
The Stars Spirit Body, which was entangled by those monsters, was trembling slightly, and the rays of light of Spirit Physique became dim a little bit.

Suddenly, the monster attached to the Stars Spirit Body that Xia Pingan was observing suddenly turned his head, revealing a pair of scarlet eyes, moving towards Xia Pingan, looking at it, Xia Pingan’s gaze just now seemed to The monster holding the Stars Spirit Body could feel it.

Not good!

Xia Pingan didn’t expect that kind of monster would be so sensitive to gaze, at the moment that monster turned his head, Xia Pingan quickly turned away from her eyes, all of a sudden, she lay on the ground, her body rolled sideways on the ground, He rolled down from the soil slope below his feet, and his body rolled quickly against the ground like a roller, rolling directly to the depression of the slope more than 30 meters away, motionless.

The thick gray fog around was rolling, hiding Xia Pingan’s figure in the thick fog.

An invisible force, with violent hostility, suddenly descended from the sky, like a sickle, sweeping away a large area of ​​gray mist near the place where Xia Pingan had just hidden, exposing the barren and desolate ground.

The swept thick fog rolled away a few meters away from Xia Pingan’s side, and then a few meters further to the side, Xia Pingan’s figure was about to be revealed in the gray fog.

Seeing that there was nothing on the ground, the monster in the sky stared for a few times, then turned his head, and continued to stick to the Stars Spirit Body.

Xia Pingan lay down on the ground for a long time. He stood up only when the surrounding dense fog filled up. He just glanced at the sky from the corner of the eye and didn’t pay much attention, and then covered his body with the dense fog. , Slowed down, and left here first step by step. After walking a little farther, he continued to sprint and rush, under the cover of gray fog, moved towards the direction of Mu Ling Bao.

There are too many secrets in Spirit Realm.

And this Spirit Realm, as I guessed before, is very dangerous.

The monster in the sky just now made Xia Pingan feel dangerous, extreme danger.

After rushing in the wilderness for a while, Xia Pingan saw the soil slope where she found Xu Jiu, the shepherd, and then at this moment, just a moment, all the surrounding gray mist suddenly dissipated, Xia Pingan’s body The shape was immediately exposed to the wilderness. The wind was screaming in the sky. Xia Pingan turned his head and saw the monster attached to the Stars Spirit Body, twisting his body more than 30 meters long, like Like a boa constrictor, he moved towards himself from the sky and threw himself down. The blood-red eyes were staring at him, and he had clearly found himself.

Damn, just now this monster was deliberately relaxing his vigilance, did he want to draw himself out?

Now that it has been discovered and is in this wilderness, Xia Pingan didn’t even think about it, exhausted her whole body’s strength and her maximum speed, and rushed towards the Mu Ling Bao directly.

The monster in the sky also accelerated suddenly, black’s body exuded red light, accelerated moved towards Xia Pingan and rushed over.

Two minutes, the monster has rushed to the top of Xia Pingan’s head. Just tens of meters in the air, the monster’s body dived and rushed towards Xia Pingan, waiting to rush to a height less than ten meters from the ground At that moment, the monster opened his mouth, a few black angers, like an arrow, moved towards Xia Pingan and shot over.

Xia Pingan rolled over on the ground, and the black air shot on the ground. The sound of “chi chi…” corroded several large holes in the ground.

Xia Pingan is like a cheetah, bouncing on the ground, speeding like electricity, continuing to run wild.

The monster moved towards Xia Pingan breathed out black air twice, but was avoided by Xia Pingan. In the next second, the monstrous was almost anxious. The snake-like body swelled in the air, and the red light flashed In between, violently accelerated, the spear-like forelegs directly grabbed Xia Pingan’s back from the air, and the huge tail was like a snake, and moved towards Xia Pingan in a direction that he could avoid.

But Xia Pingan’s reaction was even more unexpected by the monster. At the moment that monster accelerated its dive attack, Xia Pingan’s body suddenly jumped from the ground, and when he kicked his feet hard on the ground, The ground was stepped out of a shallow pit, Xia Pingan’s body shape, suddenly separated from the existing direction, moved towards the rear with an somersault, and suddenly jumped up…

The monster’s two strikes were missed at the same time, but Xia Pingan flew over the monster’s head all at once, and the level of the two changed instantly.

With a sound of “clang…”, the long sword of the shepherd of Xia Pingan came out, and a cold light passed through the air.

I don’t know how many years the long sword has been used. It seems that although it is somewhat rusty, it is still sharp.

Xia Pingan used the long sword in his hand to cut off one of the two sucker-like tentacles on the monster’s head with a straight sword, and then rolled his body in the air, riding on it with great dexterity. The neck behind the monster’s head is equivalent to seven inches from the snake’s body.

The monster’s mouth uttered an unpleasant piercing scream, and his body trembled fiercely, almost hitting the ground.

