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Two months later, the northwest border of Dashang Country…

Under the scorching sun, a team of camels was walking on the desolate and rugged mountain path. The bell of the camels was melodious, and the dingling was wailing in the wind.

It is said to be a camel team, but it is not camels and horses that carry things in this team, but centipede like centipede.

The centipede is like a small train, with a body more than 20 meters long and a back more than one meter wide. It is flat and long. A centipede can carry more goods than ten camels. many.

The centipede climbs over the mountains, like walking on the ground, is not picky about eating, has a gentle personality, and can carry heavy loads. It is really a good helper for carrying things.

In this camel team, there are eight centipedes.

The people and goods in the camel team are all fixed on the backs of centipedes.

The centipede walked slowly. On the back of a centipede at the back of the team, there was a bamboo chair with a shading cloth on the bamboo chair. Xia Pingan sat on the bamboo chair with her body following The centipede swayed, looking bored at the desolate mountain scenery around it.

On the side of the bamboo chair, there is a birdcage hanging, the birdcage is empty, and the birds inside do not know where they flew.

The surrounding scenery is earth-yellow rock and soil. There are some low thorn bushes and weeds on the ground. You can occasionally see wild animals such as rabbits, coyotes and foxes in the wild, but not many.

This kind of scenery, in front of Xia Pingan’s eyes, has lasted for two full days.

Originally, Xia Pingan was going to come by train, but there was too much noise in the capital that night. Xia Pingan didn’t feel right. When the train stopped at a place called Yazhen in the middle of the night to add coal and water, Xia Pingan was in time. Got off the train.

The train travels on the tracks for less than 90 kilometers in one hour, so buying a ticket is enough.

The flying speed of a summoner like him is about 260 kilometers per hour, which is almost three times faster than the train, but each hour’s flying in the air requires about 80 points of precious divine force.

Xia Pingan, who got off the train, used an Illusion Technique to hide her figure, and flew wildly in the night for six hours, until dawn, two thousand kilometers away from the upper capital, and arrived at one. The town fell.

Afterwards, it was proved that Xia Pingan’s decision to get off the train in time to escape was correct and timely.

In the next two days, Xia Pingan finally learned what happened in the capital that night.

Blood Master of the Demon Sect Demi-God Zu Motian led the Blood Demon Religion army to raid Upper Capital and fight Beitang Zhao, the purpose is to find himself.

Sovereign Demon God has issued the Demon God order. Anyone who kills Xia Pingan will gain an immortal body, and as long as the blood sacrifice Xia Pingan can condense the god wheel and confine the gods.

In just two days, the name of Xia Pingan, because of a battle between Demi-God and the Demon God order, has blasted the entire Yuanqiu world, wherever Xia Pingan goes, whether it’s eating or going to the bathroom, You can hear someone talking about your name.

In the following days, Xia Pingan also heard that all the trains, ships, and airships that left the capital that day were intercepted and searched by the expert of the Blood Demon Religion.

Blood Demon Religion moved too quickly. If he was still sitting on that train, he might be intercepted by Blood Demon Religion.

The farther you are from the upper capital, the lower the probability of being intercepted by the Blood Demon Religion expert powerhouse.

At this time, people from Blood Demon Religion are no longer looking for Xia Pingan, but countless people in Dashang Country are looking for Xia Pingan.

Blood Demon Religion issued a reward order, as long as it can provide accurate information about Xia Pingan’s whereabouts, it will directly reward 10 million Gold Coins.

This huge reward of tens of millions of Gold Coins has made the entire Dashang Country boil. Numerous figures of the world, Bounty Hunter, summoner, black and white people, and even ordinary persons who dream of getting rich, are all looking for Xiao Pingan. .

The portrait of Xia Pingan spread all over Dashang Country in silence.

Along the way, Xia Pingan has encountered it more than once, and someone passed by him with a portrait of himself.

Facts have also proved that people like Beitang Wangchuan who can see through the wishful mask on their face at a glance are indeed very few. Those who hold the portrait of Xia Pingan, many even standing next to Xia Pingan, Nor did she recognize Xia Pingan, who had changed her face.

In the past two months, Xia Pingan changed the means of transportation and the route again and again, sometimes by airship, sometimes by train, sometimes by boat, and sometimes by flying madly. His whereabouts were erratic, his route changed, and his actions were decisive. He finally got rid of Blood Demon. The inescapable net sown by Religion did not reveal any whereabouts. It was only today that it came to the border between the northwest of Dashang Country and the Nether Mountain area.

