For Gray and Leon’s invitation, Ululiu frowned slightly, rubbed his eyebrows, and smiled lightly: “I’m sorry… Gray, Leon, I can’t join the Dragon Empire. ”

“In this land, I still have things that I love deeply.”

The thing that Ulu loves deeply, that is naturally Urutia.

For Ulu’s thoughts, Ron also understood, and the corners of his mouth turned up imperceptibly.

For a while, the atmosphere at the scene was slightly low.

Gray was a little lost, shrugged his shoulders, and said, “Okay. ”

Leon is also hesitant, whether to continue to join the Dragon Empire?

While everyone hesitated, Ron rubbed his forehead and smiled lightly: “Perhaps, the thing you love deeply is also in the Dragon Empire.” ”

Hearing this, Urumei’s eyes flickered slightly, and she smiled bitterly: “Lord Ron, I understand your kindness.” ”

“Actually, I don’t leave the Northern Continent because of my daughter.”

“Although she died.” Eight seven zero””

“However, I can feel her breath, she seems to be still in the northern continent… I don’t want to lose that feeling. ”

Speaking of this, Ulu’s eyes were full of sadness.

In an instant, Gray and Leon also understood everything and could be considerate of Ulu.

This has to mention Brian, the source of all evil.

At this time, Brian was serving as the director of the Magic Development Bureau.

But he has been secretly abducting and selling children, trying to find suitable children to connect with his body for experimentation.

Urrutia is also one of the victims, and Brian deceives Ulu and Urrutia.

This led to tragedy.

The most funny thing is that this B, in the original work, did all the bad things, and pit Ulu and Urrutia so miserably, it is not dead!

It’s just amazing!

The protagonist group of demon tails really can’t mend knives and never kills.

In the end, Brian was killed by the poisonous dragon slayer Cobra that was released.

Ron, who is familiar with the plot, of course, will not let the tragedy happen, he will stop all this, stop the tragedy of Ulu, stop the tragedy of Urutia, and let Brian die completely.

End the source of evil, the source of all evil.

At this point, Ron’s azure eyes flickered slightly, and the corners of his mouth turned up slightly: “Perhaps, your daughter is not dead yet.” ”

As soon as the words came out.

Ulu was slightly startled, his eyes were dull, his expression was frozen, and his heart seemed to set off a terrifying wave!

Urrutia is not dead?!!!

This… Are you sure?!

Gray and Leon are also pupil earthquakes!

They naturally know the importance of Urrutia to Ulu, who is Ulu’s beloved daughter!

Gray was shocked, “Lord Ron! ”

“Do you know who Master’s daughter is?”

“Her name is Urrutia and she died in the Magic Development Agency.”

“These are the words of Brian, the director of the Magic Development Bureau, who personally confirmed it.”

“The Magic Development Bureau is a formal organization of the Magic Council, are you sure Urrutia is not dead?”

Leon’s little face was stunned, and he said in amazement: “Yes, Lord Ron! ”

“That’s the Magic Development Bureau, the Magic Council, can they be wrong?”

For a while, Ulu also looked at Ron expectantly.

Although, she knew there was little hope.

However, Uru still asked, “Lord Ron, may I ask you for your news, where did you get it?” ”

“Whether it’s the Magic Development Bureau, or Brian, the head of the Magic Development Bureau, or the Magic Council… They are all regular magical organizations, can their words really go wrong? ”

Ron rubbed his eyebrows, gradually expanded his eyebrows, and explained with a light smile: “The so-called formal organization, everything is a false name. ”

“Falsehood, falsehood, falsehood, what you see may not be true.”

“What’s more, Ulu, have you seen Urutia’s body with your own eyes?”


Ulu’s expression was shocked, he hesitated for a moment, bit his lip, and said, “No…. ”

“Brian, the director of the Magic Development Bureau at the time, was afraid that I would not be able to bear it and asked me not to look at Urrutia’s body.”

“Although, I plead… But, in the end, I still didn’t see it. ”

So, Ron continued: “Back then, Urrutia was born with quite powerful magical powers, but her young body could not withstand this magical power. ”

“Ulu, so you handed Urrutia over to the Magic Development Agency, to Brian.”

“Actually, all this is Brian’s conspiracy.”



Ron will tell everything he knows, about Brian’s conspiracy.

Ron interpreted this intelligence as saying that he had a powerful intelligence organization.

By chance, he got this information.

As for Ron’s words, Ulu, Gray, Leon and others, it was convinced.

This is the treatment of the strong, and now Ron, who can refer to deer as horses.

After Ron finished explaining, he let Ulu, Gray, Leon and others look shocked. )

Especially Ulu, she is a mature woman.

Her mature and gorgeous, young woman’s face showed rare anger, secretly clenched her fists, gritted her teeth and said: “Abominable! ”

“Am I being tricked by Brian?”

“Now, is Urrutia okay?”

“How’s Urrutia…”

“Urrutia is okay…”

“No, I’m going to rescue Urrutia immediately.”

“Urutia, you must still be waiting for me.”

“I can’t let Urrutia down anymore.”

Ulu, who has always been steady, has a rare impulse.

For the sake of her daughter Urrutia, she can give up everything and be a mother, which is exactly the truth.

The lost and regained daughter makes Uru motivated again, she wants revenge, she wants to save Urutia, she wants to save her daughter!

Gray said worriedly: “Master, the enemy this time is the Magic Development Bureau, you can’t be impulsive!” ”

The corner of Leon’s mouth twitched, and he complained: “I really didn’t expect that Gray, you would also persuade people not to be impulsive.” ”

Gray glared at Leon, furious!

Leon shrugged, also understanding that now was not the time to quarrel, and turned to persuade Ulu: “Master, we have to think long-term.” ”

“I know you’re in a hurry, but don’t rush yet.”

Ulu, who has always been calm, was rarely irritable, squinted his eyes slightly, rubbed his forehead, and breathed lightly: “Can’t… I can’t put it off any longer. ”

Ron patted Ulu’s back and comforted, “Don’t worry.” ”

“My information has been learned.”

“Urrutia is safe on 5.7.”

Hearing this, Ulu’s eyes flickered, his expression was excited, he hugged Ron tightly, held him in his arms, and directly attacked with a facial cleanser, making it difficult for Ron to breathe, and he felt suffocated.

Excited Ulu, the facial cleanser attacked Ron wildly, and said excitedly: “Really? ”

“Is Urrutia really safe now?”

The suffocating Ron, feeling the surging mind, Uru is really very powerful, worthy of being an ice shape wizard.

Although, the mind and the magic guide, there is nothing to do with it.

Immediately, Ron nodded with difficulty and said, “Yes.” ”

“I have a detailed and well-thought-out plan, that is, a plan to take the Magic Development Bureau, take Brian, take down the dark forces, and free Urutia.”

“Are you interested in Ulu about this plan?”

“Ulu, you don’t want Urrutia either…”

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