The water was too deep, but the water was too deep.

Yan Chujiu was originally very nervous and worried.

Although the culvert he found was also a place where fish gathered, it was obviously different from the one Xu Shiguan found.

This culvert only attracted fish when it was discharging sewage, and there were no fish when it was not.

Even if Xu Shiguan did not discharge sewage, there were still fish gathering there.

Yan Chujiu guessed that this was due to the quality of the food. Of the two things, shrimp and feed, fish obviously prefer shrimp, so they are more willing to wait there for feeding.

This is the same as people. Who would want to eat steamed buns when they can eat dumplings?

Yan Chujiu is not picky. As long as there is food, whether it is steamed buns or dumplings, he will eat it all, but fish don’t seem to be like this.

In addition, after being entangled by Xu Ruolin, he also missed the precious window period for them to eat.

Now the culvert has stopped discharging sewage, and the fish have dispersed, leaving only some small Karami wandering around.

Therefore, even if Yan Chujiu has the ability of water eyes and golden pupils, and knows how to provoke the aggressiveness of fish, the fish are still not frequent.

It takes more than ten or twenty minutes to catch a fish, and it is still very small.

It is different on Xu Shiguan's side. He is an old fishing spot and an old driver, and he performs normally from beginning to end.

When Yan Chujiu catches fish, he catches fish.

When Yan Chujiu doesn't catch fish, he still catches fish.

So if Xu Ruolin doesn't make trouble, Yan Chujiu will probably lose this game.

If he loses, there is no need to think about the manor.

Don't even think about making friends with Xu Ruolin!

But now that Xu Ruolin has messed up, the situation is completely different.

Xu Shiguan, who was already in the lead, was deliberately let go of a nearly 10-jin pepper snapper, and then released several large fish weighing several jins. Invisibly, his catch was reduced by more than 20 jins, and he had turned from victory to defeat and was at a disadvantage.

In addition, the escaped pepper snapper seemed to have informed the others after returning.

The fish in Xu Shiguan's nest seemed to have received an alarm and scattered one after another.

Therefore, after Xu Shiguan returned to the fishing position, his situation was similar to that of Yan Chujiu now, or even worse, and he didn't catch many fish.

In other words, if this situation continued, Yan Chujiu would win the bet.

After that, not only would he get a manor for free, but he could also hang out with Xu Ruolin openly... No, to be more polite, it would be better to say that they were making friends.


If nothing unexpected happened, an accident would happen.

When the two fished until about 4 pm, Xu Shiguan, who had completely run out of fish, suddenly had a problem.

Maybe God couldn't stand two young men teaming up to bully an old comrade who was several decades old, so he was biased to help Xu Shiguan.

The shrimp farm didn't discharge sewage frequently, only once or half a month at most.

Sometimes, as if he was old, he didn't discharge sewage once a month.

Before Xu Shiguan gave up this manor, he came here to fish every now and then, but the number of times he could encounter the farm discharging sewage was very few.

What he didn't expect was that it was at this critical moment when he was pinching the fish with Yan Chujiu that it actually discharged sewage.

As the remains of dead shrimps in the sewage flowed into the water, the fish in Huiwan immediately smelled the smell and began to swarm in, constantly snatching food.

A spectacular scene appeared, the water surface churned, as if it was boiled.

Xu Shiguan, who had stopped biting and the float was no longer moving, began to bite wildly!

As soon as the bait was thrown down, it was killed by the half water!

The float began to dance, looking like a woman in high spirits.

As a senior fisherman, he would not miss such a period of crazy biting.




As he kept lifting the rod, he kept catching fish one after another.

The pattern of continuous fishing and explosion was launched vigorously.

Such an emergency was obviously unexpected by Xu Ruolin and Yan Chujiu.

Both of them were dumbfounded!

After Xu Ruolin came to her senses, she was so panicked that she hurriedly came forward to serve tea and water, asking about her grandfather's well-being, trying to distract her grandfather's attention.

Unfortunately, Xu Shiguan had already entered the super-virtuous realm of fishermen: man and rod are one!

In his eyes, there is nothing else except the float and the fish.

Nothing in the world can shake his fishing heart, not even delicious tea!

The fish bites on Yan Chujiu's side are still neither fast nor slow, neither too much nor too little.

Not long after, they stopped eating.

Without asking, one can guess that the fish here were also attracted by the sewage from the farm.

The situation that had been turned around, because of this sudden situation, took a sharp turn for the worse and fell into adversity.

Xu Shiguan was far ahead again!

After this crazy fishing, his catch was more than 40 to 50 kilograms more than Yan Chujiu.

Yan Chujiu was so anxious that he scratched his head!

