Ron’s words were not finished.

Ulu said directly: “Join!” ”

“I join the Dragon Empire!”

Ron smiled: “Welcome to the Dragon Empire. ”

Immediately, Ulu, who reacted, let go of Ron, and his delicate face turned crimson, all the way to the delicate jade-like ear roots.

It wasn’t until this moment that she realized her gaffe.

Just now, she actually held Ron in her arms.

What a faux pas!

What if Ron doesn’t like it?

Between thoughts, Ulu coughed and eased his senses.

The hearty Ulu did not take this brief episode to heart.

That’s it.

After Ulu joined the Dragon Empire.

Gray, Leon and the others, looking excited, also joined in.

With the addition of Ulu, Gray, and Leon, the Dragon Empire grew again.

The number of people soared again, and the strength reached its peak again!

For the addition of Ulu, Gray, Leon and others, Ron is also very optimistic.

Ulu’s strength and potential are good, and he can reach the level of Saint Ten.

Shirley’s excellent level of 21 Magisters, with the blessing of the guild’s bonds, can also reach the S-level Magister.

Leon is also a potential S-class magician.

As for Gray, Gray is quite powerful, and Gray in the later period is absolutely above the Holy Ten.

All in all, the new members this time, Ulu, Leon, Gray, Shirley… Wait, they are all extremely good seedlings, worth wooing!

With the addition of new members, the Dragon Empire has expanded again and its power has grown again!

Ron wasn’t satisfied.

He also wants more potential stocks, such as: Urrutia, Lucy, Brantish. Wait a minute.

His power needs to continue to expand!

After all, the day of the Great Devil’s martial arts performance was when he attacked the Fiore Kingdom.

Success or failure is here!

Once you take hold of the Fiore Kingdom.

Things will be irreversible and he will have to go all the way through.

Take the Kingdom of Fiore as a starting point, dominate Isugal, and then go to the Western Continent of the Albarez Empire, as well as Jelf.

Then there are the five divine dragons, the six divine dragons, the black dragon… Wait a minute.

This is Ron’s ambition to dominate the leprechaun world.

The ambition is great, so he still needs to constantly strengthen and constantly increase his power.

As Ron’s thoughts spread, the scene was noisy, drawing Ron’s gaze back to reality.

I saw that in Ulu, Gray, Leon, Shirley… and others, after joining the Dragon Empire.

Kana, Jubia, and Lisanna welcomed Ulu and the others.

It’s just that Jubia has always been wary of Shirley.

In Jubia’s eyes, Shirley is a love rival!

Shirley folded her arms in front of her, her momentum not in the slightest to Jubia.

Although it is a new member, the momentum is still there!

This made Jubia even more convinced that Shirley was a love rival!

Of course, that’s true.

It was just a brief episode, and Ron didn’t take it to heart.

His principle is not responsible, not proactive, not refusing, playing the fool….

In short, he is still young now, and he can’t do anything, so let’s cultivate it first.

Immediately, Ron’s gaze looked at Ulu’s right leg, the right leg made of ice sculpture.

It is estimated that the injury left over from the fierce battle with Dailiora, missing the right leg, is quite serious.

Ron squatted down, looked at Ulu’s right leg, squinted his eyes slightly, and said seriously: “I can help you heal your right leg.” ”

Hearing this, Ulu’s expression was shocked, and he said in a trill: “My right leg was hit by a spell. ”

“Entwined with the spell of Daliora, and the curse of Diliora, this is an irreversible injury…”

“Lord Ron, I know your kindness, and I understand it.”

Ron’s tone was firm: “I can.” ”

Seeing this, Ulu’s pupils trembled slightly, his eyes reflected the figure of the teenager, and his heart was shocked again, is this okay?

Is her right leg like this?

Can this also be cured?

Could it be that Ron is really a god?

Since knowing Ron, Ron first killed Diliora, then knew the information of Urutia, knew everything about the Magic Development Agency, and knew about Brian’s conspiracy.

Now, Ron has to help her heal her injuries.

This is simply invincible, an all-knowing and all-powerful god.

For a while, thoughts about the god Ron flooded Ulu’s heart.

That’s it.

Under Ulu’s shock.

Ron caressed Ulu, and the golden holy light came like an overwhelming ocean.

It erupted from Ron’s body and poured into Ulu’s body.

The warm current continued to wash Ulu’s body, making Ulu’s pretty face crimson and hot, and he pursed his lips lightly, and couldn’t help but snort softly.


Under the divine power of the Immortal Realm.

Ulu successfully recovered and his right leg has been restored.

All this, just in the blink of an eye, Ron has already completed everything, like a trick, like magic, shocking!

This scene directly shocked Ulu for a hundred years!

Her crippled right leg actually recovered!

The right leg destroyed by Dailiora, the right leg cursed by Diliora, was actually restored!

All of this, too shocking!

Let Leon, Gray, Shirley and others be directly stunned, dumbfounded, and fluted in place!

The heart was shocked and full of emotion, is this Lord Ron?

All-knowing and all-powerful [Dragon Tyrant]!

All-knowing and all-powerful gods!

Powerful, invincible, all-powerful, all-knowing, arrogant… This is synonymous with Ron, the absolute tyrant of dragons!

Not only that, after healing Ulu, Ron continued to treat Gray, Leon, Shirley… and others’ injuries.

After some treatment, Gray and the others recovered.

Jubia, on the other hand, lay directly on the ground, closed his eyes, his pretty face was crimson, and he looked very expectant, and said: “Lord Ron, Jubia is ready, you come.” ”

“Jubia’s chest pain, leg pain, lip pain, urgently need your treatment.”

Seeing this, Ron squatted slightly, brushed the blue hair of Jubia 580, which was regarded as a soothing, and smiled lightly: “Wait until you grow up.” ”

Hearing this, Jubia’s eyes are full of stars!

Is this Lord Ron’s assurance?

When you grow up, treat Jubia again!

For a while, Jubia was also looking forward to the future.

After a brief farce, Ron heals Ulu, Gray, Leon, Shirley… and others’ injuries.

These are the main characters, and after the cure, the rich rewards are also as promised.

After this wave of healing, the fusion progress of the Black Dragon Heaven Template increased again.

The same is true of the Asura Realm divine power, which continues to improve.

Moreover, a new member of the Ten Thousand Realms was obtained, and that was the attack of the three Nannies!

Since the Cat Cat Legion, another legion has arrived.

This new legion is the Nanny Legion!

Elizabeth Leonis of the Seven Deadly Sins, Inoue Orihime of Death, and Aicia Argento of the Demon High School.

This is definitely a good thing for Ron.

The previous combat power was all martial arts faction, and now it finally comes the nanny faction.

Let’s not say that it is not practical, at least it must be in the middle, and the invincible European pie means invincible milk.

After the arrival of the Nanny Legion, Ron’s thinking became clearer.

Next are Urutia, Lucy, and Brantish.

According to the foreknowledge of the divine power of the void realm, he could know that the chances of recovering Lucy and Brantish were also extremely important.

The premise is that he also has to work hard to cut off Lucy and Brantish in this direction.

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