
The huge Roque Cathedral is shrouded in a terrifying haze, like an Asura field.

The people who were knocked down by Miraj wailed.

Miraj looked at Ron with fierce eyes, as if sulking.

Seeing this, Ron helplessly, pointed out the window, and explained: “This is a new version of the treatment. ”

“Mira, look, Jubia’s rainy day syndrome has indeed been lifted.”

Looking out the window, the outside world was clear, Miraj pouted, snorted, and said arrogantly: “You can do whatever you like, and do whatever you want.” ”

Immediately, for Jubia to lift the rainy day syndrome and control the loss of control of the magic power, Miraj was also sincerely happy, came to Jubia’s body, took Jubia’s hands, and smiled: “Great!” ”

“Congratulations, it’s okay!”

Jubia tilted his head, blinked his eyes, and said, “Jubia thank you. ”

“It was Lord Ron who healed Jubia and made the rainy day disappear.”

Miraj looked like a big sister, put her arm around Jubia’s shoulders, and the corners of her mouth turned up: “Then, Jubia join us.” ”

“Magic Guild Dragon Empire!”


Jubia looked at Ron expectantly and asked weakly: “May I ask Lord Ron, is he also in the Dragon Empire?” ”

The corner of Miraj’s mouth twitched, and he patiently explained: “In oh.” ”

“That guy will still be the president…”

Before the words were finished, Jubia interjected: “Then, please make sure to let Jubia join the Dragon Empire. ”

Miraj covered his face helplessly and sighed softly.

Rebe clapped her little hands and welcomed with a smile: “My name is Rebe, and the one next to me is called Miraj, welcome you, Jubia.” ”

Jubia was a little introverted and bowed, “Thank you, Miss Rebbie and Miss Mira.” ”

Miraj waved his hand with a big grin and said casually: “Jubia, don’t be so polite, just call us by name.” ”

Ron also chimed in: “Yes, we will be partners in the future.” ”

Jubia’s little face turned slightly red, and there was a trace of a smile, and she muttered expectantly: “Partner?” ”

That’s it.

Guild members add one more!

Ron successfully cuts off his beard and captures Jubia, the rain girl!

Not only that, through this wave of healing, treating important figures in the Demon Tail world is also a great reward for Ron again.

After all, this is the rain girl Jubia, the healing reward is quite rich, so that the Asura realm divine power directly upgraded two levels in a row, from lv7 to lv9, only the last level away from lv10!

According to the sixth sense of the divine power of the Void Realm, Ron had already learned that when the divine power of the Asura Realm reached LV10, he would summon the legendary dragon!

Of course, this time the two levels in a row, Ron’s reward is also extremely rich, and the new member summoned from the ten thousand worlds is the [S-class Cat Cat Legion].

According to the system’s prompts, the Cat Cat Legion consists of three people.

They are Xiaohaku in the anime [K], and the cat lady Yuno Masahi, whose ability is to interfere with people’s cognition, including hallucinations, auditory hallucinations, and even modifying and restoring memories (to a certain extent).

The second is Noihara Crimson Ju in [Guardian Cat Lady Crimson Ju], the descendants of the cat demon clan are loyal to their owners and have superb swordsmanship, and the strength of the blackened demon Crimson Ju is even more terrifying….

The third is Yoruichi, the black cat, who is good at white fighting and teleportation, and is known as “Yoichi of the Instantaneous God”.

A three-cat in one cat legion?

Xiaobai: Yuno Masahi, Crimson Ju, a descendant of the cat demon clan, and Yoruichi the black cat.

It still feels pretty good, when the Witch’s Sin guards the Dragon Empire base camp.

He can now use the Cat Cat Legion and make it his right and left hand.

The three members of the Cat Cat Legion are all quite strong, and they can just be used by him.

After all, many times, when some things are not convenient to do with your own hands, you can let the cat and cat army make a move.

Especially now, he is on a mission to raid the Black Rose Dark Guild.

