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On the sea, the sky is full of stars and moon…

The iron-faced man walked out of his luxurious cabin and came to the balcony outside the cabin, looking at the endless sea level and the azure sky above his head, let out a long breath with the sea breeze blowing.

The huge ship is cutting waves on the sea, moving towards the destination firmly and steadily.

The huge chimney on the huge ship is blowing black smoke, and the huge steam turbine in the cabin is driving the tail section of the passenger ship to rotate through the complicated mechanical mechanism, leaving a white line on the sea, driving Sailing on the sea with this huge monster.

The economy class decks on the lower floors are a bit crowded and far less comfortable here. Many people are still blowing the sea breeze on the deck, enjoying the view of the sea and posing.

The photographers on the passenger ship were extremely busy at night. Three Silver Coins and a single photo could retain the beauty of the ship, and bursts of flashes mixed with magnesium powder smoke continued to rise on the deck below, among them Also mixed with all kinds of happy laughter and cheerful voices and loud noises.

Some people quarreled in order to line up for a photo.

“The happiness of an ordinary person is that simple…” The iron-faced man shook his head and smiled slightly.

Until now, he has not fully understood why Xia Pingan asked himself to send this prisoner named Guinu out of the capital, so solemnly.

This prisoner did not seem to have much to do with Xia Pingan before.

But it doesn’t matter, anyway, this errand will not take a few days, and it will not be tiring, so it’s better to come out to relax.

He thought that it would be uncomfortable to stay with Xia Pingan, so he could only hold his nose and dry it, but didn’t expect, that guy Xia Pingan is actually quite interesting, at least more interesting than most people he knows After staying with him for a few days, both of them felt like friends.

Well, the guy from Xia Pingan was also a big shopkeeper, so he took a lavish shot and didn’t let the iron man suffer a bit of a loss.

Behind him came the sound that can only be made by the friction of shackles, accompanied by some heavy footsteps, and also moved towards here.

Guinu also walked out of the VIP cabin behind him and came to the balcony, his hair full of straws flying in the sea breeze, staring blankly at the vast sea, wondering what he was thinking.

Last night, the VIP downstairs still disliked the heavy footsteps in this room. After asking the crew to complain to no results, they came up and knocked on the door. The hard-faced man opened the door of the room, and the shackled ghost slave was not wearing a mask. His face appeared behind the door, the face of the person who came up to the theory was scared white, the whole person was trembling, and he didn’t dare to say a word, so he went down quickly. When going down the stairs, his feet became weak, he couldn’t stand still and he fell. .

The face of the ghost slave is really not to enter, it can ward off evil spirits.

Although the two have been together for almost two days, they actually didn’t say much.

The two people standing on the balcony were silent for a long time. The iron-faced man seemed to feel that he and a wild beast-like man standing here at night blowing the sea breeze and watching the stars and the sea is a bit embarrassing and weird, and he can’t help turning Uttered. “Your previous name shouldn’t be called Guinu!”

The ghost slave was silent for a while, and said, “No, just like you, you are not called the iron-faced man!”

“Of course, my face is exposed, and following an inspector will cause him a lot of trouble…” The iron-faced man said with some confidence, although the summoner in the Seven Suns of Upper Capital is not counted. Scarce, but how can he count as one of them? In the expert circle above the Seven Suns Realm in Upper Capital, he is not an unknown person. It is indeed too conspicuous to follow Xia Pingan.

Hearing the words of the iron-faced man, the ghost slave moved the scars on his face. The scars were twisted, like a distorted canvas of horror, and like a devil with a smile, extraordinarily crippled, and the ghost slave was smiling. There was a hu hu sound in my throat when a broken bellows leaked.

Even if the iron-faced man is dull, he knows that this ghost slave is laughing.

It was the first time he saw a ghost slave smiling after two days on the passenger ship.

The iron-faced man slightly frowned, “Why, what’s so funny?”

“Trouble? You probably don’t know what the real trouble is, and that person will not be afraid of this trouble!” Guinu turned his head and looked at the iron-faced man, his eyes were a little condescending, making the iron-faced man a little uncomfortable “Why do you think he wants you to send me out of the capital, but he just doesn’t want you to get involved in greater trouble. You have such a friend, it is your luck!”

“What do you mean?”

“Hongye Villa is a cannibalistic cave in the capital city. He is going to move Hongye Villa. It may offend countless people in Heaven and Earth turning upside down. He doesn’t want you to be dragged down by him by his side. I don’t want to influence his plan after letting me out, so I just pretended to let you send me out of the capital…” Guinu smiled, but his eyes were exceptionally deserted.

The iron-faced man suddenly changed his face…

The iron-faced man wanted to say something, but suddenly looked up towards the sky.

In the sky, a large group of powerful summoners crossed the sea from the sky, cut through the night sky like meteors, flew over the dome on the passenger ship, and flew towards the upper capital.

Soon, the second batch of summoners flew over the dome of the passenger ship.

Why are there so many summoners eager to fly in the direction of the upper capital?

The iron-faced man was surprised, but in the blink of an eye, he felt two terrifying auras coming from the direction of the capital, right behind the ship, in the night sky toward the capital, it was like being lit, yes A weird tumbling red.

