
The warrior’s head fell from the air and rolled on the rainy street like a ball, leaving a red track. That head has been rolling for more than 30 meters and rushed to the curb on the side of the road. After that, it stopped.

The warrior’s eyes were wide open, and there was a hint of dying surprise on his face. His eyes looked at the sky blankly. The big raindrops crash-banged on that face, just for a moment, that one. His face lost all its blood and turned pale.

A pair of black leather boots with spurs appeared beside the warrior’s head, and then a pair of rough hands picked up the head, and in a sigh, the big hands closed the warrior’s open eyes.

The person holding the warrior head, wearing a poncho, has a purple black face, a shaggy face, a face full of weather and frost, and the wrinkles between the eyebrows form a deep-seated Chinese character, with a huge formidable power on his back With his sniper rifle, he held the head in one hand and looked towards the direction Xia Pingan had left. On the long street, Xia Pingan and the black Maxima had already disappeared between the rain and the long street. , Leaving only the debris on the ground, smoking in the heavy rain…

“Big brother…” A man in a poncho with a gun came out of the buildings on both sides of the street, standing behind the man, everyone, even the bearded man, there were 13 people in total. There was a cold breath on each body.

If anyone who is familiar with the Bounty Hunter circle in the capital sees them, they must know that these 13 people are the unique “Thirteen Taibao divine spear team” among the Bounty Hunter in the capital. These 13 people are ten. There are three summoners in the one-sun state, and thirteen sharpshooters, who are best at destroying monsters with rune bullets. Thirteen people have always acted together, just like one person.

“Big brother, why didn’t you let us continue to take action just now?” A man in his thirties stood up and asked.

“If we make another move, we will all die here today, that man, we can’t stop…” The bearded man, the big brother of the Divine Spear team of the Thirteenth Taibao, retracted his looking towards the distant gaze, with The hoarse voice said.

“Why?” Someone said unconvincingly, “I still have several rune bullets that I haven’t used. I don’t believe that with the power of 13 of us, we can’t deal with him!”

“Just now he walked through this short street. What you saw was that he took the 147 bullets we fired with a water shield, thinking that it consumed a lot of his divine force…”

“Isn’t it?”

“That person is a rune master, a powerful rune master, much stronger than me. Just now I felt an invisible divine talisman hidden in his water shield, and that divine talisman would take our The attack is all gone. He took our attack just now. It didn’t cost as easy as pie. If it weren’t for us to attack with firearms, it would be a little far away. He didn’t want to delay time here. Our 13th Taibao divine spear team’s brother today They will all die here!” The voice of the big brother from the Divine Spear Team of the Thirteenth Taibao had an interesting and unnoticeable tremor and fear.

“Big brother, you mean, that person’s water shield just now was just…just a bait made for us to show us, trying to draw us out?” A man from the Divine Spear team of the Thirteenth Taibao didn’t believe it. Asked.

“I’m afraid it is like this. If I were not a rune master, I would not have felt the divine talisman hidden in his water shield. I felt that his divine talisman was still unfulfilled, and his backhand was not displayed. It might be A powerful serial talisman that integrates offense and defense. He has been able to incorporate changes in the way of rune into his spells. Such a person is too terrifying. We can’t stay in the capital any longer. After receiving the Huang Family ticket business, he will soon be gone. , That person is an inspector, and we are here today. He can easily find out. If he came back to his senses, once he uses the power to settle accounts with us, we will not be able to leave if we want to go. Even if we don’t die, he must be true. We I’m afraid I’ll be in prison for several decades in the capital…”

The other members of the Divine Spear team from the Thirteenth Taibao changed their faces when they heard the big brother say this.

“big brother, we listen to you…”

The bearded man was categorical, “As long as our brother has the ability to eat, we can be famous everywhere. Blood Demon Religion may be involved in Shangjingcheng recently. It’s getting worse and worse here!” [ 19459002]

“Big brother, there are many experts from the Fire Dragon gang in front of the interception, Huang Family has spent the money this time…”

“Believe me, Fire Dragon can’t stop it. Let’s go right now…” The bearded man made a decisive decision, dropped the head in his hand and wiped the rain off his face, “Withdraw… “

There was a whistle among the thirteen people. In the blink of an eye, thirteen fast horses rushed out from the side alley. Thirteen people jumped on the horses, flicked the reins, and carried spurs’ leather boots. Stabbing the horse’s belly, thirteen fast horses neighed, directly under the leadership of the bearded man, rushed into the heavy rain, and disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye.


Thirteen Taibao divine spear team?

I remember, you are smart…

Xia Pingan ran wildly on the black horse. After the thirteen people disappeared, he took his “gaze” back from a distance.

