
After eating fish meat and drinking in the store, the night was dark. The two walked out of the alley in the residential area, and the carriage and the coachman were still waiting by the roadside.

“Go to Mingjin Road…” Xia Pingan said to the driver and got in the car.

“Why are you going to Mingjin Road?” The iron-faced man in the car asked.

Mingjin Road is just outside seven-eight li, and not far away. The iron-faced man doesn’t know where Xia Pingan is going.

“Hahaha, go find my little pet…” Xia Pingan laughed heartily.

Looking at the look of Xia Pingan, the iron-faced man knew that Xia Pingan really had a way to clean up the little black pig, so he didn’t worry.

The carriage ran up on the road, and just over ten minutes later, it came to the Mingjin Road that Xia Pingan said.

On both sides of Mingjin Road, there are old, low, and old residential areas. At night, in addition to the street lights on the main road, the roads on both sides of Mingjin Road and the streets and alleys are blinded by black lights. Upstairs in the residential area are hanging ropes for drying clothes, and downstairs are the cheap snack night markets on the roadside, theaters, hairdressers, and some prostitutes haunt the alleys on the street. It is noisy, noisy, and full. In addition to the smell of fireworks in the market, there are occasional quarrels…

This is the place where the toiling people in the upper capital live.

“Stop for a moment by the alley at the intersection ahead…” Xia Pingan ordered the coachman, and the rental carriage stopped in the alley at the intersection ahead.

Only a few minutes later, there was a little noise and movement in the dark alley. Xia Pingan didn’t say much, but calmly opened the car door.

The little black pig rushed out of the alley and saw the carriage and the opened door. Without thinking about it, he suddenly jumped up from the outside, jumped into the carriage, and shrank under the seat, shiver coldly.

Not seen in just two hours, the little black pig had a few more bloody wounds on his back, a bag on his head, some hair on his buttocks, blisters, and seemed to have been scalded. .

Xia Pingan closed the car door and let the coachman go to Changle Alley.

The carriage had just walked out more than ten meters, and several five-and-three men with bare arms and upper bodies rushed out from the alley. Some of the men held hammers, some knives, and some took them. With wooden sticks, some with tongs, some with axe, and some with rope.

“Ai, what about that pig, why is it missing?” The man with the knife looked around at the intersection.

“I shouldn’t run far, look for…”

“Yes, if we find it, we will be able to make the tooth sacrifice tonight, roast it and eat it…”

“I don’t believe it, the pig that was delivered to the door can still run…”

A few men searched in the alley in the vicinity.


Inside the carriage, Xia Pingan gently touched the little black pig’s head, smiling very gently, the little black pig’s eyes were frightened, and her body was still trembling and pitiful.

After leaving Xia Pingan, the little black pig discovered that everyone in this city was so dangerous to him and became his natural enemy.

“How about it, if I let you run, you can’t run, my sealing technique, besides me, there may be people who can explain, I am not sure, I dare not say too badly, But if you run out like this, do you think that before you can find the person who unblocks the shape technique, how likely is it that you won’t be braised and steamed on the table by someone else? A little black pig running around, whether in the city Li is still in the wild, you can live a day to count your luck, if you want to run, you can try it in the future, I won’t stop you, but this is the last time I save you, this time it’s your luck, next time, after running away If you can’t come back to me, it’s hard to say, it depends on your life…”

The little black pig kowtows to Xia Pingan…

The iron-faced man next to him took a knife and watched the little black pig sighed and shook his head, “Don’t say whether there is such a person in the capital, as far as I know, there is none, even if you can find someone who can help you. People of Kaifeng shape art, so what? Have you ever thought about what price you can pay to make that person willing to make enemies for you and an inspector and ruling army? You have no second place except for selling yourself as a slave. All the way, you risk your death and run away, and finally you find another chance to sell yourself. You are not stupid, and you are so sure that the person who can save you is not a pervert?”

The little black pig looked desperate, was stunned, and shed tears…


The carriage stopped outside Changle Lane. Xia Pingan and the iron-faced man got out of the carriage. The little black pig also followed, and he dared not leave.

Xia Pingan gave the coachman a Gold Coin directly.

“My lord, I can’t ask for it. It’s an honor for our car dealer to serve adults…” The carriage driver dare not accept it.

“Take it, I don’t want to tell your boss, I can’t let you run for nothing, if you don’t accept it, I will be unhappy…”

Xia Pingan stuffed the Gold Coin directly into the coachman’s jacket pocket, and then patted the coachman’s shoulders. Only after the coachman’s gratitude, he brought the iron-faced man and the little black pig to the one he rented. Outside the yard, take out the key and open the door.

“Do you still have a house here?”

“Rent, the house I bought has been demolished by someone!”

The little black pig shrank his head.