This is…

The breath of summoner’s powerful Divine Kingdom!

And more than one!

Demi-God with ten suns is competing in the direction of the capital!

The iron-faced man was shocked, his face wearing iron-faced was shocked…

Is this the beginning of the war of gods?

There is only one Demi-God in the entire Dashang Country, and that is the emperor Beitangzhao of Dashang Country. In the entire Yuanqiu world, Beitangzhao is the figure of Peak, which belongs to the top of the power and power pyramid. It is possible to proclaim the gods. Those who can compare with Beitang Zhao are all Sect Lord and Emperor Level 1 Peak characters…

Although the seven-sun state to the ten-sun state seems to be only a third rank difference, this third rank, at this stage, the first rank is a world, and the iron-faced man must be in awe.

Under Demi-God, all are mortals…

But at this moment, in the direction of the capital, the Demi-God breath has… two…


What happened in the capital.


At the same time, the entire Upper Capital was in tremor, and the birth and death of everything seemed to be determined by the collision of the two forces in the sky…

The emperor Bei Tang Zhao of Dashang Country was equally stunned when he heard the name Xia Pingan from the opposite person.

Because of the name Xia Pingan, he has heard it many times since last night.

It was Xia Pingan who uncovered the lid of Hongye Villa and made him jump into the capital. It was also Xia Pingan who was assassinated in the compound of the Inspection Office today.

didn’t expect, the blood Master of the Demon Sect Zu Motian personally went to the capital city, actually also for Xia Pingan.

“Hahaha, Zu Motian, you come to the capital to take care of me and ask for a dead person. If you want to fight, why not find such a ridiculous reason…” Beitangzhao’s voice is in the sky of the capital. There was a roar in it, like a million thunderbolt, “Come on, today you dare to destroy the upper capital of my Dashang Country, and the other day I will level your bloodfiend palace, the descendant of the dark War God, where will there be people who fear war? ……”

In the sky, the blood Master of the Demon Sect confronting Beitangzhao, Zu Motian is an old man with blood-red beard and a raised blood eye in the middle of his eyebrows. The demonic energy on his body is soaring to the sky.

Behind this old man, a battle formation of hundreds of thousands of soldiers and puppets was tumbling in the blood cloud behind him, faintly discernible, as if they could rush down at any time.

Hearing Beitang Zhao’s words, Zu Motian was also stunned, and the look on his face changed. Fuck, he received a Demon God order, immediately desperately across continents to rush to Dashang Country to the capital, that Xia Pingan unexpectedly Dead, could someone succeed in advance, impossible…

If Xia Pingan is killed, Demon God will immediately cancel it, and he will feel it.

Therefore, Xia Pingan is impossible to die.

“Sovereign Demon God Oracle, no matter anyone, kill Xia Pingan, get immortal body, blood sacrifice Xia Pingan, Sovereign Demon God help them condense the god wheel, directly consecrate the gods, the north hall sign, you really want Are you standing in my way of conferring the gods? As long as you hand over Xia Pingan, I will swear the Demon God blood oath here. All the followers of the Blood Demon Religion will never set foot in Dashang Country from today on, how about?” Blood The voice of Master of the Demon Sect Zu Motian spread throughout the upper capital, and the entire upper capital heard his words.

“I said, Xia Pingan was assassinated today, skeleton doesn’t exist, Shangjingcheng is known to everyone, your discipline of grand disciples these days, I am going to Beijing for trouble. Today, I happen to settle this account with you… “Bei Tang Zhao said, as soon as he raised his hand, a set of pitch-black Battle Armor covered him, and then he moved towards Zu Motian and rushed over.

Behind Beitang Zhao is also thousands of battle formations, layer upon layer, he rushes forward, the imposing manner, even in the sky, is sweeping across the sky, there is the imposing manner of heaven falls and earth rends, there are thousands of things Countless soldiers and puppets in the battle formation, War General, gush out from the void, turning the void into reality, hiding the sky and covering the earth, just like the raging waves of the sea, the millions of soldiers and puppets War General directly moved towards the Master of blood the Demon Sect Zu Ferris swept away ……

“My sovereign’s prestige Wu!”

On the ground of the upper capital, countless guards Legion and the imperial guard’s warrior and summoner saw this scene, they all felt blood boiled, and they all roared…

Blood Master of the Demon Sect Zu Motian raised his eyes and waved his hand, and the waves of blood rolled behind him. In an instant, countless soldiers and puppets War General rolled out from the blood cloud behind him, like a raging wave. Like a landslide, the army swept away that moved towards Beitang Zhao summon.

Two huge waves, several millions of summon soldiers and battle puppets, collided violently in the sky of the upper capital.

In an instant, thunder danced in the sky, dragons roared and tigers roared, thousands of Pyromance arrows crossed the sky, countless Divine Beast raptors soared out, the scene of several millions of fierce and unafraid of death collisions, Just in the sky of the upper capital, it is displayed in front of everyone, making all the summoners in the whole upper capital shake their hearts and their mouths dry…

The terror collision in the sky turned into a multi-colored rain of light and rain. For a time, the entire capital city was covered with rain, like a dream…

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