
At the same time, a Mysterious Land in Jinyuezhou, in the Golden Moon Palace of Blood Demon Religion…

In the huge deep well, as before, the sacrifice of the Devil’s Eye continued. 360 living people were crushed by the group of wooden puppets to crush the movable bones, and then in the cave The sacrificial pattern of the eyes of the devil is placed on the bottom.

Screams, crying, begging for mercy, and cursing all over the cave.

Then, among the densely packed holes in the walls of the deep well, snake-like monster insects crawled out of those holes, moved towards the sacrifice of the eyes of the devil in the field, Totem quickly Rushed.

The people who offered sacrifices became food for those monster insects, but they couldn’t move, they could only watch themselves and the people around them being swallowed by that monster insect a little bit alive.

Death is a luxury for them.

Unspeakable fear, pain, and despair are boiling in the deep well, overflowing and dissipating in the void, like being swallowed by an invisible mouth.

The invisible energy of consciousness that finally burst out of those who were sacrificed is full of negative and desperate aura. It is the last struggle of life and the last curse, endless darkness and pain…

Two rounds of moonlight in the sky shone in from the gaps in the surrounding mountain peaks, and the moonlight merged into a scarlet light that just hit the eyeball of the devil’s eye at the bottom of the deep well.

The scarlet’s eyes seemed to come alive, and countless monster insects squirmed on those people, as if the eyes were blinking gently.


In the palace above the deep well, dressed in black robes, with an evil and beautiful face and a trace of blood in his eyes, the Palace Lord is sitting on the throne in front of a huge Demon God sculpture in the palace, coldly Looking at the dark and crushing crowd standing in the palace.

“The Five Demons entered the Upper Capital. Up to now, four of them have died. The Upper Capital is still singing and dancing. The strength of Dashang Country is really unexpected. Who can tell me that Dashang Country’s Upper Capital is our Blood? Is Demon Religion forbidden? When did Beitang Zhao become so strong?”

The voice of the youth echoed in the palace, not happy nor angry, but it was full of depressing atmosphere, and no one could answer.

The boy was still trying to say something. At this moment, in the void above the deep well, the space seemed to split suddenly, and an unimaginable terrifying pressure and will suddenly descended on that in the palace. On the huge Demon God sculpture.

The eyes of the huge Demon God sculpture slowly opened, revealing a pair of blood-red eyes.

At just a glance, everyone in the great hall was crushed by the terrifying pressure to kneel on the ground, shaking both physically and mentally.

Demon God is coming… Demon God is coming…

Everyone’s hearts were screaming, trembling, and in awe, each and every creature, like the dust in the storm, completely acknowledged allegiance in front of that terrifying force……

“Passing the Demon God Order, all the Demon God churches and all people of all continents and circles of the Yuanqiu world who worship me as the master, from now on, at all costs kill Xia Pingan, the one who can kill Xia Pingan No matter who, I will give him eternal life divine spring to help him condense the eternal body, and those who can sacrifice Xia Pingan for me will receive the blood of Demon God. I will personally ignite the divine fire for him and condense the divine wheel… …”

That transcendent will and voice surging like a tsunami echoes in the consciousness of the entire Heaven and Earth and everyone.

After the voice and will dissipated for a long time, the people kneeling in the great hall spirit slowly recovered from the unspeakable coercive will, trembling with fear stood up.

Sovereign Demon God personally issued Demon God orders to everyone!

Kill the body of eternal life in peace!

If you can sacrifice Xia Pingan, you can directly enshrine the gods!

In the countless tens of thousands of years in the long history of Blood Demon Religion, the Demon God Order has only been played twice. It was during the battle of the gods of Heaven and Earth turning upside down several times in the ancient times, Sovereign Demon God’s will came, and he personally issued two Demon God orders.

This is the third time.

For a mortal?

And the highest reward is actually…Fengshen!


Everyone was shocked!

In the next second, the palace Lord with the evil and handsome face was the first to rise into the air, without saying a word, flying directly into the air and disappearing instantly.

The remaining people in the great hall stayed for two seconds, whiz whiz whiz whiz, all flew one by one, all moved towards one direction.

Demon God order that is the highest order and will, surpassing everything, except for the people of Blood Demon Religion, anyone who completes the task on the Demon God order can get a reward from Sovereign Demon God… [ 19459002]

They are the closest to Dashang Country. If you wait for a while, powerhouse experts from other continents will flock to you.

The opportunity for immortality and entrustment lies in the capital…



The sky was light, Luo Laojiao found a black carriage stopped at the door of the inspection office, and then Xia Pingan got off the carriage.

The Iron Masked Man followed Xia Pingan, and a little black pig whispered and followed behind the Iron Masked Man.

“My lord, early…” Luo Laojiao rushed out of the door and greeted Xia Pingan with a brilliant smile.

