Glory to Azeroth

Chapter 298 Cinda Saha

"Be careful!" After the end of the undead who was rushing, he immediately made a body to a few heads that were concentrated on the dragon of the Trimsasus, and he also made the battle.

Originally, Aarn can simply beachable together with a few dragons, avoiding this batch of undead, but now I want to try the strength of the natural disasters, before the Wiguo people who have encountered in the Utgad Castle, I feel it. It is too weak, and it will improve their combat power, otherwise Yarear feels that one of the undeades in Utgard.

Now Yaron wants to quantify the strength of the Zhengdian of the Tianzhi Army, and see what the strength of the foundation of the Tianzi Legion is, in the face of this, in the future, there are no points.

A few dragons quickly looked up, Carremo continued to suppress Varisonsas, while inquiring: "What about this guy?"

"Kill it, leave it too." Alan glanced at Varison, simply said that even if it could not guarantee certain killing Varimas, but killing an out of the air is also very good. With the devil, especially the fear of the devil, there is no morality.

"You are really awkward." Varimsasus muttered, the whole people made a four-scattered bat, blinking between blinks, this guy is clearly prepared, just after a few giant dragons uniforms The moderate probability is also pretended.

Although Aaron and a few dragons have killed a few bats, but the big group of bats relative to this guys did not have anything.

The bat population made by Varison is re-condensed into the original look, and the grievances gaze the Aaron. "Kid, you will definitely regret it."

"Hey, there is no ghost, there is a single thing to stay," Aaron disdainfully said to War Marsas, "I am standing here, do you have a skill to kill me?"

The cold light in Varimsas is flashing, and the face is revealed with a smile: "Ignorant idiots, you still live this time, I don't have to play with you."

After that, Valimsa flooded in the direction of the ice crown, and a pair did not put Allen them in their hearts.

"Don't hurt the guy, the enemy in front of you is tight." Aaron is actually a little bit of impulse, the two fear demon can not leave, this is quite frustrated. .

Just considering that the descendancy has already been surrounded, and it is really chasing the scorpion of the devil. It is really chasing it. It will also put this idea, come to the day long, sooner and evening to turn the fear of the devil's five-color team. At least next time, you can more carefully.

Those who want to fear the Devils, those who have rushed over.

Perhaps the cold climate in the ice grate is guaranteed that these undead's body rot is slow. These monsters in front of Aaron have basically retaining the topography in the past, which can also be seen from the current natural disasters.

The number of humans in the undead of the younger, most or the most tallwicker, this is not surprising, before the Lich King comes, the iceberg glaciers live a lot of vitamists, resistant Aoyu never likes to expand, and it will not let these force behind his mouth.

In addition, there will be some strange races in this undead. You will have the figures of sea elephants and yak people. Aaron is not understanding, but there is a group of fish who make Aaron. Is it, Is it so stunned?

Yarear didn't know that Ni Aizu was in the early days, basically tried all the live lives, and the fish people he saw now was the product at that time.

Originally, Ni Aizu wants to dig up the body of Cinda Sa, and it is not what it takes to fight, and he will send his hand to the handed soldiers. This has an Alang. This miscellaneous card cannot be more smuggling.

"Do you even have a corpse?" Aarn opened a thing in the undead group, unparalleled, a problem, although the response speed was stronger than the Uttgard, But the action is still slow, and then encounter the holy light of the core, the speed is quite rapid.

The most critical factor is or these undeads can only be considered a body with action. Don't say that Aaron has been hateful. If you have never encountered one, Aaron will soon quickly. Losing interest, calling for a long time to watch a long-awaited dragon, come down together, hurry to solve these bodies of these people, so I watched the situation of Cindais.

Just in the two dragons, it was responsible for a direction. When I cleaned up the undead of the ground, Aaron suddenly felt that the floor at the foot began to tremble. At the beginning, he thought it was an illusion, and the result was almost dramatic. The tremor fell to the ground.

"Not good!" Aaron put the shield in his hand on the ice, it was a steady body, but the trend at the foot was more fierce.

The rugged ice spreads the huge cracks, and these cracks have a gradually expanded trend, and there are many undeads around Aren, because they avoid falling into the crack.

"Aaron, come up soon." Carres flew to Aren, grab Alan, with Aaron to fly away from this area in the earthquake.

Sitting on the back of Carres, Aaron looks at the turmoil. The flying ice is more and more frank. It has also produced fine crack between several cracks that the spread out. These cracks are like the spider web, and a large area. They are covered by these cracks, and this area has collapsed.

The broken ice cubes fall downwards, which should be the same as the solid threshing, the thorns of ice, like the trend, and the tremble is still a good ice original, and finally rush to all the earth, until the trend has been It will be sailed.

However, there is no one in this moment, and a screaming dragon has passed down from the ice hole. The other dragon reactions is still not obvious, Carrelas and Sillais have become extremely intense, sitting The Allenden Inarstall in Carres is not lost by the trembling of Carres.

The rabbling of the sky is falling back to the ground, and a huge and dry faucet has been explored from them.

"Marisis, Naisario, you must die!" A sound from the endless resentment and sad roaring broke out from the dragon mouth, making the surrounding snow.

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