
“The cause of the explosion at the ammunition factory has been initially determined. It was a security guard and two workers who guarded the ammunition depot and deliberately set off the arson. There was no abnormality in the normal performance of the three people, and there was no work in the factory. Anything that doesn’t go well, one of them just made a father last month, but they suddenly seemed to have an appointment last night. Together they detonated the ammunition depot with a very professional technique. They were also broken into pieces and left nothing. ……”

The carriage was about to reach the Donggang Inspection Office. The two people in the carriage were chatting, unconsciously about the explosion of the ammunition depot last night. Beitang Wangchuan’s words surprised Xia Pingan, because Xia Pingan According to the source, the ammunition factory was clearly done by Mengmo, but why would Beitang Wangchuan say that the ammunition factory workers did it?

“His Royal Highness, didn’t the people of the Blood Demon Religion do the things at the ammunition factory? The workers at the ammunition factory did this, that is tantamount to suicide…”

“It was the three people who shot. The result of the investigation by the ruling army is that the three people may be controlled by the secret technique by the people of the Blood Demon Religion and become unconsciously puppet-like people. Their homes live near the factory. This None of their family members survived this explosion. All of them were killed. As long as their sanity remained normal, they would not do such a thing!”


“It is suspected to be a dream demon, but because the three people are dead, it is still not sure how the dream demon controlled those three people. Among the five demon Blood Demon Religion, the dream demon is the most weird and unpredictable, you It is the goal of Blood Demon Religion, how careful I am, cough cough, yes, I can’t leave the imperial city in a hurry these days, she even asked me to send you a letter…”

Beitang Wangchuan said, and when he moved his hand, he took out a letter enclosed in a light green letter. The envelope had beautiful handwriting and was also incense. You can smell a strange fragrance when you start it. , There is a bit of sweetness on the body…

This girl hastily treated the Crown Prince of Dashang Country as a messenger, and I don’t know how Beitang Wangchuan felt when he received this letter.

Xia Pingan was a little embarrassed, Beitang Wangchuan was serious, and there was no extra expression on his face…


A few minutes later, Beitang Wangchuan’s carriage stopped at the gate of the Donggang District Inspection Office. Xia Pingan got out of the carriage, and the carriage left.

Today, the atmosphere on the streets of the capital is very tense. The streets are full of police officers and soldiers from the garrison Legion.

Along the way, almost all the hospitals I saw were the wounded who were sent last night. The blood donation team outside the hospital discharged several hundred meters, and the ambulances on the street were getting injured one by one. The district transported the wounded to various hospitals in the city.

There are not many wounded in Qingwei Town, because in the corpse, the so-called injury is equivalent to infection, which is similar to death.

However, the explosion at the Beijing Ammunition Factory last night brought tens of thousands of wounded to the capital.

With so many wounded people appearing, the hospitals in the upper capital began to be overwhelmed all at once.

The pedestrians hurried on the street, unconsciously revealing an aura of tension.

“My lord, you are back…” Luo Laojiao, as always, saw Xia Pingan walk out of the concierge as soon as he came back and salute Xia Pingan.

“Um…” Xia Pingan nodded, and walked towards the building of the inspection office.

Then, before taking a few steps, Xia Pingan heard the barking of a dog, and then a black shadow tied up with a chain rushed out of the grass beside him and rushed to Xia Pingan.

The dog raised by Old Huang grinned at the little black pig and wanted to rush over.

Xia Pingan looked down and smiled.

It was the little black pig who rushed in front of him, and then knelt down.

The pig’s kneeling posture is different from that of humans. The little black pig is kneeling on the ground with two front hooves bent, while the back two legs are standing, and the buttocks are raised up high, which looks a little funny. The two legs behind the pig also knelt down, and you feel that the pig is lying on the ground as usual, but not kneeling.

The little black pig’s head couldn’t be lifted up and lowered completely, so he could only kneel and rush Xia Pingan nodded continuously-that was kowtow.

In the past few days, Xia Pingan completely gave this little black pig to Luo Laojiao, let Luo Laojiao’s dog watch, eat dog food, live next to the kennel, and get bitten by the dog from time to time. Bullied by a dog.

