The fishing line of Yan Chujiu, which was originally loose on the water surface, suddenly tightened again.

Li Meiqi watched with her own eyes that Yan Chujiu's fishing line, which was originally loose on the water surface, suddenly tightened again!

No need to ask, this was obviously the conger eel that she thought was completely impossible to be fooled again, and it had come out again to eat the hook.

This time, Yan Chujiu did not raise the rod immediately in a hurry, but waited calmly until the tip of the rod was dragged down, and then he raised the rod suddenly.

It was hit, and the resistance from the rod was obvious!

The fishhook was deeply stuck in the mouth of the conger eel, and no matter how it turned its head and struggled, it could not get rid of it.

After Yan Chujiu pulled it out of the water, he threw it to the shore, and the thick and long body fell on the beach.

He quickly put down the fishing rod, cut the fishing line with a knife, and put the conger eel into the net bag.

Li Meiqi stared at this scene in amazement, and she didn't come back to her senses for a long time.

The bet just started, but she lost, without even a process?

This is simply like Zhu Bajie eating ginseng fruit, not tasting the taste, and getting diarrhea!

"I want to cry but can't. After repeated failures, I admit that I really shouldn't! Conger eels are stupid children. I understand it now!"


Yan Chujiu originally wanted to comfort Li Meiqi, fearing that she would lose and think too much, but she didn't expect that she could still sing, and she immediately laughed like the big goose last night.

"Xiang Aotu, we can't eat this eel at noon. It obviously has problems with its intelligence. We will become mentally retarded if we eat it."

Yan Chujiu laughed even harder, but still nodded repeatedly.

Wild conger eels are not cheap to begin with, usually costing nearly 100 yuan per catty. Now that the fishing ban is in effect, the price is even higher, and it may be half the price.

This one should weigh more than two catties. Even if it is mentally retarded, it is worth three or four hundred yuan. How can I bear to eat it!

"Xiang Aotu, I want to go fishing too. Can you help me make a fishing rod?"

Yan Chujiu was not stingy and directly gave her the fishing rod in his hand, preparing to find another branch to make another one.

Li Meiqi took the fishing rod, tied the hook and bait on it, and ran excitedly to the surrounding submerged coral reefs to fish for conger eels.

Yan Chujiu made a simple fishing rod again, came to her side and asked, "How is it, is there any?"

Li Meiqi shook her head with a bitter face, "No, the water is swaying, and I can't see the bottom of the water clearly."

It's right that I can't see clearly, what am I showing off if I can see clearly?

Yan Chujiu secretly laughed, then looked underwater, and pointed to the front of her right side, "There seems to be one there, try throwing it over there."

"Where is it?" Li Meiqi looked at it, her face full of confusion, "I can't see it!"

"Take a closer look!"

Li Meiqi had to open her eyes wide and tried to look again and again, only then did she find that there was indeed a sea eel looming in the place Yan Chujiu said.

Its color is very similar to the surrounding reefs, almost blending into one, and if you don't look carefully, you can't see it at all.

"Xiang Aotu, you have a really good eye, you can even find it here, it seems I have to get glasses!" Li Meiqi gave Yan Chujiu a thumbs up, and then raised the rod and cast, "Get it in there!"

Hearing this familiar catchphrase, Yan Chujiu was a little surprised. This girl, obviously failed in learning again!

I didn't care about her anymore and started looking for fish by myself.

You don't know until you look, and you'll be shocked when you look.

There are actually a lot of conger eels hidden in the coral reefs around here.

They are of different sizes, mostly small ones, such as the one that weighed more than two kilograms just now, which is obviously rare, and there are more small karaokes that weigh less than three or two kilograms.

When Yan Chujiu continued to fish, he finally understood why Bi Jin always liked big ones and couldn't bear to catch small ones!

But even if he picked and fished, he caught seventeen or eighteen of them, which added up to more than ten kilograms.

Li Meiqi's catch was not satisfactory. She couldn't see the conger eels at all. She had to ask Yan Chujiu to help her find the fish before she could cast the rod, so she caught less than ten in total, about four or five kilograms.

Although the fish catch was half less than Yan Chujiu's, Li Meiqi was also very satisfied. It was the first time she caught such a fierce and fierce thing.

It was exciting and thrilling, and she felt a sense of conquest when she caught the fish and put it in the cage.

Therefore, she shouted and laughed during the whole fishing process, and laughed so hard that her teeth were exposed!

This was really fun for her!

Yan Chujiu was in a good mood, because a dozen kilograms of conger eel could be sold for nearly two thousand yuan.

Don’t think two thousand yuan is too little. In the past, Yan Chujiu didn’t know how many water pipes he would have to repair.

Originally, the two of them had to

Continue fishing, but the tide has begun to recede.

The coral reef gradually lost water, and the moray eels no longer poked their heads out and retreated directly into the cave, so Yan Chujiu's golden eyes could not be used.

Of course, if he was willing to use his nose to smell, he should still be able to find moray eels, but he couldn't fish, he could only dig!

