The old man was very busy, but the old man was very busy.

When Li Meiqi was distracted, Yan Chujiu had already unloaded his equipment from the tricycle and put it on her car.

After his instruction, Li Meiqi had cleared many unnecessary things from the car!

The trunk space is now very spacious, and it is no problem for two people to roll around in it.

When Yan Chujiu got in the car and sat in the passenger seat, Li Meiqi asked, "Xiang Aotu, can you drive?"

Few girls would take the initiative to ask like this, and Yan Chujiu was a little overwhelmed, "I drive?"

"Don't tell me you don't have a driver's license?"

"Of course I have a driver's license, but..."

"I know, I'm your fish boy now, I should drive!" Li Meiqi yawned and acted coquettishly, "But I got up too early today, drove all the way down from the city, and now I'm a little tired, you drive!"

"Okay, I'll drive, as long as you're not afraid that I'll drive the car into the ditch!"

Li Meiqi was a little surprised, "You haven't driven a car?"

"Of course I have driven, otherwise how did I get my driver's license?"

The last time Yan Chujiu drove... was the last time.

Thinking carefully, it was when I was taking the driver's license test.

I never touched the steering wheel after the test, I don't have the conditions!

After Li Meiqi learned about his situation, she actually chuckled, "It's okay, sister, I'm an experienced driver, I'll teach you how to drive."

Yan Chujiu felt that she was driving, but it seemed that she was not. Although the girl didn't look very smart, she was definitely a serious person.

"Are you really not afraid that I will drive such a good car of yours into the gutter?"

Li Meiqi shook her head, "Don't worry, men are born to drive. They may not have experience at the beginning, but they will be fine after one or two trips. The speed is definitely faster than that of female drivers!"

Yan Chujiu suspected that she was driving again, saying that this car was not that car, but there was no evidence at all.

Under Li Meiqi's strong request, Yan Chujiu had to exchange seats with her and sat in the driver's seat.

Li Meiqi was obviously very patient when teaching a newcomer to drive.

She explained to him in detail the functions of each button on the dashboard and the central control.

Which one is one-button start, which one is the electronic handbrake, how to turn on low-speed four-wheel drive, high-speed four-wheel drive... and so on.

After that, she didn't care much and let him play freely.

Facts have proved that what Li Meiqi said makes sense. Men are born with the talent to drive!

When Yan Chujiu first got on the road, he was still in a mess, a little blind and bumping around, as if he couldn't find the direction at all.

Li Meiqi helped him straighten up, and he knew how to drive, and gradually got better.

Not long after getting on the road, the accelerator was already very deep.

After driving for a while, Yan Chujiu had already driven the car fast and steady, just like an experienced old driver.

However, without Zhao Mei on the road, the atmosphere was still a little less, and there were not so many laughters.

Li Meiqi was very relieved to see that he had driven the car smoothly and smoothly, and there was no need to worry at all.

I can also teach people to drive, and the disciple is better than the master!

I feel very comfortable with a full sense of accomplishment!

I want to listen to songs and sing a few lines!

She turned on the car music, no longer rock, but lyrical and soft piano accompaniment.

The sound effects are quite good, as realistic as a live performance, and every detail lingers in the ears.

When introducing this car just now, Yan Chujiu already knew that she had modified the Burmester sound system!

I didn't ask how much it cost, so as not to be embarrassed!

Yan Chujiu doesn't like going to the bank!

Just like eunuchs don't like going to brothels!

If you don't have some things, asking is redundant, and going is humiliating!

The familiar melody made Yan Chujiu quickly recognize that this is the masterpiece of the God of Songs.

"It is loneliness that slowly occupies my heart. The long night is getting calmer and calmer, and the memories are getting more lonely..."

Maggie Q sang slowly with the rhythm.

The voice rises and falls, like crying and complaining!

Sometimes it sings softly like a gurgling stream, and sometimes it is sad and melancholy watching flowers and tears falling.

Ethereal, sad!

The cold and elegant goddess style is finally reflected in Maggie Q for the first time.

Yan Chujiu was intoxicated by it, and his eyes couldn't help but look at her.

She could have made her debut as a singer, but she just preferred to go fishing.

This is the difference between Mingming and Pianpian.

Inspired by her, Yan Chujiu couldn't help but join in the chorus.

"Who stole my battery!"

"Let me walk from the dark night to the dawn,

Oh oh..."

"Walking tired, walking heartbroken, walking without feeling!"

"You dare not ask again, afraid of becoming a suspect!"


Maggie Q stared at Yan Chujiu in amazement!

What a talent!

The God of Songs, don't be busy going to hold a concert, come and kill him first!

When the accompaniment sounded for the second time, Maggie Q couldn't help it.

"...It's regret, slowly eroding my heart... Let me steal your battery, hurt my brother, and walk until dawn! ”

A red plum becomes redder, a black plum becomes blacker!

Li Meiqi was successfully led astray and completely failed in her studies.

Yan Chujiu looked at her again, with an expression that said, "As expected, you stole my battery."

Li Meiqi shyly blinked at him.

Zhao Mei was not there. If she was, she would definitely say: Pull over, I can't stand you anymore.

I'll get off the car and make room for you to chat.

After swaying along for more than an hour, we finally arrived at the place where we went to the beach again.

It's better to come late than to come early.

The tide hasn't started to recede yet, and the beach is completely submerged by the sea.

Li Meiqi saw that she couldn't catch the sea and even had nowhere to step, so she couldn't help asking Yan Chujiu, "Xiang Aotu, when will the tide start to recede?"

Yan Chujiu took out his mobile phone and looked at the tide schedule, "We came too early, the tide will recede in two hours, and the lowest tide will be at eleven o'clock in the morning."

Li Meiqi said angrily, "We have to wait so long! "

"Don't be impatient. You won't get the giant if you are impatient."

Yan Chujiu comforted her unintentionally. He originally wanted to go to the cliff coast at the destination first, but he used to go along the mudflats after the tide receded.

If he wants to go from the shore now, he has to go around the mountain!

Not only is it far, there is no road, and it takes time.

If he really goes there, it might be time for the tide to recede!

Yan Chujiu didn't want to waste energy and time. Climbing down to collect barnacles is a very physically demanding job, which is more difficult than doing push-ups, so he returned to the previous cave and waited quietly for the tide to recede.

Li Meiqi also followed him and sat on the "bed" where she had slept before. She looked around and asked, "Xiang Aotu, what are we doing now? ”

Here, with blue sea and silver sand, surrounded by green mountains, and no one living, the scenery is as beautiful as a poem and a painting.

If the relationship between the two is deep enough, there will naturally be a lot of things to do, even to the lowest point, and there will not be enough time.

However, the relationship between the two has obviously not developed to that point. In addition to staring at each other, they can only chat.

Yan Chujiu doesn't like chatting. Seeing that Li Meiqi was bored, "Then I'll find something to do with you?"

Li Meiqi was about to nod, but when she looked at the bed under her and the empty environment around her, she suddenly woke up and asked vigilantly, "What do you want to do?"

Yan Chujiu spread his hands, "I'm looking for it!"

Li Meiqi wanted to persuade him, a man and a woman alone, don't force yourself to do something, it's easy to get killed.

Let's wait for the tide to recede, just go to the sea and fish!

But before she opened her mouth, Yan Chujiu had already started to act...

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