The salary bonus of the Donggang Inspection Office last month has been issued. One month’s income is more than that of last year. Luo Laojiao also has a share. This makes Luo Laojiao feel good, even saying hello to Xia Pingan There was a little more enthusiasm from the heart.

Today’s inspection made the adults come very early, almost the first time, Luo Laojiao did not dare to ask more, and could only watch Xia Pingan enter the building of the inspection office.

As usual, Wei Meiyu arrived at the office early to clean up.

As soon as Xia Pingan arrived at the office, Wei Meiyu told Qi Dafeng to call the office.

“My lord, do you call me?” Qi Dafeng was respectful in front of Xia Pingan.

“Bring that Martial Artist to see me, and then go through the release procedures for that Martial Artist. I have checked his affairs and there is not much harm. If he is counted on the charge of illegal possession of dangerous items, he There is enough time to serve the sentence in our detention…” Xia Pingan said directly.

Although Qi Dafeng still had some doubts in his mind, since Xia Pingan had already spoken, he didn’t say anything anymore. He bowed a salute, turned and left to make arrangements.

In just a while, the terrifying Grade 8 Martial Artist came to Xia Pingan’s office and was looking at Xia Pingan with a surprised look. He just heard the news that the inspector was about to let him go. It feels incredible.

“You will be free today, I will let you out today, but you can’t stay in the capital city any longer, you must leave Dashang Country…” Xia Pingan said to Guinu.

“Why?” Guinu asked in a deep voice.

“It’s no reason, your face is too scary in the capital, you will find a place to stay in the capital in the future, don’t come to the capital to wander around!” After speaking to the ghost slave, Xia Pingan looked towards the iron-faced man in the room , “Brother Iron Face, this time I will do your job. Take him out of Dashang Country in a boat. When you leave Dashang Country, you will open the shackles on him again!”

The iron-faced man didn’t expect Xia Pingan to arrange such an errand for himself suddenly, “If you send him out of Dashang Country by boat, you will have to be at least half a month on the way, your safety…”

“It doesn’t matter, the past few days I have a special mission, and there are a bunch of experts from the ruling army around me, so I am afraid that no one will trouble me!”

Hearing what Xia Pingan said, the iron-faced man looked at Guinu’s face, nodded, “Okay!”

This errand is not difficult for the iron-faced man, only to temporarily leave the capital for a few days.

“Well, remember to put a mask on his face. There is a boat at the dock this morning. I will give you a mission token. You can take him away now!” Xia Pingan said. From the drawer, he took out a mission token for the Judging Army and handed it to the Iron Masked Man.

With that mission token, even if you go out to perform official duties, you can avoid a lot of trouble.

Guinu kept looking at Xia Pingan in silence and heard Xia Pingan’s arrangement, but his eyes moved without saying a word.

The iron-faced man took the token, no nonsense, and left with Guinu directly, but when he walked to the door, Guinu suddenly looked back at Xia Pingan and said, “That place, did you go?” “

“Hahaha, you think too much, I have been busy yesterday, so I haven’t left the capital!” Xia Pingan laughed.

After a while, Xia Pingan stood at the window, watching the iron-faced man with the ghost slave, boarded a carriage, and the carriage went straight to the pier…

Waiting for the carriage to leave her sight, Xia Pingan turned her head and looked at this familiar office, suddenly sighed…

Some things have to be done!


At noon, I went to a teahouse somewhere in Beijing.

Wearing a hat and a beard on his face, Yan Duo sneaked in from the main entrance of the tea house, then went to the second floor of the tea house, and turned around on the second floor of the tea house before asking for an unmanned one. The box, after entering the box, I sat down by the window, then opened the window in the box and scanned the surroundings with vigilant eyes.

Not long after Yan Duo sat down, there was a fluttering sound in the air. A sensitive eagle owl suddenly flew from a distance, flew in directly from the window, and then threw an envelope on his feet. On the table in front of Yan Duo, he flew away.

Yan Duo was taken aback. He opened the envelope. Inside the envelope was his familiar handwriting. There were also a few gold tickets. The total amount of the gold tickets was more than one million Gold Coins, which was a terrifying giant. paragraph.

——After seeing this letter, immediately take your woman out of the capital city today. Do not stay. There will be major changes in the city. The golden ticket in the envelope will be used as the fund for the “Sky Patching Project” in due course. Transfer it to others to support other companions in the “Sky Patching Project”.

——Lin Qing has been killed and sacrificed in the hands of Blood Demon Religion for the mission. No matter what happens to me, you must hide and protect yourself. Don’t expose yourself. At all times, you must focus on the mission and don’t worry about me!

Yan Duo’s face changed.

The letter is from Xia Pingan, but Xia Pingan’s tone in the letter is very determined, as if there is a major event going on in the capital.

After reading the letter, the letter was turned to ashes in Yan Duo’s hands. Yan Duo put away the gold ticket, took a deep breath with a trace of determination on his face, and then quickly left the teahouse…

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