After all the hassles, the salty nesting materials are freshly baked!

There are more than a dozen nesting materials balls bigger than fists, filling up a basin.

Yan Chujiu knows very well that making nests may not be useful, but if you don't make nests, you may continue to have no bites.

Therefore, there is no hesitation, no small meals, and you just cast them one by one.

Don't hit far, just between the fishing rod and the float.

Xu Shiguan noticed this scene and felt that this guy was simply funny.

You want to snatch fish from me with that little nesting material?

Don't say it's just that one basin, it's useless even if you make ten or eight basins.

However, he still deliberately raised his feet and shouted loudly, "Yo yo yo, why is the water rising? Oh, so you are making a nest!"

The sarcasm was so obvious: too many nests were made, and the sea water rose.

Yan Chujiu was very angry, but there was nothing he could do. He couldn't just rush over and hit this old man!

He could only put the bait on the hook and cast again.

As he guessed, the fish bite did not improve significantly, and there was still no bite.

This was normal. His nesting materials were not magical. They were just ordinary things. There was no small medicine such as fish attractants. It was not even a secret formula. The effect of attracting fish was naturally average.

It would probably take some time to attract fish!

Xu Ruolin, who went up to negotiate with the farm, seemed to have failed. The farm was still discharging sewage continuously, and the effect was much better than Yan Chujiu's nesting materials.

Xu Shiguan was still pulling wildly, and the fish was caught!

The fish are of different sizes, with a little more small ones, but no matter how small the fish is, it is still meat, especially now that it is the time to catch fish, so he doesn't want to pretend!

Kill all sizes, all in the protection.

What is particularly hateful is that every time the old man takes the fish off, he has to lift it up and wave it towards Yan Chujiu, as if he is afraid that he is short-sighted and can't see clearly.

Seeing Yan Chujiu's expressionless face, he laughed so hard. Roughly estimated that his current catch should be about 60 kilograms more than that kid.

Victory is in hand, this kid can't think of tasting his own salty fish again!

Yan Chujiu took a deep breath, forced himself to stabilize his fishing heart, and focused on the float.

Hard work pays off for the rich, maybe God found that Yan Chujiu has started to have a promising future, and finally gave him a little face.

The float moved!


Hit it as soon as it moves, hit it every time it moves, Yan Chujiu did not hesitate!

Unfortunately, too fast a hand speed is not always a good thing.

Yan Chujiu missed the target, and the fish hadn't taken it yet!

It's okay, try again!

Yan Chujiu comforted himself, continued to put bait, raised the rod, and cast.

"Get it in!"

With a shout, the bait and hook slowly sank into the water.

After reaching the bottom, the fishing line straightened, and the float actually showed a signal.

Yan Chujiu thought he was dazzled at first, but he looked closely to see that the float was really moving, and without hesitation, he raised the rod again.


A crisp killing sound sounded, and the fishing rod instantly bent into a bow shape, and at the same time there was a resistance.

I got a fish!

The resistance was not small, it looked like a big fish!

It was not easy to get a big one, so Yan Chujiu naturally wouldn't mess around and force it.

The unicorn arm held the fishing rod tightly, and controlled the fish steadily!

The fish was tight, I attacked slowly!

The fish was loose, I quickly collected it!

After a lot of ups and downs, the fish floated to the surface.

Xu Shiguan, who was over there, started to pay attention when he saw Yan Chujiu catch the big fish. After taking a closer look, his face changed.

The shape, color, and size of the fish made it look more and more familiar. The more he looked at it, the more it looked like the pepper snapper that his granddaughter accidentally caught and ran away.

When the fish was caught by Yan Chujiu with a scoop net, Xu Shiguan couldn't help but run over to check it out.

This was indeed a pepper snapper, and it did weigh about ten kilograms, but it was not the same one as before, and Xu Shiguan didn't dare to make a conclusion.

But even if it wasn't, it clearly slapped him in the face.

Seeing Yan Chujiu safely put the fish into the cage, Xu Shiguan's face was not very good, and he said sarcastically, "It's just a blind cat meeting a dead mouse, it's just luck, it's nothing great!"

"Haha, isn't luck the most feared thing in fishing? When luck comes, I'm afraid even Mazu can't stop it!"

Xu Shiguan stared at him strangely, "Boy, don't be arrogant, you are far behind me, and there is not much time left for you now."

Yan Chujiu looked at his mobile phone and found that there was indeed not much time left before the end of the fish-catching. Even if he caught this pepper snapper, the possibility of saving the defeat was still not great.

He was not afraid of losing the battle, and he felt

Although he was anxious, he still looked calm on the surface.

