Go crazy! You Call This An Assistant?

Chapter 9 I'm not dreaming, am I?

Not to mention Fu Wenbo, even Chu Huan looked at the opened coffin with a confused expression.

But before Chu Huan could react, Fu Wenbo next to Chu Huan spoke up again.

"Wait, what does it mean that the coffin lid is opened at this time? Could it be that he was going to let the biting wolf lie in?"

Hearing this, Chu Huan's eyelids jumped.

According to what Fu Wenbo said before, when he was playing his "coffin-carrying march" before, Fu Wenbo felt like he wanted to lie down in the coffin.

Now it seemed that the biting wolf on the opposite side was also attracted by the coffin.

And the level of this biting wolf is not as high as Fu Wenbo, so he can't ignore the attraction brought by the coffin.

At this time, the coffin was opened again, and it was not impossible to let this biting wolf lie in.

For a while, both of them were staring at the bone-piercing wolf in the distance.

Soon, as it approached, the biting wolf in the distance was only less than two meters away from the phantoms carrying the coffin.

In the sight of Chu Huan and Fu Wenbo, the biting wolf on the opposite side suddenly stopped moving forward and turned slightly arched.


Immediately afterwards, the piercing wolf made a cry full of eagerness and joy, and the piercing wolf jumped directly into the opened coffin.

Seeing that this biting wolf was successfully put into the coffin, the corner of Fu Wenbo's mouth was slightly stiff.

"This f*ck, really went in!"

And after the piercing wolf took the initiative to jump into the coffin and chose a comfortable position to lie down, the four phantoms who were standing on both sides slowly swaying and jumping slowly bent over and successfully closed the raised coffin. superior.

When the four phantoms worked hard at the same time, the coffin that was originally on the ground was once again resisted on the shoulders of the four phantoms.

"Huh? My soul power consumption has suddenly become faster!"

At the same time, Chu Huan suddenly found that the soul power in his body flowed into the soul of the "suona" device in front of him faster.

With this change, the sound of "suona" in front of Chu Huan became louder.

Plain white makes the cheerful feeling all add a little bit.

And in this cheerful and loud music, the amplitude and frequency of the five phantoms in the distance are also faster.

If the previous state of the five phantoms was slowly shaking the bar, then now it is a feeling of bar dancing.

Obviously more cheerful and full of rhythm.

With the rapid swing of these five phantoms, in Chu Huan's line of sight, the damage value of "-10" continuously floated from the top of the coffin.

In just three or four seconds, Chu Huan saw that the blood volume belonging to the biting wolf just dropped all the way until it returned to zero.

It was also when the blood of this biting wolf was zero, a system prompt sound suddenly sounded in Chu Huan's head.

"Di, matching energy is detected, do you choose to absorb it?"

Hearing the voice in his head, Chu Huan meditated in his heart after being stunned for a moment.

Afterwards, looking at the extra system points he had gained, Chu Huan looked at the lifted coffin. It was unclear where the system points came from the biting wolf inside the coffin.

After thinking about this, Chu Huan said, "Mr. Fu, that biting wolf is dead."

Fu Wenbo was stunned for a moment, then glanced at Chu Huan, then looked at the five phantoms who were still jumping in the distance and asked, "Since the piercing wolf is dead, why isn't your skill over yet? How many guys have to wait for a song to finish?"

Chu Huan smiled bitterly, but before the words came out, Chu Huan, who had been keeping his eyes in the distance, suddenly changed his expression.

Noticing the change in Chu Huan's face, Fu Wenbo quickly turned his head to look.

In the sight of the two of them, at this moment, strands of black air began to float out of the coffin around the coffin.

Moreover, after the black mist floated out, not only did it not dissipate, but instead surrounded the coffin.

It's weird no matter what.

For a while, both of them were staring at the coffin-carrying gang in the distance.

In this way, after waiting for two seconds, when the black fog was already surrounding the entire coffin, the coffin was once again placed on the ground by the four phantoms carrying the coffin and the coffin board was lifted.

In the next second, a black shadow suddenly rushed out of the coffin. It was the biting wolf that jumped into the coffin before.

It was also when this biting wolf jumped out of the coffin that the coffin-carrying gangs that were summoned by Chu Huan's "suona" artifact soul skill also dissipated into clouds of black smoke.

Pointing at the piercing wolf standing still in the distance, Fu Wenbo turned his head to look at Chu Huan expressionlessly and asked, "Didn't you say the piercing wolf is dead?"

Chu Huan nodded his head and said, "Strange, it should be dead!"

But before Chu Huan could figure out the reason, a message suddenly came from the suona in front of Chu Huan.

At the same time, the piercing wolf in the distance suddenly turned around slowly and Sa Yazi rushed towards Chu Huan.

Seeing this scene, Fu Wenbo, who was still thinking, took a step forward, and his palm was already raised in a gesture of preparing to kill this biting wolf.

"Teacher, don't do it!"

But before Fu Wenbo could take any further action, Chu Huan, who was next to him, suddenly opened his mouth to stop him.

Hearing Chu Huan's words, Fu Wenbo paused slightly and looked at Chu Huan in confusion.

Seeing this, Chu Huan did not rush to explain, but said somewhat uncertainly, "Stop!"

The moment the voice came out, the biting wolf who was only about five meters away from Chu Huan and Fu Wenbo turned out to stop directly and stared at Chu Huan without moving.

"Huh? It's really possible!"

Looking at the boneless wolf, Chu Huan raised his eyebrows and continued, "Lie down and roll!"

At the exit of the command, the bone-piercing wolf five meters away lay decisively on the ground, exposing the only belly on his body that was not protected by bone spurs, and then rolled around on the ground before standing up.

Seeing this scene, Fu Wenbo was dumbfounded.

"Am I dreaming?"

ps: This is the update of the flowers that meet the update standard, the ninth update, there is one chapter today, and the tenth update on the first day of publishing! Kneel the food of the big guys! Flowers, evaluations, monthly tickets and rewards are the spiritual food of the author! .

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