
Hongye Villa?

These four words pierced into Xia Pingan’s ears, making Xia Pingan’s heart violently move-is it Hongye Villa again?

It seems that the man named Guinu mentioned earlier is also Hongye Villa.

What are the people from Huang Family doing at Hongye Villa?

“Okay, I see, let’s go on…” Xia Pingan frowned, waved lightly, and let the three people of the Fire Dragon help be taken down.

Xia Pingan walked out of the interrogation room, thought for a while, turned a direction, went straight to the dungeon, and stood again at the door of the man named Guinu’s cell.

Xia Pingan waved his hand, and the guard of the cell leading the way left quickly and did not dare to stay to listen.

The ghost slave was full of weed-like messy hair. The whole person was sitting like a mossy silent stone by the wall under the vent of the room. He saw Xia Pingan standing at the door of the cell. Zi opened his eyes and looked towards Xia Pingan. There seemed to be a flash of thunder in his eyes.

“How about it, do you know that Hongye Villa is not an ordinary place?” the man asked in a low voice.

Xia Pingan was a little surprised, staring at the man, “You can actually hear the interrogation in the interrogation room?”

“Hehe, the Martial Artist of Grade 8, not as unbearable as you think, some of the Martial Artist’s abilities, you can’t lock it!” The man stood up, full of chain-crash-bang thoughts, he stepped step by step He walked to the iron bars of the cell, grabbed the two iron bars with his big rough hands, and pasted the terrifying face of the gully, lowered his voice, gritted his teeth and roared in a low voice, “You Did you want to ask me what’s in Hongye Villa? I told you, there is the magic cave, it is the magic cave of the upper capital, you let me go out, I will not run, where I am willing to die, I will tear it to you See what’s inside…”

Xia Pingan rubbed his forehead, “Can’t you just be honest?”

“What kind of cave is like, wherever it is…”

Until Xia Pingan left the dungeon, the word “magic cave” still echoed in Xia Pingan’s mind, making his brain hurt.


Two hours later, the ruling army Pingshan camp.

“Bang…” Lin Yi’s hair stands up in anger, waved his hand, slapped a palm on the table in front of him, and the expensive golden starlight Nanmu desk shattered directly, “It’s so big The dog eggs, a small Fire Dragon gang, actually dared to rob and kill Inspector Envoy in six provinces. In the past, Inspector Envoy in six provinces disappeared on the way back to the capital. Your Majesty also asked the ruling army to file a case for searching, but there has been no trace for these years. The family of Inspector Envoy from six provinces also came to our adjudication army every year to inquire about the news, did not expect Fire Dragon to help, is this confession reliable?”

“Everyone is here. The adults knew it at first trial. I didn’t expect to be able to ask so many things from the mouth of the Fire Dragon Gang. This Huang Family is brave, no wonder they dared to hire me to murder me this time. This is not the first time I have done such a thing!” Xia Pingan said grievously, “Please also my lord and the adjudicating army to call the shots for me!”

“You can rest assured, as long as it can be proved that this matter is the work of Huang Family, let alone that Huang Family is just a governor of Anxi Province, that is, ten governors, Your Majesty can also chop his head!” Lin Yi murderous-looking Said.

“If there is an adult, I can rest assured!” Xia Pingan also shook his head and sighed. “According to the Fire Dragon gang, the Sir Inspector Envoy died terribly and was used by Yi Zhaofeng. The iron was poured into the mouth, the body was tied with iron locks, and finally sank in the Thousand Star Lake of Mofeng Mountain. In the past few years, the bones should still be at the bottom of the lake. As long as someone is sent to salvage them, they should be able to be picked up. Press According to the Fire Dragon gang, the reason why Yi Zhaofeng is like this is because Huang Zheng gave orders…”

“I will personally supervise the case and give Your Majesty an explanation!”

Huang Family is over!

Xia Pingan let out a long breath, “My lord takes action, this incident will definitely As the water recedes, the rocks appear, and give the victim an explanation. If nothing happens, then I will retire first!”

“Wait a minute!” Lin Yi’s brows moved slightly, and he stopped Xia Pingan, “How did you know the information that the assassin came to the capital? Why did you catch that person when he got off the boat?”

“My lord, that person told me this news!”

“That person?”

“en!” Xia Pingan nodded, his face was not flushed and breathless, “It is probably that the person who sees me is still useful, and doesn’t want me to be harmed by Huang Family, so I can pass the information to me in time. Arrange calmly to capture the killer and the Fire Dragon gang in one fell swoop!”

Xia Pingan carried out “that person”, Lin Yi also had nothing to say, just browse slightly wrinkle, “can news of the dream demon come from that person?”

Xia Pingan lowered her eyes slightly, her voice calm, “Not yet!”

“Dream demon has become more sophisticated, and the harm is the biggest among the five demons. If that person hears news about the dream demon, you can directly notify me!” Lin Yi said directly.

“Okay!” Xia Pingan nodded, “If that person has news of a dream monster, the asking price this time may be very high!”

“Your Majesty used a puppet to detonate the ammunition depot in the capital and caused so many casualties and was very angry. As long as that person can provide news about the dream, any conditions are easy to discuss!”

“Yes, I remember it!”

“You can leave now, you are also the target of the dream monster, pay more attention to yourself!”

“Okay, many thanks, my lord cares!”

Xia Pingan left Lin Yi’s office.

Lin Yi frowned slightly as he watched Xia Pingan’s leaving back, and a slightly surprised color flashed in his eyes.

I don’t know why, when I saw Xia Pingan last time, Lin Yi could see through the cultivation realm of Xia Pingan, but it was only a few days. When I met Xia Pingan this time, Lin Yi felt that Xia Pingan was in his own perception. It became blurred, and some things inside Xia Pingan’s body seemed to become thicker, and it was no longer so easy for him to see through.

