
To the east of Shangjingcheng is the vast sea, right on the vast sea, more than 800 miles away from Shangjingcheng, is the sea Demon Sect of Shangjingcheng.

To be precise, Demon Sect is not a daoist sect, but the entrance revealed by the Void Secret Realm.

From a distance, Demon Sect is in the sky, like a rotating colorful vortex. It is a huge portal with a diameter of more than ten miles, like the eye of a storm, with multi-colored brilliance. Blooming out of the vortex, very beautiful.

Behind Demon Sect is another world.

The rising sun is like a huge round of Fireball rising above the sea, dyeing the eastern sea water into a piece of red, like a fire burning under the sea, the sea water and the rotating Demon Sect in the sky complement each other , In this vast and boundless sea, accompanied by the wave of tides, the colors of the water and the sky reflect each other and merge into a furnace, which is magnificent.

Without the monsters that constantly spring up from Demon Sect, the scenery in front of you is dreamlike.

In the rays of light that Demon Sect is spinning, some black spots can be seen flying down from Demon Sect from time to time.

Then, above the sea, you can hear the roar of cannons, and in the sky, you can also see the flash of summoner spells flying in the sky…

Gunpowder smoke and magical rays of light coexist here.

The fleet on the sea, like a steel giant beast, guards the sea near Demon Sect. In the sky, summoners capable of flying to the sky are like hunting hunters.

Below Demon Sect is a series of islands. On the large and small islands, there are large and small fortresses. This is the battlefield of Dashang Country’s fleet, summoner, and Bounty Hunter.

The monsters in the void Secret Realm that fell from the Demon Sect are the objects of their battle and hunting.

Those monsters have boundary beads, and some of the things on those monsters are expensive medicine ingredients. This kind of battle will bring a lot of gains. If you don’t, you can make a fortune. Of course, it is also dangerous.

There are also some powerful summoners above the Siyang realm, and even team up to enter the world after Demon Sect to hunt them down.

Flame bird and hexapod giant lizard are the most monsters from this sea Demon Sect.

For the fleet of Dashang Country stationed in Demon Sect on the sea and the summoners, these two monsters are not difficult to deal with, especially the hexapod giant lizard. This kind of monster is born on land. Once in the sea, Its strength is also greatly restricted, and it is not as comfortable on land, and the flame bird is most afraid of water. To avoid the flame bird’s attack, you only need to plunge into the sea.

At this moment, at the highest point of War God Fort in one of the Greatest Island below Demon Sect, Jing Wang Guyi’s figure is standing on the highest tower of the fort, Jing Wang Beitang Wangshan with his hands behind his back, watching The magnificent sunrise and the splendid scenery of the rotating Demon Sect are stunned. Their eyes seem to be nostalgic, pity, and reluctance, mixed with anger and burning ambition…

Even the best court painter could not fully show the complex look in King Jing’s eyes at this moment.

“It’s… I’m not reconciled, it’s so unfathomable mystery’s defeat…” King Jing often put out a breath, moved his neck gently, and then extended the hand, hanging a piece of his neck. The necklace was torn off, took the necklace and the pendant on the necklace in his hand, looked at, shook the head, and threw the thing out of the tallest him upstairs and fell into the sea below.

If there is a summoner of the ruling army here, you can definitely see that the thing thrown out by King Jing, the pendant, is like a piece of golden amber. Among the amber, there is a small human figure sealed in Among them, it looked strange and cold. When King Jing threw it out, the small human form sealed in the amber had turned into a skinny skeleton.

——This is the human talisman, the most terrifying means of refining summoners in the Blood Demon Religion. This is to make the summoner into a human talisman and wear it on the body to absorb the blood essence, blood and divine force of the human talisman.

The character charm thrown by King Jing has been completely sucked up and lost its value.

A cloud of black smoke appeared silently beside King Jing. In the black smoke, a beautiful hand was stretched out, and in that hand, there was a brand-new refined character charm. , Handed it to King Jing, a sexy female voice came out from the smoke, “His Royal Highness, this is the last one, I am afraid it will be a bit difficult for us to meet again in the future…”

King Jing took the human talisman and put it on his neck again, then squinted his eyes and asked with a murderous aura, “Is there something wrong with the Golden Moon Palace? How did the Dream Demon know that I and Blood Demon Religion’s relationship, and stabbed out in this way?”

“Our actions are not known to the Golden Moon Temple. Within us, this is also a secret. Only the Palace Lord and I know. According to the internal rules of the Blood Demon Religion, Golden Moon Island is the site of the Golden Moon Temple, and other Demon God Temples. Can’t get involved…” The voice in the smoke hesitated a little, “It’s possible that something was discovered on the Golden Moon Palace, and then in this way, it issued a warning to us and undermined our plan!” [ 19459002]

“Warning?” King Jing suddenly became angry and roared directly, “Then you say, what should I do now? All of a sudden, I lose all of the games, let me give them my head…”

“His Royal Highness should know the risks and consequences of this when he was cooperating with us. This accident has nothing to do with us. There is a problem within Dashang Country. It may be that the Red Leaf Villa of His Highness had a problem and was caused by others. Perception, that’s why it led to the situation at this moment. It has nothing to do with us…” The voice in the smoke said, it has gradually diminished, and the smoke has faded a little bit, slowly retreating, “There is nothing to do. Those people are coming, your Highness should make plans early, as long as you live, everything is possible…”

A sea breeze came and the smoke disappeared, as if it had never appeared before.

