
The six Fireballs that flew over were fast and accurate. At first glance, they knew that they were not ordinary summoners.

The space the Fireball passed through instantly evaporates the rain, leaving six white lines like arrows in the air…

However, this time, Xia Pingan is not required to make a move.

Long Chao, who was following Xia Pingan, said nothing, but just took a step forward. As soon as he raised his hand, the rain fell in the sky, and when it changed, it turned into a big net of rippling water, moved towards those six Fireball drove over, and when the Fireball was less than ten meters away from Xia Pingan and the others, he took the six Fireballs.


Fireball exploded in the water net, and disappeared invisible together with the water net, leaving only a large amount of transpiring mist. When the mist was cold, it turned into water droplets in the blink of an eye, and fell to the ground together with the rain.

Dozens of guards and guards of the Yellow Mansion have rushed over, blocked Xia Pingan and the others, and surrounded Xia Pingan and the others.

The person who rushed to the front, wearing a brocade blue robe, with a double-handed mustache, was fast. Just now, the person jumped directly from the nearby yard, and the person was in the air, so they moved towards Xia Pingan. They shot Fireball.

As soon as the so-called expert made a move, he knew if he had it. Long Chao’s hand immediately shook him. He felt the powerful strength of Long Chao’s two-yang realm. After landing, the man squinted his eyes and looked at it. Long Chao, as if he had encountered a strong enemy, did not dare to act rashly.

“oh la la ……”

Amidst the sound of guns being pulled and bullets loaded, some of the Huangfu Nursing House rushed out and directly took out their guns and aimed them at Xia Pingan and the six others.

Xia Pingan remained unmoved, but the team members led by Long Chao were also welcome. As soon as the black windbreaker was lifted, he also took out his guns and pointed at the guards of the Yellow Mansion.

“Damn it, isn’t it better than a gun…” Long Chao’s team member cursed, and he didn’t know how to get it. He had a heavy machine gun similar to Gatling in his hand, and aimed at the Huang Mansion. Those guards.

This team member has his own space equipment, and actually put a heavy machine gun in the space equipment.

Guns are also useful for summoners. In many cases, killing a person with a bullet is much easier than throwing a Fireball. Fireball also consumes divine force, but bullets are very cheap.

The muzzle of the black hole is more deterrent for ordinary persons than the Fireball that you do not have summon.

Seeing that the people around Xia Pingan could actually take out the heavy machine guns, the faces of the guards and summoners of the Huang Mansion changed again. The heavy machine guns, except for the army and a few powerful institutions, could not be taken out by others.

“The Supervisory Office went to the Huang Mansion to conduct a search, arrest the criminals, and those who have nothing to do with them, get out of the way!” Xia Pingan showed the token and said coldly to the people in the Huang Mansion.

Seeing that Xia Pingan took out the token of the inspector, the guards and nursing homes of the Huang Mansion, including the person who used the Fireball Technique against Xia Pingan just now, his face changed slightly.

“Where is the inspection office, dare to come to our Huang Mansion to be wild…” A slightly old voice appeared, and then under the gaze of Xia Pingan and the others, one was wearing a brocade suit, aquiline nose, triangular Eyes, a domineering old man in his sixties with her hair combed glamorously, followed by the guard who just wiped in the door to report the letter, the energetic and bustling aggressive came quickly from a yard not far away.

The old man stared at Xia Pingan with fire-breathing eyes. Along the way, the guards of the Huangfu courtyard called him “Steward Huang”.

Once here, the old man’s eyes fixed on Xia Pingan.

Xia Pingan also stared at the Steward Huang. From the aura, Xia Pingan felt that Steward Huang was also a summoner and had advanced to the Three Suns realm.

“Are you from the Golden Sun Supervisory Office? How did the Golden Sun Supervisor make Yao regular? Why didn’t he come?” Steward from the Huang Mansion asked directly.

“We are from the Donggang Inspectorate, and I am the Donggang Inspector Xia Pingan!” Xia Pingan said in a tranquil voice.

Steward Huang looked at several people in Xia Pingan, with a sneer on his face, “This is the golden sun district. When will it be the turn of the Donggang Inspection Office to take care of it? Could it be that our Huang Family’s property in Donggang did not worship you? At the pier, you can find Huang Family to run wild. If so, today you won’t give me an explanation for Huang Family. I’m afraid it’s not that easy to go. It’s true that our Huang Family is the place where come as you want, and go as you want. Huh?”

“The Supervision Office handles cases and can cross districts. I am here to track down criminals. I don’t need the consent of the Golden Sun Supervision Office, let alone the consent of Huang Family. Except for the imperial city, there is no ruling on the military to handle the case. If you can’t enter at that time, you Huang Family, do you think you can compare yourself to imperial city?” Xia Pingan retorted.

That Steward Huang’s face was gloomy, and he stared at Xia Pingan with cold eyes, “We Huang Family is loyal to Dashang Country. You, a small inspector, dare to come to our Huang Family to speak out and provoke discord?” [ 19459002]

“Although my position as an inspector is small, it is not as good as the governor of a province, but I have a big responsibility. It is my responsibility to protect the land and the people, to eliminate violence and to kill demons and evils. Today, I came to Huang Family to track down the criminals. Please Huang Family cooperate with our search!”

“I, Huang Family, where is there any gangster who dare to slander our Huang Family, are you responsible for what you say?”

