
Yan Xi quickly wrote the confession and pressed his handprint.

The confession wrote two large pieces of paper, and everything was clearly stated. Where did Sun Family find him, the person who connected him, the payment to him, how did he contact Sun Family after he arrived in Beijing, and he succeeded. How to get the rest of the remuneration afterwards… All explain clearly, there is no omission.

As a top-level assassin, Yan Xi’s handwriting is actually very good.

Xia Pingan looked at the confession again, nodded with satisfaction, took out a little jade pen, the body shape of the rhinoceros who had just finished writing the confession changed again, and slowly became a little black pig again.

For Yan Xi’s obediently and honestly account of the problem, Xia Pingan also gave Yan Xi a little preferential treatment by removing the chain from Yan Xi’s neck, allowing it to regain freedom of movement.

The little black pig who was regaining his freedom was so clever, he ran to the corner of the office and stayed without speaking, moving, or running, trying to reduce his sense of existence.

In the end, there is only one demon left. The Sun Family affairs can also come to an end today. Xia Pingan let out a long breath, picked up the tea cup that Wei Meiyu poured, and was about to take a sip.

The silhouette of Xia Pingan flashed in front of her eyes, and the Fushen boy suddenly appeared and kicked the teacup in his hand with one kick. The tea and water in the teacup were all smashed on the floor of the office, screaming. sound.

Xia Pingan was taken aback.

“Who…” Almost the moment the teacup fell on the ground, the figure of the iron-faced man appeared in Xia Pingan’s office, his eyes divine light flashes, and he scanned the situation in the office.

In the eyes of the iron-faced man, there was nothing unusual in this office except for Xia Pingan and the water glass that was suddenly spilled on the ground.

“This, sorry, I suddenly slipped my hand and the cup fell…” Xia Pingan was very satisfied with the reaction of the Iron Man, this is the quality that a bodyguard of the Seven Suns Realm should have.

The iron-faced man didn’t notice that there was a blessing boy in Xia Pingan’s office. Seeing Xia Pingan didn’t seem to be an accident, the iron-faced man was also sighed in relief.

The Dark Demon’s bookstore has been sealed and closed. The bookstore finally turned out to be like a bloody slaughterhouse. The Fushen boy who had been following the Dark Demon before, after the Dark Demon was solved by the Dark Shadow Guard, found something. After wandering around for a while, he finally returned to his master.

Xia Pingan thought that Fushen Boy came back because he accidentally overturned his teacup, but…

Fushen boy stood on the table in front of Xia Pingan, pointed to the tea on the ground, and made a gesture of drinking tea, then he grabbed his neck, his eyes turned white, and his whole body was lying straight on the desk The body quickly turned black and stiff, but he jumped up again in the blink of an eye, and the body returned to normal, jumping alive.

The performance of the Fushen boy wearing a bellyband is too cute, naive, and not cute, but after seeing the Fushen boy’s performance, Xia Pingan’s face suddenly changed.

“Tea is poisonous!” Xia Pingan said to herself.

The Fushen boy was nodded fiercely, made a grimace at Xia Pingan, jumped on Xia Pingan’s shoulder, and began to naughty tugging Xia Pingan’s ears with hair tossing around, having a great time.

“What did you say?” The iron-faced man also stunned, thinking that Xia Pingan was talking to him, and then looked towards the tea on the ground.

The tea sprinkled on the ground, the color of the soup is normal, there is no strange reaction, and it will not be like those strange poisons. When it is put in the cup, it will smoke when it hits the ground, for fear that others will not know It is as poisonous as it is.

Xia Pingan did not speak, but took out a small piece of dried fish from his Space Warehouse, and then clamped it with chopsticks. Cautiously came to the tea splashed on the ground, and dipped the dried fish on the ground. Tea, then walked to the office window, opened the window, took out a few pieces of the same dried fish and a small plate from the Space Warehouse, put all the dried fish on the small plate, and then put the small plate On the window sill outside, close the window and wait patiently.

The dried fish smelled a bit fishy, ​​put it in the window, and within two minutes, several flies flying outside were attracted.

Yes, there are also flies in the capital city, especially in summer, there are a lot of flies, the flies will be attracted by the smell of dried fish, fly to the windowsill, and land on the dried fish on that plate.

Two flies landed on the piece of dried fish soaked in tea.

Only a few seconds later, the two flies fell down, and the flies’ bodies became stiff, blackened, decomposed, and turned into fine black sand, scattered on the plate, and the wind blew, It’s gone.

A few more flies landed on the dried fish, but they all ended up in the same way. In the blink of an eye, they became black fine sand and scattered with the wind.

“The poison of the black evil!” The iron-faced man in the window held breath cold air.

“Do you know this poison?” Xia Pingan looked towards the iron-faced man.

The iron-faced man’s voice is extremely solemn, “This is one of the most terrifying poisons and strange poisons. It is colorless and tasteless. It is almost impossible to detect. But as long as it touches and is eaten by someone, that person is short. After a few breaths, the body will become stiff, and then it will turn into black fine sand, which is difficult for gods to save. Even if the powerhouse in the Eight Suns realm is poisoned by the poison, there will only be a dead end…”

Xia Pingan broke into a cold sweat after hearing it. He almost drank some tea just now. If the Fushen boy hadn’t appeared in time, he might have turned into a pile of fine black sand at this moment.

