That’s it.

Over time.

Ishgar, who was still calm on the surface, was actually surging.

The attack of the black dragon, the attack of the six demon generals, the heart of the demon is watching… And so on, a series of big events are gaining momentum.

At the same time, Ron is the same, sowing the seeds of the dragon, still patiently waiting, waiting for the harvest.

After the meeting of presidents, the attack of the Iron Forest was just a small episode.

Elusa, Lucy, Ulu and others easily grasped the Iron Forest.

And, a month later, the Dragon Empire officially attacked the Six Demon Generals.

Once the Six Demon Generals are defeated, it is equivalent to declaring war on the Balam Alliance and declaring war on the entire dark forces.

Ron didn’t care about that.

Because, according to the foreknowledge of the divine power of the Void Realm, in a month, the black dragon will also attack.

Therefore, at that time, the pattern of Ishgar will change “200”, and the entire Ishgar will be greatly adjusted.

Before that, he only needed to sow crazy seeds, crazy seeds to plant dragon seeds, and wait for the improvement of strength.

Ron didn’t care about offending the Balam League, offending the Devil’s Heart, and offending the Gates of Hades.

Because, the battle with the heart of the devil, the gate of Hades, this is an inevitable battle.

For these battles, he doesn’t need to worry too much, he just needs to adjust his mentality and improve his power.

This is Ron’s purpose, in order to face the black dragon, he can only keep getting stronger.

In the original work, the black dragon also attacked Ishgar several times.

In the end, Isugar paid a terrible price to be spared.

Once was the fall of the Fire Dragon King, fought with the black dragon, and finally broke off one of the black dragon’s arms, thus falling.

Another time was the incident on Sirius Island, when Fairy Tail was already the first wizard guild in the Kingdom of Fiore.

Such a powerful Fairy Tail, sitting on Makarov, Laxus, Iron Dragon Gagiru, Fire Dragon Natsu, Gray, Elusa, Miraj, Kildas… And so on, many powerful generals.

It can be said that the fairy tail in the original book is the peak strength.

Despite this, when the peak fairy tail faced the attack of the black dragon, it was still shattered in an instant.

Under the protection of Mebis, under the fairy sphere of the fairy super magic leprechaun ball, Fairy Tail was able to escape the hunt of the black dragon.

However, it is also because of this that Fairy Tail was sealed for a full seven years.

From this, it is enough to see that the black dragon is powerful, invincible and powerful, and unstoppable and powerful.

Therefore, for the attack of the black dragon, Ron must go all out.

He didn’t want to be sealed for seven years like in the original.

For being sealed, Ron refused.

For now, there is still a month left for Ron.

Just a month, after taking down the Six Demon Generals, the time is just right, then you can see what his reward is after the birth of the dragon seeds!

Ron had high hopes for this reward.

It allows him to quickly improve his strength and resist the black dragon.

That’s it.

After finishing everything.

Ron, Elusa, Ulu, Lucy and the others once again took the Dragon Magic Guide Boat and returned to the Dragon Empire Guild.

They were greeted by Miraje, Lisana, Jubia and others.

Especially Jubia, the moment he saw Ron, he directly burst into tears, hugged Ron, tears flowed, and told about grievances!

“Lord Ron… You’re finally back! ”

“Jubia still thinks you, don’t want Jubia.”

“I thought you had eloped with Elusa, Ulu, and Lucy.”

“Woo hoo… Jubia waited for you, so miserable. ”

Under Jubia’s cry, the corners of Elusa, Ulu, and Lucy’s mouths twitched, and the black lines on their faces, this Jubia’s brain hole is too big!

Elusha sighed lightly and smiled helplessly: “Jubia, you think too much.” ”

“How could we have eloped.” [ Read more novels by visiting our website: ]

Jubia raised her eyes to look at Elusa and pouted: “Jubia doesn’t know.” ”

“Jubia is just afraid.”

Lucy let out a sigh of relief, the corners of her mouth turned up, and thought to herself: she wanted to elope, but she just wanted to elope with Ron.

Shaking Jubia’s little head to appease, Ron smiled lightly, “Anla, Jubia.” ”

“I won’t elope.”

After ten years of getting along, Jubia has become more clingy.

For the clingy Jubia, the brain-opening Jubia, and the love-brained Jubia, Ron is not disgusted.

Hearing this, Jubia blinked her beautiful eyes and said expectantly: “Then… Lord Ron. ”

“Next time the mission is commissioned, can you bring Jubia?”

On the ground, Brantishliu, who was on the side, frowned slightly, and said in a lazy manner: “Jubia, you are really trouble…”

“Don’t stick to Lord Ron all the time, Lord Ron is very busy.”

Now Brantish has long grown up, no longer the young girl she used to be, but a hot sexy girl, lazy look, easy-going personality, occasionally like to sell cute, such Brantish is also quite popular in the wizarding world.

Brantish has an emerald green bangs, a blue-purple cross on her head, white cross earrings, and a yellow chain collar around her neck.

To sum up, Brantish has a good appearance and personality and is very popular.

The only drawback is that Brantish, as a magic guide, is too afraid of trouble and war-weariness, that is, too salty.

In an instant, Jubia hugged Ron’s arm, looked at Brantish with hostile eyes, and said, “Blantesh, are you Jubia’s love rival?” ”

Suddenly, Brantish’s pretty face turned crimson, and he curled his neck, and immediately refuted, saying with a weak heart: “It’s not!” ”

“I just think Lord Ron is too tired.”

“And, Jubia, you’re really too clingy…”

Jubia pouted and complained, “Lord Ron has no opinion, Brantish why do you have an opinion?” ”

This sentence made Brantish instantly speechless, and he froze in place.

Seeing this, Ron came to the rescue, took the green hair of Xue Blantesh, and then took the blue 3.4 hair of Xue Jubia, and attacked with his left and right hands, whether it was green hair or blue hair, it felt very good, and comforted: “Okay, okay.” ”

“Be quiet first.”

“I have something to announce.”

With Ron’s appeasement, Jubia and Brantish stopped arguing.

Lucy, who was sandwiched in the middle, also breathed a long sigh of relief, like relief, wiped the cold sweat on her forehead, whether it was Brantish or Jubia, and her relationship was good.

She naturally did not want Brantish to have a conflict with Jubia.

Followed by.

Under Ron’s announcement.

The entire Dragon Empire Guild was instantly silent, and all eyes were focused on Ron’s body.

In an instant, everyone’s expressions were shocked, their expressions were complicated, and their hearts were shocked, just because in Ron’s words, they learned a super heavy news…

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