“I can naturally be responsible for what I said. A month ago, there were many QJ cases in Donggang District, and many people were victimized. The criminal was a summoner, and his methods were brutal and heinous. In addition to QJ women, he also liked it. I used a knife to carve patterns on the woman who was QJed by him. Today, I traced it up to this point based on clues. The gangster is hidden in the Huang Mansion. We are going to search the Huang Mansion!”

Xia Pingan was talking and staring at the Steward Huang with his eyes. He found that after he said that the QJ criminal was a summoner and might be hidden in the Huangfu, the Steward Huang’s eyes moved, and there was a hint of surprise. Lulu seems to have thought of something.

This time, Xia Pingan had a bottom in her heart.

“What clue?” Steward Huang asked directly.

Xia Pingan laughed, her eyes turned cold, “I told you that just now, it is only to perform the notification procedure of the Inspectorate’s Office for handling the case. You are a little steward, and to put it bluntly, you are an unidentified domestic slave and no official. No job, are you a domestic slave worthy to come and ask about the case of the Inspectorate? Let alone you, even if the governor comes, I will let him go!” The words of Xia Pingan made Steward Huang pale with anger. The whole body was trembling, and his eyes stared at Xia Pingan with spiteful eyes, as if he was about to eat people.

Xia Pingan ignored him, but looked around for a week, coldly said, “I’m who, you already know what I’m doing here, ruling the military inspectorate to handle the case, and those who dare to obstruct, you can kill on the spot according to the law. If I killed you just now, it was punish me without teaching, it was tyrannical, and now who of you dare to try to obstruct it, is just courting death yourself, don’t blame me for my ruthlessness!”

“Hahaha, your little Sanyang Realm inspector dared to show off one’s military strength in our Huang Family!” Steward Huang laughed angrily, took two steps forward, looking at Xia Pingan provocatively,” Today, you Donggang Inspection Office trespassed into the Huang Family for no reason. Don’t give me an explanation from Huang Family, you don’t want to leave…”

“Are you trying to…block me from handling the case?” Xia Pingan asked, squinting.

“More than stopping you, today the old man will take you down, teach you the rules, and wait for the ruling army to give us Huang Family an explanation…” Steward Huang said, already one step closer, the severe light flashed in his eyes. Shot directly at Xia Pingan.

Steward Huang is worthy of an expert in the Three-Yang Realm. When he stomped his foot, the ground under Xia Pingan and the others flashed circles of yellow light, the technique of Confinement Within A Circle Drawn On The Ground , Immediately started, he waved his hand again, the raindrops in the sky instantly condensed into Icicle, falling from the sky, like thousands of bullets, with the howling sound of arrows shooting, from the sky and all directions, moved towards Xia Pingan and the The others shot over, full of power.

At the same time, the black mist surging around Steward Huang suddenly came out of an assassin with a dagger and a face covered in the black mist. At that moment, his body was like electricity, like smoke, in countless bullets. Go through the Icicle, take the dagger in his hand and take Xia Pingan’s throat straight.

This is no longer a arrest, but with a murderous intention, wanting to kill Xia Pingan with one move, and severely inflict Long Chao and the others.

Since entering the Yellow Mansion, Xia Pingan is ready to go, ready to deal with everything.

At the moment Steward Huang shot, Xia Pingan also shot. He jumped up from the ground with one of his hands. Then, a crisp bird cry that resonated for nine days appeared behind Xia Pingan…

It’s just that when the bird’s cry appeared, the moved towards the sky full of Icicle that he shot over, suddenly evaporated and disappeared without a trace.

In the next second, all the guards and courtyards of the entire Huang Mansion felt like they were in a huge furnace of flames, Above the Heavens and Under the Earth, all directions, all with blazing fire, that The fire has terrifying power, and it seems that it can turn everything into nothingness under that flame.

Xia Pingan in the air is like a king in the flames, Monarch Overlooking The Whole World.

A pair of dazzlingly burning wings with flames spread out from behind Xia Pingan. Everyone felt like sweat, as if the blood on their bodies was burning up…

Behind the wings, there are the slender and powerful legs standing in the void, the arrogant neck, like the head of the Divine Bird with a crown of flame, and the coldness and mercilessness of the Divine Bird. And the gaze that burned everything…

“Burning Heaven Vermilion Bird…” Steward Huang’s voice suddenly became extremely sharp and frightened.

Steward Huang wanted to retreat, desperately retreating. Killing him, he never thought that Xia Pingan could summon such a powerful and terrifying divine object.

Xia Pingan in the air just moved towards Steward Huang with a finger, and the Blazing Vermilion Bird moved towards Steward Huang and pounced.

Vermilion Bird’s wings lightly crossed the assassin that drilled out of the black mist, and the assassin instantly turned into light smoke and dissipated.

Steward Huang wants to escape, wants to ask for himself, wants to summon water shield, armor…

But all this is in vain.

The action of Blazing Vermilion Bird looks very slow and slow, but in fact it is very fast, too fast.

Vermilion Bird passed through the water shield in front of Steward Huang, and passed through the armor worn on the body from Steward Huang summon, just like passing through the mist and tulle of nothingness.

Vermilion Bird and Steward Huang hugged each other and turned into a bright torch.

“Ah…” Steward Huang screamed, briefly and sternly in the scorching sun, and stopped abruptly…

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