
The whole Hongye Villa is full of strong bloody smells. Inside and outside the Villa, just like Xia Pingan said, except for the child and a few deliberately left alive, everyone else in the Villa is in the shortest It turned into corpses and fragments within a time.


When Grandma You’s gloomy face came out of a room in the basement of the villa, thousands of messy black silk threads were flying behind her like a peacock, baring fangs and brandishing claws, and behind her In the room and passageway, dozens of people in white coats have been cut into pieces, and they can’t even find a complete finger…

Thick plasma flowed out behind Grandma You, following her steps.

Grandma You glanced at the rows of iron cages in the underground cell, and her eyelids jumped a few times. It was not that Grandma You had never seen cruel and bloody scenes, those dark sacrifice places of the Blood Demon Religion, she was large and Small has seen it more than once, but none of the scenes I have seen before is disturbing.

There are too many children in the iron cage. Some people are wailing loudly because of fear, while others are already suffering from dementia and have been abused to make them mentally abnormal. All the children have the same expression in their eyes. Panic and horror, around each child’s eyes are two dark circles.

It seems that many children have been abused human yet not human, ghost yet not a ghost.

In the rooms she saw just now, there were several new children who were hanging upside down, with black needles stuck in their bodies, their faces twisted in pain, and blood was being drawn.

Just now in a villa, Granny You saw an old man without pants, and also saw a seven or eight-year-old shiver coldly tied to the bed.

Then, the old man was dismembered into tens of millions by the silk thread of Grandma You.

In the entire Hongye Villa, it is difficult to find a complete corpse, even if it is not bloody.

Looking at the dungeon full of iron cages in front of her, a tear was squeezed from the corner of Granny You’s eyes, and fiercely cursed, “These gods killed those who are really evil…”

After that, Grandma You felt a powerful breath coming.

Granny You still wants to kill a few more people, her murderous aura tonight is hard to calm…

Grandma You rushed to the end of the room in the aisle again, and caught up with a few people in white who were escaping hastily.

The silk thread of wild dance cuts past, and the bodies of the few people in white who are escaping are like collapsed building blocks for an instant, divided into countless pieces…


Lin Yi and the people from the Judging Army are here.

The officers of the Legion at the foot of the garrison also came with a group of people. The signal of the ruling army is so obvious, so close to the barracks of the garrison Legion, the garrison Legion at the foot of the mountain can’t ignore it.

The originally quiet Hongye Villa suddenly became lively when so many people arrived.

Then, the iron cages containing the children in the dungeon were moved out one by one by the farmers and slave soldiers who came out of summon, and placed them on the square of Hongye Villa, densely packed. .

With a wave of the fishing rod, Master Mao Mao hung up all the crocodile horns in the cave pond, and opened their stomachs. The stomachs of those crocodile horns were very smelly, and they were all the bones of digested or undigested children. , That scene, horrible to see.

Looking at the rows of iron cages, one by one, each child, one after another, the soldiers of the Judging Army were silent, and the soldiers of the garrison Legion were also silent…

It’s not that everyone has never seen death, never seen blood, but never seen such a scene.

In the noisy and bloody Hongye Villa, there was no extra sound suddenly, only the cry of the children in the iron cage echoed in the darkness and blood.


Lin Yi’s face changed. He waved his hand, and countless fluorescent lamps were summoned out and floated around Hongye Villa. The whole Hongye Villa was suddenly bright as day, and the top of Fengtai Mountain was white.

All the ugliness has nowhere to hide.

The managers and Lin Lin who were captured alive were restrained and tied up in a pile. They were already paralyzed with fright and feces and urine.

“My lord…” Xia Pingan walked up to Lin Yi with a calm face, and handed the two lists to Lin Yi, “This is what I found in a secret room here!”

“What is this?” Lin Yi asked.

“One of the lists is the list of Dashang Country rich and senior officials who have come here to eat people and enjoy the’not old blood essence’ provided here. There are 1,453 people in total. There is also a list of those who have been arrested and killed over the years. The number of dead children and the accounts of the money and currency provided by the rich and senior officials here. Including these children who are still alive at the moment, there are a total of 26,877 victims…” Xia Pingan’s voice was loud, as loud as the entire Fenghuang. The top of Taishan Mountain, everyone present can hear it.