What is the Fire Dragon gang? Xia Pingan doesn’t know the all influence tangled and complicated in Shangjingcheng. He doesn’t know where the Fire Dragon gang is.


After a few minutes of Maxima, several li were running on the street again. Xia Pingan rode a horse around a street, her eyes suddenly shrinking.

On the street in front, there was silence. The businesses on both sides of the street were closed, and there was no pedestrian.

And on that street, rows of slave soldiers and elite slave soldiers stood silently.

On the long street, in the heavy rain, those slave soldiers and elite slave soldiers are like sculptures, with their eyes closed, standing motionless on the street one by one, forming a square formation, a total of seven or eight hundred people.

After these slave soldiers, there were hundreds of Armored Soldiers who were summoned out of the army, arranged in a square formation.

After the Armored Soldier who was sent out by summon, there are five giants five or six meters high made of water.

Five summoners without their faces and wearing white figurines masks stood behind the five giants, staring coldly at Xia Pingan.

In this battle, troops lined up like a battlefield, vowing to stop Xia Pingan.

“Inspector, we don’t want to be an enemy of the ruling army and the inspection office. We are only entrusted by others today, so we have to do so. Please also inspect to make the adults put down the Huang Young Master immediately, otherwise we will have to Offended!” The one standing in the middle of the five summoners opened his mouth, his voice has also changed, I don’t know whether it is a male or a female.

“Isn’t it the Fire Dragon gang? Now that I have the courage to rob me of the murderer of the East Harbor Inspection Office, why hide his head and show his tail again?” Xia Pingan smiled coldly, looking at the five summoners. “The laws and regulations of Dashang Country, except for the ruling army and the summoners of the big Legion guarding the upper capital, other summoners are prohibited from summon warriors and puppets in the upper capital city area. You Fire Dragon are so courageous to help you out there. Arrange troops on this street…”

The five summoners on the opposite side were silent for a while, as if they didn’t expect Xia Pingan to lock their identities so soon.

“I don’t know what the inspector is talking about, what Fire Dragon gang is, we don’t know either,…” the person who had changed his voice continued to speak, but a guilty conscience was already revealed.

Xia Pingan pointed at the five summoners, coldly said, “I will give you one last chance. You Fire Dragon will now tear down the formation. I will come to my inspection office tomorrow to explain the situation and admit it. I can give you leniency. , If you dare to persist in your own wrong doings, continue to oppose me, and miss today, I will definitely pull you Fire Dragon up by the roots from the capital and make you a stray dog!”

Xia Pingan has only one person, the other is five summoners plus a well-arranged military formation, but the imposing manner on both sides seems to be the reverse, Xia Pingan seems to be the condescending one, and the five people are just ” A small group of “diehards” surrounded by a large army.

“Give face shameless, really we are afraid of you…” In the suppressed atmosphere, one of the summoners couldn’t help but roared, stepped forward, and pointed at Xia Pingan.

As the man stepped forward, the slave soldiers in the front phalanx with the lance and the elite slave soldiers with the guns behind, as well as the infantry Armored Soldier and the giant behind, opened their eyes. , Showing red light flashing eyes, holding his weapon, and taking a step forward at the same time.

“Bang…” Hundreds of people stepped on the road and made a loud noise, which made the water on the road splash and rippling with great sound, especially the five giants that came out of the summon behind. They were infinitely powerful. It was a big hole in the road with one foot.

Xia Pingan laughed haha ​​in the rain, and the two front hooves of the black Maxima under the crotch stood up suddenly, “If you want to fight, then come!”

Xia Pingan waved his hand, and a faint barracks portal appeared behind him. The roaring iron hooves sounded behind him. A storm cavalry with horses all over and under him was wrapped in armor. He held the bow, raised the long spear, and instantly leapt out from behind Xia Pingan, majestic.

Of course, the storm cavalry that jumped out from behind Xia Pingan was not the only one, but like running water. In the roar of iron hoofs, each storm cavalry was like a tiger coming out of the gate and a black torrent from behind Xia Pingan Jumped out of the barracks portal.

“Kill…” Xia Pingan roared, galloping out, and moved towards the opponent’s army.

A stormy horse in Wuyang, blowing the horns, as Xia Pingan began to charge, it was like a magnificent army with thousands of men and horses galloping on this long street, the roaring iron hoofs shook those on the opposite side The complexion changed under Summoner’s mask.

“Storm Cavalry…” A summoner cried out in surprise wearing a mask.

Before the elite slave soldiers in the battlefield shot their spears, the intensive rain of arrows from the Storm Cavalry had already fallen.

Those slave soldiers, elite slave soldiers, and the infantry Armored Soldier behind, under the arrow rain of the storm cavalry, their two hairs have not touched, and they disappeared under the arrow rain one by one…

That is the storm cavalry that crosses the grassland. It is the storm cavalry that erased the history of the Huns. How can those slave soldiers and infantry be the opponents of this powerful cavalry.

