
To the north of Shangjing City is Pingshan, and further north, Pingshan is the suburbs of Shangjing City. There are few mountains and many mountains here, and there are mountains and ridges all over the place. The private manor is located, and the hunting garden of the Imperial Family is also to the north.

More than 20 miles away from Pingshan Mountain, there is Fengtai Mountain. The scenery of Fengtai Mountain is beautiful. There are waterfalls and gurgling streams everywhere. It is coolest in summer, so there are many summer manors and villas in the mountains.

There is also a military barracks in the garrison Legion under Fengtai Mountain, where soldiers from a division are stationed. At night, the lights on Fengtai Mountain are dotted with lights on the mountain and the lights in the barracks. There is no human firework.

Tonight, the moon is bright and the stars are sparse, and Fengtai Mountain is as quiet as ever.

Just under the starry sky, a naughty silhouette that ordinary people can’t see, is rushing towards Fengtai Mountain from the capital city.

That figure doesn’t fly or go, just between flashes, it’s already outside the several li, it’s so fast that it’s hard to capture.

In the blink of an eye, the silhouette flashed to the foot of Fengtai Mountain and directly broke into the army barracks of the garrison Legion. It slid around in the barracks, warehouses, training grounds, and weapon depots. After a lap, It seems to find that there is no fun in this barracks, and it seems to remember the purpose of my coming here, that figure left the barracks, just body flashed, past the group of soldiers who set up a card to check on the road outside the barracks, and then flashed again. The shape appeared on the top of the attic tower of a villa halfway up the mountain, flashing for the third time, and it had reached the top of Fengtai Mountain, standing in front of a huge mountain villa covering a large area.

A plaque with gold characters on a black background was hung at the door of the villa, which read “Hongye Villa” in four large characters.

Around Hongye Villa, there are patches of maple forest, so the name of this villa is Hongye Villa.

It is midsummer at this moment, and the maple leaves in the mountains are not yet red, so there is nothing special about it yet.

The gate of the villa under the plaque is like a watchtower. When the Fushen boy arrived, the gate of Hongye Villa was closed. Two strings of red lanterns were hung at the door. Below the lanterns, two wearing dark red guard uniforms, with grim faces The strong man pressed the knife at his waist and stared coldly at the mountain road leading to the villa.

From the outside, this Hongye Villa doesn’t seem to be special except for its grandeur and a larger area.

But in terms of style, the owner who can build the manor courtyard here does not need money. The private gardens of the villas on the mountain are all sentimental.

The naughty Fushen boy jumped on the shoulders of the two guards. From this person’s head to that person’s head, the two of them didn’t notice.

At this moment, a low-key black carriage drove up from the winding mountain road. The carriage was pulled by four black horses. The people in the carriage seemed to be rich or expensive at first glance.

Carriage came to the door of Hongye Villa. No one in the car opened the door. They just opened the window slightly, revealing a white and fat hand, handed out a maple leaf-shaped sign held on the hand, and guarded the door. One of the guards stepped forward to check, then looked at the people sitting in the car, and then turned and waved.

The dark and lacquered door of Maple Leaf Villa opened silently and slowly, revealing the passage through which the carriage entered. The carriage then entered the villa. The door was closed again, tightly closed, blocking the scenery in the villa. .

The Fushen boy rode on the horse and entered the villa with the carriage with a smile.

Behind the gate of the villa is a bamboo forest. The bamboo forest is like a barrier. It is high and dense. The carriage way forward passes through the bamboo forest and leads directly to the inside of the villa. There is a gurgling stream on both sides of the road. The flowing water in the stream was steaming hot, and the clear water crash-bang was flowing. The antique stone lamp on the side of the road had been lit, emitting a bright yellow light. The light and the mist in the stream were entangled with each other, if it was bright or dark. , Everywhere the flowers are fragrant, just like Immortal Realm.

Fushen Boy is not at peace.

As soon as he entered Hongye Villa, the carriage had not been several tens of meters, the Fushen boy disappeared from the horse he was riding, the next second, he came to a team of guards patrolling in the villa, on the shoulders of those guards Jumping up and down, in the next second, the Fushen boy came to the bamboo forest. There were several special silhouettes in the bamboo forest that attracted the Fushen boy’s attention.

There are a few silhouettes, a silhouette is underground, a silhouette is transparent, hidden among a few bamboos, another silhouette is hidden in a stream, and a silhouette is hidden in the mist.

Even from the perspective of a summoner, it is almost impossible to find these silhouettes, because these silhouettes are all summoners in the casting state, hiding in the bamboo forest in different forms, as if they do not exist The same, only in the eyes of the Fushen Boys, those summoners stand out.

