
“peng~ peng~ peng~ peng~ ……” The tall stone statue took heavy steps and walked into the gate passage of the Mulin Fort.

As soon as he entered the Muling Castle, the stone statue dropped Xia Pingan from his shoulders.

When I arrived at the Muling Castle, Xia Pingan felt better. At least he didn’t vomit blood anymore. The body gradually recovered a little, just a little bit weak.

Why is the blood coughed up by my own body golden? Xia Pingan didn’t know. He guessed that maybe this is the physical feature of being able to enter Spirit Realm. Anyway, vomiting blood is not a good thing, and after vomiting blood, the feeling of weakness from the body is too obvious.

Xia Pingan leaned against the daoist sect of the castle to rest, panting, and slowly recovering.

At this time, he found that the stone statue that brought him back to the castle did not return to his position, but took heavy steps and silently walked to the other with a broken hand, which looked a little bit In front of the broken stone statue, stretched out a hand and pressed it on the body of the stone statue.

The rune of dim-blue appeared on the bodies of two stone statues at the same time.

The rune rays of light on the stone statue that rescued Xia Pingan are dazzling, while the rune rays of light on the broken stone statue are relatively dim, and the number of runes emerging on the body is also less.

The stone statue that saved Xia Pingan opened its mouth, and a little golden brilliance flew out of the stone statue’s mouth like a Fire Insect, and fell on the body with some broken stone statues, and was absorbed by the broken stone statue , There are two more runes on the broken stone statue, and the rune brilliance of dim-blue is slightly brighter.

At the same time, the brilliance on the stone statue that saved Xia Pingan has dimmed a bit.

Seeing this scene in front of her, Xia Pingan was stunned. The stone statue is rescuing other stone statues here, is it rescuing her companion?

The little golden light that flew from the mouth of the stone statue, the Fire Insect-like golden light, was too similar to the group of golden light left on the monster that was killed just now, it was just a big one and a small one.

The next move of the stone statue that saved Xia Pingan confirmed Xia Pingan’s guess. In the next few minutes, the stone statue kept repeating the scene just now, and kept walking to other mutilated and silent stone statues. In front of him, put his hand on the body of the other stone statues, and then opened his mouth to let a little golden light like the Fire Insect fall on the other stone statues.

The rune brilliance on the stone statues that absorbed the golden light flashed, and it seemed to have regained a little vitality.

After doing all this, the stone statue silently returned to its position, with the sledgehammer on his hand, motionless, and the whole Mu Ling Fort was silent again.

At this time, Xia Pingan felt much better. Thinking of the purpose of coming here, Xia Pingan touched the trace of golden blood on the corner of her mouth, her face regained her firmness, and she turned and moved towards the fortress.

Passing through the entrance passage of the fortress and the small square of Senleng filled with coffins and remains, turning into the corridor of the Neibao, Xia Pingan soon came to the pastoral hall on the second floor of the castle and stood there again In front of a few black stone tablets.

This time, I should be able to learn the skills of these pastoralists!

Xia Pingan thought in her heart, took a deep breath, calmed her mood, and then extended the hand, spread her five fingers, and placed her hand on the stone tablet with the words “dream surgery” written on it. The middle palm print depression.

Just a moment, a strange energy came from the black stone tablet and entered Xia Pingan’s body through the palm of his hand, giving him a feeling of electric shock.

Xia Pingan closed her eyes, her body trembling slightly.

The complete secret technique of the dreaming technique appeared in Xia Pingan’s mind, and Xia Pingan’s whole body and consciousness were merged into one, just like Xia Pingan’s instincts that had been practiced for thousands of years, and he quickly mastered it completely. .

Only after less than 3 minutes, the trembling of Xia Pingan’s body gradually subsided. He opened his eyes suddenly, let out a long breath, and took a step back gently.

“Really strong!” Xia Pingan muttered to herself, “It turns out that those stars are indeed the Spirit Physique of the material world high level life, which is true according to the dream…”

The great breaking point of this dream technique is that as long as you can lock and find the opponent’s Stars Spirit Body, once the opponent is asleep, you can use the dream method to communicate and transmit messages with the opponent in the dream, and you can completely ignore the distance. , And top secret.

After learning the dreaming technique, Xia Pingan came to the stone tablet of “Dream Puppetry” and extended the hand and pressed it on the stone tablet of “Dream Puppetry”.

This time is the same as last time. In just a few minutes, Xia Pingan has completely integrated and mastered the “Dream Puppet Technique”.

When she opened her eyes, Xia Pingan could finally be sure that the way the dream monster controls others is “Dream Puppetry”.

The ability of dream puppetry allows the shepherd to influence the Spirit Physique of others when they are dreaming, and unconsciously plant the “puppet” in the subconscious of others, so that others can become your puppets. When certain external conditions appear, people who are controlled by dream puppetry are like dreaming, their personal autonomy is stripped, and they completely lose their control and perception ability over their body, and become a puppet, do you want him Anything you do.

