Under Elusha’s trick.

Under the armor of the heavenly wheel.

The Book of Jelf Demon Lullaby, directly fell, was frenzied by the sea of swords, and blasted into slag!

Facing Elusa, the Queen of Dragons, even the Book of Jelf Demon was vulnerable and was instantly killed by Elusa.

Just for a moment.

The battle is over.

Lucy instantly kills the army of the Iron Forest.

Uru instantly kills the god Elligore.

Elusa exploded the Book of Jelf ~ Demon Lullaby.

In the face of the attack of the Iron Forest, Elusa, Lucy, Ulu- and others easily grasped it.

After finishing everything, Lucy swung her small pink fist, came to Ron’s body, and said with joy: – “President Ron! ”

“How am I doing?”

Ron praised, “Very good. ”

Uru breathed out a sigh and smiled calmly: “Is this the Iron Forest?” ”

“A guild affiliated with the Six Demon Generals.”

“It’s not good…”

The corners of Elusa’s mouth turned up, and she said confidently: “We are the Dragon Empire. ”

“It’s not that the Iron Forest is too weak, it’s that we are too strong.”

As Elusha said, it is not that the Iron Forest is too weak, but that Elusa and the others are too strong!

Ten years to sharpen a sword!

After ten years.

Under Ron’s upbringing.

Elusa, Lucy, Ulu… and others, have long grown up.

Among them, Elusha and Ulu have already reached the strength of Saint Ten, this is the benefit of guild bonds, this is the role of guild bonds.

Let the strength of Elusa, Ulu, Lucy and others have already reached the peak!

Even if the opponent is the dark guild Iron Forest, even if the opponent is the Book of Jelf Demon, Elusa and others, they can easily handle it.

This is absolute strength, arrogant strength, enough to crush everything.

At this moment, Makarov, Bob, Goldman, Oba and others, the presidents looked terrified, their pupils trembled, as if they couldn’t believe the facts in front of them.

Facing the menacing Iron Forest, the legendary Dark Guild, the legendary God of Death Eligole, the legendary Book of Jelf Demon, Elusa, Lucy, Uru and others, they were able to handle it easily.

This is the Dragon Empire today, extremely powerful.

Shocked for a long time, Makarov exclaimed: “Has Elusha grown into the Queen of Dragons?” ”

“Such a strong strength, instantly kill the Book of Jelf Demon.”

“Now Elusha already has the Saint Ten level.”

Bob bowed his head and said, “Absolutely.” ”

“Ah la ah la, Brother Ron, you are really terrible.”

“The cultivated guild members turned out to be Saint Ten Level.”

“You know, not only Elusa, but also Ulu’s level is also the level of Saint Ten.”

Goldman looked grim, and his heart was shocked, and he echoed: “President Ron… As the president, your strength will definitely be stronger. ”

For a while, everyone was also curious about Ron’s strength.

After all, Elusha and Ulu, who were members of the guild, their strength had reached the Saint Ten level.

So the question is, what is the strength of the more monster Ron, as the president Ron, now?

No one knows!

However, everyone was also curious.

After all, ten years ago, Ron was enough to defeat Serra, the legendary Great Demon of the Gate of Hades, and also destroy the Demon Dragon Legion.

You know, ten years ago, Ron was only eight years old, and he was already so powerful.

Now, ten years have passed in a hurry, how strong is eighteen-year-old Ron?

This is everyone’s problem, and everyone is curious.

They also understood that before joining the Dragon Empire, Elusa, Ulu, and Lucy were not so powerful, and their talents were not so explosive.

And now?

Under Ron’s upbringing.

Elusa, Lucy, and Uru are all like monsters.

This made Makarov, Bob, Goldman, Oba and others envious.

Under the envy of everyone, Ron said modestly: “Generally, I am still far behind.” ”

For the modest Ron, Makarov, Goldman and others, it is naturally clear that Ron is just modest.

That’s it.

The attack of the Iron Forest.

Menacing sneak attack.

With the efforts of Elusa, Lucy, Uru and others, it has been successfully resolved.

So, Ron also informed Elusa, Lucy, Ulu and the others that he had taken on the task of fighting the Six Demon Generals.

Lucy is very excited about this, and the opportunity to perform has finally come!

“President Ron! I’m going to war! [ Read more novels by visiting our website: urlis.net/1x2zb1yw ] )

Facing the positive Lucy, Elusha frowned slightly and wondered: “Lucy… You’re weird. ”

“You don’t have that much positivity on weekdays.”

Lucy blushed, pouted, and explained, “Sister Elusa, you misunderstood. ”

“I’ve always been so positive.”

In this regard, Elusha did not delve into this, and asked Ron instead: “President, when will you set out to recruit the Six Demon Generals.” ”

Ron thought for a moment and said, “In a month. ”

“Go back and prepare first.”

A month later, his dragon seed will also be born.

Ron is also looking forward to this.

Of course, Ron’s goal wasn’t Rebby.

The people of the Witch’s Sin and the people of the Cat and Cat Legion, these are all good targets to plant the dragon seed.

In this month’s time, he can grow dragon seeds like crazy.

After a month, there will be great rewards.

With so many rewards, you will definitely be able to get the power of traversal, which will save Erin and save Mebis.

It can also allow Stardust Dragon, True Red-Eyed Black Dragon, and Blue-Eyed White Dragon to be upgraded and evolved.

That’s Ron’s goal.

Get the most out of the system.

Get the most bang for the most bang.

Learn from the seniors Kildas.

Kildas can have many confidantes, and Ron, as the commander of the dragon clan, surpasses Kildas and surpasses his predecessors, which is not an excessive thing.

Endured for ten years, just for this moment!

What’s more, his ultimate goal is to become stronger.

There was not much time left for him, and over the next month, Ron would take advantage of everything.

His targets are not only the crime of the witch and the cat legion, but also Yukino, Kuno, Shirley, and Ginana, who have already cultivated their feelings… and others, are his goals.

Yukino, Kuno, Shirley, Ginana and others are all people who were saved by Ron, and after ten years of getting along, the seeds of affection have long been planted.

Now it only takes a moment, a time for Ron to take the initiative.

Between thoughts, as Ron’s thoughts spread.

The divine power of the void realm is coming again!

Get a glimpse of the future and know everything!

In this glimpse of the future, the future picture that Ron sees is the black dragon attack!

In the near future, the black dragon Akunolokia is about to attack Isugar and destroy everything!

This is the future that Ron glimpses, and the attack of the black dragon is a foregone conclusion!

After glimpsing the future, Ron’s eyes became more and more determined.

He knew that in the face of the attack of the black dragon, he had no way to retreat, and could only continue to become stronger to face the black dragon!

Before that, you must evolve and upgrade the blue-eyed white dragon, true red-eyed black dragon, and stardust dragon, and summon more dragons to face the black dragon!

This one, there is a big war about the dragon clan, and it is about to start! .

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