Hearing what Xia Pingan said, everyone present was a little commotion.

The two numbers that Xia Pingan said were amazing. On the one hand, there are 1453 high-ranking officials in the capital, and on the other are the bones and blood debts of 26,877 children…

It’s recorded in black and white, and it’s impossible to fake it.

Xia Pingan’s words continued to resound on the top of the mountain.

Jing Wang, turned out to be Jing Wang?

There was a commotion among the onlookers, but the uproar and commotion quickly calmed down, because everyone knows the weight of the two words King Jing.

“All the financial accounts recorded here were finally transferred to the Trading Company controlled by Jing Housekeeper Wang and Princess Jing’s big brother. The director Lin here was also sent by King Jing and directly under King Jing… …” Xia Pingan seemed to have not noticed the weird atmosphere around him and the meaning of the name Jing Wang, and still reported to Lin Yi loudly.

When Xia Pingan just said loudly that the 1453 rich and powerful officials in Dashang Country were involved in the roster, Lin Yi looked towards Xia Pingan, his gaze was already extremely sharp, with powerful oppression, like an arrow. Shoot over.

Because Lin Yi was aware of Xia Pingan’s intentions, he didn’t expect Xia Pingan to have so much courage. In this crowd, he didn’t worry about the consequences at all, so he shook everything out.

When Xia Pingan talked about King Jing aloud, Lin Yi’s eyes trembled slightly, and his heart was shocked for an instant, while Xia Pingan’s eyes were still calm and firm, with a loud voice, without a hint of hesitation, just like saying any cat or dog or a common name.

Grandma You, Master Maomao, and scholars and Tieshouying. Many people looked at Xia Pingan. They looked a little strange, and some suddenly admired them.

Everyone knows the consequences of shaking out King Jing here. This time, if King Jing does not die, it is Xia Pingan who will die.

Who is King Jing? Is this a small inspection enabler…

The garrison Legion officer who led the team here turned green. He couldn’t wait to slap himself and join in the fun. At this time, it’s not going to go, it’s not going to stay…

Xia Pingan and Lin Yi looked at each other calmly. Lin Yi’s gaze, from the sharpness at the beginning, gradually calmed down, finally moved away from Xia Pingan’s face.

“Anything else to find?” Lin Yi’s voice was calm.

“Well, there is one more discovery!” Xia Pingan said, waved his hand, and asked a few slave soldiers to move a few tables to come in front of him. He simply took out the jade cone and wrote in the void A divine symbol with a flashing golden light “mark”, the word divine symbol fell on a table, and in an instant, the word divine symbol fell on a table, and the table was panic. Come to Guanghua.

In Guanghua, three silhouettes appeared around the table, chatting around the table drinking blood-red things. This scene was exactly what Xia Pingan saw through the Fushen Boy that day.

All the people in Hongye Villa are watching everything recorded on that table as if they were watching a movie…

“…Master Ling, this special budget plan will make you bother. His Royal Highness has already made promises to the Black Cloud Fleet and the 11th Legion. You will not embarrass His Royal Highness… …”

“This…it’s a bit difficult… If Master Wu disagrees, Master Wu makes trouble, Crown Prince is not easy to explain?” “Reassure your lord, King Jing has returned, Master Wu On the other hand, King Jing will solve it himself, and let the adults only agree to it. As long as the adults are signed, the Wu adults will not interfere. This matter will become a fait accompli. Your Majesty will not intervene in this matter. The Crown Prince also does not interfere with this matter. There is nothing to say! Let the adults don’t forget which side you are on…”

“Then… okay! This… Director Lin, I always feel that my energy is a little low lately, and my grade is a bit older…”

“This is done. Next year, the adult’s blood essence will be doubled…”


