The two of them were so angry that they had to fight.

Ye Qing walked into the room, and Kangzi stood on a stool, holding up a glass and shouted: "This glass of wine celebrates our great victory."

Everyone raised their glasses.

After drinking, Kangzi raised his glass again: "The second glass of wine thanks to Qingzi!"

Cai Ya also said: "I didn't quite understand why Qingzi didn't let us do it before."

"Seeing Dai Hui so angry that he vomited blood just now, I really admire Qingzi's wisdom and bravery."


Ba Shu and others were also amazed. They beat Guan You and others so badly, and they didn't leave any handles. This method is really amazing.

Ye Qing smiled and said, "I'm not that great. I'm just a little bit cautious."

Li Fu stood up and said, "I'll drink the third glass of wine."

"Guan You is almost ruined this time. I don't think he will be the village chief for long. In the future, without him as the leader of the trouble in Xicun, our neighboring villages will be much safer."

"The most important thing is that our Nancun has dealt a heavy blow to the arrogance of Xicun for the first time."

"I toast Qingzi on behalf of Nancun."

Ye Qing was so terrified when he heard it. He didn't dare to let the village chief toast him.

He quickly refused.

Finally, he and Li Fu drank a glass, and the mouth of the glass was aimed at the bottom of Li Fu's glass, not daring to cross the line.

Ba Shu's people followed suit and toasted him one after another.

Ye Qing couldn't run away, so he could only bite the bullet and resist, and he was very busy.

The drinking lasted for more than three hours, and almost all the old liquor in the tavern was consumed.

It was late at night when everyone came out of the tavern. I don't know when the storm stopped.

But the weather was still bad, with dark clouds and strong winds and waves. The waves hit the dock, splashing white waves and bubbles, making a loud noise.

An autumn rain brings a chill.

After this storm, the wind was obviously much colder, and people got goose bumps when it blew on them.


It's just a matter of adding a coat.

Compared with Jiangnan or even further north, the autumn in Longwei Island is still very warm.

Ye Qing didn't feel anything, as if he was immune to cold and heat.

Uncle Ba walked in front and shouted loudly: "Everyone be careful."

"It collapsed a little here."

"Village chief, when can we repair this dock?"

Li Fu smiled bitterly and didn't say anything.

The wharf is not just the wharf of Nancun Village, but the wharf of the entire Longwei Island. His opinion as a village chief does not count.

He wanted to repair it, but he had no money, and he was about to retire. He decided to leave this opportunity to the next person.

Thinking of this, he looked at Ye Qing and whispered, "Qingzi, do you really not want to take over my job?"

Ye Qing shook his head: "Grandpa, this is not something I can do just because I say so. Besides, I really don't want to do it."

Li Fu saw that he was serious and sighed: "In this case, our village will soon welcome a college student village official."

Ye Qing raised his eyebrows: "Has it been decided?"

Li Fu said: "It's almost certain. I will call to apply tomorrow."

"I'm old and can't do it anymore. Our village needs development. To put it bluntly, we can't let the village hold you back."

"The future world belongs to you young people."

"Find a young person to come over, it should be able to help you."

Ye Qing felt warm in his heart and said, "Thank you, Grandpa, for thinking of me."

Li Fu waved his hand, went to the fork in the road, and walked into the alley alone.

Go home.

Zhang Jun drank a little too much, and he lay down and fell asleep.

Ye Qing took a shower, changed into pajamas and lay down on the bed.

Touching his flat stomach, a helpless smile appeared on his face.

The dragon ball in his body was still absorbing energy, and he felt like a bottomless pit.

The food he ate would be instantly converted into energy, and he had no feeling of fullness at all.

It seemed that drinking alcohol would convert more energy.

"Is this dragon ball still an alcoholic?"

"I don't know when the lost energy can be made up."

"If this goes on, I will really become a god of wine who can drink a thousand cups without getting drunk."

"Well... it seems not bad."

Ye Qing has always been optimistic and thinks positively about problems. He fell asleep quickly.


Early the next morning.

Ye Qing woke up and looked at the time. It was just six o'clock. He had only slept for four hours.

I feel refreshed and relaxed.

I am just a little hungry.

Get up.

Open the balcony door.

Today's weather is still not very good.

The wind is very strong.

Walking to the balcony corridor, Ye Qing stretched comfortably.

Looking at the endless sea, there are many clouds floating in the sky, white clouds and dark clouds alternate, and the wind sweeps away the clouds, forming a picture of different styles on the blue sky, which is extremely gorgeous.

Ye Qing couldn't help but look at it for a while, and waited for the sun to rise. Under the sunlight, he turned back to the house, washed up, and went downstairs.

