inevitably have some special reveries in her heart-for a woman, facing a highly powerful man The position of the immediate boss and secretary is actually a very ambiguous position. The weird gaze of the people in the inspection office just now suffices to explain everything.

“My lord, the chef asked me to ask the adults if they want to arrange a reception banquet for the adults at the inspection office today, and if there are any precautions for the adults’ usual meals?” Wei Meiyu asked in a low voice.

“Well, you tell the chef, there is no need to receive a banquet, everything is business as usual, and I don’t eat the five things of onion, garlic, chive, coriander…” Onion, garlic, chive, coriander is the usual meaning of “five “Mun”, Xia Pingan has not eaten these things since I was exposed to some cultivation methods in the previous life. “Mun” can lead to “faint”. Although the summoner of this World has no taboos, Xia Pingan’s eating habits have been preserved.

“Well, okay!” Wei Meiyu said and was about to leave.

“Wait a minute…” Xia Pingan stopped her.

Wei Meiyu’s body suddenly stiffened, and her cheeks became even hotter. “My lord, what else is there?”

“Stop standing, sit down and talk…”

Wei Meiyu sat in front of Xia Pingan, her legs close together, her hands on her knees, the right hand was grasping the fingers of her left hand, a little nervous and tangled, for fear that Xia Pingan would suddenly come over and do something.

“Haha, don’t be nervous, I just forgot to ask you, weren’t you in the library before, why did you come to the inspection office again!”

Hearing that what Xia Pingan asked was not a strange question, and no one came over, Wei Meiyu relaxed a little, slightly smiled, “One is that the treatment at the inspection office is better than when I was in the library. Enter the inspection The department can enjoy the formal establishment of public officials in Dashang Country. The second is… The second is that when I was in the library, the son of a deputy director of the library always harassed me and wanted me to be his daughter. My friend, I made up my mind to leave the library and take the public official recruitment exam in Dashang Country, and I got here!”

“Oh, are you still living in the previous apartment? Wouldn’t it be close to work here if you still live there?”

“I have now moved to an apartment in Donggang District, not far from here, and I will be here soon by taking the tram to and from work…”

“Are you still used to working here?”

“Habits, very good, sister Qin and they take care of me!”

After chatting with Wei Meiyu a few words, Xia Pingan let Wei Meiyu leave.

Walking out of Xia Pingan’s office again, Wei Meiyu let out a long sigh of relief, and found that her fingers were full of sweat, but for some reason, she felt a little disappointed.

After Wei Meiyu left, Xia Pingan was not idle either. He left the office directly and walked through the inspection office, looking everywhere, the offices, file rooms, warehouses, exhibit rooms, and finances of each squad. The room, the equipment warehouse, the restaurant and other places all went around, and finally, Xia Pingan came to the underground prison of the Inspectorate.

The underground prison of the Supervision Department is a bit like the detention center of the police station. It is located at the basement level and negative 2-Layer of the Supervision Department. It is not a formal cell, but some arrested for various reasons. People.

Of course, although it is “temporary”, it seems to be playing with you for three years and five years.

There are five internal guards from the Supervision Supervision Department in the underground prison, and exactly one squad. These inner guards are all strong and physically capable people who can do martial arts, not summoners, and their usual work is very simple.

Seeing that the newly arrived inspector brought the adults to the entrance of the underground cell, Qi Dafeng of the Captain of the internal guard squad of the inspectorate was shocked, and hurriedly took a few internal guards to arrange their clothes. He ran out of the duty room and stood up and saluted in front of Xia Pingan.

“Big…sir, why are you here!” Qi Dafeng stammered, a little nervous.

Qi Dafeng is over 50 years old. He is dark and strong. At first glance, he is a very responsible person. He has also served as an internal guard in the Donggang Inspection Office for more than ten years.

“Well, I’ll come down and take a look…” Xia Pingan laughed. The dungeon of the inspection office is much cleaner than he thought. Looking from the entrance, the dungeon below doesn’t feel dirty at all. There is no dust on the stone surface under the dungeon, and the ventilation is very smooth. The gas lamps on both sides of the aisle are on and look very tidy. “You are well managed here, better than I thought…”

After being praised by Xia Pingan, Qi Dafeng was not so nervous, and a little happy. “There are not many people held in the dungeon of the Supervision Department. What a mess!”

“Let’s go, take a look with me…”

“Yes!” Qi Dafeng cheered up, took the key, opened the prison door of the dungeon, and took Xia Pingan to patrol the dungeon.


ps: The second chapter is later today!

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