“Master Song, the police are asking you to spend more snacks. The police in Dashang Country are checking too tightly. The supply of blood essence in our place is not so smooth. Recently, there are many people under us who go out to do errands. All of them were arrested by the police everywhere, it was a little troublesome…”


“Manager Lin can explain that if those who go to work in the future are caught by the police, they will pretend to be mental patients and their brains are abnormal. I will give orders to the police everywhere if they encounter a mental patient committing a crime. For those who snatch and kidnap a child, let the patient be released as soon as possible. Be tolerant of mental patients and don’t hold them accountable. The child is fine anyway. The most important thing is to send the patient to the doctor or let the patient’s family claim it. Whoever wants to imprison mental patients, I can trouble them…”


When the light, shadow and sound on the table disappeared, the crowd suddenly came over from the dirty and horrible to see transaction, and the crowd was a little commotion again.

“Reproduce the divine symbol…”

“Reproduce the divine symbol…”

“Xia Pingan actually mastered the divine symbol of time…” Some people around exclaimed.

“That’s the secret technique of a generation of gods catching Lian Wenjie. I originally thought that after Lian Wenjie, no one in the world can master the divine symbol. Didn’t expect anyone to master this divine symbol…”

If there were some suspicions before, then at this time, seeing the latest evidence, everyone was completely convinced that this is the sound and image scene shown by the “reproduction of the divine symbol”, impossible is false.

Xia Pingan didn’t know what “reproduced divine symbol” was, and who was the “first generation god catcher Lian Wenjie”, but it seemed that the people around were surprised by his own mark divine symbol , Outsiders don’t know that it is a “mark”, and then call it “reproduce divine symbol”, which is actually correct.

Lin Yi looked at Xia Pingan, sighed in his heart, this guy Xia Pingan was going to nail the nail on the plate of King Jing’s coffin to death.

As the commander of the ruling army, if Lin Yi didn’t understand that he was cheated by Xia Pingan or being used as a knife by Xia Pingan by this time, that would be an insult to his IQ, but even if he knew it in his heart, he couldn’t. Said, because this action was aimed at Dream Demon and Blood Demon Religion, not at King Jing, there is an essential difference. He must firmly kill this point. If he does not kill this point, he will kill himself. Get involved in the next storm…

“Have you found traces of Dream Demon and Blood Demon Religion?” Lin Yi glared at Xia Pingan and asked loudly.

“There is an underground secret tunnel here. When we arrived, the dream demon had escaped through the secret tunnel. I just chased into the secret tunnel and found the Eye of the Demon sacrificed by the Blood Demon Religion in the secret tunnel. Blood Demon Religion should also be a participant behind Hongye Villa. Such a conscienceless thing can only be done by the people of Blood Demon Religion…”

The secret road here is real, the dream monster is fake. The eyes of the devil, piled up with bones in the secret road, were displayed after Xia Pingan killed two pieces of trash just now, and it has been burned into slag—— The truth is not important. The important thing is that only by doing this can the ruling army and Lin Yi give an explanation, and at the same time buckle a shit basin on King Jing’s head so that he can never turn over.

This is the planting of Xia Pingan’s success. The planted person cannot refute it, and Xia Pingan has no psychological burden.

If Beitangzhao, as the emperor, does not kill King Jing or the rich and powerful ministers involved in the case, and if he still protects his son, what Beitangzhao will lose is the hearts and minds of the entire Dashang Country. Beitangzhao and Dashang Country will also become objects of ridicule and contempt by the people of the world.

In Fengtaishan’s operation tonight, the final army is actually the emperor Beitang Zhao of Dashang Country-Beitang Wangchuan and Caocao dad, who are also the dad of King Jing.

Bei Tang Zhao, this man in Dashang Country Supreme is the last knife Xia Pingan will borrow.

It’s just that, by doing this, I offended that many people at once, and forced the emperor to kill his son. Dashang Country couldn’t stay there anymore.

Lin Yi took a look at Xia Pingan, took a deep breath, and then looked towards the officer who rushed up to the adjudicating army with someone, “Sir Hu, there are too many children here, and we have limited manpower in the adjudicating army. We also asked Sir Hu to let him The soldiers in the lower military camp of Fengtai Mountain came out and sent these children to the hospital in the upper capital for treatment and diagnosis. What did Sir Hu think?”