“I’ll let you spray…” Xia Pingan’s feet clamped the monster’s neck tightly, like a roller coaster that was flying fast, riding firmly on the monster’s neck with long hands. With another wave of sword, it cut off the other tentacles on the other side of the monster’s head.

The monster’s body rolled, convulsed, and rushed towards the sky.

Xia Pingan gritted his teeth and tried to pierce the monster’s head with a long sword, but found that the long sword in his hand could not pierce the scales of the monster.

Every time I stabbed, the long sword in my hand draws one after another fire star on the monster’s body.

The monstrous is almost only the tentacles on the head which are weak, which can be cut off by the long sword in the hand. The other parts of the monster body cannot be pierced by this long sword.

Seeing that the monster was about to rush to the sky, Xia Pingan turned over and jumped off the monster’s neck. As soon as he landed, a few rolls vented his strength, and then continued to move towards the castle.

At this moment, the shadowy silhouette of Mulin Castle appeared in Xia Pingan’s sight.

There was another strange cry in the sky, Xia Pingan looked back and saw that the monster flew into the air again, and after getting rid of herself, fiercely moved towards herself rushed over.

The two tentacles on the monster’s head had just been cut off by himself, but after such a short time, the two tentacles on the monster’s head had actually grown again.

I rely on!

How to fight this!

Xia Pingan can only move towards the Mu Ling Bao and run wildly, all one’s strength is taken out.

Not only that, but several other monsters in the sky were almost alarmed, and moved towards Xia Pingan together and flew over, chasing the monsters of Xia Pingan, from one to four.

A few minutes later, Xia Pingan crawled and evaded several corrosive black air attacks again, but he could no longer avoid the strikes of the monster’s tail that suddenly rushed out from the side. Can be loudly roared, cut on that tail fiercely with long sword fiercely.

The long sword drew a fire star in the air, and Xia Pingan’s whole person was flew more than 20 meters away by a huge force.

Xia Pingan’s whole body was shaken, and the whole body seemed to fall apart. He vomited blood and found that the blood he vomited in Spirit Realm was golden blood. The painful feeling was exactly similar to the real body… [19459002 ]

Two mouthfuls of golden spit blood, Xia Pingan felt her body weakened suddenly.

Death Aura is approaching quickly.

Xia Pingan stood up from the ground, didn’t dare to stay for half a second, vomiting blood, gritted his teeth and ran towards the Mu Ling Bao.

At the most critical time, Xia Pingan found that the two monsters who were chasing him were so shocked that they stopped chasing at the same time, just like encountering something afraid of panic while turning towards moving towards Flew to the rear.

Then, Xia Pingan saw a tall Stoneman in the fortress in front of him rushing out of the doorway of the fortress.

Stoneman is holding a sledgehammer, his eyes flashing with blue light, striding meteors, moving towards the place where he is, and running wildly, that Stoneman’s body is full of the mighty breath of the vast and ancient times, one by one mysterious dim-blue Rune flickered on Stoneman’s body.

A monstrous chasing him was not reconciled, and still moved towards Xia Pingan, biting him fiercely.

The Stoneman was angry and made a muffled sound, and shouted a “thunder” that shook all directions. The dim-blue rune on his body suddenly lit up, and he raised his hand outside of several hundred meters. The huge Warhammer on top.

A blue lightning suddenly fell from the void and blasted on the unwilling monster. It directly blasted the monster from the air to the ground, and a large amount of scales fell all over his body.

Before that monster could get up again, Stoneman had already rushed forward. Warhammer in his hand was raised high again, and the word “hammer” was shouted in his mouth, and then he hit the monster’s head with a hammer.

The ground vibrated as if a heavy bomb fell on the ground. The place where the monster’s head was, was directly hit by Stoneman’s sledgehammer into a big pit, and the monster’s head was shattered.

The monster’s body did not heal anymore, but the black mist dissipated in front of Xia Pingan’s eyes. Finally, in the black mist, only a fist sized flashing golden light was left floating in the air. In the air, the tall Stoneman opened his mouth and sucked the golden light into his mouth and swallowed it directly.

I don’t know if it was an illusion, Xia Pingan felt that after Stoneman swallowed the golden light, the flashing runes on his body became brighter, and some cracks in Stoneman’s body were quietly repaired.

Seeing this scene, the monsters in the sky flew farther, afraid to approach the Muling Castle.

Stoneman in the wilderness raised the sledgehammer in his hand and roared at the monster in the sky.

Xia Pingan struggled to stand up, and spit out another mouthful of golden blood. As soon as the blood was spit out, it instantly turned into a mist and dissipated. Xia Pingan’s body seemed to weaken again and was a little unsteady. .

The tall Stoneman strode to Xia Pingan, knelt down with one leg, then stretched out his big hand, carefully picked up Xia Pingan, and placed Xia Pingan on its broad shoulders like a stone table. Go down, then hold the stone hammer, stand up, turn around moved towards Mu Ling Bao and walk away.

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