The fruit trees were planted in the field, but the trees were not planted well.

Village chief Li Fu was at the scene. Seeing the fruit trees on the tricycles, he smiled and said, "Qingzi, you have bought all the assets of Beicun."

Ye Qing smiled and said, "More than 4,000 trees in total."

"I don't know if we can finish planting them today."

Li Fu said, "There is strength in numbers."

"Almost all the two villages have been mobilized."

"Don't worry."

"It's easy to plant these trees, but it's hard to maintain them."

"Besides, if you transplant them, some of them will definitely not survive. You have to be mentally prepared."

Ye Qing nodded.

Thinking of the survival rate of transplants, he suddenly had a bold idea.

It may not work, and we have to wait and try it ourselves to know.

If it works, then all these fruit trees can survive!

He didn't say much, but just thought about it in his heart, lest he be said to be whimsical. Transplanting so many fruit trees, even if the operation is done well, there will definitely be deaths.

And the death rate is probably not small, so Li Fu asked Ye Qing to be mentally prepared, lest he be hit by the death of the fruit trees.

Ba Shu and others came over, all talking about Ye Qing's teaching Dai Hui a lesson in the central town. Li Fu heard it and naturally asked about the whole story.

Li Fu nodded and said; "Qingzi did a good job."

"Dai Hui has a bad mind. If he is not taught a lesson this time, he will definitely go further."

"But Zhu Wei, you should be more careful."

As the village chief, he knows some people in the town, and Zhu Wei can run rampant in the central town, and there must be someone behind him.

But he doesn't know who it is.

This makes people more afraid.

Uncle Ba said, "There's nothing to be afraid of."

"We are all united in Nancun, and we are all Qingzai's supporters!"

"Whoever makes trouble for Qingzai is against our village!"

Uncle Mou also shouted, "Even Da Jinya was driven away by us, what's a fat guy!"

"If he comes to our village to make trouble for Qingzai, I guarantee that he will come in standing and leave sideways."

Others also responded.

Li Fu smiled. He has been the village chief for so many years and has not made any great contributions to the village, but the village is so united, he can retire with peace of mind.

Looking at Longwei Island, the atmosphere in Nancun is the best.

He looked at the busy wasteland and said, "Dai Hui and Zhu Wei are indeed annoying for causing trouble, but they are not without reason."

"Let's not talk about whether these fruit trees can survive after transplantation."

"If all of them survive, how can we sell so many fruits?"

"All rotted in the ground. Not to mention Qingzai, even I would be so distressed that I can't sleep."

After hearing this, Uncle Ba and others nodded.

In the past.

Every household had fruit trees, but not many. The fruit could not be eaten or sold. Although it was painful to let it rot in the ground, it would not cause serious damage.

But now, if the fruit of more than 100 acres of orchards and thousands of fruit trees rot in the ground, the scene would be too horrible.

Uncle Ba said: "Qingzai built the orchard to prepare for the future homestay."

"As long as there are tourists, these fruits will have a market."

"Village chief, everyone, don't worry too much."

Uncle Li shook his head and asked: "Our Longwei Island has never had many tourists since ancient times. Where can Qingzai find tourists?"

Everyone was silent.

Li Fu thought and said: "We have no way, maybe someone can."

Everyone looked at him: "Village chief, who are you talking about?"

Li Fu said: "You will know in a while."

He just submitted the application.

Everything is not yet determined. He doesn't want to announce his retirement too early, and there will be news that college student village officials will come to the village, so as not to make the villagers uneasy.

Right now.

It is still important to help Ye Qing plant fruit trees.

He waved his hand: "Okay, hurry up and work."

"Finish it early and eat early and late."

"Qingzai calmed more than 20 sheep in the center, and everyone will eat roasted whole sheep on the beach in the evening."

Uncle Ba and others' eyes lit up.

Bonfire on the beach, eating roasted whole lamb.

That is a "big event" that only happens during a few major festivals every year. Every year, the villagers look forward to having fun during those days.

Looking at the bustling scene in the wasteland, everyone nodded excitedly: "Yes, yes."

Now that the whole village is out, it can be said to be a major event recorded in the village book, and it should be celebrated properly.


"Hurry up and work."

"Don't be in a hurry, we must ensure quality and quantity.

