
Huang Wei woke up a long time ago.

The violent bumps on the horse’s back and the cold raindrops made him wake up again soon.

Huang Wei woke up treacherously. He still pretended not to be awake, but immediately, he had completely witnessed the whole process of Xia Pingan’s defeat of the Fire Dragon gang interception.

Such a confrontation made Huang Wei’s heart cold, and the tide of trembling and fear plunged into the darkness, flooding his heart in waves. On Xia Pingan’s body, Huang Wei felt the determination like a mountain of iron.

In the battle just now, Huang Wei’s heart kept ringing in a sentence. It was a sentence that a summoner he met said to him when he had just merged the Foundation Establishment Boundary Bead. The original sentence was The words are like this, “For a powerful summoner, one person is a magnificent army with thousands of men and horses.”

Yes, one person is a magnificent army with thousands of men and horses.

This is the real summoner.

Huang Wei didn’t understand before, but today, he finally understands.

Xia Pingan has only one person, but in Xia Pingan’s body, he saw a magnificent army with thousands of men and horses.

Although the Fire Dragon gang lined up on the street, they looked very strong and majestic, but on the summoners of the Fire Dragon gang, Huang Wei did not see the magnificent army with thousands of men and horses. On Xia Pingan’s body, he saw it.

magnificent army with thousands of men and horses, that is the technique, the law, the way, the heart, the blood, the bone, the summoner spirit willpower, the summoner’s soul of war, not simplicity There are many soldiers and puppets from the single summon.

As the root of all this today, Xia Pingan’s determination made him feel the fear of death and the unknown for the first time.

Huang Wei never thought that he would die, but after seeing Xia Pingan’s fight just now, Huang Wei found that his life was in Xia Pingan’s hands, like a swaying in the heavy rain and wind. The candlelight may be extinguished at any time.

Xia Pingan is so cruel to others, let alone to him, the things he did, according to the laws of Dashang Country, were enough to make him die without a burial site.

The battle on the long street continued. The last giant that Fire Dragon helped summon came out was pierced by the long spears of the “Storm Cavalry”, and the last giant fell and dissipated into running water.

“Storm Cavalry” flashed a circle of strange light green brilliance. The Storm Cavalry originally had injuries on his body. In that brilliance, the injuries on his body gradually recovered completely, and the remaining Storm Cavaliers, There were about twenty riders left, and the storm cavalry was fighting intent again, with iron hoofs flying, through the rain curtain, and rushed to the side of Xia Pingan to gather, one by one, like a silent iron mountain.

Seeing Xia Pingan once again moved towards the black Maxima, Huang Wei collapsed. He opened his eyes and pleaded, “As long as… you let me go, Huang Family can do anything. Promise you, whatever you want…you can do it, you will go to the capital in the future…there will be more Huang Family this…allies, Huang Family’s…friends are your friends, you can fight for ten years less…”

The severe pain under his body made Huang Wei speak intermittently and weakly. Huang Wei didn’t even dare to retaliate again. He didn’t dare to say a word of cruel words. He let go of all his self-esteem, he just wanted to live.

“I just want to escort you back to the inspection office today and give an account to those victims!” Xia Pingan glanced at Huang Wei indifferently, holding the reins, pinching the belly of the horse, and the black Maxima hissing. , Continue to wear through the heavy rain, speeding on the street.

Huang Wei was desperate. He was angry, scared, his eyes were red, his face was distorted, like crazy, he started to laugh and cried out, “hahaha, I am dead, you will be buried with me, and you will be buried with you, it is worth it , It’s worth it, let’s die together, let you die well…”

Xia Pingan didn’t speak, and once again stun Huang Wei with a palm.

The world is quiet.

The storm cavalry with less than twenty rides broke through the ice on the street, followed behind Xia Pingan, and continued to rush out.

The sound of horses’ hoofs roared on the rainstorm street, resounding through the streets of Upper Capital.

Across this long street, Xia Pingan once again saw the carriage “turned over” to the ground on the street, saw some debris scattered on the street, saw the street blocked by the cordon, and saw The policemen with consternation and horror on their faces.

The iron cavalry rushed, hoofs sounded like thunder, and the storm cavalry rushed in an imposing manner that swept everything, and several police officers who were pulling the cordon looked pale and dispersed.

Xia Pingan raised his hand, a huge Fireball flew out, and the carriage and cordon on the street were suddenly blasted into burning debris.

Xia Pingan took the storm cavalry, galloping past the police in a hurry, splashing the rain from the police, and could only watch Xia Pingan rush away with eyesight.

Several passengers in the four-wheel carriage on the side of the road watched Xia Pingan and the storm cavalry rushing across the street, all in amazement, and some of them rubbed their eyes.

It is less than ten miles away from Donggang District, and two more blocks to reach Donggang District.

Xia Pingan, who was riding a horse, thought in her mind.

