The more you ask, the more you will be asked.

Let’s put aside the garlic chili sauce and talk to him about life and ideals.

“Xiang Aotu, do you have any ideals or goals?”

Yan Chujiu wants a lot of things, but he can only think about them, not ask for them, because he is poor!

“What about you?”

It is an art to ask questions without answering, and sometimes it is also an evasive tactic!

I am a person who can’t even afford an electric tricycle, and you are talking to me about goals? It would be more practical to introduce me to a few more numbers!

Li Meiqi looked at the vast sea outside and said with longing, "My current goal is to catch a hundred-jin giant fish!"

"What a coincidence!" Yan Chujiu's eyes fell on her, "I have the same idea!"

Li Meiqi's face was filled with a smile, and her eyes became more watery and bright.

"It seems that we are really in sync! So when are we going out to sea?"

Fish weighing more than ten jin along the coast are considered giants. If you want to catch more than a hundred jin, you must go out to sea, and it must be far away.

But if Yan Chujiu goes out to sea, he must not only overcome his own psychological barriers, but also his aunt's.

His parents had an accident at sea, which was a psychological shadow for the aunt and nephew, a hurdle that was difficult to overcome!

"Let's talk about going out to sea later, wait until you understand fishing on the shore!"

Li Meiqi thought about it and felt that it made sense. Now she didn't even know which hook and which line to use.

The two chatted while eating, and there were so many topics to talk about that they could not finish talking about.

Li Meiqi has never met such an interesting soul since she was so big and well developed.

She was often amused by Yan Chujiu and laughed like a goose.

It was very happy to be together like this!

After a seafood meal, Yan Chujiu only had a small gap in his teeth, but Li Meiqi was already full.

She sat back on the bed with great satisfaction, sighing leisurely, "I want to sleep after eating and drinking..."

Yan Chujiu said, "You still want a handsome man to accompany you!"

Li Meiqi smiled, "It's a pity that you are so ugly!"

Yan Chujiu stood up and walked out.

Li Meiqi asked, "Hey, where are you going?"

"You hurt your self-esteem, go home!"

Li Meiqi was amused and hurriedly reached out to grab the corner of his clothes.

"Brother, don't be like this, don't be like this. You are ugly, but you can't hide your talent and proficiency in all kinds of martial arts. A man as good as you is as dazzling as a firefly in the night sky. Many girls will fall for your ripped jeans in the future."

A red man is redder than a red man!

After hanging out with Yan Chujiu for a long time, Li Meiqi also became fond of joking and gradually liked to make trouble!

Yan Chujiu didn't change much, he was always funny!

But he was comforted and sat down again.

"It's almost time for us to go back. The boss lady sent a message to ask about the barnacles!"

"To Aotu!" Li Meiqi interrupted him, "Can you let me sleep for a while!"

Yan Chujiu looked at her with wide eyes, "Huh?"

Li Meiqi added, "Is it okay? If not, I'll ask you later!"


When Yan Chujiu was hesitating whether to agree, Li Meiqi had already taken the initiative to lie down, and closed her eyes in great anticipation.

Yan Chujiu was a little overwhelmed?

This...isn't it developing too fast?

It seems that we haven't confessed to each other yet, nor have we gone shopping, eating and watching movies together!

All these basic steps have been skipped, and they are in one step?

Why do you like to fast-forward your love like I learn foreign languages?

Okay, okay!

I am not a casual person, but if you are so casual, then I can only let you do what you want.

I will do it for you!

Yan Chujiu finally stopped hesitating and used her tongue to moisten her lips that were a little chapped by the sea breeze.

Gently and slowly, he kissed her lips as soft as petals.

Four lips touching!

Yan Chujiu felt his body tremble and his whole body was numb.

Kissing a girl with such a high appearance and such a wow figure was something he dared to dream of before!

Now, the dream has actually come true!

This thing is incredible!

This feeling is really wonderful!

Especially since this was something the girl had asked, not something he had licked himself!

Yan Chujiu felt that he must not let down the beauty, and he had to put all the knowledge he had learned from the teachers into practice!

But at this moment, he suddenly felt that something was wrong.


Why...she seemed to be snoring?

Listening more carefully, he felt that he could be more confident and put the word "seemingly" into his words.

Remove it!

She is just snoring!

You can fall asleep while we are kissing?

Are you kidding me?

Am I that bad at sex?

No, I haven't even gotten in the car yet!

Yan Chujiu's mind raced, his eyes suddenly widened, and then he let go of her lips.

Oh my god!

She was not kidding me, I was kidding me!

