Ye Qing was not in a hurry.

Last night, he waited for Kangzi, Li Shi and Zhang Jun to fall asleep before going out to sea.

He and the electric eel explored the sea area and found a group of sea eels near a reef coral community about 100 nautical miles southwest of the fishing boat.

The only trouble was that the environment of the reef coral community was complex and not suitable for fishing. It was easy to hit the bottom. Moreover, the sea eels would go into the reef cave and circle around. Even if God came, they would be at a loss and could only cut the line.

They could only put the cage down.

In that case, how many sea eels could enter the cage would be left to fate.

After pointing the direction to Zhang Jun, he started playing with the drone.

The more he plays with this drone, the more he gets addicted to it.

Mainly because he can't take enough pictures of the beautiful scenery!

As the sun rises, the fog floating on the sea surface gradually thins, and the mysterious veil of the sea is slowly unveiled.

The drone is above the fishing boat, shooting vertically downward.

From this perspective, the fishing boat seems to be floating in the air, accompanied by white clouds and riding the wind.

Kangzi was also stunned when he saw this scene, and shouted: "Damn, can you play like this?"

"It's so cool."

"I thought I was flying in the sky when I was on the boat."

Ye Qing smiled and said: "This is because the sea water is too clear."

The effect presented is very explosive, but in fact the principle is very simple, that is, the sea water is very clear, and the reflected scenery can't see any flaws at all.

The magnificent scenery in the sea is far more than this.

As the morning sun rises completely from the sea level, the sunlight that falls down is cut into spots of light by the waves, as dazzling as diamonds.

The fishing boat was moving fast, riding the wind and waves, and shaking violently.

Ye Qing shouted: "Brother-in-law, you can drive slower."

Zhang Jun's voice came from the cabin, shouting: "Don't worry, I feel very energetic, and this speed is easy to control."

"It's amazing."

"I only slept for more than five hours, but I feel more refreshed than sleeping for a whole day."

"Is it easier to fall asleep on a fishing boat?"

Kangzi took over the conversation and said: "Brother Jun, now that you mention it, I feel the same as you."

"I feel that I haven't slept so comfortably for a long time."

"I used to be on my father's fishing boat, I couldn't fall asleep at all, and I fell asleep very uncomfortable. Every time I returned to the dock, I felt Backache."

"But on Qingzi's fishing boat, I always sleep very well."

"It feels like entering the fountain in the game and being able to revive with full health directly."

"Sometimes, I want to live on the boat."

Ye Qing smiled: "Maybe you are too tired, sleep well, and recover quickly naturally."

Kangzi and Zhang Jun said in unison: "No, it's not because you are too tired."

"Anyway, it's quite weird."

Kangzi looked at Li Shi and asked: "Brother Shi, what do you think?"

Li Shi shook his head: "I don't know."

He eats everything and sleeps well all the time, and he doesn't feel any difference.

Ye Qing saw that they were serious and couldn't help but think.

This matter may really happen to him, and it is subtly affecting the surroundings.

He smiled and said, "According to what you said, whoever has insomnia in the future can just come to my fishing boat and take a nap."

Kangzi nodded and said, "Brother Jun and I have personally tested it and it works."

"I heard that rich people make too much money and don't know how to spend it. They all have insomnia problems. You can invite them to sleep on the boat and you can definitely make a lot of money."

"I saw a sleep aid on a short video. I heard that it is very profitable."

Ye Qing has also seen it. It's so weird that it feels like a scam.

Zhang Jun interrupted and said, "That's a good idea."

"Once you get on the boat, you can ask those big bosses to help you with the work."

"If they don't want to, just say it's a way to treat insomnia."


As he spoke, he laughed first.

Kangzi also laughed: "Brother Jun has to do the work."

The speaker is unintentional, but the listener is intentional.

Kangzi and Zhang Jun were joking, but the way to treat insomnia is right.

This can be promoted as a feature of the future B&B!

As long as he helps sleep, treats insomnia, and calms the nerves in the B&B, those who are troubled by insomnia will flock to it!

Ye Qing secretly pondered and thought that there was a lot of potential!


After nearly five hours of long journey, the fishing boat arrived at the area where Ye Qing found the conger eel.

Under Ye Qing's command

, crab cages, and shrimp cages were put down one by one.

There were more crab cages than last time, a total of seventy, and there were also fifty shrimp cages.

Ye Qing estimated that if these cages could be filled, this trip to the sea could also make a lot of money.

But can it?

He had no idea about this matter.

The electric eel couldn't help much either. If the sea eel refused to drill into the cage, it couldn't force it.

Ye Qing looked at all the cages being put into the sea, and couldn't help muttering in his heart: "If it could be like what is described in the novel, I have some spiritual spring, spiritual liquid, etc., which can attract the sea goods to drill into the cage actively."

What a pity.

He only has the electric eel as a fishing partner.

Ye Qing shook his head, and he found that he was a little greedy.

If there were no electric eels, he wouldn't even be able to find this group of sea eels.

Be grateful!


He still had some expectations in his heart. He had not yet discovered the magical effects of the dragon ball. Now that his body had been subtly changed, it was just the tip of the iceberg of the dragon ball's power.

Maybe in the future he would have many mysterious means and could gallop more easily in the sea.

Put down the cage.

Kangzi put his hands together and prayed silently: "May Mazu bless us."

"We ran so far to put the cage down here. We are definitely sincere."

"Please bless us to burst the cage."

Ye Qing did not express it.

He was holding the dragon ball, so it was not easy to pray to Mazu.

Zhang Jun smiled and said: "Kangzi, you have to believe in Qingzi's luck."

"Since Qingzi thinks that the cage can be put down here, then we will definitely burst the cage."

"Don't worry."

He has unconditional trust in Ye Qing!

Ye Qing said nothing, and looked at the sun: "The sun is too strong at noon, let's eat first."

"Eat well before working."

Kangzi and Zhang Jun nodded repeatedly, no objection.

When working at sea, in addition to the unpredictable weather changes, the most terrible thing is the sun.

If you work under the scorching sun, you may get heat stroke.

Heat stroke in the sea is no joke.

Lunch is also simple.

I picked a relatively large rice fish and divided it into three parts, one part for braised, one part for porridge, and one part for sashimi. I also picked a hairtail and made a fried hairtail, plus a plate of small green vegetables. In total, the standard of this meal is 300 per person.

After eating.

After another hour of rest, Ye Qing called for the net to be lowered.

Two hours later.

Raise the net.

Although the net was always full, Kangzi was still very excited and shouted, "It's out of the water, it's out of the water."

"It's a garfish!"

"It's still a garfish."

"All of them..."

"It's awesome!"

This is a pun, garfish is also called real sea bream.

Kangzi was overjoyed and took the first real sea bream off the net, shouting, "This must be about ten pounds!"

"It must sell for at least six or seven hundred!"

And now, the whole net is full of garfish of this size.

Zhang Jun also smiled from ear to ear: "It's so festive, a good start!"

The garfish has a bright red body color. It is the first choice for wedding banquets on Longwei Island. Moreover, it tastes particularly delicious and has the taste of chicken from the sea.

Nowadays, most of them are farmed.

But farmed fish are farmed after all, and they can't be compared with wild ones.

Ye Qing called out, "Let's get to work!"

The four of them worked together, the winch kept pulling the trawl net, and the garfish on the trawl net were one after another, seemingly endless.

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