In the next ten minutes, Xia Pingan learned to master all the “spirit technique”, “dreaming technique” and “Night Sword” in one breath.

“Spirit-seeking technique” is to let the shepherd find the Spirit Physique he wants to find in the vast sea of ​​Spirit Physique stars.

“Dreammaking” is to unconsciously bring people into specific dreams. This kind of dreams is like a powerful Illusion Technique, but it is more magical and powerful than Illusion Technique. It can be used in humans. Create illusions in your mind and consciousness, so that people who fall into it don’t know that they are in a dream.

It is worth mentioning that “Dream Creation” can be performed not only in Spirit Realm, but also in Spirit Realm.

The last thing Xia Pingan learned was the “Nightmare Sword”, which is a battle skill used by the shepherds to kill nightmare worms.

The responsibility of the shepherds is to protect the Spirit Physique stars of Spirit Realm from the nightmare. The Spirit Physiques in the sky are the flocks grazing by the shepherds.

The few monsters that entangled the stars of Spirit Physique that chased Xia Pingan before were nightmare worms.

Once the Stars Spirit Body is entangled by the nightmare, it will enter the terrible nightmare. The nightmare will swallow and absorb the energy of the Stars Spirit Body in the nightmare, just like a parasite. The energy is transformed into the negative energy of fear, hatred, depression, sadness, etc. that appear in the nightmare and breathe out…

And those Spirit Physique energies are the foundation of all life. Once those energies are exhausted, the physical body will have nothing to attach to and will definitely collapse.

Ordinary people think that the fleshy body is the container of Spirit Physique, but they are quite wrong. Everyone’s Spirit Physique is the container of the fleshy body. Spirit Physique is like a magnet, and the physical body is only attracted by this magnet. Things, once the magnet loses its magnetism, this attachment and attraction cannot exist.

——Those Spirit Physique stars are the container of Fleshy body.

After merging and mastering these skills, Xia Pingan’s head has a lot of information about Spirit Realm and shepherds.

There are also different levels of pastoralists. The level of pastoralists. Xia Pingan can only come into contact with three levels. They are primary level pastoralists, intermediate pastoralists, and high level pastoralists. On top of these three, there are even higher-rank shepherds, but the information of those higher-rank shepherds is still out of reach by Xia Pingan.

The improvement of the shepherd’s level is closely related to the responsibilities of the shepherd. The most important thing is to look at the number of Spirit Physiques that the shepherd “herds”…

apart from this, the skills of these pastoralists he learned and mastered in this pastoral hall today can also be continuously improved at different levels. As long as the level of the pastoralist can be improved, he will have access A higher level other shepherd castle masters the secret technique of a higher level other shepherd.

The skills that a shepherd can master are more than just the five in front of them.

At the same time, the nightmare is not only the this one I encountered today, there are other nightmare and even nightmare of higher level.

The shepherd and the nightmare are natural enemies. The devourer can make the nightmare stronger, and the shepherd can continue to make herself stronger by killing the devouring nightmare.

By the way, in Spirit Realm, the most important thing is Soul Power.

The golden light swallowed by the stone statue just now after killing the nightmare is the Soul Power of the nightmare.

The real name of the stone statue is the Guardian of the Spirit Castle. The Guardian of the Spirit Castle is the best partner of the Shepherd and the strong force to protect the Shepherd.

After mastering the “Night Sword”, Xia Pingan can already clearly perceive the state and amount of Soul Power in her body.

There is no specific quantity unit to measure Soul Power. However, Xia Pingan can use the “Night Sword” magical skills to measure the Soul Power of his body at this moment. His Soul Power at this moment is released. “Night Sword” needs to activate the Soul Power in his body, and use the skills to activate the released Soul Power. After a long time, it will return to his body, just like the body is recovering by itself.

His current body can release the “Night Sword” 4 times a little more. If I release 5 times, it is a bit reluctant. If you want to measure how much Soul Power he has at the moment, you can barely use “4.5 Slash”. Measure…

After understanding this, Xia Pingan didn’t stay in the Muling fort much, but left the Muling fort soon.

Just now, he was chased like a dog by the nightmare worms, and almost died. Now that the “Nightmare Sword” is in hand, Xia Pingan can’t wait to find the nightmare worms to test the knife and settle the account.

Almost as soon as Xia Pingan left the castle and stepped into the billowing fog again, in another place in Spirit Realm, the horrible nightmare that chased Xia Pingan just now appeared one by one. Flying around in front of the silhouette in Spirit Realm.

“What, you saw another person in Spirit Realm, impossible…” After using the worm language to figure out what the nightmare wanted to express, the silhouette almost thought it was the nightmare playing I yelled directly.

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