He re-baited and cast, saying, "Grandpa Xu, you are such a good person. You even came to remind me. I will continue to work hard and try to catch up!"

Xu Shiguan was so angry. He was not reminding me kindly, but just disgusting him on purpose!

Yan Chujiu thought for a while and added, "Well, after all, I don't want to lose your granddaughter, a girlfriend who appreciates me!"

Xu Shiguan was angry and asked with a glare, "You said my granddaughter is your girlfriend?"

"Oh, sorry, I forgot the word sex!"

Xu Shiguan was so angry that he didn't want to talk to him anymore and turned around to go back to his fishing position.

Yan Chujiu saw this and deliberately said, "Grandpa Xu, are you leaving? Don't you want to see me catch another big fish... Oh my, it's coming!"

Seeing the float sinking, Yan Chujiu quickly raised the rod.


After a crisp sound, the fishing rod was bent again!

"Haha, big fish, Grandpa Xu, look, it's another big fish!"

Xu Shiguan, who was about to go back, thought that this kid was deliberately bluffing to tease him, but he couldn't help but look back, and then he was stunned.

The fishing rod raised by Yan Chujiu became a big bow again, and the arc was no less than before.

In other words, the fish Yan Chujiu caught would not be much smaller than the pepper snapper just now!

Yan Chujiu felt the great resistance from the fishing rod, and he didn't care about teasing the old man anymore. He quickly raised his hips to inhale and held his strength to play the fish.

After a fierce operation, the fish was caught by him again.

It was still pepper snapper, but this one was not as big as before, only about eight pounds.

"Grandpa Xu, look at what I said, when luck comes, no one can stop it!"

When Yan Chujiu put the fish into the cage, he shook his head, as if he thought his luck was too good!

Xu Shiguan was so angry that he gritted his teeth and clenched his fists.

Seeing that he couldn't help but beat someone, Yan Chujiu didn't show off. It wasn't that he didn't dare, but there was no need. If he got angry, he would ask who wanted the manor.

Yan Chujiu immediately put on the bait again and cast it.

Just as he said, when luck comes, even gods can't stop it!

Less than three seconds after the bait touched the bottom, the float had a movement signal.


Yan Chujiu immediately raised the rod, and there was a huge resistance on the rod again!

Good guy!

Big fish, still a big fish!

At this time, Xu Ruolin, who went to negotiate with the farm, had returned, and her face was very depressed.

With her good looks and easy-to-talk appearance, the communication with the farm was originally very smooth!

However, when the owner of the farm knew that she was the granddaughter of the manor owner, he turned hostile and claimed that the discharge of sewage from his farm had been tested and verified by the environmental protection department and approved after review.

He could discharge sewage whenever he wanted, and no one could control him. The beautiful woman was also embarrassed, especially the granddaughter of the manor owner next door.

Seeing his sudden bad attitude, Xu Ruolin knew with her toes that it must be that her grandfather was not a good person and offended him.

If she couldn't stop others from discharging sewage, she couldn't help Yan Chujiu. She was in a bad mood and her face was dull.

When she came back, she saw Yan Chujiu catching a big fish, and she was finally excited. She ran over to get a scoop net to help scoop the fish.

When the fish was successfully scooped up, she couldn't help but smile.

"Oh, what a big pepper snapper, almost as big as the one grandpa just caught!"

Xu Shiguan came forward to take a closer look. Yes, there was another pepper snapper, and it weighed nearly ten kilograms.

What the hell!

What the hell!

When did so many bream hide here?

It can't be that the nest this kid just made attracted all the bream outside the sea, right?

Seeing that Yan Chujiu had already caught three big fish weighing almost ten kilograms, Xu Shiguan was already in a bad mood.

At this time, Xu Ruolin actually said, "Hey, Grandpa, why does the bream that Xiaojiu brother caught look a bit like the one you accidentally let go just now!"

Xu Shiguan almost flew up in anger after hearing this.

I accidentally let it go?

It was obviously you!

This damn little cotton jacket is not only leaky, but also full of holes!

Xu Shiguan didn't want to say anything anymore and was ready to go back to continue fishing!

This kid has already caught thirty kilograms of fish. If he continues like this, he will really be overtaken.

Seeing that he was about to leave, Yan Chujiu opened his mouth and said, "Grandpa Xu, you are leaving again, don't leave, what if I catch another big fish, you will miss the wonderful scene." This time, the tone was not only deliberate, but also full of confidence.


Xu Shiguan was so angry that he turned around and shouted, "Do you think you are so lucky? Do you think this is your fish pond? Do you think all the fish here are raised by you..."


Before Xu Shiguan finished questioning, Yan Chujiu raised the fishing rod again...

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