That Sir Hu laughed more ugly than crying. It’s about this time. He dare not to give it away. Isn’t that showing that he is standing with King Jing and going against the Emperor His Highness the Crown Prince? If it was given away, then the garrison Legion would get involved with him for tonight’s affairs. This is to stand on the side of the Crown Prince, and that would also offend King Jing severely. If King Jing is okay, then it’s him. Over…

“Why, Sir Hu?” Lin Yi asked softly, and pulled the Sir Hu into the pit silently.

The matter of Fengtai Mountain tonight is too big, and it is not good for the ruling army to be in front. If you bring Legion to the garrison, it will be better, Lin Yi thought secretly.

Sir Hu glanced at the children who were locked up in the iron cage. The heart-hardened child trembled in his heart, thinking of the two boys in his own home. Finally, his heart was full and he rolled up his sleeves, “Mom. If you pull a buck, send a signal, tell the brother below to come up, send these children to the hospital, and let me watch them in the hospital…”

When the guards of Legion arrived, they rescued the children in the cages one by one and sent them away. The entire Hongye Villa was blocked by the adjudication army.

There are still a lot of things and exhibits in this villa, all of which are key things. They must be sealed off and sent to watch.

As soon as the outsider left, Lin Yi’s expression became stubborn, and Xia Pingan’s command was lifted directly, and the Shadow Four Guards and Iron Hand Battalion went to everyone.

“Inspector Xia is young and promising, and he will be able to turn the clouds and rain in Shangjing in an instant, so let’s do it for yourself in the future!” After looking at Xia Pingan, Lin Yi took some evidence and left, hurriedly moved towards imperial Before leaving the city, I confessed such a sentence to Xia Pingan.

This old man probably has connected this tonight with the Emperor Crown Prince, thinking that it was the Emperor Crown Prince Beitang Wangchuan who instructed him behind his back.

Yes, in this matter tonight, even if you retreat 10,000 steps, even if King Jing is immortal, it is absolutely impossible to compete with Beitang Wangchuan for the position of great treasure.

Beitang Wangchuan did not participate in tonight’s affairs, but Beitang Wangchuan is indeed the biggest gainer tonight.

Xia Pingan’s complexion remained unchanged without explanation.

Grandma You, Maomao Master, Scholar and the others took a deep look at Xia Pingan when they left. Everyone didn’t say anything, they also felt something was wrong, but they didn’t say anything about it anyway. , It was made by the dark Shadow Guard chasing the Blood Demon Religion and the Dream Demon here. For the rest, they just did it smoothly…

This is the tune set by Master Lin Yi.

Besides, all the rubbish should be damned.

“Boy, you have a kind of…” There was a chill in the ear, the Demon Sword did not show up, but Xia Pingan felt the Demon Sword said such a word in her ear and left.

Finally, Xia Pingan left Hongye Villa alone.

Under the starlight, walking down the mountain, watching the soldiers of the garrison Legion at the foot of the mountain send those children to the capital city in batches. In Xia Pingan’s heart, there is an indescribable lightness and relief.

Children, I can only do this step!

The Fushen boy sat on Xia Pingan’s shoulders, dangling a pair of white and fat calves, looking very happy.

Xia Pingan looked at the brightly lit Shangjing city in the distance, then looked at the time, and murmured something no one could understand, “The Shangjing Daily should be printed at this time!” [ 19459002]

Yes, the “Shangjing Daily” that can be read by the people in Beijing early tomorrow morning has already been printed.

In a printing factory in a certain place in Shangjing, bundles of printed “Shangjing Daily” are being habitually loaded with carriage and sent to various distribution points in Shangjing before dawn.

No one noticed that the news and layout of the third edition of the “Shangjing Daily” was no longer the original news and layout, but had been quietly changed to an amazing title and content.

——”Bei Tang Zhao, I am very disappointed in you”


The 5000-character chapter is here!

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