
In the Imperial Study Room of Dashang Country Imperial Palace, Emperor Bei Tangzhao of Dashang Country looked at the “Shang Jing Daily” on his desk and broke out into laughter caused by anger.

“Hahaha, interesting, interesting, a Blood Demon Religion dream demon actually gave me a war letter on the “Shang Jing Daily”, mocking me for no way to govern the country, no way to govern my family, and made it well known in the capital. , Very good, very good…”

Bei Tangzhao was smiling, but in the wrinkles between the corners of his eyes and eyebrows, there seemed to be icy edges, and the breath on his body gradually became violent.

The few people standing in the Imperial Study Room were silent, without saying a word…

The ruling army commander Lin Yi!

Guardian Legion leads Long Chaoyun!

Fang Qiqiu, the commander of Huangchengwei!

The three great characters that hold the strongest military force in the capital are all standing here!

At this moment, the sky has just brightened, and after the silence and disturbance in the middle of the night, Shangjing has restarted a vibrant day.

The three leaders in the Imperial Study Room were summoned to the Imperial Study Room by Beitang Zhao after the incident of Fengtai Mountain broke out in the early hours of last night.

The newspaper was quietly delivered by a servant. After reading the contents of the newspaper, the atmosphere in the study seemed to be ignited.

Lin Yi knew that although Bei Tangzhao was smiling at this moment, his murderous intention could no longer be suppressed. He had just glanced at the content in the newspaper, and he was frightened and felt that he was sighed in relief. , The mood is a bit complicated.

Did you blame Xia Pingan wrongly? Is Hongye Villa really crooked? The ruling army also made great contributions?

Lin Yi’s heart was tumbling with thoughts that others didn’t know, but his face remained calm, but a little guilty.

“The action of the Judging Army last night allowed the Dream Demon to escape, and the Judging Army was ineffective in suppressing the demons. Please also Your Majesty to atone for the crime!” Lin Yi proactively admitted his mistake. “The content in this newspaper is bold and dare to slander and provoke Your Majesty, so the minister will arrange a thorough investigation and seizure of these newspapers…”

“Take a thorough investigation, what is there to investigate…” Bei Tangzhao glanced at the newspaper, coldly smiled, holding his hands up, all arrogantly imperial,” Printed by Shangjing Daily Even if the factory workers had the courage to print such content in newspapers, the workers in the factory would not dare to print such content in the newspapers. They were just a few puppets controlled by the dream monsters, and they were also victims. It was the dream monsters who shot them. These newspapers are now all. It’s on sale in the city. I don’t know how many people have seen this content. Confiscated? It’s just to let the dreamer see my joke, thinking I haven’t even seen this storm?”

“What does Your Majesty mean?” Lin Yi asked.

“The ruling army has done its duty and has done nothing. If it weren’t for the actions of the ruling army last night, I don’t know that this is such a shelter evil people and accept wrongdoing in the capital, and I don’t know there are so many worst than a pig in this city. Something dared to collude with Blood Demon Religion, just like this dream demon mocked in the newspapers. If this continues, when the country of Dashang Country changes color, I will have an afterthought, that is the real laughter of the world… …” Beitang’s eyebrows twisted into a Chuanzi, and the murderous aura penetrated the canopy. He looked towards Fang Qiqiu, the commander of the imperial city guard, and his voice sank, “Fang Qiqiu!”

“I will give you this roster!” Bei Tangzhao directly handed the roster that Lin Yi had brought from Hongye Villa to the leader of Huangchengwei. “There are 1453 people on this roster, and most of them are in the roster. Go to the capital, some of them are in other provinces. Go and bring me the heads of everyone on the roster. At the same time, all the family properties of these people are sealed up. They are not allowed to be officials within the seven generations of their descendants. Those in the three clans have official positions, all Get rid of those who dare to obstruct the shelter, no matter who is involved, kill without mercy, I want to see how many heads of these worst than a pig beasts can be chopped off. Each beast wants to rely on cannibalism for immortality. I’ll bet with them to see if their neck is hard or my knife is sharp…”

There are cold murderous aura between Beitangzhao’s teeth, which is suffocating.