In just a few days, this little black pig was able to see many scars from being scratched by a dog bitten by a dog. The body was also thinner, and several pig ribs were exposed. “The whole pig “Pig” is completely haggard.

Seeing that little black pig actually kneeled down to Xia Pingan, Luo Laojiao showed a mouth of yellow teeth, chuckled and walked over, “My lord, this little black pig is quite clever. It has been raised for two days. I know how to please my dog. The dog will not dare to utter his mouth unless he finishes his food. I think about it. I will raise it for a few months and wait for a little fat. Then I can kill and cook a pot of Red Braised Pork, pork belly and trotters. You can also stew in a pot with wine…”

Hearing Luo Laojiao said to cook Red Braised Pork, the little black pig was trembling all over and knocked his head faster.

“This pig is very clever, it’s a shame to kill and eat!” Xia Pingan smiled, looking at the little black pig that was just kowtow, he knew that this little black pig was really kneeling, what The dignity of the killer, what stubbornness, who style, after being raised as a pig for a few days, can be trampled to pieces by a dog and a guardian Luo Laojiao.

“The adults like its cleverness, so not equal to me. Find a few sows to equip it with some breeds for fun…” Lao Laojiao was filming Xia Pingan’s flattery, and I don’t know what he said. In that little black pig’s ears, that little black pig shuddered to the bone, stared wide-eyed with horror on his face.

“Is this pig breeding troublesome?”

“No trouble, give me some medicine, and then find a veterinarian who specializes in breeding pigs. It’s proper. If adults don’t like it too noisy, you can also cast it. This pig will not be noisy. , I used to do this, I still have the knife, and I can do it with a cup of tea…” Luo Laojiao’s eyes were aimed at the key part behind the pig’s ass, be eager to have a try.

The black pig’s tail is clamped.

“I’ll keep it for a few days, and I will find you if I want to gel!” Xia Pingan smiled, took the chain from the little black pig, and moved towards the little black pig who couldn’t walk smoothly. Go to the building.

Seeing that Xia Pingan led the little black pig into the building, everyone else in the building was not surprised, one by one stepped aside to give way to Xia Pingan.

Xia Pingan took the pig directly to his office.

The Iron Masked Man is at the Supervision Office at the moment. This morning, after several powerhouses of the Judging Army came to Qingwei Town, the Iron Masked Man did not want to meet the powerhouses of the Judging Army and left Qingwei Town directly. Returning to the inspection office, the iron-faced man was sleeping in his room at the moment.

The little black pig came to Xia Pingan’s office, still keeping the posture of kneeling on the ground, motionless.

Wei Meiyu, as usual, brought a cup of tea to Xia Pingan, and then went out with the door closed.

Xia Pingan took out a little jade pen, and a little golden light on the pen came out. It didn’t penetrate the little black pig’s forehead, and the little black pig’s body began to change slowly, and in the blink of an eye, it returned to the appearance of the assassin.

The assassin was riddled with scars, knelt naked on the ground, shrank into a ball, and did not dare to lift his head.

Although the human form has been restored, the secret technique seal of the seal is still in his body, deep into his flesh and blood genes, imprisoning his secret mandala and divine force.

“What’s your name?” Xia Pingan asked calmly.

“In reply to your lord, my name is Yanxi!” The assassin’s voice was hoarse, and his whole body was trembling.

At this moment, the assassin finally realized what it means to be a rare person, what a blessing to be a human being and being able to speak.

“Can you write?”

“Yes!” Yan Xi replied.

“Okay, Yan Xi, come over, write a confession, how Sun Family hired you to kill me, what remuneration was given to you, Sun Family who connected with you, what you did when you went to the capital, give I clearly explain without omission and in detail, and then press my fingerprint!”

Xia Pingan took out the paper and pen, put it on the table, and asked Yan Xi to come over and write the confession.

With this assassin’s confession, Xia Pingan only needs to take the confession to the Judging Army, and the Judging Army will naturally investigate. Without him, this confession can send Sun Family to hell.

The hired assassin sneaked into the capital to assassinate the inspector of the Judging Army. This was a taboo. If the Judging Army gave him an explanation, Lin Yi could retire.

Looking at Yan Rhinoceros who wrote confession obediently and honestly, Xia Pingan found that this sealing technique was really easy to use…

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