After being awakened by Li Meiqi's screaming, Xiao Jiu refused to fall asleep again.

Yan Chujiu massaged Li Meiqi's shoulders while finding topics to distract herself.

"Li Meiqi, do you dare to come here again in the future?"

"Why not?"

"How dare you come here when it's so dangerous?"

"It's just a small thing!"

"It's a small thing?" Yan Chujiu didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "When I was going down the cliff, if I hadn't insisted on tying a safety rope for you, you would have been swept into the sea to feed the sharks."

Li Meiqi smiled, "Isn't that a safety measure?"

Yan Chujiu shook his head, "Sometimes even if safety measures are taken, people will still die!"

"With you here, I'm not afraid!"

This makes sense, and Yan Chujiu was speechless.

After pressing her shoulders, Yan Chujiu was ready to do it to the end and continued to press her legs.

Li Meiqi obviously had the same intention, but before she stretched out her long and beautiful legs to him, her stomach had already started to "gurgle".

"Xiang Aotu, I'm hungry!"


Li Meiqi covered her stomach and said bitterly, "I'm really hungry. I can even eat you, not to mention a cow."

Yan Chujiu suspected that she was driving, but there was no evidence at all. The girl didn't look like that kind of person at all.

But he still teased her deliberately, "Call me brother, I'll give you something delicious!"


Yan Chujiu thought she wouldn't call him, but she actually opened her mouth and called him a little bit coquettishly!

The whole person was a little numb from being called!

Girl, you can be sweet, can you not be so salty?

I really can't stand it!

Seeing that he was too dumb to react, Li Meiqi asked in confusion, "What's wrong?"

"Just scream if I tell you to!"

"What's the problem?"

"Where's your... backbone?"

Li Meiqi pouted, "I'm so hungry that my hands and feet are weak, how can I still have backbone!"

That makes sense again, Yan Chujiu was defeated, "Okay, I'll get you something to eat!"

In fact, he was also very hungry.

If you really want to be a funny guy, you have to eat well, otherwise you won't have the energy.

"Yeah yeah!"

Li Meiqi nodded repeatedly, her eyes full of expectation.

The food Yan Chujiu made was delicious, even without salt and oil, it was still fresh and delicious, leaving people with endless aftertaste.

She also ate barbecued seafood these two days, but whether at home or outside, no matter how advanced the chef was, he could never make the taste that Yan Chujiu liked!

She even suspected that this guy had added poppy shells when cooking, otherwise how could she be so obsessed with it.

She even thought that if he really wanted to pursue her, he might have taken a step towards success.

Didn't someone say that?

If you want to capture a woman's heart, you must first capture her stomach!

She believed that there were two things in life that she must never let down: one was happiness, and the other was delicious food.

Yan Chujiu seemed to be able to bring her both.

But what made Maggie Li feel a little frustrated was that Yan Chujiu didn't seem to have any special feelings for her. He just treated her as an ordinary fishing friend and had no intention of pursuing her at all.

Could it be that because his aunt was too beautiful, he had become immune to ordinary women and couldn't stimulate dopamine secretion?

It couldn't be that he felt ashamed and unworthy of himself, so he didn't dare to pursue her?

Anyway, it was very depressing!

When she woke up from her unconsciousness and saw that Yan Chujiu had already started to busy herself with other things, she suddenly remembered something.

Where are the legs?

The legs haven't been pressed yet!


Yan Chujiu gathered a pile of dead wood and broken branches, lit them, and walked out.

I took a few weak-looking eels from the fish basket and gutted them to clean their stomachs.

I also took some bird-billed barnacles and washed off the dirt on the surface.

Forget about the gooseneck barnacles, there is not much meat on them, just eat them for taste... Most importantly, they are expensive, so I'll keep them for sale!

After preparing the ingredients and returning to the cave, the fire was already burning brightly by Maggie Q, and the fire was roaring.

Yan Chujiu piled up a "冂" shape with stones, transferred the red-hot charcoal fire to it, and then put a small iron mesh that he had brought from home on top.

A simple barbecue stove, freshly baked.

The bird-billed barnacles were placed on it one by one.

The conger eel was strung into a flat plate with two small branches, and was also grilled on it.

It was arranged very neatly,

It was a bit like a barbecue team.

After ten minutes or so, the barnacles were boiled first, and hot steam slowly rose from the crater, and a "gurgling" sound came from inside, as if the volcano was about to erupt at any time.

The eel meat was also half-cooked, the meat aroma wafted, and the fat bubbles bulged one after another, making a sizzling sound.

The rich smell of charcoal-grilled seafood once again spread in the cave.

After smelling it, Maggie Q couldn't bear it anymore and quickly came up!

She fanned the fragrance of the eel meat to her nose, swallowing her saliva and said, "It smells so good, it's killing me!"

Yan Chujiu asked her, "Do you like to eat it as it is, or do you like to add some seasoning?"

Li Meiqi was more talkative this time, "As long as you make it, I like it."

Yan Chujiu thought she might have said an extra word "make it", "Okay, then I'll watch you make it!"

Li Meiqi said with a smile, "Just do it as you like, I'll wait to eat!"