This is the sign and reaction of the spirit and soul becoming stronger in a short period of time. Once the invisible inner part changes, there will be subtle changes in the body and outside.

The shallow water in the creek can see the bottom and the gravel in the creek at a glance. As the water gets deeper and deeper, it becomes more difficult to see the bottom.

This is the case of Xia Pingan.


Xia Pingan walked out of the Pingshan camp. The carriage was waiting for him outside. He got on the carriage and asked the driver to return to Changle Lane.

“Huang Family’s matter is resolved?” The iron-faced man asked.

“Solved!” Xia Pingan nodded, let out a relaxed sigh.

Seeing that her enemies and opponents in the upper capital were solved one by one, Xia Pingan felt that her footsteps were much easier. It can be said that once Huang Family is resolved, now the upper capital still dares to bargain his teeth. People are gone.

Sun Family, Huang Family, Fire Dragon Gang, Guard Legion, Chief of the Golden Sun District Police Department, Golden Sun Supervisory Officer Yao, these people have a lot of energy in the capital, but they are just short of time. For a short period of time, either the acknowledge allegiance was at the feet of Xia Pingan, and all of them were stepped on by Xia Pingan.

Thinking of this, even the iron-faced man feels that Xia Pingan is a bit too powerful, and it is a misfortune to become Xia Pingan’s opponent.

“I’m a little looking forward to it. What kind of people like you can mix in the capital for a few more years?” The iron-faced man looked at Xia Pingan, rubbed his chin, and said each minding their own business. He thought a funny joke, “The commander of the ruling army? Or… can’t you still marry Princess, become the emperor’s son-in-law, and become the emperor’s relatives?”

Xia Pingan also laughed and didn’t say much, but in her heart, Xia Pingan’s heart tightened inexplicably, and her eyes became deep.

The words of the iron-faced man just reminded him of a question, how long can he stay in the capital?

Since the dream demon escaped, Xia Pingan’s heart has been hanging, and it has been difficult to settle down.

I feel uneasy, it is because my subconscious mind, superconscious mind, or telepathy, no matter what it is said, in short, I feel dangerous and uncomfortable inside, so I have been unable to settle down.

Xia Pingan knew that she would definitely become the target of the Blood Demon Religion, but the strength and determination of the Blood Demon Religion to destroy herself is somewhat unpredictable.

I can continue to go to the capital, attract the people of the Blood Demon Religion to the bait, and then use the power of the Judging Army and Dashang Country to consume the power of the Blood Demon Religion, and at the same time, I can continue to collect the world beads for cultivation in the process.

Another option is to leave the capital immediately, go to a new place, make a new face and start anew, so that Blood Demon Religion is impossible to find his whereabouts, and his safety can be guaranteed to the greatest extent.

These two choices have their own advantages and disadvantages. To be honest, the situation has just opened in Shangjing. Everything is smooth and the future is boundless. Xia Pingan is really reluctant to just create the situation and just leave. , But if you stay, the danger you will face is completely unknown.

Thinking of Hongye Villa, Xia Pingan’s heart moved. Today’s affairs in Shangjingcheng have come to an end. Tonight, I can ask Fushen Boy to go to Hongye Villa to see what’s famous there.


At the same time, on the sea…

A fishing boat was floating alone in the sea, and the deck was empty, with no half of its silhouette in sight.

In such a sea, such a fishing boat, sometimes, even if it floats for three or five months, it may not be able to meet a person.

In the cabin of the fishing boat, there is a strong smell of blood emanating at this moment, and the plasma of one after another is flowing from the cabin.

The boss of the fishing boat and a few boatmen are all lying on the ground at the moment.

The dream monster with blood on his face and crew clothes panted, waving the bloody machete on his hand, and cruelly mutilating several people on the boat.

The wooden floor of the cabin became a firewood. With the sound of the silent peng peng, one after another bloody knife marks were deeply left on the floor.

Finally, the dismemberment is over!

The dream demon placed the heads of several people in the middle, and then liberated them with the bodies and limbs of several people outside, forming a bloody sacrificial pattern of the eyes of the devil.

Wiping a hand of blood on his face, the dream demon knelt in front of the eyes of the demon, took out a mysterious statue from the space equipment and placed it on a table, and began to kneel to pray and sacrifice according to the ceremony. Mouth mutter incantations.

“The Demon God of Supreme, the eternal Sovereign, your humble servants are offering sacrifices like you with the fear and flesh and blood of all living beings. I pray for your connection. I found that there is a crossover who can enter Spirit. Realm…”

A moment later, an indescribable force burst into the air and appeared on the small sculpture.

The waves of the sea outside, in this brief moment, seem to be still, just like the insect dared not breathe in front of a beast…

The bumpy fishing boat was suddenly pulled up from the sea and floated in the air. The whole fishing boat exudes a terrifying blood light.

The Dream Demon was shocked. He had never encountered such a situation before. He was kneeling on the ground and he was suddenly pulled up from the ground by an indescribable force, floating in the air, and he was kneeling. , Dare not look up.

Just in the heart of the dream demon, within the entire consciousness, there is a voice that can make the entire world tremble directly, “You said, you found a crossover who can directly enter the Spirit Realm?”

Is this the voice of Sovereign Demon God? Even the Palace Lord is impossible to talk to Sovereign Demon God, this is, this is the honor of Supreme…

Shock, joy, and that uncontrollable fear and awe, made the dreamer’s mind and consciousness completely blank at this moment.

That voice didn’t need the dream demon to answer, but directly and domineeringly extracted the entire memory of the dream…

“…Finally… I found you… Do you want to start this game… Then come…”

The voice of Sovereign Demon God roared in the consciousness of the dream demon…

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