Soon, Xia Pingan rushed out of the golden sun district and entered the boundary of the Donggang district of Shangjingcheng.

Xia Pingan also slightly sighed in relief, thinking, It shouldn’t be intercepted again.

After a while, Xia Pingan even vaguely saw the building of the East Port Inspectorate, which is less than a kilometer away from the East Port Inspectorate.

And at this moment, Xia Pingan felt something. He raised his head and saw a flash of electric light among the dark clouds in the sky. From far to near, it was really as fast as lightning. .

Lightning flashed in the sky, and the street was instantly dazzling white. A thunder and lightning fell from the sky and struck the road in front of Xia Pingan. The light poles on the roadside flashed with Tzzzzzzz sparks on both sides of the street. My countless windows were shattered in the huge rumbling sound, and countless pieces of glass fell from the street like winter snowflakes.

Xia Pingan’s eyes shrank sharply and suddenly stopped the mount under his hips.

Because he saw a person in the electric light falling from the sky, that person, wearing a blue robe and a mask on his face, just fell from the sky with the lightning, very strange.

The heavy rain in the sky fell, but it fell on that person’s side, but weirdly separated from all around, and no drop fell on that person.

At the same time, with the appearance of that person, the raindrops on the surrounding streets and in the sky turned into thick fog in a blink of an eye. The fog filled the street, making everything on the street faintly discernible, Even the sound of the torrential rain became nothingness, as if it were far and near.

The person looked towards Xia Pingan, and Xia Pingan also looked towards that person. The eyes of both sides passed through the heavy rain curtain, colliding like swords in the air…

“I only want people…” the person looked at Xia Pingan and said in the same vaguely husky voice.

Xia Pingan’s lips were pressed tightly, and he pointed at the man.

The storm cavalry rushed out, and the sharp arrow moved towards the man shot past.

A circle of flames with zi zi lightning suddenly appeared next to the person, and in the blink of an eye, it changed from small to big, and more than a dozen arrows stopped strangely when they hit the person. In the air, dissipated in the light of the electrified fire, and then the man moved towards the storm cavalry that rushed forward. The fire and electric light in front of him turned into a thick wall, which took up the whole street directly. Pushed across the street like a mountain, simple, crude, direct, domineering, and inevitable…

The charging storm cavalry pierced the wall with a long spear, and the long spear dissipated…

The wall with flames and electric lights hit the storm cavalry, and the storm cavalry dissipated one by one. Less than twenty storm cavalry were scattered ashes and dispersed smoke in front of the wall in an instant.

It was too fast, and almost completely unstoppable.

In an instant, the wall rushed in front of Xia Pingan, the blue robe extended the hand, and the hand squeezed into a fist. The wall with fire and electric light rolled up and became A huge sphere was wrapped around Xia Pingan from all directions and compressed in the middle of moved towards.


Only after a few seconds of silence…

A huge roar…

A blaze burst into the sky.

The ball shattered, turned into tens of thousands of ignited lights and electric lights, a flame Vermilion Bird broke out of its shell, spreading its beautiful burning flame wings, dragging the beautiful flame tail feathers, and spreading its wings. Empty, moved towards the blue robe man flew over.

Xia Pingan’s figure appeared in the center of the ball, and a large circular pit had appeared on the ground. Xia Pingan was in the pit, and his beard was furious. The thousand-mile horse had disappeared. The upper body of Xia Pingan The clothes have been completely shattered, revealing his drenched with blood body and firm face, Huang Wei is still stepped on the soles of his feet, and his body is strangely unharmed, but it is impossible to move even a little bit…

The misty mist around, burned up the moment the flame Vermilion Bird appeared.

The blurred is no longer blurred, the blurred is no longer blurred, the sound of the pouring rain once again flooded Heaven and Earth, and everything seemed to be back in reality.

The blue robe gave a surprised cry, then moved towards the flame Vermilion Bird and pointed again.

one after another Electric light and billions of water arrows fell from the sky and landed on the Vermilion Bird. The flying Vermilion Bird was gradually blurred and dissipated among the electric light and water arrows…

“You are very strong, but the realm is lower. You have just been in the Three Suns Realm. Given time, you may be able to fight me when you reach the Seven Suns Realm, but now, you are not my opponent…” Man opened his mouth again, looked at Xia Pingan, and shook his head slightly, “For the sake of the ruling army, I just showed mercy. If you insist, I will be welcome…”

“The Supervisor…”

Xia Pingan looked towards the direction of the inspection department, someone moved towards here quickly rushed over, Xia Pingan saw Situ Hua, Fang was angry, Dongmen Yong took a group of summoner moved towards the inspection department and rushed towards here , Have seen him.

This place is very close to the Donggang Inspection Office. There is such a big movement here. If the people in the Donggang Inspection Office have not responded yet, I don’t know that a major event happened outside, that’s the hell.

Xia Ping suddenly laughed…

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