Nether Mountain is a mountain range, but also a region. Nether Mountain borders Dashang Country to the northwest, covering an area of ​​approximately more than 2 million square kilometers. It has always been a chaotic three-nothing zone.

Outside of Dashang Country, Nether Mountain also borders the territory of the demon wolf clan in the north, and to the south of Nether Mountain is the territory of the orcs. The underground of Nether Mountain is the world of Demon Insect underground. The entire Nether Mountain has the most The bandits, the tyrannical, and all kinds of desperadoes who fled here from all over.

“This old man, after passing this Langya Mountain, Moon Fort is in front of us. We can rest at Moon Fort for one night, and we will be at Nether Mountain tomorrow…” Sitting on the bamboo chair in front of Xia Pingan, one dressed An old man in a sheepskin jacket with a face full of wind and dust turned his head and said to Xia Pingan.

“Oh, you can rest assured that night…” Xia Pingan also smiled.

This old man is the Captain of the camel team, named Mu Li. He takes the camel team to roam between the Blue Flag City and Nether Mountain in Dashang Country Northwest Fengling Province all the year round.

Nether Mountain produces rubies and several highly valuable medicine ingredients and high-end furs. The salt, cloth, tea and some delicate utensils of the Blue Flag City are also needed by Nether Mountain. Because of the difference in products, the northwest border of Dashang Country has been created. Prosperous and deformed trade.

Dashang Country has a customs, but the customs collects heavier taxes. Therefore, in order to avoid taxation, various smuggling camel teams have emerged.

Xia Pingan originally wanted to enter Nether Mountain through normal channels, but he found that Dashang Country has extremely strict border control over Nether Mountain. There are summoners stationed in the sky, and all people who come and go must be checked. There are too many characters in Three Sects. All the vacated summoners are focused on. Xia Pingan does not know if there are people from the Blood Demon Religion here. Therefore, he found such a camel team and paid a little money. Lead by the camel team, follow the camel team from the ground into Nether Mountain.

Bringing people in and out of Nether Mountain is also one of the business of the Camel Team. I don’t know how many people use this method to enter Nether Mountain every year.

Xia Pingan hadn’t actually figured out where he would go after he left Shangjing. He came to Nether Mountain, just to avenge Lin Qing.

Altar Master Wei Jiangxing of Blood Demon Religion Nether Mountain is Xia Pingan’s goal this time.

Wait until the revenge.

What is the specific situation here in Nether Mountain, Xia Pingan is not quite clear, this revenge action will not expose herself, Xia Pingan is not sure, everything waits to come here to see the situation.

“Brother, I have run several decades of camel team here, who have seen it, look at your appearance, gentle, shouldn’t come to Nether Mountain, this Nether Mountain, they are all eating people without spitting out bones. Talents are here…” The journey was slow. After taking a few puffs of dry cigarettes, Captain Mulli of the Camel Team suddenly became interested in chatting. He was smoking while chatting with Xia Pingan.

“The most miserable and most difficult thing in the world is actually a poor word…” Xia Pingan sighed, spreading her hands, “I heard that Nether Mountain is easy to get rich here and there are many opportunities. I will try one’s luck…” [19459002 ]

“Brother, are you a summoner?”

“Hmm…” Xia Pingan pretended to be reserved and nodded, “You can barely protect yourself!”

“Hahaha, no wonder you are so courageous, but if you want to make a fortune, go to Xia Pingan…” Captain Mouli of the Camel Team laughed heartily, “I still want to make a fortune, but I just stayed here all my life. To be a camel team Captain, you have to divide 60% of the money you earn, hey…”

“Xia Pingan’s money is not something ordinary people can earn. Didn’t you hear that he has been assassinated in the upper capital? It’s not good for others to make money!” Xia Pingan said about herself in a melon-like tone, spreading her hands.

“That’s true, the news is true or false, and everyone is fainted. We walked on the camel team to make some hard money, as long as we don’t encounter robbers!”

Mu Li smashed his pipe, just finished speaking, under the sand in front of him, a person suddenly violently burst out of the underground sand like a bolt of lightning, and suddenly he wore a leather jacket. Armor’s camel guard shot down from the Centipede’s back and fell to the ground. Before the guard was struggling, the person who threw out from under the yellow sand had already rushed like a hungry wolf. On the guard’s neck, the guard’s head was cut open, and the blood was splashed with yellow sand…

“Sand Thief…” A fellow in the team who controls the Centipede yelled in horror.

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