This time, Yan Chu was obviously prepared. Not only did he bring a grill, but also seasonings.

Oil, salt, and sauce... No vinegar, he doesn't like to eat that stuff.

In addition to these, there are cumin powder, chili powder, and spare rib sauce. The most important thing is the exclusive secret garlic chili sauce!

Yan Chujiu first sprinkled some salt on the eel meat, and then brushed a layer of sweet spare rib sauce.

In fact, a better way is to marinate the eel meat with soy sauce, cooking wine, sugar, ginger juice, chicken essence, pepper, etc. for one or two hours before grilling, so that it will be more flavorful.

However, when you are away from home, and there are desolate seas and wild islands, you can't be picky, and it's good to have a meal.

After a relatively small eel was grilled, Yan Chujiu picked it up and made sure it was cooked before handing it to Li Meiqi.

Li Meiqi happily took it, blew on it with her cherry red mouth, and after blowing away the heat, she tasted it carefully.

"Hmm~~ It's delicious!"

"After the eel meat is roasted, it has the aroma of charcoal fire!"

"The fish skin is chewy and has a slightly gelatinous texture!"

"The meat is crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, thick and firm, fresh and juicy, and has a rich sense of layering!"

"There is some fat in the meat, but it is not greasy. Its freshness has completely covered up the greasiness."


Yan Chujiu couldn't help but smile. He liked to listen to her comments on the food, and he liked her eating with relish, satisfied and intoxicated cute look.

I wonder if I will give her such detailed comments if I have the opportunity to eat something else in the future?

I'm looking forward to it!

The sound of "gurgling" brought Yan Chujiu back to reality from the video.

The barnacles were already roasted, but no seasoning was added yet!

He picked up the secret garlic chili sauce he brought with him, and used the small spoon inside to fill it into the crater of the barnacles one spoonful at a time.

After filling each one, they were roasted for a while to allow the garlic chili sauce to fully blend into the barnacle meat.

Then he took one out and handed it to Li Meiqi along with a small bamboo stick that had been cut.

"Come, eat this!"

Li Meiqi had already smelled the unique aroma of the chili sauce and barnacle meat, which was quite tempting, and her gluttony had been seduced.

Just looking at the ugly appearance, she hesitated again, "It's so ugly, can it really be eaten?"

"Try it! I told you before that some things look ugly, but they are actually delicious. Once you have tasted them, you will never forget them, and you will want to eat them again. Even if I don't give them to you, you will miss them."

Li Meiqi nodded slightly, "That makes sense. For example, a man looks ugly and arrogant, but he is actually very gentle and considerate."

Yan Chujiu felt that the man she was talking about could never be herself!

You say I am arrogant, I admit it, but where am I ugly?

My aunt said that my facial features are very regular, okay!

For example, the so-called son of the Wang family, how handsome is he? He is not as good-looking as me!

He is handsome if he is rich...Okay, just ignore what I said.

Yan Chujiu usually does not have inner drama, but once he does, it will be very rich.

Li Meiqi could not resist the temptation at this time, and bravely picked out the barnacle meat with a bamboo stick.

Looking at the seafood hanging with juice and very moist, she hesitated again and again, and finally opened her mouth, stretched out her tongue to touch it lightly, and found that it looked ugly, but it did not taste strange, so she slowly took it in.

After chewing and tasting it carefully, her beautiful eyes lit up.

The tender barnacle meat slid gently on the tip of the tongue, as soft as silk.

The rich soup, every drop is full of the essence of seafood.

"Well, it's delicious!"

"The barnacle meat is very fresh and sweet!"

"It feels a bit like eating crab legs, but it is fuller, more tender and juicy!"

"The texture of the meat is very delicious!"

It is tender and tough, with a refreshing and smooth taste!"

"After being blended into the garlic chili sauce, it does not steal the flavor, but adds a richer flavor!"

"The spicy flavor of the sauce and the sweetness of the barnacle meat are intertwined, just like performing a romantic duet in the mouth!"

"You really didn't lie to me. This thing looks ugly, but it's really delicious. The umami taste is too good!"

Foodies are really foodies. They can't stop eating when they have food.

Listening to her endless praise, Yan Chujiu couldn't help but start eating. It tasted delicious, but apart from "Fuck, delicious", he couldn't say anything else.

"Xiang Aotu, how did you make this chili sauce? It's so fragrant. It's a perfect combination with this barnacle. It completely stimulates its umami taste. I almost want to eat my tongue! "

"I'm not sure. This is made by my aunt using her secret recipe. She makes some from time to time and sells them at the stall. Many people like it and make special reservations from her!"

Yan Chujiu said the truth. Su Yueqing's homemade chili garlic sauce tastes great. It can be eaten with rice, noodles, and cooking. It is indeed very popular.

However, there are only so many people in Dongwan Village, and their purchasing power is limited. Therefore, no matter how delicious she makes, it is just a decoration on the stall. She has to rely on the dry goods to make money.

"Then I'll order some from her later!"

Yan Chujiu didn't take it seriously, thinking that she only wanted three or five bottles. He thought that there were still some at home, so he would go back and get some for her later.

But what he never expected was that a door to wealth had quietly opened a gap...

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