Xia Pingan summon is not an ordinary storm cavalry, but an elite storm cavalry.

The imposing formation just now was pierced by arrows in the blink of an eye.

The cavalry roars, the murderous aura is like frost, the rain on the street vibrates and splashes in the cavalry, the storm cavalry from Xia Pingan summon swept like black storm armor, and the few standing in the front row were holding long Ge The slave soldier, in the impact of the storm cavalry, shattered like bubbles, annihilated, dissipated, and was as vulnerable as a piece of paper…

The giant who came out of summon on the opposite side was angry, and moved towards the storm cavalry rushed over.

The giant ran, stepping five meters away in one step, faster than a horse running, the giant’s foot on the road, the road surface will be cracked.

The arrow of the Storm Cavalry shot at the giant, but it could not break the defense of the giant. It was like a thorn on a human body. Only the arrow fell within half an inch of the shot and fell in the blink of an eye.

The running giant was very fast. After the storm cavalry pierced through the battlefields of the slaves and infantry in the blink of an eye, the two sides met on the street all at once.

As soon as the running giants stretched out their hands, a big stick like an icicle appeared in their hands, and the big stick moved towards the storm cavalry slammed its head.

“Bang…” was hit by the giant’s stick on the storm cavalry, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

But the storm cavalry that approached faced the giant, and instead of using bows and arrows, he picked up the lance.

In the gallop of the war horse, the storm cavalry held the lance on his hand and the lance on his hand, moved towards the stomachs, necks and other places of those giants.

After being pierced into the body by a lance, the movement of the icicle-wielding giant gradually slowed down, and finally collapsed and disappeared.

This kind of battle is brutal.

Storm Iron Cavalry continued to charge under the giant’s stick, and plunged the lances into the giant’s body.

In the brilliance of one after another, one storm cavalry and giant fell at the same time.

The lance of the storm cavalry and the icicles on the giant’s hands splashed against the icicle fragments on the street, blasting the doors, windows and walls of the merchants on both sides of the street and the flowers and grass on the street. It’s like being strikes by a terrible hail.

Xia Pingan crossed the storm cavalry, took the lead, moved towards the five summoners and rushed away.

In an instant, dozens of Fireball, Icicle, and arrows blasted from the front moved towards Xia Pingan, dense like a shower, like a wall hitting head-on, inevitable.

The masked summoner who was talking to Xia Pingan just now clenched the teeth waved, and two giants made of rain were summoned out.

As soon as the two giants were greeted, they moved towards Xia Pingan and rushed over.

A water ball appeared on Xia Pingan’s body all around. The water ball flew and turned into several huge ice shields, protecting Xia Pingan and the mount, and the ice shield flashed with the brilliance of the word “shield” rune , The countless attacks that moved towards Xia Pingan, Fireball, Icicle, and arrows were all blocked by the ice shield in an instant.

Even if the hot Fireball blasted on the ice shield, the ice shield was intact, extremely rigid, and showed no signs of melting.

As for those Icicle arrows blasting on the ice shield, it was even more useless. Icicle shattered, leaving only a faint mark on the ice shield. The mark was repaired in the rain, and disappeared in the blink of an eye. .

“Impossible, Ice Shield Impossible is so strong…” The summoner on the opposite side exclaimed, thinking that he was wrong.

In such dense strikes, Xia Pingan’s ice shield is not broken, which is surprising, because the ice shield is not broken, many subsequent spells are disrupted by Xia Pingan.

But the ice shields spinning in front of Xia Pingan were indeed intact.

Ice shield and water shield are one of the Water Element spells. Of course, the general Water Element spells are not so powerful. However, the ice shields Xia Pingan displayed are not simple Water Element spells. There is also the support of rune “shield” in the shield-a one with law.

Some time ago, Xia Pingan integrated a “contradictory” divine force world bead, and unconsciously mastered the words “spear” and “shield”. Xia Pingan discovered that the word shield he had mastered could be compatible with the Water Element technique. The magic of the water shield was superimposed, and the two merged, the formidable power doubled, and the strength of the shield was beyond his imagination.

When he was intercepted by the 13th Taibao Divine Spear team before, there was a “shield” word rune hidden in the water polo that protected his body.

The ice shield intercepted the Icicle Fireball and the arrow, but was unable to intercept the rushing giant.

In the blink of an eye, the two giants rushed to a place more than 20 meters away from Xia Pingan.

One of Xia Pingan’s hands quickly wrote the word “spear” in the air. Under the heavy rain in the sky, a flame appeared on Xia Pingan’s hand, and the flame grew and extended. In the blink of an eye, It became a giant flame spear seven or eight meters long.