King Jing stood blankly for a while, and finally let out a long sigh, turned his head and glanced at the direction of Shangjing, stomped fiercely, suddenly rose into the air, his body shaped like electricity, and directly moved towards Demon Sect and flew away. In the blink of an eye, it disappeared in the vortex of Demon Sect.

Less than a few minutes after King Jing left, two powerful auras, fast as lightning, flew to the War God Fort from the direction of Shangjingcheng. They were worshipped by the two Dashang Country Imperial Family, summoners of the Bayang Realm. Brought the imperial decree to arrest King Jing.

King Jing has escaped, and the two worshippers rushed one empty.

From the King Jing of Dashang Country to the fugitive wanted by Dashang Country, this change of identity was only a moment.


Going to the capital, at the same time, Xia Pingan was riding in the carriage and got off the car at the entrance of the Donggang Inspection Office.

At the corner of the street diagonally opposite the gate of the Donggang Inspection Office, there was originally a newsstand. At this moment, the “Shangjing Daily” in the newsstand has been sold out, but there are still people around the newsstand and are inquiring about it.

Today’s “Shanghai Beijing Daily” created the fastest sold-out record in history. From the time the newspaper appeared on the market, it was already sold out by the people in the capital within a few hours, and now it can’t even be bought at a price increase. In the past, the “Shanghai Beijing Daily” was sold from dawn to dusk, and it might not be completely sold out.

Xia Pingan holds a copy in her hand.

Everything is as Xia Pingan expected, perfect!

It’s just that I have to leave too!

“My lord, early…” Luo Laojiao saw Xia Pingan walk into the gate of the inspection office, and hurriedly brought his dog out of the gatehouse and gave Xia Pingan a question mark.

“Morning, hard work!” Xia Pingan greeted Luo Laojiao with a smile, and Luo Laojiao was flattered.

Strange, why didn’t the little black pig and the iron-faced man next to the adult come with the adult today?

Luo Laojiao murmured in his heart, seeing Xia Pingan moved towards the building of the Supervision Department, he also returned to his concierge.

There is a large open space from the gate of the inspection office to the building of the inspection office. There is a lawn, some ornamental trees and a fountain on this open space. Every time Xia Pingan comes to the inspection office, You have to go through this lawn and fountain before you can step onto the stairs to enter the inspection office building.

Just when Xia Pingan walked to the middle of the lawn and was already close to the fountain.

A black shadow suddenly emerged from the ground, moved towards Xia Pingan, and rushed towards it. The shadow was still yelled in its mouth, and the sound shook in all directions, “Xia Pingan, you die for me…”

Xia Pingan looked astonished and took out the ruling scepter at once, but it seemed that the reaction was slow for a moment, and the black shadow had already rushed to her side.

In the next second, four violent high-temperature fire snakes were released from the body of the black shadow, covering the entire garden in the fire snake, and then a huge black gas enveloped Xia Pingan, Xia Pingan Two of the most skilled storm cavalry came out by summon, half of their silhouette was exposed from the black mist, but they were immediately swallowed by the black mist…

The summoner’s fighting sound and the roar of Xia Pingan and the light and shadow of Burning Vermilion Bird came from the black air.

Then, the explosion of Heaven-shaking, Earth-shattering cry exploded in the garden…

All of this just happened in a flash.

Luo Laojiao’s gatehouse windows, windows on the street nearby, and all the windows of the Inspection Office building. The part of the building on the side near the garden was affected by the fire and shock waves of the explosion, and it was all broken at once. Now, the flames skyrocketed.

The entire block and the entire inspection office were alarmed.

By the time Long Chao and the others rushed out of the inspection office, there was no silhouette of Xia Pingan on the scene, only a large pit that was ablated by the terrifying high temperature and the burnt and scorched lawn trees in the garden. Completely smash the fountain without a drop of water…

Around the big pit, there are damaged ruling scepters. Around the ruling scepter, there are some scattered black grit, the remaining body fragments that are suspected of being poisoned by the black evil…

“My lord…” Hua Ziqin suddenly rushed to the damaged ruling scepter, picked up the ruling scepter, and burst into tears.

Long Chao’s eyes were red, and he rushed out of the inspection office with a roar.

The entire Donggang Inspection Office was suddenly messed up, and even Wei Meiyu ran out of the inspection office. Looking at the big pit and the ruling scepter, he burst into tears…

Not long after the Donggang inspector had Xia Pingan assassinated at the inspection office, the news spread throughout Upper Capital.

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