
When the sun went down, a touch of sunset hung on the west side of the capital city. The red clouds were like fire and it was exceptionally gorgeous. Xia Pingan sat on a carriage to Guanlan Villa in the north of Pingshan.

Guanlan Mountain Villa is a large manor, not far from Pingshan Mountain. On the surface, Guanlan Mountain Villa is the summer residence of a wealthy man in Shangjing, but in fact, it is the Shadow Guard of the ruling army in Shangjing. One of the strongholds.

Guanlan Mountain Villa is quiet, quiet, and there is no mountain and dew at all. It is located in a quiet valley at the northern foot of Pingshan Mountain. There are not even a few villages and towns around. Therefore, no one knows that it is in the Guanlan Villa at this moment. , Is hiding a powerful force.

Here, it is less than fifteen miles from Fengtai Mountain.

Just after getting off the carriage, Xia Pingan felt a few invisible sights falling on him in the surrounding air. He calmly walked to the vermilion gate of the villa and used the knocker on the gate. Tap twice.

After a few seconds, the door opened for a short while, revealing a slightly old face inside. It was an old man with drooped eyelids. He was weak. He was wearing the costume of a servant of the villa. Like an ordinary janitor, he glanced at Xia Pingan, then opened the door a little further, letting Xia Pingan walk in.

When closing the door, Xia Pingan saw the old man wave his hand and set up two rune traps at the door, and then without a word, he took Xia Pingan moved towards the villa and walked.

There are almost no people in the villa. Of course, this is just the surface. The sharp sword power in the Shadow Guard is in this villa at the moment-the Shadow Four Guards and the Iron Hand Camp are all here.

Passing through the yard one after another, through a corridor and a garden, the old man took Xia Pingan into a living room, and then left silently.

There are four people in the living room, Grandma You, Master Maomao, Scholar, and Liu Tieshou.

The four people sat on the four Imperial Tutor chairs with their eyes closed, like four silent sculptures. They are resting in conserve strength and store up energy, and are also ready to go, ready to be dispatched at any time in Xia Pingan. When they entered the room, the four people opened their eyes suddenly and looked towards Xia Pingan.

“I have seen four seniors!” Xia Pingan, who entered the room, gave a salute to the four.

The four people did not entrust the big, because Xia Pingan is their nominal command and leader at the moment, they can ignore Xia Pingan in their eyes, but Lin Yi’s order and the rules of the ruling army, However, they had to treat it with caution, and did not dare to overstep it.

The Imperial Tutor chair in the main seat of the room was empty, no one was sitting, it was reserved for Xia Pingan, and all four of them were sitting on both sides of the room.

Four people stood up at the same time and gave Xia Pingan a gift.

“Where is the demon knife senior?” Xia Pingan glanced at the room and asked knowingly—just before he came here, the Fushen boy had just left.

“I am here too!” The Demon Sword cannot be seen in the room, but the sound of the Demon Sword is in the room.

Except when necessary, such as when you see Lin Yi, this demon sword is like a transparent person, never revealing his figure in front of outsiders. Even at this time, the sound of the demon sword is erratic in the room. .

“Is there any news?” Liu Tieshou solemnly asked.

“No, I’m also waiting for information!” Xia Pingan shook the head.

“When will you wait?” Liu Tieshou continued to ask.

“I don’t know. I can only wait. It may be a few hours or a few days. As soon as the news comes, I will be dispatched immediately…” Xia Pingan said, and walked to Zhang’s chair. Sit down calmly, “You seniors can take a break. If the information comes, all seniors can gather here within the twenty breaths!”

“Hahaha, we are not so squeamish. We just snoozed here, squinted and rested. It’s the same for ten days and eight days!” Maomao Master haha ​​smiled, sat down by himself, and took out a chimney in his hand, each Minding their own business, hit the chimney.

“The old woman is ready to embroider, and it doesn’t take long for a few days…” Grandma You took out her needle and thread and started embroidering.

The scholar was a little cold, did not speak, just took out a book, and shook his head and read it.

Liu Tieshou stopped talking, and sat down directly, closing his eyes.

They are all experts, they are naturally expert and know a lot of actions. Before they act, they are actually waiting. Sitting here for three days and five days is nothing at all.

No one left this room, everyone was waiting.

Xia Pingan is also sitting, closing her eyes…

In the blink of an eye, the picture that Fushen Boy saw appeared in Xia Pingan’s consciousness-the entire Hongye Villa has been turned over by Fushen Boy, where is there a secret road in this villa, and where is there a little hidden? For things, there are a few people and what each one is doing, Fushen Boys are all clear about it.

