
The necks of the people in the dungeon of the Inspection Department wear black metal shackles on their hands and feet. The shackles are linked with black chains. They are packed in a cell of more than ten square meters. , Flattered, or looked at the entire group walking into the dungeon with a look of fear.

The metal shackles on those people can not only confine their divine force, but also confine their bodies. Once put on, below the Seven Suns, they are no different from mortals, with dozens of catties on their bodies and actions Not even convenient for mortals.

And to open the shackles on those people, two keys are needed, one key is in the hands of the inner guard squad, and the other key can be obtained after Xia Pingan’s signature and approval.

Qi Dafeng walked in the cell and introduced the situation in the cell to Xia Pingan.

“My lord… my lord, I was wronged, let me go out, I don’t dare anymore, I really didn’t do anything…” There was a pleading voice from a cell next to him, a shaggy beard The man with a sallow complexion came to the cell in a crash-bang, dragging his shackles, and the pitiful extend the hand pleaded loudly.

“What did this man commit?” Xia Pingan asked, glanced at the man.

“This person is a suspect. A month ago, a woman in Donggang District was QJ at home at night. After investigation, it was found that the summoner had done the crime. The summoner used the Confinement Within A Circle Drawn On The Ground technique to treat those women After being imprisoned, he started committing the crime. The police couldn’t control the case and could not catch anyone. So it was handed over to the Supervision Office. After receiving the case, the Supervision Office arranged several teams to patrol and control the case. Finally, the second team was responsible for the crime The area patrolled and found that this person was sneaking around in the civilian area in the middle of the night, so this person was arrested. Once this person was arrested, the women’s QJ case was gone, so he was locked here…” [ 19459002]

“My lord, I was wronged, I was wronged, I was just stalking someone outside that night, I was Bounty Hunter who picked up the job, not the QJ…” The man yelled in the cell, with Hopeful eyes looked at Xia Pingan.

“Is there any evidence?”

“The QJ criminal did not leave anything when he was violent, so we have not found any favorable evidence or interrogated anything, so we locked this person here and continued the investigation. If evidence is found, Such a scum can be castrated directly before being sent to the trial court, and he does not need to remain locked here…”

The castration that Qi Dafeng said is not an irritating thing, but the law of Dashang Country is indeed stipulated in this way. Once it is confirmed that it is a QJ offender, the first punishment is to directly carry out physical castration and impose a palace sentence.

Xia Pingan did not speak, but after a glance at the man, she continued to walk forward.

All kinds of summoners locked here are mostly prepared summoners and summoners in the Yiyang Realm. The reason why everyone is locked here is myriad. Except for the suspected QJ criminal just now, other summoners are locked here. There are three types at most. One type is to fight with Summoning Spell or participate in fights in public. This is the inspection department’s strict crackdown. The second type is Bounty Hunter stepping on the line to complete the task and being inspected by the inspection department. Caught, the third type is the use of space equipment to smuggle prohibited items.

The second and third types in the back, the serious ones will not be locked here, they were thrown into jail after the trial a long time ago, and those who can be locked up here, or not serious, they are closed for about a year and just a few months of fine When the matter is over, or the evidence is insufficient, the Supervisory Office is supplementing the investigation and will be handed over when the time comes.

After walking around in the dungeon, Xia Pingan probably understood that those detained here are all who, these summoners are nothing in the eyes of the ruling army, but in the eyes of the ordinary person and the police, these guys are harmful And terrible, absolutely top-notch, dangerous and difficult to deal with, no one can deal with it except the Supervision Department.

fuck, use Confinement Within A Circle Drawn On The Ground to violate women, who can stop the ordinary person.

Unconsciously, Qi Dafeng took Xia Pingan to the cell where the last prisoner was held.

When she saw that man, Xia Pingan was almost taken aback by the man.

In the shadow of the cell, the man sits in the corner like a stone, motionless, with messy long hair, full of an angry lion-like breath, staring coldly with the icy and unyielding eyes like flames. Xia Pingan standing outside the prison.

What frightened Xia Pingan was the person’s face. There were more than a dozen vertical and horizontal scars on that person’s face, as well as pitted scalds. Except for a pair of eyes that are still intact, other places , I can’t see how people come.

“This person… is not a summoner?” Xia Pingan felt it, then turned to ask Qi Dafeng.

“Yes, my lord, this person is not a summoner, this is a high-level Martial Artist with a cultivation battle spirit, and has been cultivation to Grade 8…”

This World, Martial Artist cultivation is fighting spirit, and summoner are two different systems. It can only be said that in a world where summoners and guns exist, Martial Artists live very sadly, even supporting roles. Not to be counted, the Martial Artist of Grade 8, in the world of Martial Artist, is similar to the Eight Suns of Summerer. It definitely belongs to the existence of Dinggu gu. There is no problem in turning over a police station by one person, but even such a Martial. Artist, encountering a summoner of the One-Yang Realm, a Confinement Within A Circle Drawn On The Ground spell, can make the Martial Artist obediently surrender, sit and wait for death.

When Qi Dafeng called Master Xia Pingan, the silent man moved his cold eyes slightly.

“Why is this person here?” Xia Pingan continued to ask.

“During an inspection by the Inspection Office six months ago, this person was found in the dock area. This person had just got off the ship with weapons and a lot of explosives on him. After being found, he wanted to escape. He wounded two while escaping. Police, but we caught it!”

“A lot of explosives, how many are there?”

“More than 2,000 catties…”

“How much?” Xia Pingan thought she had heard it wrong, and asked again.

“More than 2,000 catties, I thought it was a mistake before, no matter where I thought it was true, this person disguised the more than 2,000 catties of explosives and was found on his back, and this person was carrying it. Those explosives are still in the evidence room now!”

Coming to the capital with so many explosives all over his body, what does this guy want to do? Give fireworks…

“Have you interrogated?”

“I’ve been interrogated, this person didn’t say a word even if he was killed, just so silent, like an iron lump, such a person doesn’t know what to do in the capital, he is a dangerous person and cannot be let out casually. But for a while, I couldn’t find more clues about him, and I couldn’t find out his identity, so I can only lock it here!”

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