In addition to the few summoners, murderous intention is also hidden in the bamboo forest, on the ground, underground, the bamboo leaves, thousands of bamboo bodies, in the stream, in the mist, and various deadly spells. The traps and obstacles are overlapping, one by one, and a powerful summoner ambushes them. Anyone who wants to sneak into the jungle into the Red Leaf Villa is just dead end.

Fushen Boy strolled around in the bamboo forest and saw the traps once. The next second, he flashed out of the bamboo forest and came back to the carriage that entered Hongye Villa just now. .

The carriage has stopped in a special parking lot behind the bamboo forest.

The carriage door opened, and a man with a big belly and black hair walked out of the car without a trace of wrinkles on his face. This man, full of officialdom, looked like a high-ranking person.

A thin and tall man in black clothed clothes brought two eleven or twelve-year-old boys with red lips and white teeth to greet him by the car door.

The two boys are very delicate and pretty, but their eyes are a little dull.

“Sir Li, it’s been a long time!”

Seeing that fat man with a big belly got out of the car, the thin man greeted him with a smile.

“Hey, there is a mess in these two Tian City. Your Majesty is very angry. You adults are not free. I can only stay with you. I was on the road just now and after several rounds of inspections. I have to go back tonight! “The Sir Li said while walking away.

“Understood, everything is arranged for the adults, it is fresh, it will not delay the adults, please come with me…” Sir Li followed the thin and tall man moved towards the next villa go with.

The lanky man kept sending that Sir Li to the door of the villa before he made a please gesture, “Everything is in it, adults just go in and enjoy!”

“The effect of the immortal blood essence last time was not very good!” Sir Li said critically.

“Sir Li, don’t worry, we have changed a batch of new ones, this time the blood essence is not old, Sir Li will know it after a try!”

“hahahaha, so good, so good…” Hearing the new “not old blood essence”, Sir Li’s eyes lit up, he couldn’t help licking his lips, and he couldn’t wait to push it away. Door to a villa.

What Sir Li didn’t know was that Fushen Boy sat on his head and entered the room with him.

On the table in the room on the first floor of the villa, there is a red box.

Sir Li was very familiar with driving, walked straight to the table and opened the box directly.

In the box there is a transparent glass bottle with a thumb-thick and palm-length. Next to the glass bottle are two pieces of ice braving the slightest chill, and the glass bottle is full of scarlet liquid, which seems to be blood.

Seeing the glass bottle, Sir Li picked up the glass bottle in a hurry, opened the mouth of the bottle, opened his mouth, and directly poured all the scarlet liquid in the glass bottle into his own. In his mouth, he licked his lips with aftertaste.

After drinking the liquid in the bottle, Sir Li sat on the sofa next to him, closing his eyes, as if he was scenting the liquid in the bottle, and under the gaze of the blessing god boy, it was less than five. Minutes, Sir Li’s face began to glow, Essence, Qi, and Spirit were all at once full, and the slight wrinkles at the corners of his eyes seemed to be ironed.

“Good stuff…” Sir Li sighed contentedly.

Fushen boy jumped onto the table, extended the hand, and touched the glass bottle that Sir Li had just taken with his finger.

The bottle is human blood, but it is not ordinary human blood, but the blood on children. That blood is different from ordinary blood. The blood seems to have the same vitality as divine force.

I touched the divine ability of a little bit of blood remaining in the bottle, and instantly sensed where the owner of the blood was. It was just body flashed and disappeared in the villa room.

In the next second, Fushen Boy appeared in a dark underground cell.

“No, don’t…”


“mother, mother, I want mother…”

“Ah, it hurts… It hurts…”

The underground cell is like hell. On both sides of the passage, there are iron cages everywhere, and within that iron cage, every child is locked in the narrow iron cage like animals being raised. Weeping loudly.

Rows of iron cages are put together in rows, like a feeding farm.

This is the hell of children!

As soon as the Fushen boy appeared, the ears of the Fushen boy were filled with countless screams and begging for mercy. Those screams and begging for mercy all came from the countless children in the cages in this underground cell.

Of those children, there are boys and girls, each of them is over three years old and under ten years old, each of them is locked in an iron cage, and some are hung upside down by chains, with countless wounds on their bodies Some are being filled with medicine, some are being drawn from their bodies, and some are being subjected to unimaginable abuse…

At first glance, there are thousands of children locked up in this dungeon.

Everything here, like an assembly line, is proceeding in an orderly manner. A group of people in white clothes are busy here…

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