It would be a waste of time without handy tools such as hoes and shovels, and even if he had tools, he wouldn't get much.

Instead of doing this, it would be better to go to the rock cliffs and reefs over there to catch barnacles.

Seeing that the tide was gradually receding and the mudflats began to appear, Yan Chujiu packed up and took Li Meiqi across and around to the extremely steep cliff.

When Yan Chujiu stopped to put down his equipment, Li Meiqi knew that they had arrived. She leaned over to the edge of the cliff and looked down, and a puzzled look appeared on her face.

"Xiang Aotu, are we going to fish here? The height difference is so high that the net can't go down, and it's hard to get a big fish out, and it's not easy to fish with the waves hitting it!"

Yan Chujiu shook his head, "No, I want to go down to get barnacles."

Li Meiqi looked carefully and found that there were indeed quite a few barnacles on the rock wall below. She asked puzzledly, "What are you going to do with them?"

"What else can I do? Sell them!"

"Does anyone want this?"

"Yes, forty or fifty yuan per pound!"

Li Meiqi was a little surprised, "Is it so valuable?"

"Well, you stay up there, I'll go down!"

Li Meiqi immediately shook her head, "No!"

Yan Chujiu thought she was like her aunt, worried that it would be dangerous for her to go down, and was trying to persuade her.

Who would have thought that she would actually say, "I want to go down too!"

Yan Chujiu was sweating, "Why are you going down?"

"To collect barnacles with you!"

"No!" Yan Chujiu flatly refused, "This is very dangerous, it's definitely not a joke, you are a girl, you can't do this kind of work, you should help me keep watch on top!"

"Who are you looking down on!" Li Meiqi glanced at him, raised her head and chest and said, "I am a rock climbing expert, 5.13a difficulty is easy for me!"

Yan Chujiu was confused, "What 5.13a?"

"YDS system."

Yan Chujiu still heard it like a dream, "I know YYDS, but what is YDS?"

"It's a system for rock climbing difficulty classification, which is more recognized!"

Li Meiqi was too lazy to explain in detail, and directly took out her mobile phone to show him her previous rock climbing videos.

After watching for a while, Yan Chujiu couldn't help but open his mouth wide, and the more he watched, the wider his mouth opened.

Li Meiqi didn't lie, she is really a rock climbing expert!

The backgrounds in the video are all cliffs, some of which are vertically downwards, and some are even concave inwards... Anyway, any background is many times more dangerous than the one in front of you.

However, Li Meiqi climbed with her bare hands, without any tools, and even without any protective measures.

Just watching the video, Yan Chujiu was worried for her.

"Girl, you are risking your life to climb!"

Li Meiqi shrugged, "I know a lot of extreme sports, this is just a piece of cake."

Yan Chujiu asked, "What else can you do?"

Li Meiqi counted on her fingers, "Skydiving, sky surfing, alpine skiing, extreme cross-country, rooftop photography..."

Yan Chujiu has never tried any of what she said, and doesn't want to try it. This is simply playing with your life!

He waved his hands weakly and said, "Okay, okay, you've got me."

"Then I'll go down first!"

Yan Chujiu saw her trying to climb down with her bare hands, and immediately grabbed her, "No!"

Li Meiqi frowned and asked angrily, "You still don't believe me, do you think I can't do it?"

"It's not that I don't believe you, you can go down if you really want, but you must tie a safety rope."

Li Meiqi waved her hands, "It's only about 30 meters high, and it's diagonal down, there's no need at all!"

Yan Chujiu didn't hold her back, and would never let her go down without a safety rope.

You can compromise on trivial matters that are harmless, but when it comes to life safety, there is no room for bargaining.

Li Meiqi had no choice but to give in.

Fortunately, Yan Chujiu prepared enough ropes and a spare belt.

After the two were dressed, they slid down along the rope.

Every profession has its own specialty!

When it comes to fishing, Yan Chujiu is definitely a master, and Li Meiqi can only be considered a beginner.

When it comes to rock climbing, the two of them have to switch positions!

When Yan Chujiu went down, he just slid down carefully little by little.

Li Meiqi jumped and bounced, and she had already gone down three or four meters.

Seeing that Yan Chujiu was still moving slowly down like a snail, she kept urging him.

"Hurry up, why are you so slow like a turtle?"

Yan Chujiu was both amused and confused. Big sister, I'm here to make money, not to risk my life!

After he got down to the place where he could collect barnacles, he stopped sliding down and took out tools to start digging.

Li Meiqi had already descended, and when she saw him stop there, she had to climb up again, without the help of ropes at all, just climbing with her bare hands.

Easy, simple, and effortless!

Watching her climb up from below like a spider spirit, Yan Chujiu couldn't help but admire her body balance, flexibility, agility, coordination...all kinds of qualities.

At the same time, he also realized a key point.

This girl can definitely use more knowledge than ordinary girls, and she can do anything with super high difficulty.

Splits, iron bridge, golden rooster stand, dragonfly skimming the water, falling angel...all should be no problem.

This is undoubtedly a treasure!

This is a rare treasure girl!

And not long after, his guess was confirmed!

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