“If anyone plants a fruit tree that doesn’t survive, don’t blame me for scolding him.”

“Lao Ba, you better take care of yourself.”

Everyone shouted, but their hands kept working.

With the help of a simple crane, everyone planted fruit trees one by one quickly.

Ye Qing didn’t use a crane, but picked up the fruit tree with both hands and planted it directly, which made Kangzi and others amazed.

There are many fruit trees, and even more people!

The progress is amazing.

The orchard is square, with lychee trees at first, kumquat trees at the end, and mango trees in the middle. When tourists come, in addition to experiencing traditional seaside activities such as playing in the beach and catching the sea, they can also pick fruits. If the model starts to succeed, let’s not talk about how much money can be made from it, at least it can change the situation of Longwei Island’s fruits rotting in the ground.


Ye Qing is crossing the river by feeling the stones, and he doesn’t know whether there is an abyss or a The road is smooth.

But it doesn't matter.

Let's give it a try.

What if it succeeds?

Before, he was more than his father's serious illness and debts, and he decided to try fishing at sea, and he was even more uncertain.

In the end, he succeeded.

Now, he has so much money in his hands, and money is confidence. What else can he be afraid of?

Just do it.

On the other side.

The big move in the wasteland west of Nancun naturally attracted a lot of attention.

Dongcun factory office.

Da Jin Ya sat on the sofa with a woman in his arms and a cigar in his mouth, enjoying the blessing of the big boss.

A Biao pushed the door and walked in, saying: "Boss, Ye Qing transplanted a lot of fruit trees from Beicun to the wasteland in the west."

Da Jin Ya was stunned, then stretched out his hand and slapped his thigh, and shouted happily: "Good, good."

A younger brother next to him was confused, scratched his head and asked: "What's good about this? ”

“Once Ye Qing has built the orchard, it will be impossible for us to get back the wasteland in the west.”

“I also heard that Dai Hui was beaten up by Ye Qing again in the central town today. After returning to Xicun, he was spit on by several hot-tempered people in Xicun, saying that he brought shame to Xicun.”

“I guess Dai Hui will not be the head of Xicun soon. By then, we will have no place to build a factory.”

Big Gold Teeth sneered: “Dai Hui is a clown.”

“If we hadn’t cooperated with him, we wouldn’t have been beaten up so badly by Ye Qing.”

“Don’t worry.”

“Ye Qing is looking for death himself. He will soon take the initiative to hand over the wasteland in the west to me.”

A Biao was shocked and asked: “Boss, did you drink at noon?”

“How much did you drink?”

“Do you want me to buy you some sobering medicine?”

Big Gold Teeth cursed: “I’m not drunk.”

“No, I didn’t drink at all.” "

"The fruit on Longwei Island can't be sold. Ye Qing is just throwing money into the sea when he builds an orchard. When he loses all his money, I can easily take over the wasteland in the west."

The loyal younger brother asked, "Do you want us to do something secretly?"

Big Gold Teeth pondered for a moment and said, "No hurry."

"Just keep a close eye on it."

"A Biao."

"I've been resting for two days."

"You can take the IOU to collect the debt later."

A Biao nodded, "I know." ”

Very quickly.

He took a few trusted men, took the IOU and left the East Village factory, heading straight for the South Village.

West wasteland.

Everyone worked from morning to noon, and the women in the village were busy preparing lunch, which was relatively simple, just seafood glutinous rice and various seafood, which were directly prepared in several large pots.

When the pot was opened, the rich and fresh fragrance almost filled the entire village.

Li Fu greeted everyone: "Everyone, just eat something first."

"Eat a full meal at noon."

"Let's have a good barbecue and drink in the evening. "

Ye Qing squatted on the side of the road, holding a big bowl and eating.

After eating.

He asked everyone to take a break before working, but Uncle Ba and others scolded him, saying that it was the busy farming season and the fruit trees would not wait for anyone.

Why take a break?


Ye Qing was so angry that he joined in.

At this time.

A van came speeding over, and A Biao got out of the car with his men.

"Ye Qing."

A Biao shouted.

Ye Qing turned his head and saw that it was A Biao and others. He raised his eyebrows and wondered what this guy brought people to do.

Looking for trouble?

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