The witch’s sin is not around, and he urgently needs strong combat power, and the Cat Cat Legion is a good choice.

Although the Cat Cat Legion was already very good, Ron still greedily thought that it would be nice if there were two more cat Black Song and Tower City kittens.

Now, you can do it too.

For the future, Ron is also looking forward to a wave, and now there is a cat army.

Maybe in the future, there will be a succubus legion, an elf legion, an angel legion, and a ghostly fox legion.

To sum up, this wave of healing Jubia has gained a lot, and the number of new guild members has reached four!

The original character Jubia is one, and the other three cats are new members of the Ten Thousand Worlds.

Of course, in the current situation, Ron is not in a hurry to summon the cat legion.

Also, Ron also found an anomaly.

The new guild member Jubia also comes with a {personal bond} [Hitting the wall for love, living for love, dying for love]: Under the power of love, under the fetters of love, Jubia’s combat power can be instantly increased by 30% for one minute!

This {personal bond} fits Jubia’s character very well.

The same is true of Jubia in the original work, whose strength fluctuates and falls.

Under the power of love, Jubia will be pressed.

And this Jubia’s {personal bond} is very suitable for Jubia’s love brain, which can maximize Jubia’s strength and potential!

This made Ron also guess, since Jubia had a personal bond, what about the other guild members?

Miraj, Kana, Lisana… Perhaps, you can also expect a wave, in the future, will also unlock personal bonds.

After browsing the reward this time, Ron also pulled his eyes back to reality.

After the healing of Jubia, the area near Roque Cathedral has long been clear, and the brilliant sun is shining on the earth.

The masses who were knocked to the ground by Miraj looked blue noses and swollen faces, and their expressions were shocked.

They saw the guild coat of arms on Ron and the others, and naturally knew that the other party was a member of the magic guild.

At the same time, they also saw that the rain was lifted and Jubia was fine.

“Lying groove, the rainy day is actually gone~!”

“Really, they also said that Jubia’s curse is not the rain girl, but the magic is out of control, because Jubia’s magical talent is too high, have we misunderstood Jubia?”

“It’s okay, I’m really tired of rainy days.”

Then, some people showed displeasure and complained: “You guys directly said at the beginning that you are from the magic guild, isn’t it good?” ”

“Why hit us?”

“Yes, that woman is so violent, she is so heavy.”

Hearing this, the corners of Miraje’s mouth twitched, and his face was gloomy.

As a result, Ron took the lead and said: “It’s you who hit, do you have any opinions?” ”

“You’re not leaving yet?”

“Do you still want to get beaten?”

“If you hit you again this time, you will have to be charged, and if you want to be beaten, pay first.”

In terms of protecting the calf, Ron is also full, which warms the hearts of Miraj and Jubia.

The residents who originally had complaints, after seeing Ron’s aura, instantly flattered, directly from the heart, and confessed.

They could only be beaten in vain, crying and mourning, apologizing to Jubia, and saying thank you to Ron and Miraj.

Thank you for this beating, Miss Mira’s shot, I hope their rough skin did not stain Miss Mira’s fist.

Finally, as the group left Roque Cathedral, Ron reminded them to apologize to Jubia’s parents.

After all, this group of people had also been bullying Jubia’s parents before this.

For this request, of course, this group of people did it in a fart.

In the next time, all Ron has to do is to raid the Black Rose Guild and seize the golden key of the Shaking Star Spirit.

It is not an exaggeration to say that Baluge is a shaking star spirit, after all, Baluge’s preferences are accusations, abuses, teasing and punishment… Wait a minute.

Before that, he first used the [Guild President’s Gift LV2] to comprehend Jubia’s original magic [Water Flow Magic], and then taught it to Jubia, and the whole process took only one second.

…… Dividing line….

Illustration of Noihara Scarlet.

Feilu’s 18th anniversary brand upgrade to give back to readers! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)


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