Unconsciously, I went back and forth in the gates of hell.

“Is this poison precious?”

“Let’s put it this way, even if you give me money, I may not be able to buy it. Everyone is afraid of this thing, and there is no Auction House!” The iron-faced man directly replied.

Fuck, where did this poison come from? Is there a problem with the water in the inspection office, a problem with the tea, or… the person has a problem.

After wandering around Xia Pingan for a few laps, in the next second, the blessing child disappeared from Xia Pingan. He jumped to the ground and turned around next to the spilled tea, and then in an instant, The secretary’s room appeared outside, jumped to Wei Meiyu’s side, and pointed to a lady’s handbag that Wei Meiyu had placed next to the chair—that handbag that Wei Meiyu had brought when she was at work.

The iron-faced man was staring at Xia Pingan, waiting for Xia Pingan to make a decision, but he never found what the blessing god boy had done.

Xia Pingan’s eyes moved, and in the next second, he took away the dried fish outside the window sill, then condensed the poisonous tea on the ground into ice, and received it in the space equipment in a container without any leakage. , And then walked to the door of the office, opened the door, and came to the secretary’s room outside.

Wei Meiyu was burying her head in sorting out some documents. Seeing Xia Pingan walked out of the office and came to her, Wei Meiyu quickly stood up, with her hands hanging under her abdomen, “Sir, what’s the matter? You can just call me? “

Xia Pingan laughed, “Are you still used to this job these days?”

Upon hearing Xia Pingan’s question, Wei Meiyu suddenly became nervous, and the two hands placed in front of her lower abdomen were twisted together, “My lord…Yes…Isn’t it done? You said, I can Changed!”

Xia Pingan’s gaze was fixed on Wei Meiyu’s face, looking at Wei Meiyu’s eyes, and the look on Wei Meiyu’s face and eyes did not escape his gaze. In Wei Meiyu’s eyes, Xia Pingan still saw peace. She was as pure and astringent as before, with a trace of anxiety and anxiety, but that anxiety only came from the pressure she had just said.

“Nothing, you did a good job!” Xia Pingan laughed and comforted, “By the way, you go to the archives room and help me find the ordinary person in Donggang District in the last five years that was controlled by the suspected summoner secret technique. I want to see the information on the murder of becoming a puppet!”

“Okay, sir, wait a minute, there are a lot of case materials in the archives, I will sort it out and bring it to you!” A relaxed smile reappeared on Wei Meiyu’s face, and then Wei Meiyu left the secretary room. Went to the archives room.

As soon as Wei Meiyu left, Xia Pingan summoned a craftsman and asked the craftsman to gently open the handbag that Wei Meiyu placed next to the seat. Only a moment later, the craftsman from Summon found a thumb in Wei Meiyu’s handbag. A weird little black porcelain bottle of a size, and then put the little black porcelain bottle on the table in front of her.

Xia Pingan waved his hand, and the artisan from summon flashed the rays of light, and he was taken back into the secret mandala.

On one of the walls in the secretary’s room, there is a striped decoration made of brown metal pieces. The metal pieces are like a mirror.

In the next second, Xia Pingan took out the jade pen, and under the watchful eyes of the iron-man, wrote a divine symbol “mark”, which landed on the wall.

The brown metal stripe decoration on the wall began to glow, and then, like a movie playing in the mirror, began to look back at what happened before in the secretary’s room.


This morning, Wei Meiyu was still the first to come to work and came to the inspection office very early.

When she came to the secretary’s room, she began to organize and clean diligently, and everything seemed normal.

And just as she was preparing to sort out a document, her body shook slightly, her eyes became apathetic, and the rhythm of her movements changed. She put down the documents and took out Xia from the cabinet each minding their own business. Pingan drank the tea cup, then opened his handbag, took out the small black porcelain bottle in the bag, poured two drops of transparent liquid from the porcelain bottle into Xia Pingan’s cup, and then put Xia Pingan The cup of tea was returned to the distant place, back to its place.

After doing all this, Wei Meiyu’s body was softly trembled and returned to normal all at once. She gently rubbed her forehead, as if nothing had happened, and continued to organize her things.

Until Xia Pingan came back, Wei Meiyu habitually used Xia Pingan’s cup in the cupboard to make a cup of hot tea for Xia Pingan and brought it in…

“It seems that she unconsciously became someone else’s puppet and was controlled by others, and the poisoner had already figured out your habits in the inspection office, so there was such a targeted arrangement, which is really terrifying… …” The iron-faced man looked at him and said softly.

Aiming at one’s own habits, poisoning through trusted people around him, the whole process is peaceful, without the slightest abruptness, this kind of method makes you can’t guard against it.

Xia Pingan is a little bit timid.

Dream Demon!

These two words suddenly appeared in Xia Pingan’s mind.

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