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“Is this the collision between Divine Kingdom…?”

Above the Pingshan Mountain, Lin Yi stood in his yard, raised his head, whispered to himself softly, watching the terrifying collision of fire in the sky, his eyes divine light…

The array densely covering the entire Upper Capital isolates the collision from the sky outside the large array. The people in the large array, like seabed creatures, can only look up at Beitang Zhaohe above the large array. The two top summoners of Zu Sky are competing.

There are several millions of summon creatures fighting in the sky of the capital city. Every second, countless summon creatures fall, but countless summon creatures appear continuously.

In the night sky, half is red and half is golden. The soldiers and puppets of both sides are continuously pouring out from the faintly discernible Divine Kingdom one after another and rushing to the battlefield.

The collision between Divine Kingdom is like two different spaces squeezed together, squeezing and colliding with each other, you can imagine the formidable power in it, because of the squeezing friction of Divine Kingdom, in the void, there is Countless electric lights and lightning are emerging, beating, roaring, and then being blocked by the large array of the capital.

In such a terrifying collision, the Nine Suns realm may still have a chance to escape. The summoners below the Nine Suns realm are involved in the fight of this several millions summon army, and they will instantly become scum.

Any one of the two people in the sky has the power to destroy the city and the country with a hand up.

The collision of Divine Kingdom between Demi-God shook the heart of every summoner in the upper capital. All summoners, after seeing such a battle, can’t help substituting themselves into it, and imagine that they are in it. How long can the words last?

Then, every summoner’s face will be a little pale.

The contest between Demi-God, to be able to witness the battle between the top summoners, is a golden opportunity for every summoner, and it also brings a huge impact to everyone.

Why can Sovereign Demon God offer such conditions for a Xia Pingan?

Kill Xia Pingan, get the body of immortality, blood sacrifice Xia Pingan, condense the god wheel and confine the god?

Such conditions, no wonder Blood Demon Religion will go crazy, even Zu Motian personally came to the capital.

Lin Yi turned his head and glanced at the living room next to the small courtyard. Just the night before, Xia Pingan was still in that living room.

If you are not the favored person of the Dark War God, blood sacrifice Xia Pingan can be a god. Can you refuse this condition? Will you not be moved?

Under the temptation of the Conferred God, what does a person tell?

Lin Yi also knows that Xia Pingan’s assassination today is a bit strange, but at this moment, even if Xia Pingan is still alive, the situation he will face next is probably unimaginable.

In addition to the people of Blood Demon Religion, countless people would want his head and want blood sacrifice to him.

In this case, no one knows how long Xia Pingan can live.


“In such a collision between Divine Kingdom, the two parties have not yet exerted their full strength. Both parties are restraining themselves. Neither party has summoned truly powerful creatures. Zu Motian did not attack the Great National Defender Array in the capital, and did not let Divine The Kingdom’s war affected the people in the city, and Beitang Zhao did not provoke a counterattack from the National Guardian formation. There was no summon dark War God coming. For Demi-God, such a battle was just a warm-up…”

In the Peng King Auction House in the upper capital, a beautiful and alluring lady in a long dress stood on the balcony of Auction House, looking up at the bursts of brilliance and sky full of light in the night sky The rain was shocking.

An old man in Tsing Yi stood next to Madam Xuan, and the big talk just now was what the old man said.

Compared with Mrs. Xuan, the old man’s eyes were particularly deserted.

“Beitang Zhao…needs this battle…or rather, this battle is exactly what he was looking forward to…” Madam Xuan said softly, “Shangjing City has been too messy recently, Blood Demon Religion, also There are King Jing, and those who are hiding in Hongye Villa and eating people. Alas, it is indeed a headache for Beitang. The emperor who can protect Dashang Country and Shangjing during the Demi-God invasion is the real good emperor… “

“Not bad!” The old man was nodded.

Mrs. Xuan shook the head gently, “Unfortunately, we know it’s a little late. We didn’t expect Sovereign Demon God to offer Xia Pingan such a price. There must be something we don’t know about Xia Pingan. This huge secret, this secret, is worth a god, who can refuse? Xia Pingan was assassinated today, and there are many doubts, I don’t believe he is dead…”

“Yuanqiu world hasn’t been so lively for a long time!” The old man stared at the sky, “This time the Demon Sect is open, Zu Motian and Beitangzhao may not be long before they are going to find the opportunity to conjure the gods…”

“What do you mean is that Beitang Wangchuan will soon ascend the throne?”

“en! “

“What about this Demi-God battle?”

“It will end before dawn, Zu Motian wants to get the exact news, and Beitangzhao will not expand the war…”

“I believe that Xia Pingan is not dead yet, can you always fortune telling where Xia Pingan is?”

The azure clothed old man shook the head. Two hands stretched out from the sleeves. The old man’s hand held a tortoise shell that had been shattered densely with rune and a few ancient bronze coins, “Just now I I have tried twice, and every time the divination results are imported into the spirit within the realm, all I see is a gray fog, and Spirit Realm obscures everything. The three words Xia Pingan have the luck of Spirit Realm. Adding a body can cover everything. There is indeed a big secret in Xia Pingan’s body…”

Madam Xuan’s eyes were suddenly full of shock, “What you always said, is the legendary Spirit Realm?”