There is nothing to eat at home.

There are only some tiger prawns, two blue crabs, and a red grouper.

Ye Qing looked at the rice bag and decided to cook seafood porridge.

He ran to the small vegetable garden at the door to pick some vegetables and simply fried a plate of vegetables. There are also pickled radishes at home, which are considered a must-have side dish on the table of Longwei Islanders.

It is best to drink porridge.

Half an hour later.

The seafood porridge was cooked. The lid was opened and the rich fresh smell spread. Zhang Jun, Kangzi and Heizi got up after smelling the smell.



"Brother Ye."

The three greeted each other.

Ye Qing smiled and said, "Get up, come and have some porridge."

Heizi sat down and yawned, "Brother Ye, you are so energetic. You drank so much yesterday and slept so late, but you can still get up so early to cook porridge."

"You are really a god."

Kangzi served a bowl of porridge and took a big sip without waiting for it to cool down. He drank it down in a gulp and said, "Qingzi's cooking skills are getting better and better."

"The seafood porridge is so delicious."

"I feel much better after drinking it."

Ye Qing said, "It's been cooked for a long time. More, everyone drink more. ”

“Take a nap after drinking.”

“Today the wind and waves are still strong. Uncle Feng and others have sent a message. It is estimated that they will arrive at noon.”

Zhang Jun was a little worried and said, “The fish on the boat may not last that long.”

Ye Qing said, “There is nothing we can do about it.”

“Even if the fish die, they are still fresh, and the price will not be much different.”

For fishermen, the biggest enemy is the unpredictable weather. They are still lucky to have returned safely in the storm.

There are many shipwrecks on the seabed.

And behind every shipwreck is the broken family of one or more families.

And the biggest reason for shipwrecks is the weather!

After everyone finished breakfast, Zhang Jun helped to clean up, while Kangzi and Heizi went back to catch up on their sleep.

Ye Qing saw Zhang Jun and the other two yawning, and thought that the exhaustion of Dragon Ball’s energy also caused his ability to affect everyone’s sleep to disappear.

After Zhang Jun also went to bed, Ye Qing simply moved a box of liquor, lay down on a recliner in the yard, opened a bottle of liquor, and drank it "gulp gulp".

After drinking a bottle of liquor, he clearly felt that the energy of the dragon ball increased.

There is a chance.

At noon, the box of liquor was finished.

He burped. After drinking so much liquor, the energy of the dragon ball increased by about one tenth. Apart from that, let alone getting drunk, he didn't even feel the urge to urinate.

Fearing that he would scare Zhang Jun and the others, he quickly hid the empty liquor bottle in the corner, contacted Lao Feng, and learned that it was still drifting on the sea and would not arrive for a while.

He simply went out to the dock and looked at the boat. The fish in the live fish tank were still alive, but they were all very listless, and it was obvious that they were going to die.

The golden grouper, however, might be a mutant, so it was still alive and kicking.

When I got off the boat, I took some tiger prawns and blue crabs. I saw fishermen selling tidal flatfish and large conchs, so I bought some each.

I went to the grocery store to buy white wine, and saw fresh beef brisket, which weighed only ten pounds, so I bought all of it.

Back home.

Kangzi had already gotten up, and when he saw Ye Qing carrying a lot of bags, he quickly took them and asked, "Qingzi, are we going to eat these for lunch?"

Ye Qing nodded, "Yes, blue crab glutinous rice, salt-baked conchs, braised tidal flatfish, dry-pot beef brisket, and garlic vermicelli shrimp."

"Just a simple meal."

Kangzi said, "I'll take care of it."

Not long after, Heizi and Zhang Jun also woke up, and the two of them were not idle either, so they helped to take care of it.

Finally, Ye Qing fried it.

The three watched Ye Qing cooking, and stood by and did not leave.

Hei Zai said: "Brother Ye's cooking movements look more stable than those of a chef in a five-star hotel."

"It's very pleasing to the eye."

"Just by looking at it, I know that the dishes he cooks will definitely be delicious."

Not long after.

Five dishes were served on the table. Because the portions were large, they were directly served in bowls. The four of them quickly finished eating. Just as they were about to clean up the dishes, Lao Feng called.

Without time to clean up, Ye Qing and his friends hurried out and notified Cai Ya and Li Shi to meet at the dock.


When we reached the dock, the fishing boat of Lao Feng and his companions was also in the wind and waves, swaying towards the dock. Before the fishing boat docked, Lao Feng shouted: "Qingzi, if you hadn't returned to the dock, we wouldn't have planned to come today."

"The wind and waves are too strong."

"I guess the wind will not be weak these days."

"Let us see the catch quickly."

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