Entering the yard, Xia Pingan threw the Iron Masked Man a key to his room, allowing the Iron Masked Man to rest, and went to the basement to retreat. As for the little black pig, Xia Pingan didn’t bother to care about it. I will find a place to stay.

This place is close to the foot of Pingshan Mountain, and next to it are some big families. The iron-faced man acts as a bodyguard by his side. The Fushen boy is also there. It is safe and safe for Xia Pingan to integrate the beads.


In the underground secret room, Xia Pingan took out the “big gift box” that Beitang Wangchuan gave him.

The one after another in the gift box lies in a box padded with dark red flannel, like precious jewels, full of brilliance, and the total number of the beads in the box is 22. There are twelve world beads with divine sense crystals, and the other ten world beads. There are no divine sense crystals, and no one knows how to fuse. Maybe someone happened to fuse before, but those who have fuse do not know how they are. Fused.

However, the only advantage of these beads is that even if they solve the wrong dream, they will not die, so Beitang Wangchuan safely gave these beads as gifts to Xia Pingan.

And among the world beads with twelve divine sense crystals, there is also a world bead, which is the world bead of “Yan Ying Interpretation of Dreams” that Xia Pingan previously fused, so these world beads can really be integrated, There are only twenty-one.

“After fusing these world beads, I should be able to advance to the Five Suns Realm…” Xia Pingan looked at the world beads in the box, her eyes flashed, and she muttered softly. In the past few days, the dangers around him have continued, and he has encountered successive assassinations and various dangers. Xia Pingan’s desire for strength has become more and more urgent.

At this moment, the upper limit of the divine force of Xia Pingan’s Secret Mandala is 4519 points, which is only 731 points away from the 5250 points of the Five Suns.

If the 21 world beads in front of you are well integrated, it is entirely possible to advance to the Five Suns realm.

These dream interpretation world beads can bring dream performance. Xia Pingan heard that the ability of dream performance can be strengthened and superimposed. The stronger the dream performance, the stronger the ability to deeply evolve the dreams of others. I don’t know what my dreaming skills will become after these world beads are completely integrated.

By the way, no one has been able to imitate the weird ability of the dream demon. Is it also related to these dream interpretation beads and dream performance?

Xia Pingan’s eyes moved, and she looked among those world beads, and directly picked up a world bead without divine sense crystal.

This is a boundary bead with golden-yellow lustre. In the boundary bead, there are seven characters in the small seal characters “The Yellow Emperor seeks famous officials because of his dreams”.

Huang Di wrote the “Accounting for Dreams”, which is the ancestor of Chinese dream interpretation, so Xia Pingan first merged with this world pearl.

Pierced the finger with a silver needle, dripped blood onto the bead above surface, and in the blink of an eye, Xia Pingan was surrounded by a golden-yellow light cocoon.


When Xia Pingan’s consciousness reappeared, it was in a dream, to be precise, in a dream that the Yellow Emperor once had.

Everything in the dream is bizarre and motley, Xia Pingan saw the violent wind roaring, the violent wind blowing across the endless and wide land, the dust on the ground was blown up by the wind, in the endless wind, the whole The earth, the dust on the ground in the whole world, has been blown thoroughly. After the dust on the ground was blown away by the strong wind, Xia Pingan saw a man approaching. It was a giant with a crossbow in his hand, driving away countless flocks, those countless flocks, thousands Tens of thousands, uncountable, walked piece by piece through the land that had just been blown clean by the wind…

Then, Xia Pingan’s dream woke up.

In the palace, lying on the bed…

Xia Pingan stood up directly, came to the table, pondered for a moment, and began to write an order-to mobilize all the tribe, look for two people, those two people, one person’s name is Fenghou, one person’s His name is Limu.

This is the result of Huangdi’s analysis of his dream just now. The dream just now symbolizes that two people will help Huangdi rule the world and win victory.

The wind is the command, the ruler also, the wind blows away the soil, that is, the dirt and the soil are the queen, the person symbolized by the gale is called the wind queen.

A crossbow is a crossbow, a person with different powers, who drives thousands of flocks, and can do good to herders. The name symbolized by the latter is Limu.

After the wind, Li Mu, that is the famous minister beside Huangdi!

Ask the attendants to come in and issue orders, and the whole world of the realm beads is shattered at once.

Xia Pingan opened his eyes, and the moment of fusion of this world bead had not reached one minute, it was completely fused.

There are also some changes in the situation in the secret mandala. This world pearl gives Xia Pingan 60 points of divine force. At the same time, there is also a sculpture of Huangdi’s dream situation in the temple. In the sculpture, Gale, the flocks are vivid, as if they can move, this is the summon position of this world pearl’s dreaming technique.

At the same time, the summon position of Huangdi’s dream performance and the dream summon position of Yan Ying’s dream interpretation sculpture shine each other on each other’s sculptures, and complement each other. The two dreams seem to have a strange feeling… ]

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