The more you do, the more you will be happy.

Yan Chujiu was as dirty as she thought, but not so impulsive.

Applause requires mutual consent, so that it can be achieved naturally!

A forced melon may make you happy, but it usually doesn't have much moisture!

Yan Chujiu didn't get close to Maggie Q, but walked outside the cave.

He looked at the nearby rocky beach that was flooded by the sea to see if there was anything to do.

The terrain below was uneven, and the sea water was of varying depths.

The shallow part was only above the ankles, but the deep part was up to the waist, and the deeper it went out, the deeper it got.

Most people in such water would probably not find anything, because the sea water pushed and surged, and the ripples kept rippling, and it was impossible to see what was hidden under the water.

Yan Chujiu was different, his eyes were enlightened by Sibu Xiang.

He could see through anything where there was water.

The more water there was, the more he liked it, because he could see more clearly.

When he found a sneaky thing peeking out of a gap in a coral reef, his expression lit up.

Hey, it's time!

"Li Meiqi, let's start fishing!"


Yan Chujiu nodded, "Yes!"

Li Meiqi pointed to the reef beach, "Here?"

Yan Chujiu nodded again, "Yes!"

Li Meiqi couldn't help rolling her eyes, "It's so shallow, you're fishing with a woolen line!"

Yan Chujiu felt that it would take a lot of effort to explain it to her, so he simply shut up and opened the fishing gear bag she carried.

There were long and short rods in it, but after looking at it for a while, he felt that none of them were suitable, either too long or too heavy.

After giving up these fishing rods, he looked around and found a branch as thick as a finger and about 1.23 meters long in the pile of dead wood under the rock wall. Its length and thickness were just right.

Yan Chujiu quickly pulled the branch out of the pile of firewood, used a knife to cut a groove at the end to hold the line, then took a piece of fishing line and tied it to it, and then tied the hook.

He only had two high-quality fishing rods that he won from Li Meiqi, but he had a pile of worthless fishing lines and hooks.

Li Meiqi was confused, "Xiang Aotu, what are you doing?"

"I just told you, fishing!"

"What fish?"

"You'll know in a while."

When Yan Chujiu responded to this, he had already assembled a simple and rough fishing rod with his hands and feet, and then found an oyster on the reef, knocked out the meat inside and hung it on the hook.

"Get inside!"

Yan Chujiu habitually shouted and threw the oyster meat into the water.

Li Meiqi couldn't help but laugh and cry when she saw this, because the water depth where he was casting was only about 30 centimeters at most, and there was no fish at all.

However, even if there was no fish, Yan Chujiu was still seriously lifting the fishing rod up and down.

What the hell, is this a child's game?

Li Meiqi couldn't bear to watch it, and thought that it would be better to go back to the cave and sleep instead of watching him fooling around here.

Before she turned around, she saw that the originally bent fishing line suddenly straightened.

Yes, suddenly.

What happened, was it caught by a rock?

Just as Li Meiqi was wondering, Yan Chujiu had already raised the rod violently.

A snake-like thing was pulled out of the crack of the rock by him and thrown onto the shore.

Li Meiqi was shocked and moved forward to take a look, and found that it was a sea eel about 40 to 50 centimeters long, about 7 or 8 inches long.

"Oh my god!"

"This, you can catch fish like this?"

"Xiang Aotu, can you be more powerful?"

Maggie Q looked at the lively sea eel, and excitedly pulled Yan Chujiu's arm and shouted non-stop.

The headlights of the car swung around and hit Yan Chujiu!

Yan Chujiu smiled bitterly in secret, sister, you praise me if you want to, don't hit me with the ball, okay?

If you act like this, Xiaojiu will be easily irritated!

I will not be responsible for what happens then!

But soon, Maggie Q let go of Yan Chujiu and prepared to help him pick the fish.

The sea eel has sharp teeth and a sharp mouth, and is extremely ferocious. Even if it is firmly hung on the hook, it keeps twisting and twisting, and its body is entangled with the fishing line.

Maggie Q is not very skilled, but she is very brave, and she is going to catch it with her bare hands.

Yan Chujiu was shocked when he saw this. Conger eels can bite people, and being bitten is no joke.

He didn't want to give her anything to suck anymore. It's not that he didn't like it, but he was afraid of getting addicted.

He quickly reached out and pulled up Li Meiqi who was squatting down.

He used a little too much force, and Li Meiqi, who was unprepared, was not only pulled up, but also hit

into his arms.

The close physical contact made both of them stagnate, and they felt like they were being electrocuted.

Yan Chujiu's body trembled, and Li Meiqi's heart beat wildly!

Although they separated after just a touch, both of them blushed and were embarrassed.

"That... there is a lot of mucus on the body of the conger eel, it is slippery, and it is difficult to remove the hook without professional tools!"

Yan Chujiu tried to find words to ease the atmosphere.

Li Meiqi also went down the stairs sensibly, "What should I do?"

"Cut the line directly. Cutting the line will at most lose a fish hook. If you remove the hook, you may be bitten back, and it will waste time. With this time, you can tie a new hook and catch another fish."

