Go crazy! You Call This An Assistant?

Chapter 8 What the hell! Can this coffin still be opened?

In an instant, the top-heavy weightlessness like riding a roller coaster in the previous life suddenly wrapped Chu Huan.

It just felt very short, and the whole process added up to less than three seconds. What caught Chu Huan's eyes was a completely different environment.

Under the slightly dim sky is a vast grassland, surrounded by high or low hills.

It's just that in the humid air, in addition to the faint smell of soil and grass, there is also a little bloody smell mixed with it.

Around this entrance passage, there is a barrier nearly five meters wide and three meters high.

On the edge of the barrier, there are some obviously bitten and some rotten corpses of piercing wolves.

The piercing wolf is similar in appearance to the wolf in the blue star, and looks similar to Erha.

His whole body was dark red, his eyes were green.

The biggest feature is that the body surface of these piercing wolves has white spikes that are about the size of an adult finger.

Curled up like a hedgehog.

"Okay, don't look at it, but it's just a low-level one-star beast, except that it is more fierce, and it is similar to those ordinary lions and tigers outside! There is nothing to study."

Seeing Chu Huan looking curiously at the corpses of those piercing wolves, Fu Wenbo couldn't help but remind him.

While speaking, Fu Wenbo frowned slightly, and moved his hands and feet gently, as if some places were uncomfortable.

Hearing this, Chu Huan subconsciously looked at Fu Wenbo who was standing one meter away.

Compared to before, the content on the information panel on Fu Wenbo's head has changed accordingly.

"Fu Wenbo"

"Level: Three Star Awakened Apprentice (Sealed State)"

"HP: 2000/2000 (sealed state)"

"Hate Value: 0"

Compared with before entering this beast secret realm, Fu Wenbo's attributes have undergone great changes, and he has directly changed from the previous silver three-star to the current three-star awakened apprentice.

In this regard, Chu Huan did not feel any surprise after taking a look.

Everything has two sides.

Due to the special treatment, the Mysterious Realm of Ferocious Beasts channel on Blue Star has turned the Mysterious Realm of Ferocious Beasts into a dungeon like in-game, allowing the Awakened to enter continuously.

But at the same time, this approach also has corresponding disadvantages.

That is, after the seal, the world of these beast secret realms can only provide awakened people of similar levels to enter the beast secret realm.

For example, the low-level 1-star beast secret realm where Chu Huan is now, if a 1-star awakened apprentice like Chu Huan enters, it will not have any effect.

But if an awakened person like Fu Wenbo, whose level is much higher than the level of the beast secret realm, enters, then both level and strength will be sealed inexplicably.

The higher the level, the stronger the seal will be.

Even all the soul power will be sealed, until the comprehensive strength will not exceed the upper limit of this secret realm.

In this case, the high-level Awakened entering the low-level Ferocious Beast Secret Realm is not as good as the Awakened of the relative level, and the danger is not reduced but increased.

If not, high-level awakened people like Fu Wenbo directly intrude into the secret realm of low-level beasts, just like tigers entering the flock, it is completely random killing.

By now, apart from those high-level secret realms in the entire Blue Star, low-level vicious beast secret realms like the Bone Wolf have long been slaughtered.

Where will it be like now, the number of secret realms around the world is increasing.

Chu Huan estimates that the reason why Fu Wenbo is so uncomfortable is because his strength is sealed.

"Let's go! These low-level secret realms are always so unpleasant to me."

Seeing this, Chu Huan raised his heels beside Fu Wenbo and moved through the surrounding entrances to protect the Awakened from entering the security barrier in this biting wolf space.

Looking at Chu Huan, who was slightly behind him and kept a distance of no more than one meter from him, Fu Wenbo, who was walking in front, couldn't help but smiled softly.

"This kid is really careful enough."

Just like that, when the two of them walked nearly 100 meters, Fu Wenbo, who was walking fast, suddenly stepped in a direction to the right.

Chu Huan, who was always by Fu Wenbo's side, noticed that Fu Wenbo's movements stopped immediately, and followed Fu Wenbo's line of sight with a wary expression.

Immediately afterwards, in Chu Huan's line of sight, the branches and leaves of the bushes about fifteen meters apart suddenly trembled.

Then, a biting wolf that looked like a calf and was about 1.4 meters tall walked slowly through the bushes.

And at the moment when the piercing wolf passed through the bushes, it was also the first time that he noticed the two Chu Huan and Fu Wenbo staring at him in the distance.

Immediately, the bone-piercing wolf, who was still somewhat sloppy just a moment ago, had tense muscles all over his body, and his body leaned back slightly.

When facing Chu Huan and Fu Wenbo, the fangs in his mouth were exposed along the back of his mouth, and his green eyes were full of ferocity.

"The goal is there, now you try it again!"

After glancing at the biting wolf in the distance, Fu Wenbo next to Chu Huan said.

Listening to Fu Wenbo's words, Chu Huan nodded and took a step forward.

After taking a light breath, he began to mobilize the soul power in his body just like in the school before.

The next second, under the gathering of soul power, the "suona" device soul originally located in Chu Huan's left ventricle suddenly drilled out of Chu Huan's body and suspended in front of Chu Huan's body.

With the continuous infusion of soul power, along with the special timbre of the suona, black notes suddenly turned into streamers and emerged one after another from the tool soul in front of Chu Huan.

After a while, five black figures converged into five figures in these black notes.

It was still the familiar pitch black as ink, still carrying a coffin on the shoulders of the four figures.

On the left and right, stepping on the beat of the music and shaking gently, he approached the biting wolf in the distance at a constant speed.

On the other hand, looking at the piercing wolf on the opposite side, looking at the five lumps that suddenly appeared in front of him, this piercing wolf's body was bowed, and its muscles were tight as if it would attack at any time.

However, when the five sounds of lifting the coffin were less than five meters away from the biting wolf.

The biting wolf's body, which was still in a state of alert just a moment ago, actually relaxed slowly, but the eyes that were full of violence were now misty.

And in this relaxed state, the bone-piercing wolf slowly moved closer to the five phantoms.

And when the piercing wolf approached actively, the coffin that had been carried on the shoulders of the four phantoms behind it was placed on the ground.

Then, in the surprised eyes of Chu Huan and Fu Wenbo, the lid of the coffin that was prevented from being on the ground, which was originally created by Chu Huan's soul power, was lifted by four black phantoms next to it.

At this moment, Fu Wenbo, who was shocked in his heart, couldn't help but blurt out his debut.

"Fuck! Did you make a mistake, this coffin can still be opened?".

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