From yesterday to now, Hongye Villa’s crimes have continued. Two more children who were squeezed out of the “old blood essence” were thrown into the big pit of Crocodile Horn, and three more wealthy dignitaries went to Hongye. The villa, the modified carriage is here again, and a few five or six-year-old children…

Xia Pingan is also waiting, tonight, make a conclusion.

The night fell unconsciously, and the room was quiet.

At the beginning, there was also the sound of Master Maomao smoking a pipe. After smoking, Master Maomao put away the pipe and leaned on the chair, like a little sleepy sleepy. In the whole room, only scholars came. The rustle when reading and turning books…

Grandma You was embroidering things, focusing on things, silently, and time passed by little by little.

When the sky full of stars and moon appeared, the crickets in Guanlan Villa began to cry, and the whole villa was immersed in darkness and quiet.

I don’t know how long it has been…

Xia Pingan closed his eyes, spirit was clear, and his will was as strong as steel. Just as he estimated the time and wanted to open his eyes, he suddenly remembered the scene in his memory-hastily carrying the skirt and turning over The wall…

What a lovely girl!


Xia Pingan opened her eyes all of a sudden, divine light flashed in them, stood up all of a sudden, her breath changed.

Several people in the room also opened their eyes at the same time, looking towards Xia Pingan.

“The news has arrived. From this moment on, I will personally direct the action tonight!” At this moment, Xia Pingan’s tone, no longer the politeness of the previous, began to order simply, “Let the iron hand camp gather!”

Liu Tieshou glanced at Xia Pingan, without saying a word, just patted the palm of his hand. In the garden outside the living room, suddenly there were seventy-two people wearing black robes and uniforms on their heads. People with black masks and black iron gloves on their hands came, the seventy-two people, each of them was silent as a mountain, and the black mist surged all over them, like ecstatic messengers coming out of the darkness.

“Hidden, keep up with me…” Xia Pingan did not explain, and did not say a word. The whole person leapt out of the room and disappeared suddenly. The moment his body disappeared, A bat appeared, and the bat flew directly towards the north of the villa.

Illusion Technique!

Grandma You and the others took a look, and their figures leapt out of the room and disappeared instantly.

Liu Tieshou jumped out of the room and waved his hand. A black mist enveloped the 72 people in Tieshou Camp. Then, together with himself, he plunged into the black mist. When the black mist dissipated, everyone was Disappeared.

The bat flew silently in the dark, through the woods, through the creek, through the river and several villages, and flew towards the north of the villa, and finally flew under the Fengtai Mountain, bypassing the phoenix. The barracks of Legion, the garrison under Taishan, appeared in a pine forest halfway up the mountain.

The bat fell on the tree and disappeared, and the figure of Xia Pingan was revealed again.

Grandma You, Maomao Master, Yaodao, Liu Tieshou and Tieshouying people also appeared by Xia Pingan one by one.

Outside the pine forest is a winding winding mountain road. Follow this winding mountain road to the top of the mountain and you will find Hongye Villa.

A black carriage is walking on the mountain road at a moderate pace, just a hundred meters away. In the night, a coachman is driving the carriage. The two horse lights in front of the carriage head are moving on the winding road. The bell tied around his neck is constantly making a sound of dīng líng líng on the silent mountain road.

The carriage is moving towards here approaching.

“Cut off that carriage, there is something in the mezzanine of that carriage, don’t disturb anyone…” Xia Pingan ordered.

“I’m good at this, let me…” Master Maomao stood up, took two steps, and an emerald green fishing rod appeared in his hand. Between the waves of your fishing rod, the driver of the car, two horses The horse, a cart, seemed to be hooked by something, and suddenly rose off the ground. The coachman and the horses were all frozen, their body was stiff, and there was no sound.


Maomao Master closed the pole, the carriage, two horses, and the coachman have been caught in the pine forest. The horses and the coachman fell to the ground, motionless.

“Take apart the carriage, pay attention to someone in the mezzanine under the carriage…” Xia Pingan continued to order.

Liu Tie’s hands were silent, and he took a step forward. The iron gloved hands stretched forward and his fists were pinched. The hard carriage and wheel chassis brackets were all silently dismantled and shattered, revealing There were three suitcases in the mezzanine under the carriage, and the suitcase fell steadily on the ground.

Xia Pingan stepped forward and opened the button of a suitcase. In that suitcase, there was a five or six-year-old girl curled up in a ball.

The little girl was unconscious, her face pale and motionless.

Open the other suitcases. In those suitcases, there are all small children.

