In this way, after teaching the magic, Jubia thanked Ron.

Jubia’s strength has also reached the level of a C-level magic guide, coupled with personal bonds, plus guild bonds.

The current Jubia’s explosive power in an instant is enough to be comparable to a B-rank magic guide.

This is the terrifying talent of Jubia, the rain girl, who has just learned magic, and is already terrifying.

Next, Ron and the others accompanied Jubia home to meet his parents.

The first time I went home to see my parents, I was a little nervous and came to Jubia’s home.

Jubia’s parents were shocked, and under their surprise, Jubia and Ron explained everything.

Knowing that their daughter had fully recovered, Jubia’s parents were moved to tears and thanked Ron many times.

It was also agreed that Jubia would join the Dragon Empire, after all, joining the Wizards Guild was a supreme honor!

In the world of magic, this is a common thing, and Jubia often comes home to see it.

As long as Jubia is happy, Jubia’s parents will support it, and they are already satisfied to see their daughter lift the “curse” and no longer suffer white eyes.

During this period, intermittently, residents came to apologize and apologize to Jubia and Jubia’s parents.

In this regard, Jubia and Jubia’s parents have long been relieved that they can lift the “curse of the rain girl”, and they are already satisfied, this is the Jubia family.

That’s it, after a simple farewell.

Jubia embarks on a new journey and officially joins the Dragon Empire.

Waving a tearful farewell to his family made Jubia’s heart a little heavy.

On the way to parting, Ron patted Jubia’s back and comforted: “Jubia, Anla! ”

“Just come back and see more, there is always a day when the chicks grow, and leaving their parents is also a necessary stage in life.”

Jubia wiped the tears hanging on her pretty face and smiled: “Well, Lord Ron, Jubia understands.” ”



It only took Ron a few hours to retake Jubia.

The whole process was swift and successfully won Jubia.

As a rival, Saint Joseph Ten still had no idea that Ron had taken Jubia.

Joseph and Earth Elemental Thor had just finished gathering information and strolled through the streets of Roque Town.

After collecting the intelligence, their faces were full of victory at this time.

The advantage is all in them, who can tell them how they can lose!

Thor rubbed his hands like a fly, and said with a sinister smile: “No~No~No~!” ”

“President, the intelligence is not right.”

“Logically speaking, the rain goddess Jubia lives in Roque Town, how come there is no rain at all in Roque Town.”

Raising his eyes to glance at the azure dome, Joseph’s expression tensed to the extreme, and said coldly: “I don’t know… Perhaps, Jubia went to another town. ”

“Anyway, let’s go to Jubia’s house first.”

“As long as we take Jubia and make it one of the four elements, we will surpass Fairy Tail and become the strongest, just around the corner!”

Thor laughed exaggeratedly: “That’s right, guild ~!” ”

“You are Saint Ten, we are still the Ghost Dominator, take Jubia, that is a stable thing~!”

After some self-motivation, Joseph and Thor went to Jubia’s home full of confidence.


The other side.

At the entrance to Roque Town.

A delicate maiden was standing here, staring at the entrance of Roque Town.

The girl has conspicuous and good-looking crimson hair, and her good-looking little face is dirty, with scars, dust, and scratches.

In the breeze, crimson hair swayed across her cheeks.

The girl was wearing a shabby white skirt and bare feet, looking like she had fled here, and the whole person looked very embarrassed.

That’s right, the girl is none other than Elusa.

Because of her powerful magic power and potential, the Dark Arts Order has been chasing and killing her.

It is precisely this reason that Huai Bi is guilty, and Elusa, who has a terrifying magical power, has long been targeted by the Dark Arts Order.

They try to enslave Elusa and make her a pawn of their Dark Arts Order and resurrect the pawn of Jelf, the first ancestor of the Dark Magus!

After all, the current Elusha has a body of magic, but there is no awakening magic, and the combat power is really average.

Now Elusha is still on the run.

Haven’t been caught by the Order of the Dark Arts yet.

Haven’t been to the Tower of Paradise yet

Haven’t met Jalal yet.

It was not used by Jalal for naming rights.

Elusa in the original book, her full name is Elusha Shucaletto.

Shukaletto is the name that Jellal helped Elusa, so that Jellal obtained the naming right, which is really a naming right mistake for life.

Now it’s different, nothing has begun.

It’s just that now Elusha is a little bitter, and has been chased by the Dark Arts Order, fleeing all the way to Roque Town.

She couldn’t hold it anymore, her legs were as heavy as lead, her head was muddy, and she was about to pass out at any time.

…… Dividing line….

Elusa illustration.

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