“Follow the purpose!” Fang Qiqiu took a deep breath, took the roster with both hands, and immediately took a step back.

That roster, weighing more than a thousand jin in his hand at the moment, that clean roster is like a sponge dipped in blood, dripping blood.

Beitang Zhao said in a word, I don’t know how many people want their heads to fall, how many families will be knocked down to earth, this is the emperor’s anger, blood drifting, and the entire capital city and Dashang Country will be shaken.

When the people on this roster were eating people, when they thought they could be young and immortal forever, they thought that there would be today.

“Long Chaoyun!” Beitangzhao continued to order.

“The minister is here!” The leader of the garrison Legion took a step forward.

Beitang stared at the commander of Legion, “Guard Legion has entered Level 1 combat readiness, ready to deal with the sudden occurrence of the capital, if you dare to jump out, kill without mercy!”

“Comply with the purpose!”

“Lin Yi!”

“The minister is here!”

“The network of kidnapping and trafficking in children is all over Dashang Country. Participants are not just those who go to the capital. This matter is left to the ruling army. It must be done to eliminate the evil. One of the people involved behind cannot be let go. Give it to Dashang Country. The people will explain!”


“Okay, go down!” Bei Tangzhao waved gently.

The Three Great Giants in the upper capital looked at each other without saying much, and each took their orders and left the study.

Your Majesty didn’t mention King Jing just now!

The three of them thought this in their hearts, but none of them said it, but when they walked to the garden outside the study, the three heard Bei Tangzhao’s order to the attendant in the study, “Let the Emperor Crown Prince come again.” The Imperial Study Room…”

Emperor Crown Prince?

Is this going to let Crown Prince deal with King Jing? Still, I have to give His Highness the Crown Prince an explanation…

No matter what, after today, there will be no more suspense as the future leader of Dashang Country.


“What, the action of Hongye Villa last night was under the command of Xia Pingan!” In the East Palace, Beitang Wangchuan, who had just received the definitive news, startedled. He already knew something was wrong with Hongye Villa before, but didn’t expect It’s so strange that Xia Pingan is an inspector in charge of the Shadow Guard.

“His Royal Highness, the internal news of the ruling army has confirmed that the Shadow Guard led the Shadow Guard to clear the Red Leaf Villa last night, and it was Xia Pingan who found the two rosters. It is said that Sir Lin authorized Xia Pingan to temporarily command the Dark Shadow Guard is an elite hunter of the Dream Demon, didn’t expect Xia Pingan to take someone to sweep the Hongye Villa…”

“Hunting the Dream Demon!” Beitang Wangchuan’s face showed a pensive color, as if he understood something, “Okay, I know, you go down!”


Beitang Wangchuan stood up and walked around in the study, his expression constantly changing, seemingly surprised, and a hint of hidden joy.

King Jing is over!

Even if King Jing did not die this time, he would be imprisoned by the Imperial Father for a lifetime. Xia Pingan’s actions at Hongye Villa last night directly broke King Jing’s path and brought King Jing secretly to the development of his party members. It was swept away. The action was so beautiful, like a saber cut to the seven inches of King Jing. From today on, his position in Dashang Country is as stable as a rock, and no one can shake it anymore.

Xia Pingan Is this repaying kindness? It’s just that he didn’t notify himself before. Well, it’s better not to notify. If you want to notify, that’s a bad thing.

Oh, it’s too heavy to report!

Suddenly, Beitang Wangchuan was surprised and delighted. He wandered around in the study, thinking about the changes in the Imperial court, and wondering how to “thank” Xia Pingan.

At this moment, the bead curtain in the study was rolled, and the pompous Crown Prince entered the study, “Congratulations, Your Majesty!”

Beitang Wangchuan looked at Ai Fei, slightly smiled, “I didn’t expect Xia Pingan to do such a big thing this time without saying a word!”

“The King Jing is really terrifying. If it weren’t for the Hongye Villa accident, His Highness would not know that he was terrified. The King Jing had already used such methods to snare and control so many party feathers in Shangjing City unconsciously!”