Grandma You came over and checked, “These children have been drugged…”

“If we don’t come tonight, these children will probably be sacrificed by those beasts, and they will die worse than a beast…” Xia Pingan looked at everyone around her and said softly, “I can meet you It is the blessing of these children. I thank you for the children’s family and parents first!”

A group of people were silent, but the amazing murderous aura was roaring on everyone.

Anyone who can hide the child and transport it here, no matter it is who, can be killed.

Granny You stood up, wiped the corners of her eyes, sighed, “The old woman wants to kill more people tonight, none of you should fight with my old woman…”

“Turn around this mountain col, in the forest in front, there are hidden whistle and summoner hidden by the other party, to be cleared…”

“Let me go…” The hoarse voice of the demon sword sounded.

After a while, the Demon Sword came back, and only one voice rang, “It’s all killed, what else…”

“Everyone follow me…” This time, Xia Pingan didn’t hide her figure anymore, and rushed to the top of the mountain with everyone moved towards the mountain. After a while, Hongye Villa appeared in front of everyone.

The Hongye Villa is still the same as yesterday. There are two guards at the door, and the red lantern is hung at the door of the villa.

Xia Pingan led people, stood in the woods, looked at Hongye Villa, and gave a bloody order coldly.

“The people in this villa, except for the child and the general manager inside, all killed, none of them are allowed to be let go!”

As soon as Xia Pingan’s words fell, the heads of the two guards standing at the entrance of the villa flew up. With a wave of Master Mao’s fishing rod, they disappeared in front of Xia Pingan.

In the next second, in the bamboo forest behind the villa, underground, in the mist, and in the stream, two monster eyes flashed in the darkness, and then the plasma of one after another began to burst out.

Half of Tieshouying’s manpower had already rushed out, and the other half of the manpower quickly surrounded the entire villa.

The hearty killing started in the villa…

Xia Pingan didn’t rush in when the others charged in to kill. He just took out a cloud-piercing arrow and lit it.

The cloud-piercing arrow flew into the high altitude of Fengtai Mountain and exploded fiercely. In the sky, it turned into a huge flame pattern symbolizing the ruling army, and it did not dissipate for a long time.

The weather in the capital tonight is very good, and there are few clouds in the sky. As soon as the flame pattern of the ruling army burst out, almost the entire upper capital can be seen-this is the main force of the summon ruling army in an emergency.

After releasing the Cloud Piercing Arrow, Xia Pingan’s figure quickly rushed into the Red Leaf Villa, blasting the door of a villa with one kick.

“So courageous, what do you want to do, get out of here, I am…” In the villa, there is a senior official from Shangjingcheng who has a naked upper body and a fat brain, holding a bottle of “not old blood essence” in his hand. There is still a trace of blood between the bottle and the lips and teeth.

Seeing Xia Pingan rushing in, the official suddenly took out his official power and scolded Xia Pingan.

“You rubbish, damn…” Xia Pingan’s eyes flashed with murderous intention, and a Confinement Within A Circle Drawn On The Ground imprisoned the official on the ground and couldn’t move it. Then a hot Fireball Technique was thrown out and just thrown it away. The officer lit up and burned violently.

“Ah…” The man screamed bitterly, like a burning torch, but he couldn’t escape the confinement of Confinement Within A Circle Drawn On The Ground.

After lighting the trash, Xia Pingan quickly left the villa. After a while, he appeared outside a secret room in Hongye Villa. Xia Pingan entered the secret room and took out from the secret room in the blink of an eye. Two rosters…


In the imperial city 9th layer of the upper capital……

Beitang Zhao, wearing an imperial robe, walked out of the imperial study room with his hands on his back, looking towards the pattern in the northern sky, with a calm expression on his face.

At the same time, Beitang Wangchuan also walked out of the quiet room and looked up at the pattern of in the sky in the north, his eyes flickering.

“Where is that place?”

“That seems to be in the direction of Fengtai Mountain. Could it be that the adjudicating army has made a big move over there tonight!” A woman came to Beitang Wangchuan’s side and said softly.

“Fengtai Mountain?” Beitang Wangchuan looked puzzled, and he didn’t know why the ruling army was fighting in Fengtai Mountain tonight. Under Fengtai Mountain, there seems to be a barracks guarding Legion, but nothing else.

“Could it be that the ruling army discovered the dream monster?”

“If it is a dream demon, it will not alarm the whole adjudication army. As long as the dream demon’s whereabouts are exposed, it will be resolved silently. It should be something else…”

“Well, let me inquire…”


The ruling army and the entire upper capital were alarmed…


A big chapter with more than four thousand words is here, and the second chapter is later today!

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