"Soon, that is Cunda Saha?" In Aaron who hid the ice in the ice cach, there was a sight behind them, and there was a red green behind them. Two adult dragons are focusing on this direction.

The Red Dragon is naturally Krassus. This responsibility is more than other dragons to be more burst of Honglong Wangfu's mouth that wants to exercise the young dragon, but actually still rest assured, secretly followed Come over, the result saw the scene of Cindaishar's recovery.

"Your guy doesn't worry about your daughter, why do I call me?" The green dragon seems to be very dissatisfied with Claus, I'm being pulled overlooking myself, and hurts.

"Itarios, you guys also have event, so many years have never seen you have left the Temple of Spa." Krasso did not be in the small dissatisfaction in Itlyis, pay attention to that The situation is said to Itario.

Isauross swayed the dragon, said: "What do you know, our green dragon will work hard, you look at Isera, she is a decades, or if you ask for help last time, she I don't know how long I have to sleep. "

"Forget it, I don't argue with you, you think we have together, have there any opportunity to turn over Cindahasa?" Krassus mouth asked, his heart is also measuring each other's strength gap.

Although Cindaisa has died of 10,000 years, the quietness of her just tossed, Krassus really has no absolute confidence to win Cindaisa, although the level Crats and Cinda Jaca is a dragon spouse, but the gap in strength is not small.

"If you come together, it should be no problem." Isarius has done a silent place in his heart, and finally said.

However, when I discussed this matter in the two dragons, a higher elf on the back of Krassus noticed some unusual places: "Clarus, do you feel that ... Cindaisa's state Is it a bit wrong? "

Krassus has not answered, and Isarius has already opened the way: "Of course it is not right, Cindaisa is dead for 10,000 years, can climb up is not normal enough."

Krassus is not like Isario, he knows that his companion is accompanied by spells, while carefully observing from the ice cave, the Sindaisa, who has explored most of the body, asked: "Kel'thas, what did you notice?"

Yes, the high elf on the back of Krassus is Kelhas. The prince of this Elf is also smashed by Krassus. This can be seen that Classus is not worried about investigating. Several giant dragons, or the state of Alexasa is not good, other dragons have their own duty, Krassus may pull all the dramas that are stationed in the Temple of the Temple.

"The state of Cindais, let me think of those death knights in the orcs," Kel'thas said on the side: "There is also a similar thing in Uttgard, I also encountered something similar ... and Tongling is very similar. "

"If you say this, it is really like." Clarus was still in Dallar, and he has also participated in the research of Tongling. It was reminded by Kel'thas, and found this immediately. " But is this related to our purpose? "

Kel'thas exposed a little embarrassing expression, "There is nothing relationship, are we playing now?"

Krassus just wants to say something, Itarios, there is suddenly said: "Don't worry, there is change."

The two dragons of the two dragons are not to shot, and Yaron is also discussing to move their hands from Cindaisa.

"How can I drop it out?" Yalun looked at the Zhang tooth dance claws, relying on its huge quality to compress the ice and snow constantly collapsed in Cindaisa.

Because of the ice in the snow in 10,000 years, the physical condition of Cindaisa is quite complete, and the dragon scales of the consecutive table are saved, but the time of 10,000 years is still in the body of Cindaisa. The flesh that should have been filled with power has been dried, and the bleak blue dragon scales covered with the dragon crumpled shrinks on the keel and look more horrible.

More eye-catching is still a huge tear wound that Cincaisa is from the leader to the abdomen. Even if it has passed 10,000 years, the terrorist scars caused by the soul of the dragon in the beginning of the year. In Cindaisa, even because of the flow of 10,000 years, it becomes more thrilled.

"Marfio, I hate." Xin Daisa climbed from the ice cave, and the roaring full of resentment, but this sentence just finished, the body of Cinda Sa began to tremble. It seems that it is in general, "I'm going to open, I've been tibied, you still don't match my hostess of My Cindaa!"

Ok, this situation is very obvious. Although Cindaisa has been launched by Austria, it has not lost his ingredients, and if you want to take this blue dragon, it makes it your own boiler. It is necessary to completely press the anti-Daisa's anti-will.

When Alsace succeeded in Cindaisa, you can run to Cundaisa to use the full force to force the Sinda Sa Sa Sa, but Nusu can only live in the frozen armor, far in ice. Can the crown fortress he can debilize the deep Cindaisa?

"Is there any way to add a mess to Ni' ?" Aren and several dramas around, "although the situation is unknown, but can you give him more chaos?"

On the way to the iceberg glacier, Aaron gave the dragon to the Austrian ancestors, just as a palantery, he couldn't explain what it was clear to the dragon, which is only something. Relying on a few gains to observe the situation.

It has no effective way to discuss an effective way, producing a sudden situation: Silklasa's body begins to shake autonomously, Carrevo's state is not good, recover Although Cindaisa is already the body of the undead, it still has a huge impact on the blue dragons that have only born after the two ancient times.

"Damn!" Aaron did not expect that the recovery of Cinda Sa also brought this effect, now don't say that the interference against Austrian ance has taken the process of the convincing of Cinda Sa, or hurry to take two blue dragons to leave this danger. Place.

"No, I don't accept!" What do you count! "The resistance of Cindaisa has also reached the vertices. The huge dragon body that was buried under the frost is completely broken, and the blue dragon king sang wings, rose High-altitude, straight to the headquarters of the Blue Dragon Legion, fly in the direction of Cagla.

Although the heart fails to see the resentment of Marrius before the death, this emergency, Xin Da Sa's still is still asking for him.


"Ni'Azu is also in that direction!" Yarun hate can't fly to the Sindaisa ear to remind it.

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