
Looking at the high wall in front of him, Long Chao’s resolute eyebrows wrinkled slightly and walked in front of Xia Pingan, saying solemnly, “My lord, this family who lives here is probably not an ordinary person. If we rashly go in and search Maybe it will cause some trouble, or I will ask someone to find out the details of the people who live here, and then determine the action plan…”

What Long Chao said is the safest way. Even the hot-tempered Hua Ziqin did not say anything. Hua Ziqin is not brainless. She also knows that Shangjingcheng is not an ordinary place. Although the Donggang Inspection Office is powerful Institutions, but the most indispensable thing in Shangjingcheng is a powerful institution. Some people have eyes on Heavenspan, and they rushed in, provoke no one to know.

Everyone’s eyes were on Xia Pingan’s face.

The drizzle and wind also blew Xia Pingan’s face. There were crystal raindrops on Xia Pingan’s eyelashes, and he glanced at everyone.

“I know what everyone is worried about, but we have been here and we have determined that the rubbish is inside. Only when we go in can we determine who the person is and bring the rubbish to justice. If We have been delaying the time, so that the trash has been alert and ran away, or left the capital directly. How do we find it?

In the case of that garbage, I don’t know how many innocent women will be victimized in the future. In the upper capital, we cannot search and enter at will, except for the imperial city. Other places, even government agencies at all levels, where they are responsible, are inspected. It can also be just and honorable to enter the search. No matter who the person is today, I must arrest that person and bring it back to the Superintendent Office. I will bear all the responsibilities. I will take care of any problems. If you are worried, you can not use it! “

After saying this, Xia Pingan walked directly towards the alley next to her, her figure submerged in the drizzle.

The alley leading to the front door of the compound is searched and arrested. Naturally, it is just and honorable to go through the front door and enter through the front door. You can’t sneak over the wall, and the one who overcame the wall is a thief.

Black Dragon wagged his tail and followed Xia Pingan.

Long Chao and Hua Ziqin glanced at each other. Long Chao gritted their teeth and followed directly. Hua Ziqin also followed. The other members of the Supervision Department were silent for two seconds, and they were all right. Followed along.

Ten people and a dog had become silent when they walked through the alley to the outside of the alley. They followed Xia Pingan, who was walking in front, and moved towards the front entrance of the courtyard.

The front entrance of the courtyard is a vermilion gate tower. On the gate tower, there is a large plaque with black background and gold characters on it, with the two overbearing characters of “Yellow Mansion” on it.

On both sides of the gate tower, there are two white jade carved lions. The rain in the sky washes the jade lions clean and spotless.

Several security guards wearing waterproof soap clothes are standing on both sides of the gatehouse, with their chests and belly folded, looking at the pedestrians passing by on the street.

Then, the head of a guard guarding the door saw a youngster wearing a waterproof windbreaker and a felt hat, with a big black dog, and ten black clothed persons behind the big black dog, from the side After walking out of the alley, he walked straight to the gate of the Yellow Mansion.

The head of the guard has also seen the world. As soon as one of the black clothed persons behind the youngster was wearing iron gloves, his brows jumped and he guessed the identity of these people-the Judging Army Inspection Office.

But, what did the people from the Ruling Military Inspectorate come here for?

Just when the head of the guard thought these people were passing by, the youngster’s leather boots had already stepped onto the doorstep of the Yellow Mansion and walked to the door.

The head of the guard was about to ask.

“I’m Xia Pingan, the inspector of the East Port Inspection Office. The East Port Inspection Office handles the case and traces the criminals to this point. There are criminals hidden in the mansion. We have to go in and search and open the door…” Xia Pingan took out his inspector. The token of the investigator lit up in front of the guard’s eyes, said in a tranquil voice.

The guards at the gate looked at each other in blank dismay, thinking that they had misheard their ears.

Then, the guards at the door suddenly laughed heartily, thinking they heard a joke.

The head of the guard gave a guard next to him a wink, and the guard immediately ran from the side door to the mansion, and should have entered the mansion to report.

The head of the guard glanced at Xia Pingan, and he and several guards stood in front of Xia Pingan holding their arms, preventing Xia Pingan from entering.