“The Imperial Father once said that compared to the summoner, the ordinary person is easier to be controlled, but the desires of the ordinary person are no less than the summoner. Once in power, they will have power and wealth. In pursuit of longevity, you can enjoy power and wealth forever, and you can do everything that cannibalism, which is inferior to animals…” Beitang Wangchuan sighed.

“The partisans of King Jing and King Jing, I am afraid that they will not be able to pass this level!” The Crown Prince shook the head gently.

Beitang Wangchuan was slightly frowned and sighed, “King Jing has always been liked by Father. I am afraid that the Imperial Father is also hesitating about this matter, and those of King Jing’s party members involve too many ministers and rich people, I am afraid…” Speaking of this, Beitang Wangchuan smiled bitterly, spread his hands, and slightly helplessly said, “The most ruthless is the Emperor Family. Sometimes, I really wish I was an ordinary person, and I don’t need to have a relationship with my brother and relatives every day. Intrigue, plot against each other……”

“Your Majesty won’t kill them this time. I can’t explain to Dashang Country. Shangjing City is already excited. There is no way to hide this matter…”

“Ah, the sentiment is exciting? What happened?” Beitang Wangchuan was taken aback for a while.

Concubine Crown Prince took out the newspaper and placed it in front of Beitang Wangchuan, “I heard that it was the man who controlled the printing house of Shangjing Daily, and then printed this out. Now it’s already in Beijing. It has been spread that many families with missing children in the capital have all rushed to hospitals and government offices, and some people went to Hongye Villa to look for…”

Beitang Wangchuan looked towards the contents found in the newspaper, and was shocked instantly.

“Bei Tang Zhao, I am very disappointed in you”

——Beitang Zhao, don’t think you can win a round at Hongye Villa. This time it’s my Blood Demon Religion’s carelessness. Your son Beitang Wangshan and the 1453 rich and powerful ministers who he snatched are eating people at Hongye Villa. After eating for that many years, treating hundreds of millions of people in Dashang Country as pigs and dogs, and tens of thousands of children who died in Hongye Villa, this sacrifice is not worse than our devil’s eye sacrifice.

Almost all of them joined my Blood Demon Religion. My Blood Demon Religion controls Dashang Country. It doesn’t take much effort to make Dashang Country change its colors. Your son almost joined the Blood Demon Religion, you Dashang Country. The emperor, also only this, was almost played by us, hahaha…

Beitang Zhao, you are lucky this time, but you are impossible to be so lucky forever, and I will come back!

Dream Demon!


Beitang Wangchuan saw this imperial appearance in the “Shangjing Daily” article named to his Imperial Father Beitangzhao, and was stunned.

It is indeed a dream demon who can control others to publish such articles in newspapers with this method, but Beitang Wangchuan did not expect that there is Blood Demon Religion get involved behind Hongye Villa, Jing Wang It’s really horrifying to be willing to risk the world’s misfortune and cooperate with Blood Demon Religion.

Once King Jing ascended the throne, wouldn’t this Dashang Country change its colors? Then Blood Demon Religion would easily include Dashang Country in the bag?

Thinking of the result, Beitang Wangchuan shuddered.

Dashang Country defended Blood Demon Religion day and night. Didn’t expect someone in the Imperial Family to have a problem. This is the method Blood Demon Religion used to get his heart out.

“Mengmo and Blood Demon Religion saw that Hongye Villa had failed, they directly stabbed the incident and treated King Jing and those people as abandoned sons, the purpose is to make Shangjingcheng and Dashang Country civil strife, Your Majesty If you don’t deal with these people decisively and give Dashang Country an explanation, the future will be endless. Your Majesty is bound to be ridiculed and scolded by the world!” Princess Crown Prince said softly.

“Mengmo and Blood Demon Religion are so ruthless…” Beitang Wangchuan said with palpitations.

“The real ruthless person is King Jing. In order to fight for the position of the great treasure, he has done everything, even the Blood Demon Religion can take refuge. It is also the blessing of Dashang Country to get rid of King Jing this time!”

At this moment, a servant in the palace hurriedly came to the East Palace and said that Your Majesty had summoned the Emperor Crown Prince…

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