On the occasion of the attack of the black dragon.

The undercurrent of Ishgar swelled.

The coming future is destined to be unstable.

The black dragon is the dragon of the world, the dragon that is enough to destroy Isugal, the legendary king of the dragon, the black feather of the end, and the source of evil.

At this moment, the gears of fate begin to turn.

At this time, Isugar was still calm, like the calm before the storm.

In the town of Kuloba.

Inside a secret mansion.

In the conference hall, Makarov, Goldman, Bob, Oba… Waiting for the others, the leaders looked solemn.

After learning of the enemy attack, Makarov snorted coldly, his expression slightly angry: “Have you been underestimated?” ”

“Dare to sneak up on us?”

Goldman looked grim and said, “Let’s also move our bodies, so that these dark guild people know that we are not easy to mess with.” ”

Bob covered his mouth and chuckled: “Ah la ah la ~!” ”

“According to intelligence, the incoming enemy is none other than Iron Forest.”

“The Iron Forest is subordinate to the Six Demon Generals, and their leader is named Elligore the God of Death, but he is a strong opponent.”

After getting the information, Bob shared the information as well.

In the intelligence, the force of the enemy attack is the Iron Forest, and the mastermind behind it is also obvious.

It was the Six Demon Generals who sent 177 Iron Forest to let Iron Forest sneak up on them.

In this operation, Iron Forest was also full of firepower, secretly finding the Cursed Ocarina Lullaby, and wanted to assassinate the guild president who was holding a regular meeting in Kuloba Town.

Lullaby of the Cursed Flute is the Book of Jelf Demon, powerful strength, there is no doubt.

Obviously, Iron Forest came prepared.

For the powerful Iron Forest, Granny Oba looked resentful and cursed!

“Still hesitating about something!”

“The enemy is on our heads!”

“Strike together, take out this group of dark guilds, fight quickly, and take down the Book of Jelf Demon.”

Mother-in-law Oba, who acted in a stormy manner, couldn’t bear loneliness, and couldn’t bear it at all.

When the Iron Forest attacked, Granny Oba rolled up her sleeves and was about to do it, and she wanted to do it to vent her anger!

For the angry Oba mother-in-law, Bob was slightly calm and persuaded: “Oba calm down. ”

“The enemy is the Iron Forest, the guild under the Six Demon Generals, it is a very strong guild, we must be careful.”

“Moreover, the Iron Forest also has the Cursed Ocarina Lullaby, which is the Book of Jelf Demon, this must be a trap.”

“We have to be careful, we have to think long-term. (cefd)”

For a while, Bob and Oba had different opinions and were deadlocked.

Makarov looked helpless, looked at Ron with a helpless gaze, and asked, “Ron, what do you think?” ”

Ron shrugged, looked calm, and said with a light smile: “Go out and see.” ”

“Don’t worry.”

“Elusa, Ulu, Lucy are outside.”

“The Iron Forest, the Cursed Ocarina Lullaby, can’t make waves.”

Hearing this, Goldman’s cold face was slightly shocked, and said: “I know that Elusa, the Dragon Queen, is very strong. ”

“But the enemies are the Cursed Ocarina Lullaby, the Book of Jelf Demon, and the Grim Reaper Eligole… Elusha alone may be difficult to deal with. ”

“Although, Ulu is there, but it’s still difficult.”

Bob said worriedly: “Brother Ron, I know that you believe in your guild members, but this time is different, the enemies are the Cursed Ocarina Lullaby, and the God of Death Eligole, it is difficult to deal with.” ”

“Let’s strike together.”

“Elusa can’t be put in danger.”

For Elusha’s safety, the guild leaders still cared about it.

After all, Elusha is the Queen of Dragons, the future star of Ishgar, with endless potential and worth looking forward to.

Makarov bowed his head and said, “That’s right! [ Read more novels by visiting our website: urlis.net/1x2zb1yw ] )

“The enemy has a demon, it is a cursed flute lullaby.”

“Such enemies, not Elusha and others, can deal with it, we should also make a move.”

Facing everyone’s concern, Ron looked calm and smiled: “No need. ”

“We just have to watch.”

“My guild members, I believe in them and know their strength.”

Facing the confident Ron, Makarov, Bob, Goldman… Wait for someone, with a puzzled face.

Immediately, Ron got up indifferently, walked out of the conference hall, and went to watch the battle.

Makarov, Goldman, Bob … and others, immediately following.

When Ron, Makarov… Wait for someone, after coming outside.

In an instant, Makarov, Bob, Goldman, Oba… and others, the leaders were directly stunned!

Just because, as Ron said!

Face the onslaught of the Iron Forest, face the attack of the Cursed Ocarina Lullaby!

Elusa, Lucy, Ulu… and others, each showing their powers, are exploding the Cursed Ocarina Lullaby, Exploding the Killing God Eligore, and Exploding the Iron Forest!

The so-called Book of Jelf Demon, the so-called Grim Reaper Eligole, the so-called Iron Forest, in Elusa, Lucy, Ulu… In front of others, it is completely vulnerable!

Lucy uses star magic to summon Capricorn Capriko and Cancer Kesha.

After Caprico and Keisha appeared, there was no nonsense, and they directly killed all the members of the Iron Forest instantly!

In an instant, the wail resounded throughout the audience!!

This is Lucy, who is already invincible with the blessing of the guild’s bonds!

In the original, Lucy eats up all day.

In Ron’s hands, Lucy is simply invincible, like two people.

As if possessed by the god of war, Lucy is invincible!

Ulu is also a fierce stroke, controlling the ice shape magic, and the magic power in his body is as endless as an ocean, fierce and surging!

In an instant, Ulu made a masterstroke: IceMake [Rose Garden], creating countless thorns and roses in an instant, and slammed into the god of death, Elligore.

Under the magic of fury, IceMake [Rose Garden] is directly full.

In the blink of an eye, kill the god of death Elligore in an instant!

During the whole process, Elligoer’s expression was twisted and collapsed, the woman in front of him was so strong, and the terrifying magic was definitely at the Saint Ten level….

In this way, with fear, Elligore was completely shattered by ice thorns and ice roses, blood bloomed in the air, and finally fell and died completely.

With the fall of the god of death, Eligole, with the members of the Iron Forest falling one by one.

Originally, the mighty army of the Iron Forest was now only left with the Cursed Ocarina Lullaby.

A huge body of the Book of Jelf demon, after being summoned, the demon lullaby was infinitely arrogant, roaring: “Humble humans, dare to resist, all die!” ”

For the last enemy, Elusa, the Queen of Dragons, directly strikes, activates the [Dress-up Magic], and changes the armor of the Celestial Wheel!

In an instant, behind Elusa, the sword sea frenzy instantly formed, the infinite magic power like an ocean was roaring, and in the roar of the magic power, the boundless magic power wrapped the sword sea frenzy, making the sword sea frenzy slam into the demon lullaby!

Followed by!


A bursting explosion sounded.

In just a moment, before the demon lullaby could react, it was overwhelmed by Elusha’s sword sea frenzy, and fell into the sea of swords, and her body was already full of holes and pierced by the sea of swords.

The previous arrogance has long faded, turning into heart-rending wails and screams, resounding throughout the town of Kuloba.

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