The flame giant spear burned, like a torch in the night, and like a giant’s battle spear.

Xia Pingan took the flame giant spear moved towards the giant, and when the first giant waved the icicle in his hand moved towards Xia Pingan, the horse neighed and jumped, and the flame in Xia Pingan’s hand lanced The battle spear blasted directly on the giant’s head.

The head of the giant exploded when it was bombarded by the flame lance, and the body was scattered into countless water droplets on the ground.

The second giant rushed, and the flame lance on Xia Pingan’s hand pierced the giant’s chest directly.

Xia Pingan roared, using both hands, the flame lance directly raised the giant upwards from the ground and hung it on the tip of lance. As lance shook, the Flame Giant instantly turned into vapor and dissipated.

lance is burning, and the fire is more intense.

Xia Pingan riding on a black horse, holding a flame lance and flying horizontally on the long street, like a Knight descending from heaven and hell.

A summoner summon on the opposite side brought out a weird swordsman. The swordsman moved towards Xia Pingan and flew at a speed like electricity. He held a long sword and slashed Xia Pingan’s neck straight.

Xia Pingan roared and threw a lance of flames.

Flame lance cut through a space of tens of meters, passed through the strange swordsman, and instantly dissipated the swordsman who had been summoned.

But the flame lance did not stop, but continued to move towards the front and flew away.

With a “pu chi”, the summoner who just came out of the swordsman in summon was pierced by Xia Pingan’s lance. The whole person didn’t even have time to snorted. The whole person burned all at once, and his body was half the blink of an eye Turning to ashes, the flame lance exploded and turned into a rain of fire all over the street. The summoner who was pierced by Xia Pingan’s flame lance, there was no ashes left in the blink of an eye, and it just dissipated.

The fight between summoners is sometimes so cruel and dangerous. In the blink of an eye, life and death are separated. Skeleton doesn’t exist.

“Second Brother…” a summoner beside him roared in grief and anger, and then looked towards Xia Pingan, the eyes under the mask were red, “I and you…”

The summoner roared, his whole body was divine light, his robe was flying, his hands pinched a gesture, a hot Fire Dragon flew out from him, moved towards Xia Pingan and flew.

The Fire Dragon was hot, and just after flying out, the light pole on the side of the road melted.

Xia Pingan immediately highlighted only two words, “Black Tortoise…”

Heaven and Earth fell silent for an instant, and a huge black Black Tortoise crawled out of Xia Pingan’s body-turtle body, snake head, no longer miniature, but the size of a car.

Black Tortoise is the Spiritual God of water. In this rainstorm, the formidable power of Black Tortoise is unimaginable.

Black Tortoise looked up at the sky, the air seemed to be still.

The raindrops moved towards the sky gathered here, the raindrops turned black, fell, and landed on the Fire Dragon.

The burning scales of the Fire Dragon began to fall one by one, just like the True Dragon was chopped up ten-thousand times by a thousand blades, the Fire Dragon that was summoned out was twisted in the air, still I wanted to fly towards Xia Pingan, but more and more black raindrops fell on it…

In addition to the burning scales, the flesh and bones on the Fire Dragon’s body also began to fall piece by piece. The whole body, visible in naked eye, shrank a little, and the dragon horn condensed by the flames was bouncing to pieces.

Before the Fire Dragon could fly in front of Xia Pingan, the Fire Dragon disappeared completely in the black rain.

The black rain not only fell on the Fire Dragon, but also on the summoner who summoned the Fire Dragon.

The first drop of black rain passed through the water shield from the summoner summon, and dropped from the top of the summoner’s head and from the lower jaw. There was an additional blood hole on the top and jaw of the summoner.

The summoner screamed, his figure shook, and the water shield dissipated.

A large amount of black rain fell from the sky, and the summoner’s body was like a piece of ice cream, which melted into the black rain in the blink of an eye, and there was no scum left.

The remaining summoners looked at Black Tortoise and the black raindrops all over the sky in horror. They exhausted their spells, but each body was worn through dozens of blood holes and clothes in the blink of an eye. Like a sieve, blood spurted wildly and backed away in embarrassment.

Black Tortoise twisted its head like a snake’s head, moved towards the few people crawled over, and landed on the ground. The water on the ground began to freeze, and the snow-white frost quickly moved towards the few summoners and spread over.

“Quick retreat…” The summoner who had just changed his voice to talk to Xia Pingan finally spoke, with unprecedented panic and fear in his tone.

A scorching fire exploded where the few people stood. When the fire dissipated, the few summoners had disappeared, but there was still a frozen foot left on the ground—that The owner of the foot escaped, but one foot was so slow, from below the knee, staying here forever, shattered in the blink of an eye, and turned into ice scum…

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