"Oh oh!"

Yan Chujiu took out a knife, cut the line, and then held the line and threw the conger eel into the net bag and kept it in the water!

Then he quickly tied another hook and baited it again to find fish.

Because this place is surrounded by jungle, few people have set foot here. In addition, there are many reefs, so fishing boats outside cannot come in, so the resources are still very rich.

However, it is not easy for ordinary people to find conger eels. Yan Chujiu has water eyes, which is completely different.

Not long after, he found another conger eel in the gap of a coral reef, so he threw the bait over.

"Get in there!"

Conger eels are extremely aggressive marine creatures with a very sensitive sense of smell, but they don't have much brains.

It obviously doesn't know that the pie falling from the sky is a trap. After smelling the sweet and fishy smell of oyster meat, it almost doesn't need Yan Chujiu to tease it, and it swallows it directly!

Yan Chujiu reacted very quickly and immediately raised the rod. The conger eel's mouth was pierced by the hook, and its body was also pulled out of half of the water.

This one is much bigger than the previous one, twice as thick and longer, and should be more than two kilograms.

"Wow, it's so big..." Li Meiqi was praising it, and suddenly she sighed with regret, "Oh wow!"

When the sea eel was about to be completely out of the water, it was unhooked and fell back into the water. It slipped and quickly got into the cracks of the rocks and disappeared.

"Alas, it's almost time to get ashore, but it can still run away. I'm so angry, so angry!"

Li Meiqi slapped her thigh, even more furious than she was when she lost the fish.

Yan Chujiu shook her head speechlessly. It's normal for the fish to be unhooked and run away. Why would you fish if you can't think about it!

When the fish bite is good, it's normal to lose fish. If you slap your thigh every time you lose one, your thigh will be swollen, right?

If you don't cherish such a slender leg, let me take care of it!

Yan Chujiu said nothing, and continued to knock the oyster meat calmly, hooked the bait, and then threw it in front of the crack where the sea eel disappeared just now.

Seeing this, Maggie Q shook her head repeatedly, "Xiang Aotu, it seems that you have also been deceived by the great writer Xu!"

"What do you mean?"

"Xu Zhimo, he wrote in "Ashima" that fish only have a memory of seven seconds, and they will not remember the past after seven seconds."

Yan Chujiu nodded slightly, and the great writer Xu also keeps reincarnating in these 7 seconds not to forget, but to remember.

When there is a dream, happiness is incomparable, dreams come from the heart and look forward to it...Maybe the wind, flowers, snow and moon will never have any results, but after all, it is a story of wind and snow, happiness is enough!

Li Meiqi's voice brought Yan Chujiu back to reality from the poetic and picturesque, "Scientists have long proved that fish's memory is more than seven seconds, some can last for several years, and some can even be passed on to the next generation!"

"I know this!"

"I know you don't change places, the conger eel is so painful, do you think it will be fooled by you?"

Yan Chujiu smiled, "It hurts, but the meat has been eaten by it, that is pain and happiness, this kind of thing is very addictive, you will know it later!"

"I don't believe it!" Li Meiqi said unconvinced, "How about we make a bet?"

Yan Chujiu was sweating, he said he wanted to pinch fish with me before, and now he wants to bet with me again!

Girl, you like to win me so much, sooner or later you will suffer a big loss.

The more familiar I am, the less I want to pull her.

Yan Chujiu asked weakly, "Can we not gamble?"

"Are you scared? If you are, just tell me, I can spare you!"

Yan Chujiu laughed angrily, "Okay, how do you want to gamble?"

"If you can still catch it, I will pay for Zhaomei's hospitalization, nursing, and food expenses, and I won't ask you to reimburse!"

Yan Chujiu disagreed, "That's not much money, right?"

"It's really not much. So far, I've only spent more than 6,000!"

"What?" Yan Chujiu's eyes widened immediately, "Why would it cost so much?"

"I found the best pet hospital and the best pet doctor for it, and it's a single dog room, and the food is not ordinary dog ​​food, but a specific nutritious meal. This trip to the hospital

Come, 30,000 or 40,000 is definitely not enough. "

Yan Chujiu remembered that he was hospitalized for illness before, and he had to live in the corridor because there was no bed. He couldn't help but feel a kind of sadness that people were worse than dogs.

"Then... what if I lose?"

"The days I owed you as a fish boy are written off. All your catches today belong to me. In the future, when I go fishing with you, you must be responsible for lunch!" Li Meiqi thought for a while and added, "In the future, you can only say good things about me in front of your aunt, and you are not allowed to say bad things about me."

Yan Chujiu was confused, "Li Meiqi, I can understand what you said before, but why is there this later?"

"I'm afraid your aunt thinks that I'm an unlearned, fishing-addicted, and a wild girl who does nothing all day long but thinks about how to fish! "

Yan Chujiu wanted to ask, aren't you?

At the same time, he didn't quite understand why his aunt's opinion of her was so important?

But when the words came to his lips, he immediately changed his words, "Let's bet!"

"One word for..."

Before she finished the word "decided", Li Meiqi's expression froze and she stood there.

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