If you are unsure about external affairs, ask Google, if you are unsure about internal affairs, ask Baidu, if you are unsure about anything else, ask Mihu?

Yan Chujiu felt that asking them was unreliable, it would be better to ask Moments!

He took out his mobile phone and took a short video of Xu Shiguan who kept catching fish. When he posted it, he also added the text: How would you deal with such a situation?

After a while, likes and replies appeared one after another.

Yan Chujiu ignored the reply from passerby A.

Most of them were fishermen, and most of them asked about the fishing spot.

What if I told you, or even sent you the location directly?

This is a private vegetable garden, can you come?

I was able to get in thanks to the granddaughter.

Yan Chujiu paid special attention to the people close to him.

Bi Jin replied immediately: The fish look so big, please ask him if he sells them!

Yan Chujiu sighed, what a shameless woman, she gets tempted when she sees a big one!

Lady boss, if you are so indecisive, you will easily lose me as your seafood supplier, don’t you know!

My aunt also replied: Wow, Mr. Xu is so good at fishing!

Seeing her say this, Yan Chujiu felt that my aunt was a real person and very objective, but it would be better not to say it in the future.

Aren’t you trying to be ambitious and destroy your nephew’s prestige?

Maggie Q also replied: What else can I do, push that old man into the sea!

Seeing her say this, Yan Chujiu wanted to give her a thumbs up, this girl really won my heart!

Well, you are so good, come and push him down.

I support you both mentally and physically!

Just when he was about to put away his phone, he suddenly received another reply.

Xu Ruolin, who was standing opposite Xu Shiguan, actually replied to him: Hurry up and make a nest. I'll try to ask the farm to stop discharging sewage!

This reply is very practical and constructive, but... aren't you afraid that your grandfather will break your legs if he sees you?

Yan Chujiu thought about it and found that she was really not afraid.

She didn't add Xu Shiguan as a friend, so he couldn't see her circle of friends.

Yan Chujiu looked up and saw Xu Ruolin saying to Xu Shiguan, "Grandpa, I'm going to the bathroom. Do you have anything I need to bring down later?"

Xu Shiguan was obsessed with catching fish and didn't hear what his granddaughter said at all, so naturally he didn't expect her to cause trouble.

Xu Ruolin didn't wait for an answer, and didn't ask any more questions. She just nodded to Yan Chujiu inaudibly and walked towards the steps. It was obvious that she was going to negotiate with the farm next door.

Yan Chujiu originally thought about making a nest to get the fish back, but he felt that it might not be useful.

The horse-riding girl spared no effort to defect, and Yan Chujiu felt that he could not let her down. Without hesitation, he quickly started to prepare the nesting materials.

Although those fishermen often say that if you don't make a nest when fishing, you won't catch much, but Yan Chujiu never makes a nest when fishing.

It's not that he has the same realm as Xu Shiguan, but for other reasons.

First, the water flow of sea fishing is often turbulent, and the nesting materials made may be washed away by the undercurrent at any time.

Second, the nesting materials for sea fishing are not cheap. If you make too little, it will not work, and if you make too much, you can't afford it.

But this time, he still prepared the nesting materials.

It's not the kind of commercial nesting materials bought from the fishing tackle store, not as luxurious as Maggie Q!

He took it from home, the feed that his aunt used to feed chickens, ducks and geese.

In order to make the chickens, ducks and geese grow bigger and tastier, Su Yueqing used not only finished feed, but also vegetables, fruits, shrimps, and scraps of fish, shrimps and crabs.

The shrimps were fresh and cheap, about three yuan per pound.

The scraps of fish, shrimps and crabs were what was left from the fish stalls, and they were free.

Yan Chujiu took some of both, and also a lot of duck feed.

At first I thought I wouldn't use it, but now I have to use it!

The dead fish, shrimps and crabs smelled really good!

As soon as I opened the sealed bag, the smell went straight to my head.

Yan Chujiu's nose was originally sensitive, and this mouthful of food almost choked him to death on the spot.

He held his breath and poured them all into a folding basin, then poured in the shrimps, added duck feed, and finally added water.

There was no specific ratio, everything was based on experience and feeling!

When they were all soaked up with water and became soft, Yan Chujiu began to mix them with his hands, kneading them like dough.

It was so hot that I couldn't move. I would sweat profusely if I moved.


Even though Xu Ruolin had already opened a large parasol, Yan Chujiu only stirred the bait in the shade, but after a while, he was still sweating profusely.

Sweat dripped from his face, constantly falling from the tip of his nose or chin onto the bait he was stirring.

Seeing this, Yan Chujiu couldn't help but tease himself, adding the essence from his body, it should be more delicious and more attractive to fish!

You fish are really lucky, ordinary people can't taste my saltiness!

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