That azure clothed old man was lightly nodded…


The battle in the sky lasted for most of the night. Before dawn, with a blood light soaring into the sky, the blood cloud covering the sky dissipated in an instant, and the blood Master of the Demon Sect Zu Motian had disappeared, and the entire capital was gone. In the sky, only the stalwart and tall silhouette of Beitangzhao stands, like a Heaven-supporting Pillar.

“Long live…”

“Long live…”

“My emperor divine might…”

After a night of fear in the capital, the cheers of mountain cry out and sea howl finally sounded, and tears filled their eyes with excitement.

The crisis of Blood Demon Religion’s raid on the upper capital was finally resolved by the Beitang Zhao. The emperor Your Majesty or the Emperor Your Majesty is the Guardian God of the entire Dashang Country and the upper capital. No one can shake its status and strength.


With the first rays of sunlight appearing in the clouds in the east, outside the capital city, in the void.

Zu Fern stood above the clouds, the Palace Lord of the Golden Moon Palace stood in front of Ye Motian, beside him, a large number of Blood Demon Religion experts from the Golden Moon Island stood behind the Golden Moon Palace Lord, with his head bowed and his hands down. Drooping, like a group of good students.

“Then Xia Pingan was assassinated in Shangjing yesterday?” Zu Motian’s red hair was windless, and his breath was shocking.

“Yes, this is the result of the ruling army’s investigation, and there are many witnesses. Xia Pingan was assassinated in the inspectorate compound yesterday. Skeleton doesn’t exist!” Golden Moon Palace Palace Lord responded with a bow.

Last night Zu Motian and Beitang Zhao battled, Blood Demon Religion already had an expert sneak into the capital to investigate news, neither side was idle.

“Impossible, Xia Pingan is definitely not dead!” The bloody eyes on Zu Motian’s forehead were round, mysterious and weird, he said firmly, “I fought against Beitang Zhao last night, just want to see Xia Pingan. Whether it’s in Shangjing or not, but there is no movement in Shangjing. I searched the Shangjing with the eyes of Demon God and couldn’t find Xia Pingan in Shangjing. There is nothing unusual inside and outside Shangjing. It looks like Xia Pingan. Indeed, he was already not in Shangjing. He committed suicide yesterday. He should have escaped from suspended animation. Xia Pingan must have not ran far, so he immediately followed Shangjing water and land traffic to track down. All summoners who left Shangjing should not miss it…”

Zu Motian said, and waved his hand, hundreds of strange green copper mirrors appeared beside him, floating in the void. Those copper mirrors were rhombus-shaped, slightly longer at both ends and slightly narrower in the middle, just like Zu The vertical eyes in the forehead of the skyscraper, one side of the green copper mirror flashed with strange luster.

“This is the Magical Artifact in the face mirror, that Xia Pingan is scheming. He wants to escape and leave the capital city. He is not using his original face, but no matter what his face is, just take a look in the face mirror. , There will be nowhere to hide! Take it, whoever kills blood sacrifice Xia Pingan, the reward of Sovereign Demon God will fall on whose head, it depends on your luck…”

After a lot of Blood Demon Religion, everyone saw this magical mirror Magical Artifact available, and everyone was overjoyed, like a chicken blood, each took a mirror Magical Artifact.

“Go…” Zu Motian waved his hand.


In the sky, with the exception of Zu Motian and Palace Lord of the Golden Moon Palace, all the people of the Blood Demon Religion were scattered, moving towards the all directions of Shangjing City and flew away.

“Golden Moon Palace is quick and decisive this time. It’s not bad…” Zu Motian looked towards Jinyue Palace Lord, his voice suddenly became mild, “Everyone else has gone, why not go…” [19459002 ]

“The subordinates are by Old Ancestor’s side, listen to Old Ancestor’s instructions at any time, and help Old Ancestor capture the blood sacrifice. Then Xia Pingan is satisfied. Old Ancestor can hold the gods, that is the subordinate’s biggest wish!” Jinyue Palace Lord Said with a smile on his face sincerely, and gave a salute to the Zu Sky.

People who don’t know, really thought they were relatives.

Zu Sky’s eyes flashed, and then laughed heartily, “Yes, yes, this Golden Moon Palace can develop and grow in your hands, there really is a reason, I didn’t see the wrong person!”

“I wonder what Old Ancestor has to order?”

“The people of Blood Demon Religion from other states are also coming to Jinyuezhou and Dashang Country one after another at this moment. You can pass my order to bring those people to see me, and I will give them Magical Artifact to help them as soon as possible. Find Xia Pingan and complete the Demon God order!”



The train is still tirelessly running on the railway.

At dawn, the two little fellows of the “animal hobbyists” who had rested all night knocked on the door of Xia Pingan’s room again.

“Uncle, Uncle, we thought of something the Eagle Owl could eat…” Two little fellows shouted outside the door.

Called for a while and found that there was no response in Xia Pingan’s room. There was no sound at all. The two little fellows glanced at each other and thought it was Xia Pingan who went to the dining car for breakfast. The two dared to push the door open. But I found that there was no one in Xia Pingan’s room, it was empty, the salute, the birdcage, the people, were all gone…

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