
Pingshan, the ruling army camp…

Wei Meiyu lay sideways on the sofa, as if asleep.

Priest Baizhu and Xia Pingan stood beside her. Priest Baizhu held his soul crystal ball in his hand, mutter incantations in his mouth, and the crystal ball turned around on Wei Meiyu’s head.

All kinds of changing lights and shadows appear in the crystal ball, all kinds of faces, all kinds of characters, some faces are blurred, some faces are clear, some are blurred dreams, and some are Wei Meiyu’s daily rides. The scene of a rail bus commuting to and from get off work, and in Wei Meiyu’s intermittent and blurred dreams, a cloud of gray and black fog can be vaguely seen around her head…

After a long time, the white bamboo priest gently put away the soul crystal ball in his hand, turned his head and said to Xia Pingan next to him, “It is certain that it is indeed a dream demon, this little girl was invaded by a dream demon in her sleep. , Unconsciously became the puppet of the dream demon…”

Xia Pingan frowned, “How did her black evil poison come from?”

“It should be that she was stuffed into her bag quietly when she was taking a rail bus to get off work, she didn’t even know it!”

“Can you be sure who gave it to her?”

Baizhu priest shook the head, “I can’t be sure. She will meet a lot of people on the commute to and from get off work every day. The faces in her memory are too vague, and some simply have no memory, and she doesn’t know who it was. Her, so even if you go back to her soul and memory, it is impossible to find that person!”

“In other words, we have no way to find the dream demon and lock the dream demon’s whereabouts?”

“I’m afraid this is the case. So far, the Judging Army has no information about the dream monster. It doesn’t even know whether the dream monster is a male or a female. The dream monster is the most difficult to deal with among the five demons…” [19459002 ]

“Why can the dreamer invade her dreamland?”

The white bamboo priest’s gaze deepened, and he whispered softly, “The mysterious dream can exceed everyone’s imagination. The dream is not an unconscious illusion in the brain, but the spiritual Physique of man in another world. Experience, that world can exist beyond time and space, so many things in the dream are harbingers of the real world, and only then can the dream master appear…”

“What you always mean is that the world in the dream is interlinked, just like the real world, so that the dream monster can control others through dream invasion and make others become puppets?”

“The domain of dreams is unfamiliar to me. This domain is too mysterious, but according to the many signs, I am afraid it is like this. The dream can control others through the influence of dreams without contact with people!” Priest Baizhu took a deep look at Xia Pingan, shook his head slightly, and sighed, “You can really cause trouble. It hasn’t been long since I came to Shangjing, that many people want your head!”

Xia Pingan smiled wryly, “Don’t you know, I was forced!”

“Okay, pay more attention to yourself in the future. The Sun Family’s adjudication army will deal with it here. Please pay more attention to the dream demon. Although the dream demon failed this time, since you have been targeted by him , He It shouldn’t be so giving up. From now on, you should pay more attention to the people around you. Don’t let someone put a gun on your head without knowing it!”

“I will pay attention!” Xia Pingan had already sent the White Bamboo Priest to the door, “May I ask, can the Dream Demon control the summoner?”

“The summoner will also dream and will naturally be controlled by him, but the spirit willpower of the summoner is much stronger than the ordinary person, so even if he can control it, it should not be so easy, and the higher the level, the less the summoner will be. Easily controlled by him!”

“Okay, I see, you go slowly!”

The White Bamboo Priest left, and only Xia Pingan and Wei Meiyu lying asleep in this room.

In the afternoon, Xia Pingan found a reason, took the “Yanxi” confession and Wei Meiyu to the Pingshan camp of the Judging Army, and found the priest of Baizhu.

In Xia Pingan’s mouth, after the assassination failed, the assassin was caught by herself. After writing this confession, she took poison and died without paying attention. It turned into thick blood. Anyway, with the confession, the assassin was alive. It is not important anymore.

As for Wei Meiyu, Xia Pingan asked the priest Baizhu to see if there are any hidden dangers and clues on Wei Meiyu. This girl is good. Xia Pingan doesn’t want her unfathomable mystery to be involved in these complicated things. Up.

As soon as the White Bamboo priest left, Xia Pingan snapped a finger in Wei Meiyu’s ear, and Wei Meiyu woke up all of a sudden.

It is just a small technique to make people fall asleep. After Xia Pingan merged the dreams of grandeur before, he mastered the method of divine force summon sleepy insect, summon came out, and sleepy insect flew into human ears. , The person fell asleep.

Wei Meiyu, who woke up, saw that she was sleeping on the sofa with some lost self-control, her face turned red, and she quickly stood up, tidyed up her dresses, and said with her head down, “sorry , I don’t know when I fell asleep…”

“It’s okay, I guess you are a little tired these days, there is no need to come to the office so early in the morning, you can rest for a while, and go to work during normal hours…”

“My lord, um, are the documents ready?” Wei Meiyu looked around and found that the documents she had brought were gone, and her face suddenly turned red.

“Well, it’s done. I didn’t wake you up just now when I saw you fell asleep. I have handed in the documents. Let’s go, it’s okay!”

Xia Pingan then took Wei Meiyu out of the General Affairs Building of the Judging Army.

Walking out of the gate of the ruling army’s Pingshan camp, it was already evening, and there were two black rental carriages parked on the roadside outside. Xia Pingan sent Wei Meiyu into a carriage and asked the coachman to send Wei Meiyu home, herself Then got on another car.

The iron-faced man sat in the car and waited, while the little black pig curled up under the seat of the car, completely preventing himself from having any sense of existence.

“How is it?” the iron-faced man asked.