She just wanted to sleep for a while, not to sleep with me!

This misunderstanding is really a punishment!

If she gets serious, breaking up is secondary, maybe she will have to go to jail.


The girl didn't wake up?

That's fine, you can continue to sleep!

Nothing happened!

Yan Chujiu hurried out of the cave, wiping the sweat on his forehead and breathing heavily!

Looking at him like this, it seems that kissing Maggie Q is more tiring than going down the cliff to pick barnacles!

Li Meiqi was sleeping very soundly, without blinking her eyelashes, but she pursed her lips, as if she was still savoring the seafood she had just eaten.

Yan Chujiu felt guilty and sat outside for nearly an hour before returning to the cave.

Seeing that Li Meiqi was still sleeping soundly and unconscious, he was a little amused.

Girl, I know you have big breasts, but I didn't expect you to have such a big heart!

The way you sleep, you really don't know you've been sold out!

Seeing that it was getting late, the boss lady Bi Jin sent several messages to ask about the barnacles.

Yan Chujiu had to call softly, "Girl, it's time to wake up, let's go back!"

Li Meiqi finally felt alive after such a sleep.

Women are not as good as men, and ordinary people are not as good as Yan Chujiu!

This guy seems to be a machine, never tired.

Looking at Yan Chujiu who was still full of energy, Li Meiqi was very curious, "Xiang Aotu, don't you feel tired? I see you are full of energy all day long!"

Yan Chujiu shook his head slightly and raised his biceps, "The strong never complain of being tired!"

"Fortunately I am not a strong person, so I can complain!" Li Meiqi stood up and moved her hands and feet while shouting, "This trip is really tiring like a dog!"

Yan Chujiu shook his head, "You are wrong, dogs are not as tired as you!"

Li Meiqi thought of staying comfortably in the pet hospital and Zhaomei who was served by someone, and nodded in agreement.

On the way back, according to Li Meiqi's intention, the barnacles were sent directly to the Poseidon Restaurant.

However, after passing Dongwan Village, Yan Chujiu, who was responsible for driving, stopped at his own home.

Li Meiqi thought he was going to go in to change clothes or something, but he took a few bottles of garlic chili sauce for her.

When Yan Chujiu handed it over, he saw that she didn't take it, so he couldn't help but ask, "Don't you want this chili sauce?"

"I don't want three or five bottles, I want two or three hundred bottles!"

Yan Chujiu was stunned, "You want so much, are you doing wholesale?"

"Puff~" Li Meiqi burst into laughter, "What wholesale, I'm going to give some to friends and relatives, and keep some for myself."

"Then you don't need two or three bottles, right?"

"Two or three hundred bottles sounds like a lot, but if you give three or five bottles to each person, you can only give it to a hundred or so people."

Yan Chujiu originally wanted to ask, do you have so many relatives and friends to give?

He swallowed the words back when they were on the tip of his tongue.

Do you think rich people really have so many relatives and friends? You guessed it right, there are so many.

No one cares about the poor in the downtown area, but the rich have distant relatives in the mountains.

Li Meiqi looks like a fat sheep, how could she lack relatives and friends?

"When do you want it?"

"Of course the sooner the better. It's best to prepare it tonight. Tomorrow is the Dragon Boat Festival!"

Yan Chujiu suddenly realized, "I see. You plan to send chili sauce instead of rice dumplings this year?"

"No!" Li Meiqi shook her head, "I plan to send rice dumplings with chili sauce this year. It will definitely taste good when dipped in!"

Yan Chujiu was defeated, "How much do you want?"

Li Meiqi roughly calculated and said, "A little less, three hundred bottles will barely be enough!"

Yan Chujiu looked at her with no love, "Go to the supermarket to buy it!"

Li Meiqi asked, "Can I buy this chili sauce with the same taste in the supermarket?"


"Then you asked me to go?"

"But my aunt can't make so much in a day. Two hundred bottles is the limit!"

Li Meiqi compromised, "Two hundred is two hundred, the taste can't be changed!"

Yan Chujiu took out his mobile phone and called Su Yueqing to tell her the matter.

When Su Yueqing learned that his female fishing friend wanted chili sauce, he didn't dare to be careless at all and said that he would immediately come back to make it for her.

Li Meiqi originally planned to sell seafood with Yan Chujiu, but she thought that she would have to send him back after selling.

It would be better to wait for him to come back at his house to save herself

It's troublesome to run around, and I can also improve my relationship with his aunt.

Hey, this is a bit strange!

Why should I improve my relationship with his aunt?

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