“Did the inspector Xia made a mistake? Did you see the two words on the gate? This is the Yellow Mansion. Don’t you know where the Huang Mansion is? This is Huang Mansion, the Governor of Anxi Province. Master Zheng Huang’s mansion in the upper capital, haven’t you heard Master Huang Zheng’s name? It’s not anyone who can enter casually here!” The guard spoke to Xia Pingan with his head and toes proudly. Poke the finger directly on Xia Pingan’s chest, “East Hong Kong Inspection Office wants to track down any prisoner. You can hand in the slip first, and I will pass the slip to us steward. If there is a suspect in the house, we steward will naturally supervise the golden sun. In reply, inspector Xia can go to the Golden Sun Inspection Office for inquiries. Inspector Xia took these people to our Huang Mansion so recklessly. It would be bad for the reputation of our Huang Mansion if there is any gossip. , It has affected the reputation of our Huang Mansion. You are a small inspector, and there are dozens of people under you. Can you afford it? When the time comes, our Huang Mansion will still ask you for an explanation…” [ 19459002]

When the head of the guard said the words “Governor Huang Zheng of Anxi Province”, both Long Chao and Hua Ziqin’s brows jumped, and their eyes shrank suddenly.

And the head of this guard directly called Xia Pingan’s surname and official position, without even the word adult, as if sitting on the same level as Xia Pingan, with his fingers poked on Xiao Ping’s chest, that face didn’t touch Donggang at all. Inspectorate’s eyes.

Xia Pingan smiled, lowered her head, glanced at the finger poking her chest, and muttered to herself, “It turned out to be the Governor of Anxi Province, no wonder…”

“Hurry up, hurry up, don’t come here to be boring, really, our Lord Huang is not in the capital, this Huang Mansion who dare to come…” the head of the guard said impatiently.

“A rich family slave dare to accuse the Superintendent Office of handling the case. It seems that your Huang Family is really spoiled…” Xia Pingan shook her head slightly, sighed, turned her head and looked towards Long Chaohe behind her. Hua Ziqin, “The Golden Sun Supervisory Office doesn’t know what they are doing, it really embarrass us!”

The head of the guard was taken aback, “What did you say?”


Two seconds later…

a loud explosion sound ……

The door of the entire Huang Mansion was smashed open by the soap-clothed guard at the entrance of the Huang Mansion. The head of that guard directly knocked the vermilion gate of the Huang Mansion covered with brass door nails out of a big broken human-shaped hole, and blood spurted wildly. , The bone was broken and the tendons were broken. The hand that was poking Xia Pingan’s chest just now broke with the wrist and twisted strangely. The whole person smashed in from the door like a cannonball. After landing, he rolled on the ground a few times and vomited. After a few mouthfuls of blood, my eyes fainted.

Xia Pingan led the people in from the door calmly, and directly stepped over the silhouettes who had fainted on the ground.

“Hua Ziqin, you take your people to guard outside the Yellow Mansion. Without my order, no bird is allowed to fly out of the Huang Mansion!” Xia Pingan coldly ordered.

“Yes!” Hua Ziqin gritted her teeth and took orders.

Before today, Hua Ziqin thought she was the most violent in the entire Donggang Inspection Office. Captain Fang An of Team 4 was the most courageous in the entire Donggang Inspection Office. Now, Hua Ziqin understands that she He and Fang An are nothing, the one in front of him is bold and violent like an angry dragon.

Behind the gate, there is a nine-color Qilin wall in the Yellow Mansion, which is more than ten meters long. It is glorious and rich and magnificent. On both sides of the Qilin wall, there are pomegranate trees planted, which symbolizes the many children and grandchildren of the Huang Mansion. The rain makes the pomegranate trees The leaves were washed lushly.

Black Dragon didn’t have stage fright, a dog took the lead, and ran directly behind the wall. Xia Pingan led Long Chao and the others directly behind Black Dragon and broke into the Yellow Mansion.

Xia Pingan just took Long Chao and the others out of Zhaobi and came to the front yard of the Yellow Mansion, and saw a group of guards rushing out.

The fragmentation of the Huangfu Gate was so loud that it had already alarmed the other guards in the Huangfu.


Among the guards of the Huang Mansion, there are naturally a lot of summoners. Xia Pingan just turned people around, and heard shout out loudly in her ears, and then six washbasin-sized Fireballs moved towards him and those behind him Long Chao and the others flew over, enveloping Xia Pingan and Long Chao and the others…

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