“I’m sure, it’s a dream monster!” Xia Pingan nodded.

“After that you have to be careful!”

“Well, confront soldiers with generals and stem water with earth!” Xia Pingan said, “By the way, do you want to eat something together?”

From last night to the Peng King auction site until now, he and the iron-faced man have never eaten. There are so many things that I forgot for a while. Now I want to come, and my stomach is still a bit hungry.

“Okay!” The iron-faced man touched his stomach, “I know that there is a fish meat in the capital, which is doing well. The fish meat is paired with peach blossom wine and plum sauce, which is a must!”

“Okay, then try it!”

When it comes to eating and drinking merrily in Shangjingcheng, ten Xia Pingans add up, and none of them knows as much.

Last night until now, speaking of which has experienced two assassinations, a major change, Xia Pingan’s spirit has been tensed, it is necessary to relax appropriately.


The peach blossom fish is in the alley of an old residential area by the Qin’an River in the upper capital. When the carriage came here, the sky was already dark.

Those who can find this place are all the gluttons in the capital.

The fish fillet is made of delicious sea fish, plus the peach blossom wine and plum sauce that are paired with the fillet, all of which are handed down craftsmanship from the store’s ancestors.

Coming here, the iron-faced man took off his mask and was quite relaxed.

As an energetic and bustling chef of Boss, her husband is simple and honest. There are not many diners in the shop. A table with a small stove occupies a small room, which is quite stylish because of the fish feast here. The price is expensive for ordinary persons. After a meal, more than ten or twenty Silver Coins are gone, so the people who come here to eat fish are all regular customers like the iron-faced man.

The little black pig was on the carriage and did not follow.

The fish slices are indeed delicious and delicious, the peach blossom wine has a special taste, Xia Pingan and the iron-faced man are gorgeous oneself.


The little black pig stayed obediently and honestly on the carriage. The carriage was not accessible in the alleys of the residential area, and the carriage stopped by the Qin’an River.

As Xia Pingan and the iron-faced man left, the little black pig hiding under the seat turned his eyes.

As the night darkened, the Qin’an River was quiet, only the sound of waves hitting the embankment hua hua, and the painting boats of the past have ceased today, and there is no singing and dancing.

It’s been a long time since Xia Pingan and the iron-faced man went to eat fish meat. The coachman just left the carriage and went to explain.

The little black pig got out of the seat, stood on his hind feet, leaned on the door of the carriage, pressed the door handle inside the door with his two front hooves, and opened the door with a click.

In the next second, the little black pig rushed out of the car, speeding like electricity, and plunged into the darkness at once.

The little black pig thought he was running, but didn’t know that the Fushen boy was riding on it. He took it as a mount, smiling at gē gē gē, so happy…


The iron-faced man moved his brows and looked towards Xia Pingan with a smile, “Your little pet is not very honest…”

“It’s okay, let it run!” Xia Pingan smiled and raised the glass, “This glass of wine, many thanks, you took it out last night, if you didn’t take it, I can’t get it by myself…”

In the small room, the sound from outside is blocked by magic, so the two can chat with confidence here.

“No thanks, the situation last night, as long as I see it, I can’t sit back and watch!” The iron-faced man drank the peach blossom wine.

“Actually you are more suitable to join the ruling army!”

The iron-faced man coughed a little embarrassingly, “I wanted to join when I was in the Yang Realm, but I was brushed down and I was not selected. Otherwise, there would be nothing for me. Wait for me. With money, there is no need to join…”

Xia Pingan was taken aback, laughed heartily……

“Let’s talk about it, why did you join the ruling army?” The iron-faced man asked.

“Actually, I am a crossover and joined the ruling army just because I want to stand in the capital and obtain cultivation resources…” Xia Pingan said with a faint smile.

The iron-faced man Wei Wei sucked in a breath of cold air, and her gaze looked towards Xia Pingan changed a little, staring at Xia Pingan with a profound gaze, “Tell me all these secrets, you really don’t take it. I’m an outsider…”

“Haha, it’s nothing, what Blood Demon Religion knows, you know it, don’t be afraid, I am wanted by Blood Demon Religion now!”

“It’s strange, then why did Blood Demon Religion specifically target you?”

“I said I don’t know what you believe?” Xia Pingan shook the head, “It should be the Blood Demon Religion, this is true for the crossovers, right!”

The iron-faced man thought for a while, shook the head, “No, Blood Demon Religion is really unfriendly to the crossovers, but it seems that there are not many that are specifically targeted, and how do they know your identity? “

“You mean, Blood Demon Religion is generally not wanted for hunting down crossovers?”

“At least I know, not before!” The iron-faced man shook the head, “Because there are a lot of crossers entering the Yuanqiu realm, and the crossers enter secretly, if every crosser Blood Demon Religion Kill Orders are all sent, then think about how many people are wanted by the Blood Demon Religion? That kind of hunting and wanted is the same as nothing, and, under normal circumstances, the identity of the crosser is secret, only the crosser himself You know, it’s not easy for the Blood Demon Religion to determine the identity of the crossover, how did you expose it?”

Listening to the iron-faced man, Xia Pingan also felt that this matter seemed a bit weird, and the situation might be a little different from what she imagined.

Recall, from the very beginning, this time the “Sky Patching Project” had an accident during the transmission process, and he and many people had deviated from the transmission place.

Moreover, as soon as the crowd came to Yuanqiu Realm and after they were separated, they did not do anything. The Blood Demon Religion already knew their identities and started offering rewards for hunting down, as if to wipe out the members of this “Sky Patching Project”.

If all this is abnormal, then there must be some special reason behind it.


Chapter 2 is later!

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